Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 259-261

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 259-261

In the conference room, Tom and the director named Jeffrey were sitting on chairs facing each other.
“Tom, I’m glad that you made this decision in the end. I’m sure that you’ll be glad in the future as you’ve made the right choice.” Crossing his hands on the table. Jeffery looked across at Tom and smiled.
“I have no other plans, I just want to be stronger. If you can really help me, it’s okay for me to join you. But, first of all, I won’t do anything bad for you.” Staring at Jeffery opposite to him, Tom said seriously.
In previous contacts, Jeffrey had introduced some of the situations with Tom. Their organization can give Tom superhuman strength, but he must fully cooperate with them in the process. Moreover, Tom will work for this organization afterward. Because it was unclear what the mysterious organization did, Tom had never agreed to this before.
“Of course I will do what I promised. But I hope you won’t regret it now that you’ve made up your mind. You know, we can make sure you become the superhuman you want to be, but the process would be painful, and I don’t want you to regret it.” First, Jeffery smiled and agreed to Tom’s demands and then he reminded him in a serious tone.
“Don’t worry, I’m ready! However, are you sure that this process will only take a week, I only took a week off from school. If it is more than a week, my family will be worried.” Hearing Jeffrey’s reminder, Tom’s pupil contracted, but he didn’t disagree. However, he still needed to determine the time needed for that process.
“Don’t worry, since we have such a big move, we are 100% sure. Don’t worry. In a week, you will be able to take home what you have been looking forward to.” In the face of Tom’s worry, Jeffery replied with a smile. Listening to his promises is like listening to a salesman’s face when he is selling his products.
“Well, I don’t have any other questions. When will it start? I’m ready!” Tom’s biggest worry has been solved so he would like to carry out the experiment as soon as possible.
“Okay, I like young people like you! Come with me, we’ve prepared for you already.” Jeffrey laughed even wider when he heard Tom’s answer. Then he got up from his chair and walked towards the hidden door.
Tom squeezed his fists tightly and he followed Jeffrey toward the wall.
Uh ~
The previously closed metal door opened automatically when Jeffrey and Tom came close to it and without any hesitation, Tom followed behind Jeffrey.

An hour later, Tom, who had undergone a full body examination and disinfection, was lying in a transparent jar shaped like a capsule. Tom is lying on the cold metal plate, but he doesn’t care about his discomfort. Because he knew that he would suffer more severe pain next.
Outside Tom’s lying jar, a dozen people in white research suits are debugging something on machines Tom doesn’t know. A few minutes later, the busy white people all stopped their movements, as if the preparations were over.
“Let’s get started.” Jeffrey, standing behind the glass wall, said softly as he saw what was going on in the laboratory in front of him.
Following Jeffery’s order, a man in a white coat reached out and clicked on the screen in front of him. Then suddenly, several buckles appeared in the jar from the place where Tom was lying, and Tom’s limbs and neck were caught. Then, a half-circle of metal appeared on each side of Tom’s head, quickly enclosing it.
Although startled by the unexpected situation, Tom did nothing else. Tom knew that this was a necessary means for the experiment, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear the pain and his struggles would ruin the experiment.
Buzz ~
After Tom’s body was under control, a mechanical arm was raised from under the metal plate on which he was lying. The front part of the metal arm was a transparent needle. After the robotic arm appeared, it had pierced towards Tom’s neck.
“Shout! ~ Huff!” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the needle hurtling toward him. Although he was prepared, Tom was still afraid.
There was no sound and the needle had penetrated Tom’s neck. Then Tom just felt a cold liquid pouring into his body.
Buzz ~
After injecting a tube of pale blue liquid into Tom’s body, the robotic arm quickly retracted and disappeared under the metal plate.
“Uh! …!” Except for the cold feeling at first, when the liquid flowed inside Tom’s body, he began to feel some discomfort, but he could still bear it.
However, ten more seconds passed, and when those fluids began to work, a strong pain came from deep inside his body. And that pain continues to increase. Soon, it had reached the point where Tom couldn’t hold back his screams.
“Uh! … Ahhhhhhhh!” After ten seconds, Tom finally screamed out loud and began to struggle.
However, because Tom was locked with a metal buckle at this time, even his head was enclosed in a small area. So no matter how hard Tom struggled, his entire body was still stiffly controlled on the cold metal plate.
Facing Tom’s painful screams and struggles in the transparent jar, the people standing outside recorded the data displayed on the instrument in front of their faces calmly, and they seemed to have been used to the scene in front of them. Such an experiment should have been done many times, and no one knows how many people have been tortured by them before Tom.
Just as Tom struggled in the jar, Jeffery, who was standing behind the glass wall, was watching him. After observing Tom’s condition for a few minutes, he looked satisfied.
“He seems to be a very good experimental subject. It’s a pity it took me so long to fool him.” Jeffery smiled and muttered as he looked at Tom, who was growing quiet in the jar.
“Manager Jeffrey, Sir wants us to move out of here in a month, it is no longer safe here.” Just as Jeffrey looked at Tom’s situation, the man in a suit suddenly said.
“I know, we will transfer after the end of these experiments.” Nodding, Jeffrey replied lightly.
Jeffrey then opened the folder he had been holding.
“The restarted Winter Soldier program, how many puppet soldiers can we build this time to match Captain America?” Glancing at the folder in his hand, Jeffery whispered to himself.
Chapter 259 Restart of The Winter Soldier Program
Time passed quickly, and three days had passed since Peter and Harry’s fight. With Oscorp’s complete medical system plus the effects of the Recovery gene serum, Peter and Harry finally recovered completely. The deep damage Venom and the Demon caused to their bodies were also repaired in these three days. It can only be said that Peter and Harry’s bodies were abnormal at this time.
After their physical recovery, Harry also considered Lin Rui’s previous suggestion, that is whether he would like to join the League of Defender and become a member to protect New York and even the world. The answer from Harry surprised both Lin Rui and Peter because Harry was reluctant to join the League of Defender.
Although Lin Rui and Peter were a little surprised and sorry, Harry also gave his reasons. First of all, Harry is now the Director of Oscorp. Because he is still young, it would take more time and energy for him to gain a foothold in the company, which is very difficult.
But, although Harry didn’t join the League of Defender, he will be the same as Tony Stark, who is supporting the League of Defender. No matter if it is funds or supplies, he would be able to provide them. When necessary, Harry can also become Green Goblin to fight criminals with Mirage Knight and Spiderman, and protect New York.
Lin Rui and Peter understand Harry’s explanation. Harry didn’t come from a simple family background like theirs’s and he doesn’t have a lot of time to do his own thing. Today, he is a board member of a large corporation not much smaller than Stark Industries, making it really difficult for him to be a Vigilante like them.
However, with Oscorp’s financial and material support, the League of Defenders will develop even better.
Just the Recovery gene serum and a later improved version of the Titan II are very good for Lin Rui. A strengthened treatment can improve the combat effectiveness of the League of Defender team a lot.
Moreover, with these two amazing gene serums, Osborn’s future development will reach a level that no one can imagine. However, the stability of the Titan series is not strong enough, and Harry does not plan to cooperate with the US military for the time being. However, only by the role of Recovery Serum, Oscorp can completely defeat all opponents in the field of medicine.
Just as Stark Industries’ miniature Arc Reactor has affected the entire energy market, once Oscorp launches their recovery serum, it will completely change the current medical market and it will be devastating for other biological companies.
Therefore, in order not to let his company become the target of public criticism, Harry and Oscorp have a lot of things to do in the follow-up. He wants to ensure that Oscorp will not be overshadowed by its various competitors. Of course, these are things that Harry and Oscorp executives need to consider, and Lin Rui and Peter will not care about them anymore.
After both Peter and Harry were discharged, the students of New York Empire State High School discovered that the Golden Triangle from the last semester had reunited. Although Harry just stayed in school for a while, the three of them did return to the last semester, which is what Lin Rui has always expected.
However, Lin Rui, who returned to school, also found Tom missing. After inquiring from his neighbor Uncle Smith, Lin Rui learned that Tom suddenly asked for a week off and went out. As for where he went, he didn’t tell his family. Hearing from Uncle Smith, it seems that Tom had been in a bad mood lately, so they let him go to relax. Young people always have some mood swings.
Although Uncle Smith’s family didn’t worry much about Tom going out, Lin Rui vaguely felt that something was wrong as if something is going to go wrong again but he can’t do anything for now so in the end, he can only helplessly put the matter of Tom behind. Lin Rui is going to wait for Tom to come back and talk to him about the recent situation.
Lin Rui did not know that Tom had disappeared when he left. It is not until a quest that he will soon get that Lin Rui sees his good friend again. At that time, however, Tom would no longer be the person Lin Rui knew.

On the weekend when Peter and Harry were in a normal recovery, Lin Rui was called back by Tony. Lin Rui, who wants to see where Tony’s research on Venom has gone, is happy to drive his jeep towards Tony’s home.
When Lin Rui arrived at Tony’s beach house, it was rare that Tony stood at the door to greet Lin Rui. In the past, J.A.R.V.I.S directly opened the door. Is Tony in a good mood today? Lin Rui murmured as he saw Tony standing at the door.
With the door firmly closed, Lin Rui walks towards Tony.
Tony’s Iron Man Regiment had little effect in the last battle, which made him a little depressed, and he decided to study magic technology. However, wizardry is not physics, and there is not much that Tony could have done without professional guidance
“Hello! Mr. Stark, you seem to be in a good mood today.” Taking a few steps up to Tony. Lin Rui asks with a smile.
“Not bad. My research on Venom did not disappoint me. If this creature can be used with my Iron Man Armor, it will become a huge innovation!” Since Lin Rui asked, Tony also laughed as he answered, he was really very happy.
Tony never told Lin Rui about Venom directly. Has he already determined that Mirage Knight is Jackson?
“Really? What did Mr. Stark find?” Lin Rui didn’t think that there was a problem with Tony’s words. It would be a good thing if Venom can be used in a controlled way, and Lin Rui hopes that Tony will succeed.
“Come with me and see for yourself.” Without standing at the door and saying something to Lin Rui, Tony had turned and walked towards the villa, and Lin Rui naturally followed behind, and both seemed to tacitly understand something.
After half an hour, Tony showed all the research results of these days to Lin Rui, and it was really amazing.
Tony cut a small part of the Venom for experiments. In addition to some of the characteristics of Venom that he knew before, Tony found more things this time. For example, Venom is able to fuse and devour most biological products. And to a certain extent, it mimics the material that it swallows.
The previous Spiderman suit was thus engulfed by Venom and not discovered by J.A.R.V.I.S. This is equivalent to Venom being able to replace many materials. This feature of Venom is almost tailored for people who need special identities, because if Venom is on their body, they can change any clothing instantly, just like Peter’s original suit and Venom Spiderman suit before.
Speaking of which, this feature of Venom is also similar to the mutant ability of a famous Mutant, but Venom can only change itself, not the host.
And, while Venom is a parasite, it doesn’t die like other parasites without a host, but degrades its activity and can go into hibernation. Tony has seen the very active Venom slowly quieten down these days, but there is still a long time before it can go into hibernation, which is why Tony is not sure that it will even go into hibernation.
In addition, Venom’s defense is also very strong. In addition to the previously known weaknesses, Venom can resist the sword and bullet attacks and can be considered as a highly adaptable creature.
“So, Mr. Tony, do you have a way to control Venom?” After learning about Venom’s various functions, Lin Rui looked at the still Venom in the glass jar and asked Tony beside him.
“Eh … there is no solution for that at this moment. Regardless of how small these Venom splits are, they still have their own consciousness and cannot be controlled.” After hearing Lin Rui’s question, Tony responded awkwardly.
“However, although I haven’t found a way to control Venom yet, I believe that there will be a way to control it in the future. This thing is an alien creature and it is not good for others to come and study it with me. It would be nice if Dr. Banner was here, He has deep knowledge in biological science.” After feeling the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Tony quickly made up a sentence.
“Ohh? Dr. Banner? Is it Bruce Banner?” Lin Rui hadn’t paid attention to Tony’s forced explanation, but asked quickly after hearing a particular name.
“That’s right, Dr. Bruce Banner. Do you know him?” Tony asked curiously when Lin Rui suddenly looked surprised.
Although Lin Rui has brought a lot of surprises to Tony, especially since Tony has now almost confirmed another identity of Lin Rui, but he was able to recognize Dr. Bruce Banner and it still surprised Tony. Dr. Bruce Banner is not an ordinary Ph.D. but a nuclear physicist who is no less talented than Tony Stark, but most people wouldn’t know such a person as he is not famous.
In an unexpected physical experiment, Dr. Bruce Banner was subjected to Gamma-Rays radiation and mutated into a green creature called Hulk, now whenever he is angry, he turned in to Hulk, he is one of Marvel World’s top powers. In order to treat his irradiated mutated genes, Dr. Bruce Banner turned to biology and achieved great success in that field with his talent.
However, a few years later, Dr. Bruce Banner did not find a cure for himself. So, in order to avoid himself from getting angry and become Hulk and hurt people. Bruce Banner has gone incognito to an inaccessible place in Nepal more than a year ago and has been learning all kinds of ways to control anger.
Now, there are not many people in the world who know where Bruce Banner is, and Tony is obviously one of the people who knows about him. Although Tony knew where Dr. Bruce Banner was, he wouldn’t call Hulk back in the practice because he was anxious to study Venom. Not to mention Banner is likely not to return. If he suddenly becomes Hulk in New York, Tony feels that his Iron Man Army wouldn’t be able to stop the big guy.
So Tony was a little surprised when he heard Lin Rui say Dr. Banner’s name. Does the little guy in front of him knows about Hulk? How many secrets did he know?
“Uh … this. That’s right, I know about Dr. Bruce Banner.” Knowing that he was acting strangely, Lin Rui quickly replied.
“Oh? I’m curious how you knew him. Don’t say that you know about him from the Internet, this guy’s information is not available online at all.” Seeing Lin Rui admitting it, Tony goes on to ask Lin Rui. As he asks Lin Rui, Tony looks at him with folded arms and waits for an answer.
“Uh … this … that …” Seeing Tony’s aggressive manner, Lin Rui didn’t know how to answer for a while.
Lin Rui knew that Hulk was involved and Tony’s attitude was normal. However, Lin Rui can’t make up any good excuses now! With a quick thought in his head, Lin Rui was also wondering whether or not he should directly admit his secret Identity to Tony. He believed that if he had admitted the identity of Mirage Knight, Tony would not be on his case about his knowledge of Hulk. But as Tony stares at himself, Lin Rui suddenly remembers something.
“Oh! I remember! I heard about Dr. Bruce Banner from Dr. Erik!.” Finally remembering something that can get him out of this situation, Lin Rui said quickly.
Lin Rui didn’t lie, and he did hear Dr. Erik mention the name of Dr. Bruce Banner when he was interning with Dr. Erik in New Mexico. Just when SHIELD confiscated Jane Foster’s equipment and research materials, and she was planning to find SHIELD, Dr. Erik persuaded her to leave them alone.
At that time, Dr. Erik said that a doctor he knew was involved in this mysterious SHIELD, and then disappeared. He also asked Jane not to make things big. At that time, Lin Rui was a little confused when he heard the name of Bruce Banner, because he didn’t know that Dr. Erik knew about Hulk. Is their country really have such a small academic circle? However, there should only be one Bruce Banner, who can be involved with SHIELD.
However, because he had Thor beside him at the time. And Dr. Erik was not very familiar with Dr. Banner, so Lin Rui didn’t inquire about it later.
“Dr. Erik? Is that the Astronomy professor that you interned with in New Mexico during your vacation?” Tony asked with a puzzled expression when he heard the name of Dr. Erik from Lin Rui.
“Yes, that’s Dr. Erik.” Nodding earnestly, Lin Rui confirmed it again.
“J.A.R.V.I.S, check if this Erik really knows Banner.” Staring at Lin Rui for a few seconds, Tony turned to J.A.R.V.I.S and ordered.
“Yes, sir.” J.A.R.V.I.S., who was always present, agreed quietly.
“Sir, Dr. Erik does know Dr. Banner.” Soon, J.A.R.V.I.S. replied.
“Ok, I believe you.” After receiving the answer from J.A.R.V.I.S, Tony put his arms down and said to Lin Rui with a smile. However, whether Tony really believed Lin Rui’s words or not, no one knew, but at least he appeared to have believed it.
“But, Mr. Stark, is there anything special about this Dr. Banner? Why are you so nervous?” Silently relieved, Lin Rui asked with normal curiosity.
“This, you will know when you see him yourself. However, it may not be a good thing when you see it with your own eyes.” Tony answered with a quirky smile when he heard Lin Rui’s words.
“Uh … okay.” Of course, Lin Rui had imagined in his heart what it would be like to see the Hulk in person, but he was still very curious.
“This boy! Let’s see how long you are going to pretend!” Tony looked at Lin Rui’s expression and silently thought.
“By the way, what’s going on with Peter now?” Dr. Banner’s affairs passed for a moment and Tony suddenly asked Peter’s situation.
“Oh, he is fully recovered from his injuries.” Lin Rui subconsciously answered when Tony asked about Peter.
However, when Lin Rui finished answering, he remembered that he was not Mirage Knight right now, why would he knew so well about Spiderman’s injuries! However, it was too late to change his answer now and Lin Rui had to continue pretending to be calm and waiting for Tony’s words. If Tony asked him how he knew Peter was injured, Lin Rui will say that he saw it when Peter didn’t go to class and he went to his house to find him. As Peter’s good friend, such reasoning should not be flawed.
However, to Lin Rui’s surprise, Tony just nodded slightly and said nothing, and it seemed that he knew nothing about Peter’s situation.
“He’ll be all right. He’s a good little fellow. At least, I think he’s better than you.” Looking at Lin Rui in front of him, Tony suddenly says something that is not clear.
“Oh, yeah? I always thought Peter was great too! His grades are better than mine.” Lin Rui said.
“Well, now, let me show you the latest design results!” The small talk is over and Tony is going to get back to work. One of the reasons he called Lin Rui here today is to ask him to help me with the later experiments as Tony will not waste such a handy assistant.
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