Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel


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The shock wave of the explosion swept through several nearby buildings, including the warehouse where Pepper and Deadpool had been hiding. However, JARVIS had already dispatched several Iron Mans to protect Pepper from the center of this battlefield.
As for Deadpool, he has been hiding from the side and preparing to attack Killian and those Extremis fighters. However, what was waiting for him was this sudden explosion.
“Damn! f~~k! f~~k!!!” Deadpool, whose part of uniform had already been burned by the flames, cursed, and quickly jumped out of the area swept by the explosion.
Under the shock wave of the explosion and the raging flames, the entire warehouse was rapidly collapsing, and the speed of Deadpool’s escape could not keep up with the speed of the collapse of the warehouse. If this continues, Deadpool will be buried alive.
“Hey! Mirage Knight! Where are you? I’m going to be burned here! Aren’t you coming here to save me?!” Not wanting to experience the shame of being buried alive, Deadpool shouted loudly with his hands on the headset.
Since the three satellites and JARVIS were connected, the signal blockage in this area has been broken, so Deadpool can contact Jerry of the League of Defender at this time, and naturally, he had known that Mirage Knight and Spiderman had arrived on the battlefield.
“Haha! Deadpool, I’m here to save you!” Just after Deadpool finished shouting, a voice answered him.
Hearing this sound, Deadpool raised his head and looked in one direction. Then, he saw Spiderman swinging in his direction quickly in the collapsed warehouse. With Stark’s technology, it is very simple for him to study some fireproof spider silks, so that Spiderman can adapt to more complex battlefields.
After seeing Peter, Deadpool shut up. If one were to guess who Deadpool likes to see in the League of Defender, then it would be Spiderman. It’s not that Peter is bad towards Deadpool, it’s just that Wade likes to insult and talk during his fight and in normal circumstances but Spiderman Peter is even beyond him.
Therefore, when being with Spiderman, Deadpool tried to put away his special ability. Moreover, Spiderman has more fans than Deadpool, which is a point that Wade is very concerned about. After all, it’s normal for someone to want more fans.
In the collapsing warehouse, Spiderman rushed towards Deadpool. Seeing Deadpool’s embarrassing look at this time, Peter resisted the urge to laugh out loud.
Because Deadpool’s hero suit has always been made by himself, it cannot be compared with Peter’s Spiderman suit and Lin Rui’s Phantom Suit. Therefore, under the fire, Deadpool’s nude body was almost in front of Peter at this time.
There are many heroes in Marvel World who are of civilian origin, among them, Spiderman Peter Parker is the most famous. However, Peter now has a very good relationship with Iron Man Tony·Stark.
So even if he is a civilian, he can get good resources. But Deadpool is different. Although he joined the League of Defender, no one has sponsored this unreliable guy yet. Speaking of which, Deadpool is probably the worst in the League of Defender.
“Let’s go, this warehouse will soon collapse,” Peter spoke quickly while reaching out to Deadpool.
“Huh.” Responded softly, Deadpool had already grabbed Peter’s outstretched hand.
“Let’s go!”
After Deadpool caught his hand, Peter found a good angle and shot the spider silk, and soon he took Deadpool to constantly shuttle through the collapsed warehouse.
“By the way, where’s Mirage Knight? Didn’t he come with you? Why didn’t he show up in the fight outside just now? If he had shown up then those guys outside won’t be fighting for so long.” Deadpool asked curiously.
With Mirage Knight’s strength, even if those guys are strong and have that super recovery ability, they should not be Mirage Knight’s opponent. Moreover, Mirage Knight’s strength does not rely on various technological equipment, so this kind of network communication suppression is useless for Mirage Knight.
“Mirage Knight? He seemed to have found something and he asked me to come here first. I don’t know where he was going.” Hearing Deadpool’s words, Peter quickly replied.
“What the hell did he find that was more important than this?” Hearing Peter’s explanation, Deadpool still had some doubts. However, Peter could not answer this question.
Finally, with Peter’s help, the two of them finally rushed out of this huge warehouse and escaped the fate of being buried alive, although neither of them was worried about being buried alive. After Spiderman and Deadpool fled the warehouse, the aftermath of the explosion in the center of the battlefield on the other side gradually dissipated.
Iron Man, who had retreated a little distance temporarily because of the explosion, flew back again. Except for the two Iron Man Armor that did not retreat in time and got damaged, Tony suffered almost no loss.
“The power of the explosion is indeed great. Such a person is too dangerous!” Standing on the edge of the battlefield, Peter stared at the explosion site and whispered solemnly.
With this degree of explosion, the temperature in the center is as high as 3,000 Degrees Celsius, even if the defense of the Spiderman suit is strong enough, it wouldn’t be able to stop that much heat.
Therefore, if Peter is approached by these Extremis fighters who can self-destruct, he will be instantly killed. Of course, with Peter’s responsiveness, he would avoid it when he perceives the Self-destruct of the Extremis Fighter.
“There are still a lot of lunatics in this world.” Deadpool, who already knows what’s going on with those people, nodded in agreement.
“Then, are we going to help? I don’t know if Mr. Stark can defeat those people alone.” Looking at Deadpool, Peter continued.
“Help?! You go ahead, I won’t go, even if something happens, I can’t stand people looking at my half-nude body!” Hearing Spiderman’s words, Deadpool shook his head and refused.
“Well, then I’ll go ahead.” After making sure that Deadpool didn’t want to help, Peter rushed towards the battlefield.
Watching the leaving figure of Spiderman, Deadpool’s eyes flashed. Finally, Deadpool turned around to leave. Today, Deadpool had done what he was supposed to do, and Tony’s girlfriend was unscathed. However, just as Deadpool was about to leave, Jerry’s voice suddenly came from his headset.
“Deadpool, Mirage Knight seems to be in trouble, I need your help!” This is what Jerry said, and it was this sentence that stopped Deadpool’s footsteps.
“Mirage Knight is in trouble? Where is he?” Deadpool stopped and looked a lot more serious, and then asked seriously.
“I only know where he last disappeared. There is no signal from him. I hope you can find him.” Jerry’s worried voice came from the headset.
“Okay, tell me where, I’ll go over and see.” Hearing Jerry’s worry, Deadpool said calmly.
“Well, go to the right…”
In the next moment, Deadpool rushed towards the place where Mirage Knight had disappeared under Jerry’s real-time prompt.
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