Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 283-285

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 283-285

“He? Who? Jeffery, do you know him?” The man in the Military uniform noticed the expression on the man in the suit next to him and he also looked at Lin Rui’s young face on the display and asked, However, he also did not expect that the famous Vigilante Mirage Knight in New York turned out to be a child who had not yet grown up. It was a little surprising.”
“Well, I know this young man. His name is Jackson Lin. I finally know why Tony Stark sent so many Iron Man Armors to look for Mirage Knight, and SHIELD sent a lot of agents to look around. It turned out that Mirage Knight was him, which is really surprising! ” Confused with a shocked expression, Jeffery nodded and explained to the uniform man next to him.
Hydra’s internal system is very large, with different responsibilities and division of labor. This man in a suit, Jeffery is in charge of personnel expansion and some intelligence system. Tom was tricked by him to become a new lab rat for the relaunched Winter Soldier program and Jeffery was in charge of that. And this man in the military uniform is obviously the one who has been doing internal research in this secret base and is not very familiar with the outside world.
“Jackson Lin, is he someone special? Listening to you, it seems that he has something to do with Tony Stark and SHIELD.” The military men have no impression of Lin Rui’s name. If he heard Steve Rogers or Fury, he knows them but he doesn’t know this young man so he asked.
“Reese, you may not know. This Jackson Lin is a very smart young man. He has achieved very good results in physics and biology at a young age, and he met Tony Stark by chance. Since then, the relationship between the two seems to have continued to develop deeper, even SHIELD almost thought that Jackson Lin was the illegitimate son of Tony Stark.
“And when we were still in SHIELD, this little guy was already a second-level reserve member for SHIELD academy recruitment. However, because of Tony, SHIELD has never recruited him. But now, in my opinion, the hidden strength of this little guy is enough to enter into Fury’s Avengers Initiative. Unexpectedly, SHIELD missed such a talent with unlimited potential!” Looking at Lin Rui in a coma on the display, Jeffery’s eyes continued to shine as he spoke to Reese said.
“So it seems that the background of this little guy is really complicated. In this way, if our experiment is successful, his role will be even greater. A little guy who can make Tony Stark so nervous and worried, Even if he is not his illegitimate child, it wouldn’t be much worse.” Reese, the man in the military uniform, is not as excited as Joffery when he heard of Lin Rui’s talent. He is just thinking about the benefits that such a person can bring to Hydra’s subsequent growth.
“Reese! Don’t you think it’s too wasteful for such a talented person to become a dangerous experiment subject? In my opinion, getting such a complete talent is the most useful for Hydra.” Hearing Reese’s words, Jeffery’s eyes flashed.
It seems that the director in charge of Hydra’s intelligence unit has taken pains to know the real identity of Mirage Knight. And if Lin Rui can really be used by Hydra, it’s much better than doing that experiment and turning him into a command only humanoid machine.
“Jeffery, this thing is not something you can change. Even if this little guy is really good, how can you make him willingly join Hydra? You know, he can even break out of Scarlet Witch’s illusion, do you have a better way to control him besides that experiment? ” Reese asked politely in the face of Jeffery’s idea.
“This …” Jeffery really didn’t know how to control a mentally strong person like Lin Rui, so he didn’t know how to persuade him.
“Furthermore, Hydra is in a very dangerous situation now. Continuing to complete that experiment and then disintegrating our hostile forces from within is our main priority. Now, whether it’s SHIELD or X-Men, they are all looking for us. It’s impossible for us to use a wait and see approach on such a powerful person.” Seeing that Jeffery had nothing to say, Reese went on.
“I know, the experiment will continue. However, can you postpone it for a while and find out if there is any other solution.” Jeffery was finally convinced by Reese, but he still wanted to fight for it.
“I can only give you half a day. After half a day, the experiment will begin. Although SHIELD has not found us yet, according to their current progress, the exposure of this base is just a matter of time. I cannot take risks.” Reese finally relented and he only gave Jeffery half a day, because the pressure exerted by Tony and SHIELD was really great.
“Thank you, half a day is enough!” Jeffery is very grateful, and he seems to have some ideas.
“Clean him and change the room, then release the No. 12 tranquilizer every hour. The test will begin half a day later when everything is ready.” After agreeing with Jeffery, Reese went back to his men and ordered.
“Yes, sir!”
Lin Rui was then taken out of the room by the team. As for whether Lin Rui was really unconscious, this is probably only known to him. However, if Lin Rui continues to pretend, he will pay a lot more this time. At least, his true identity has been exposed to these people. If he can’t wipe out all of these Hydra people in the end, Lin Rui will not have a good life in real life in the future.
Watching Lin Rui being taken away, Jeffery’s eyes flashed with a different light. After General Reese rejected his proposal, Jeffery was already thinking about how to make such a genius willingly join Hydra. However, Jeffery also knows that such a person’s willpower is very strong. In addition to the kind of experiment that can forcibly wipe out his original consciousness, he really doesn’t have many good ways to achieve best result.
However, after carefully reviewing the information about Jackson Lin’s life, Jeffery suddenly thought of someone, a person with an unusual relationship with this Mirage Knight: Tom Smith, who has now successfully become Hydra’s newly launched Winter Soldier, he is one of the perfect ones of ten Winter Soldiers.
After carefully reviewing the information of Jackson Lin, Jeffery suddenly remembered that Tom who had been fooled into joining Hydra a while ago to accept the Winter Soldier transformation plan turned out to be Lin Rui’s best friend from childhood to age. Perhaps he can find a breakthrough in this regard.
“Kelly! Transfer our No. 1 Winter Soldier, I need him to perform a special mission.” Since he only has half a day, Jeffery decided not to waste time anymore, he quickly took out his mobile phone and contacted his men.
“Yes, Mr. Jeffery!”
“Mirage Knight, Jackson Lin. New Winter Soldier, Tom Smith. I look forward to seeing such a situation.”

Two hours later, Lin Rui woke up in a daze. By this time, he had been moved to another white airtight room, lying on a special bed with the same white color. It’s better to say that Lin Rui is tied to the bed than lying in the bed. Lin Rui’s whole body is bound to the bed with special materials. He can’t break away at all. Except for a little brain movement, even the fingers are locked.
“How could I?! … I am really caught!” Waking up, Lin Rui remembered the last thing he remembered before he fell into unconsciousness.
Lin Rui only remembered that he was waiting for the chance to make a move but the room was suddenly filled with white gas. Even if his face mask was not removed and has the effect of blocking the gas, the gas penetrated into his body through the skin.
Therefore, Lin Rui who took off the Phantom Suit was affected. Even though he was very resistant to this kind of tranquilizer, he couldn’t resist the tranquilizer agent when the whole room was filled with gas. After persisting for a while, Lin Rui passed out. After waking up, he found himself here with all of his clothes been changed. Even the mask on his face was gone, but that was the last part of Phantom Suit kept by Lin Rui. It seems that once his consciousness is lost, the mask that has been transformed by his consciousness can be taken away.
Now Lin Rui still has something of his own, that is, a wristband on his left hand. This wristband is the Phantom suit wristband, which belongs to a special recognition item. Even when Lin Rui is unconscious, it will not be forcibly removed. Hydra also tested the wristband a lot, and they couldn’t take it off of Lin Rui’s hands.
“This situation is very bad now! I didn’t expect Hydra would be so cautious and deal with me directly with so many special drugs!” Lying on the bed, looking carefully at the white room, which is empty except for himself and the bed under him, Lin Rui thought helplessly.
“Although he can cut open these restraint bands with his internal energy when the effect of the tranquilizer is over, he doesn’t know what is going on outside. Maybe as soon as he rushes out, there would be countless guns facing him. He can only hope that Tony comes here soon to save him.” Feeling the internal energy that is slowly becoming active in his body, Lin Rui is also thinking about self-rescue measures.
However, Lin Rui’s situation is almost desperate. He can only go if he is really strong enough to demolish this Hydra’s secret base, otherwise, he will have a hard time escaping. At this time, Lin Rui could not help thinking of the system that had been “Dead” for a long time now. If it was alive now, maybe he could give Lin Rui some suggestions.
“Or, if the Hulk was here, his presence alone would be enough to demolish this base.” In this trapped situation, Lin Rui couldn’t help but think about Hulk that could not be controlled.
“It is useless to think about these things now, but it is still important to take the time to recover his internal energy!” After accepting his experience at this time, Lin Rui dismissed his wayward thoughts and started meditation under such circumstances. The more he recovers, the greater his chance of escape.
“This little guy is quite calm. He was tied up and he didn’t even panic when he woke up in an unfamiliar environment. Instead, he closed his eyes and began to repose!” Just next to this white confinement room was another secret room. Director Jeffery and General Reese are observing Lin Rui from here. The better Lin Rui performs, the more Jeffery wants to recruit him completely into Hydra.
“This kind of person is really good. It is a waste of talent to do that experiment on him. However, it is also his potential that, once it cannot be used by our Hydra, it will surely bring us an unexpected disaster in the future.” General Reese also saw Lin Rui’s calm performance, but he thought of the threat that Lin Rui might bring to Hydra.
“Don’t worry, if he can’t be used by us, I will support your experiment very much,” Jeffery said seriously after looking at Lin Rui whose eyes were closed in the room in front of him.
“Well, let your best Winter Soldier get off the ground. I hope that this is a bit useful. However, I don’t think it would be very successfull.” Not planning to waste any more time, General Reese said to Jeffery.
“But we lose nothing in trying. Kelly, let No. 1 go in.” With a smile, Jeffery ordered his man who was standing beside him.
“Yes!” Kelly agreed and walked out of the room.

Card ~
Lin Rui, who is lying in bed meditating on recovery his internal energy, suddenly hears a slight opening of the door, he stops meditating and turns to look in the direction of the sound. From Lin Rui’s point of view, he can only see a warrior in a black suit coming towards him slowly, but we can’t see his face yet.
Da Da ~
Da Da ~
Finally, the soldier came to Lin Rui’s bed and he stood beside him and looked down at him.
“Jackson, it’s been a long time.” A stiff smile appeared on the soldier’s face as he greeted Lin Rui, who had now become scared and pale on the bed.
“Tom?! Why?! … How could it be you! How could you be in Hydra?!” Lin Rui shouted in shock as he looked at a strange Tom standing beside him.
Even if Lin Rui can bear this situation and accept his incompetence in getting captured for real. When he sees his friend from childhood in Hydra, that is unacceptable, was Tom always a Hydra member? No, it’s impossible! He was with Tom from childhood. If he was a latent member of Hydra, he would have definitely found out about him.
But what is happening now? Did he also got caught by Hydra? Or was Tom forced to join their ranks? That’s right! This must be the case. Before Tom had somehow taken a leave for a week from school to travel and there was no news from him later. Now he had appeared here, he must have been taken by Hydra! Damn Hydra! At the moment of seeing Tom, Lin Rui had already imagined several scenarios in his mind, and in the end, he was almost infinitely close to the real situation.
“Well, Jackson, I have indeed joined Hydra. And I now have a superhumanly strong body.” Looking at Lin Rui on the bed, Tom said blankly.
“Jackson, if you are willing to join us. I will guarantee that you will get unpredictable treatment and Hydra will lead the world to glory with your help.” Tom stared at Lin Rui and said the lines that he was ordered to say.
“Tom ~~ You! …” Seeing Tom’s expressionless expression at this moment, and then hearing what he said, Lin Rui quickly guessed what happened to Tom.
If Tom isn’t hypnotized, then he is being controlled by Scarlet Witch. Otherwise, Lin Rui doesn’t believe Tom will talk to him like that. After all, they are also good friends.
“Tom, don’t worry, I will save you and get you out of here!” Lin Rui swore angrily without answering Tom’s words.
Chapter 284 New Winter Soldier: Tom
Facing Lin Rui’s angry vow, Tom looked at him blankly. It can’t be said that there is no expression on his face, but at this time, Tom is looking at Lin Rui and considering him his mission, there are no other feelings in his heart and the expressions on his face are needed to finish this mission.
“It’s impossible for me to join Hydra! The guys who are secretly observing us, get out here!” No longer staring at Tom, Lin Rui turned and shouted at the doorway. Now that Lin Rui has guessed what happened to Tom, it’s better to talk directly to Hydra!
Card ~
Just when Lin Rui watched the strange Tom full of anger, the previously closed door opened again, and a bald man in a suit slowly walked in. It was Mr. Jeffery.
“Although Number One is already the most perfect one in these experiments, there are still many flaws in him.” When Lin Rui shouted, Jeffery knew that it was already impossible for Lin Rui to join Hydra even with Tom being here. So he walked straight in from behind the scenes.
“Number one, come on, your good friend doesn’t seem to believe you!” Walking to Lin Rui’s bedside, Jeffery waves to Tom and said.
“Yes!” Tom was already standing behind Jeffery and replied seriously. Looking at Tom’s puppet-like behavior, Lin Rui’s hatred for Hydra deepened.
“Very good! I didn’t have a lot of hatred against you guys at first. I just wanted to deal with you. But now, you have completely offended me! Don’t worry, you will die with a lot of pain very quickly!” Staring at Jeffery as he approaches, Lin Rui says with cold eyes.
If Lin Rui had dealt with Hydra mainly because of the Mainline quest before, then Hydra has completely offended Lin Rui now and now this is personal. As long as Lin Rui is alive, he will want Hydra to completely disappear from this world. Lin Rui’s first step in his ambition is to tear apart Hydra.
Whirl ~
Jeffery felt a chill in his back as he heard the threat from Lin Rui, who was firmly strapped to his bed. The man in front of him is clearly under complete control. Whether he die or become a lab rat is all in his own hands. Jeffery doesn’t know why he feels something bad when he hears Lin Rui’s threat.
“Hmm! I’m going to give you one last chance, If you promised to join Hydra now, I can still protect you, and let you stay independent. In two hours, it will be too late to regret it! Do you want to be the same as your friend here?” Suppressing the uneasy feeling in his heart, Jeffery stared at the angry Lin Rui on the bed and said.
“Besides, if you really joined Hydra, I can make the first decision. I don’t think you want to see your friend Number 1 look like this.” At last, Jeffery pointed to Tom, who was standing beside him and promised to release him. Of course, what he said was false and he had no plans to do as he promised. Although the value of Number 1 is not as good as the man in front of him, Numer 1 is also the best hitmen under Jeffery at this time.
“Don’t shout at me with Number 1 and Number 1! He has a name! He is my friend! His name is Tom! Tom Smith!” Lin Rui shouted angrily while grasping the recovered internal energy.
As for what the bald man in the front of him said to him, Lin Rui didn’t believe a word. If he could belive what Hydra had said then there would be no liar in this world. However, now Lin Rui doesn’t know what they did on Tom to make him like this. If he can’t recover in the future, Lin Rui doesn’t know how he would face his friend and the Smith family.
“I know you are angry right now, but I still hope that you think about my offer. You know, you are in a situation where you can’t escape. Listen to my advice, you can maintain your consciousness and save your friend, why not take the better choice?” Faced with Lin Rui’s anger, Jeffery was not surprised, and then he persuaded him as he really didn’t want to waste such a potential talent.
“Huh! It took Hydra so much effort to catch me and you want to keep me safe?” Lin Rui’s internal energy has been almost recovered, so he needs to understand the situation before him, to see if he can take Tom away as a hostage.
“Of course! There are some troubles here and there, but as long as those people see the value in you, I believe it would be possible to protect you.” Hearing Lin Rui’s relaxed tone, Jeffery hurriedly said.
As long as Lin Rui is willing to join Hydra, they will also put a lot of control on him. Of course, a person who retains complete consciousness is much more valuable than a humanoid machine that has been transformed and has no room for improvement.
“Is that right? It seems that your position in Hydra is not low.” Hearing Jeffery’s answer, Lin Rui squinted and whispered.
“Of course, I led the new Winter Soldier Project.” Seeing Lin Rui’s expression, Jeffery suddenly felt something was wrong but he didn’t care too much.
Jeffery is not like Reese who only cares about Hydra’s current combat effectiveness, he values Hydra’s future development even more. If they want to lead Hydra to the top of the world, they can’t rely on these simple-minded and controlled people alone.
“That little guy …” Just as Lin Rui and Jeffery were talking in the room, General Reese’s eyes suddenly jumped as he stood behind the glass.
“Why do I feel that something bad is about to happen?” Staring at Lin Rui tied to the bed across a glass wall, General Reese frowned slightly.
“Strengthen external monitoring and investigation system. Once you found something, immediately activate the Level-3 defense system!” Thinking for a moment, Reese suddenly ordered to the men behind him.
“Yes, Sir!” General Reese had given the order and the men behind him followed.
In Reese’s view, even if something unexpected happens, it should come from the outside. No matter how strong the little guy tied up to the bed in front of him is, it is impossible for him to make any moves in this situation. He isn’t someone like Hulk. For Hulk, General Reese still knew something about him.
In this Hydra’s secret base, even if Tony rushes in with his Iron Man Armors, as long as the number does not exceed 20 or 30, the special weapons in the base are enough to keep them all here. This base is not like the bases they had when they were lurking inside SHIELD and could only use limited SHIELD weapons. The high-tech weapons developed by Hydra privately are enough to shock anyone.
After confirming that there would be no accidents from outside, General Reese turned his attention to the room in front of him again.
“In this case, it should be a bit effective if I captured you!” When General Reese moved his gaze to the room again, Lin Rui’s eyes flashed with a purple light.
“What?!” Jeffery stood beside the bed with an unexpected look on his face as he heard Lin Rui’s words.
Can this little guy in front of him do something? Even if Number 1 behind him did not react, there was no chance for Lin Rui to break free. However, before Jeffery relaxed, what happened the next moment changed the expressions on his face.
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