Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 286-290

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 286-290

Dī Dī Dī Dī!
“General! Suddenly there is an unidentified high energy coming from the target!” Just after Lin Rui finishes that sentence, the subordinate behind general Reese, who has been testing Lin Rui’s physical condition, shouts in surprise.
“Not good!” Hearing reports from behind him, General Reese rushed out and the expressions on his face changed. However, in the room separated by a layer of glass, something that no one had thought of had happened at this time.
A sharp internal energy that can’t be seen by the naked eye rushed out of Lin Rui’s body, cutting off those extremely strong shackles in an instant. Although it takes a lot of internal energy to get out of trouble completely, Lin Rui now has only one way.
“You! … you! ~~” Watching Lin Rui in front of him cutting the ties with invisible energy, Jeffery pointed at him in shock and kept backing.
In the next second, Tom, who was standing next to Jeffery, had stopped in front of him. Although there is still a contradiction between Tom’s self-consciousness and his post-hypnotic consciousness after only one or two deep hypnosis, at this time he can already take some initiative. However, his actions were not very good for Lin Rui.
“Number 1! Control him!” Jeffery suddenly shouted at the sight of Tom who was standing in front of him came into his eyes.
The strength of No. 1 has been tested many times after the completion of the experiment. While maintaining a certain consciousness, the strength of No. 1 is much stronger than the original Winter Soldier. Although Jeffery knows that the little guy in front of him is not as simple as he seems, he is confident enough about his situation with Nimber 1 here.
“That’s It! Don’t call him Number 1!” Lin Rui yelled coldly as Tom rushed towards himself under Jeffery’s order.
“I’m sorry about this, Tom!” Facing Tom who had rushed in front of him, Lin Rui’s figure had already disappeared from front of them.
When Lin Rui appeared again, he was already behind Tom, he raised his hand and knocked at Tom’s neck. Lin Rui used enough strength to stun Tom without causing him much damage. Boom! However, Lin Rui’s chop was stopped shortly before it hit Tom’s neck.
Tom could not respond to Lin Rui’s speed in the beginning but he made the most correct response the next moment. He twisted his neck and raised his arm to block Lin Rui’s attack, stopping Lin Rui’s blow.
Then, Tom twisted his waist and swept over Lin Rui’s leg.
Lin Rui, who evaded Tom’s feet and stepped back two steps, was surprised. Although he knew that Tom must have been transformed by Hydra, it’s unbelievable that he gained such a powerful power in such a short amount of time.
Judging by the brief confrontation between Lin Rui and Tom, Tom is at least stronger than the Winter Soldier Bucky without his mechanical left arm. His fighting consciousness and response are also excellent and they are not inferior to Lin Rui.
“Haha! How much strength does this new generation of Winter Soldier have?” Jeffery, who had already retreated to the door of the room, saw Tom kicking back Lin Rui, and the fear in his heart suddenly became a lot smaller and he began to laugh while standing at the door.
“The new generation of Winter Soldiers? In this case, I will inevitably have to hurt you, Tom!” Lin Rui blinked at Jeffery’s words, then his figure disappeared again.
This time Lin Rui appeared next to Tom’s side. He also punched him and Tom quickly responded and punched him back. Boom! Kaka!
However, the result of this fight was that Tom was directly hit, and there was a sound of broken bones on his arm. How can the new generation Winter Soldier block the fist blessed with internal energy, Lin Rui has not always been known for his physical strength! His great strength lies in his internal energy!
After punching Tom, Lin Rui has immediately followed up and swiped his feets at Tom before he landed. Pū!
Kakaka ~
Lin Rui stomped his two feet on Tom’s chest in succession, breaking Tom’s ribs directly.
Then he gave Tom a hard knock on the back of his head. Tom finally fainted under a series of blows from Lin Rui.
Holding Tom in his arms and pinching him to his waist, Lin Rui rushes towards Jeffery, who is about to rush out of the gate. Just a moment ago, Lin Rui’s movements were instantaneous. Jeffery was too late to go out, and he only saw a shadow that rushed towards him in an instant.
“Close the door!” General Reese, who was separated from the scene by a glass gave a decisive order. He should have locked the door when Lin Rui broke free from the restraint. A moment of hesitation may cause a lot of damage to this base.
“Yes!” Hearing General Reese’s orders, the staff behind him began to close the door without hesitation.
In the room, Lin Rui has already slapped and stunned Jeffery, and the door in front of him starts to close quickly.
“Hum!” Lin Rui, with one man in each hand, rushed out at the critical moment.
If he got locked up in this room again, Lin Rui’s end will not be very good.
“Damn it! Send out a second alert! Send out three soldier squads! You must get this guy back!” Watching Lin Rui grabbing two people out of the room, General Reese ordered coldly.
“You can sacrifice that Number 1 if necessary. As for Jeffery, you can do everything as long as he doesn’t die!” Watching his men following his orders, General Reese added another sentence.
“Yes! General!”

Lin Rui, who was holding a person in each hand, was not slow at all. After rushing out of the room, he selected a direction and ran towards it. The place where Lin Rui was at seems to be a research laboratory, surrounded by unknown passageways, each flanked by similar small rooms with no idea who might be inside. But now Lin Rui has no time to care. He just wants to get away from the place with Tom.
Lin Rui was going towards his Thunder Blade that he had sensed. In the absence of his weapon, Lin Rui’s internal energy use was limited. If a large number of people were to besiege him with weapons, Lin Rui would not be able to support himself for long.
So, on the display in front of General Reese, a guy wearing only a large white trousers grabbed two people and ran away in a certain direction. There were already many soldiers around the base and it seemed only a matter of time before Lin Rui was caught again.
“Damn it! That’s a lot of people!” Sure enough, Lin Rui felt a lot of people coming in from the front and rear passages before running far.
“Forget it! I’ve been exposed anyway! It’s just superfluous to hide it again, and I don’t want to run so nakedly all the time!” Lin Rui seemed to have made a decision and his eyes flashed and he grabbed his left hand and tossed Jeffery aside.
“Phantom Suit! Armed!”
With a low voice, the wristband on Lin Rui’s right wrist suddenly flashed with a black light and that black light quickly spread to his whole body starting from Lin Rui’s arm. When the dark light disappeared, the complete Phantom Suit covered Lin Rui, and a simple mask covered half of Lin Rui’s face again.
“What? Is this nanotechnology? Even Tony Stark doesn’t have such sophisticated nanotechnology!” General Reese has been staring at the display and saw Lin Rui getting be surrounded by his soldiers and relaxed but he exclaimed when he saw this scene. It seems that Lin Rui’s Phantom Suit wristband showed nanotechnology as the way it was armed on the body.
“Capture him alive!” The expressions on General Reese’s face changed rapidly and he finally ordered.
Regardless of General Reese’s surprise who was hiding behind the monitor, Lin Rui, who had once again transformed into Mirage Knight, was surrounded by enemies coming from all directions.
“If I knew that this would happen then I would have spent some extra Reward Points to add a carry-on space on the Phantom Suit, I don’t even have my weapon in my hand now!” Lin Rui wrinkled his eyes as he glanced at the dozens of heavily armed Hydra teams surrounding him from all directions and muttered secretly.
The Phantom Suit originally had several hidden pockets to hold things, but the capacity was also very limited. Lin Rui now has no weapons except a few guardian symbols, a healing gene serum, and a Titan II serum. Facing the enemies that had already rushed over, Lin Rui could only go up against them empty-handed.
“But these guys aren’t enough to stop me.” Although he has no weapon and Tom was still unconscious, Lin Rui was not afraid of these enemies.
Moving his feet, Lin Rui kicked Jeffery who had been dropped on the ground. Now that Lin Rui intends to break through, taking Tom alone has become very restrictive for his actions. If he is carrying another person, he will not have much chance to escape. Anyway, these enemies don’t seem to care much about Jeffery’s situation, otherwise, they wouldn’t have locked the door so decisively.
Pū Pū Pū!
Jeffery flew out and knocked down some enemies, and Lin Rui rushed from behind him. Since these people haven’t fired yet, they probably want to catch him alive and Lin Rui is going to take advantage of this situation and he would let them know how wrong this decision is!
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Lin Rui with Tom was not slow at all. He quickly shuttled between these soldiers without any resistance and every time he attacked, one person fell down. For a while, Hydra’s team that could not use lethal weapons was not Lin Rui’s enemy!
“I just told you to catch him alive! You are allowed to use weapons! I don’t care about the condition he is in as long as he lives!” Watching Mirage Knight taking down his men on the monitor, General Reese snarled angrily at the table in front of him.
These soldiers are the failed products of the Winter Soldier experiment! Although they can complete the order meticulously, they cannot improvise and they cannot be compared with normal soldiers. Therefore, although the strength of this kind of soldier is similar to that of a Special Force Soldier and the role played by a larger number is also huge, but it has not been the focus of Hydra’s research and development.
With General Reese roar, the soldiers besieging Lin Rui took out their weapons and aimed them at Lin Rui’s non-lethal position. Da da da! Da da da!
In the next moment, countless lights in this corridor continue to blink, and Lin Rui, who can’t avoid these bullets, has to throw Tom in his hand out of the enclosure quickly and then he quickly dodges between the bullets. Lin Rui can use the Phantom suit’s thermal weapons defense to defend against these powerful bullets, but Tom can’t withstand such attacks.
Pū Pū Pū!
Although Lin Rui is quite skilled at evading bullets as he was often confronted with a variety of pistols and punches when he first fought the gangs on the streets. But now the situation is completely different, he is confined to such a limited space and the soldiers against him can be comparable to the sharpshooters. So, many bullets hit the Phantom Suit as he could not evade them.
“Sure enough, it is nanotechnology! Such a defense is impossible with ordinary materials!” Hiding behind a monitor, general Reese reimagined the Phantom Suit defense and ordered more fire.
“Damn! This firepower is too fierce! Although they are hitting the limbs, the Phantom Suit will not be able to defend for a long time! I must find a way to break through!” The joint strike of the soldier team made Lin Rui helpless as he was without a weapon and he still underestimated Hydra’s power.
“That’s it!” After taking another round of coverage bullets, Lin Rui sprinted in one direction of the aisle.
Da da da!
Seeing Lin Rui’s rapid increase in speed, the attack over there was intensified again, and they would not let Lin Rui rush through. However, just when Lin Rui rushed halfway, he suddenly stopped in and rushed in the other direction. Lin Rui’s speed outbreak this time was simply incomparable to his previous one. The entire soldier’s team only saw the shadow of a silhouette in front of them as it rushed to another position, and then appeared again at the other end of the channel.
“Tom, I said that I would take you away and I will do it!” Holding on to Tom, who was thrown aside before, Lin Rui used all of his strength and rushed towards the position of the Thunder Blade.
It turns out that Lin Rui just made a fake move and rushed in the opposite direction just to turn around and save Tom.
“Stop Him! Stop him!” General Reese’s roar continued to come out of the soldier’s connector, and he couldn’t stand Lin Rui jumping like this in front of himself.
Until now, General Reese did not think that Lin Rui could escape. The soldier team is only the first line of defense, and it is still a soldier team that does not use heavy firepower. This whole Hydra base is seriously no different from a war fortress, and the hidden high-power war weapons are enough to shock anyone.
With the sudden outbreak of Lin Rui’s speed, a few of the soldiers who stopped at the intersection dropped their guns and quickly took out something similar to a bazooka. Then, they fired a black object at Lin Rui.
“Um?” In front of Lin Rui’s calm eyes, the black object exploded suddenly in the air to form a huge metal net, almost blocking the entire passage.
Even if he was fast, Lin Rui couldn’t possibly take Tom with him if the way is blocked. Therefore, after the initial surprise, Lin Rui’s eyes turned cold and he put his right hand into his waist.
“You forced me to do this!” A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Lin Rui’s right hand quickly pulled from his waist.
In front of the uniform expressions of the soldiers around him, Lin Rui took out a sci-fi-like cannon barrel from his waist.
“I will show let you have a taste the power of Fire God Artillery!” With a low sigh, Lin Rui raised his cannon and aimed it directly at the passage in front of him.
After an instant recharge, Lin Rui temporarily exchanges the Fire God Artillary muzzle from the system shop, which gives out a dazzling light. Then, a thick white light shot out from the barrel and burst out in front of Lin Rui. In an instant, the metal net in front of him was blown to ashes, and then the light continued to blow towards the soldiers and men behind them.
The dazzling light flickered, and the temperature in the entire channel rose several degrees because of the Fire God Artillery. The hot air sucked into the lungs was very uncomfortable, it was as if their lungs were on fire.
“Fortunately, I got a lot of Reward Points last time, otherwise. I really would be stuck here without any escape.” Putting down the slightly hot Fire God Artillery, Lin Rui looked at the scorched road in front of him and mutter.
In such a passive situation under siege, instead of exchanging a temporary low-level weapon similar to a Thunder blade, it would be better to use this large killer to blast out a way. The Fire God Artillery, a C Grade technology weapon worth 1,500 Reward points, is indeed powerful enough for his current situation and it is almost comparable to Lin Rui’s Thunder Strike using the Thunder Blade.
Looking at the exit blasted out in front of him, Lin Rui rushed out without hesitation. Even if those soldiers don’t have feelings anymore, at this time they are shocked by the power of Fire God Artillery. By the time they looked back, Lin Rui had already taken Tom to the front of the channel.
“Waste! It’s all a bunch of waste! Get the Alpha Squad ready! He must be brought back to me!” General Reese, who watched Lin Rui take out a powerful weapon and blast a path away behind the monitor, roared and ordered. The more mysterious Lin Rui shows himself to be, the more Hydra couldn’t let him go.
“The armor on his body is created by nanotechnology. What was that powerful weapon just now? It doesn’t seem like a normal laser attack. However, what is even more suspicious is the appearance of that weapon. Nanotechnology cannot build such a powerful weapon in an instant. Is it… Does he have Space Folding Technology!” Looking at Lin Rui running in the passage, General Reese thought and with every thought, his eyes began to flash with a ray of light.
The guy they caught this time seems to have a lot of secrets they don’t know anything about. Maybe those who were looking for him outside knows about the secrets this guy has. General Reese thought to himself, which also strengthened his determination to catch Lin Rui.
Speaking of those looking for Lin Rui outside, General Reese frowned again. Just as Lin Rui rushed out of the cell and was under siege by the aisle, an Iron Man suddenly flew over the castle of Hydra. However, because the Hydra base has shielding equipment for Iron Man scanning equipment, the Iron Man should have found nothing, and flew back after a turn.
However, since Tony’s Iron Man has already searched for this place, he can’t wait for more people to come later. So, to be on the safe side, they’d better be prepared for a battle.
“Have the base enter a Level-3 combat state. Once the reconnaissance system detects an enemy invasion, we will immediately launch the highest-level strike.” After thinking about it, General Reese finally issued this combat instruction.
Since the Hydra lurking in SHIELD was forcibly removed by Fury, the Hydra troops lurking around the world have shrunk a lot of their forces, and they don’t want to be caught off guard against their fight against SHIELD.
However, this ancient castle base is one of the few large bases in Hydra and is the general point of contact for the lurking forces nearby. The importance and weapon power here are not comparable to those of the small strongholds, if they are really found here. In addition to conducting a strategic retreat, General Reese also planned to give some surprise to those who dare to come here.
After setting up the defenses for the base, General Reese turned his attention to the monitor in front of him. Above, Lin Rui who ran for ten seconds was blocked in the middle of the aisle again. This time, blocking Lin Rui was the most elite team under General Reese, the Alpha Team.
The Fire God Artillery roared again and a dazzling white light shone across the hallway. However, when the light faded, Lin Rui was frightened by the scene in front of him. The Fire God Artillery beam that was supposed to directly hit the blocked team was trapped by a light blue shield. The shield was being emitted by a very advanced weapon.
“Fuck! Hydra also has these kinds of weapons?” Watching Fire God Artillery’s full blow getting blocked, Lin Rui felt his heartbeat increase.
Just when Lin Rui was still feeling surprised by the blockade of Fire God Artillery, the two members of the squad raised their arms and aimed their weapons at Lin Rui.
“Not good!” Suddenly, there was a very dangerous feeling in his heart and Lin Rui grabbed Tom and hurriedly hid to the right side.
Lin Rui had just avoided his original location, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye rushed past him. Rumble! The oscillating wave banged directly on the wall of the walkway, blasting the hard wall and creating a large pit.
“What the hell! What kind of attack is this?!” Lin Rui had a hunch that the Phantom Suit’s defense wouldn’t be able to withstand a few attacks of this level, and Lin Rui cursed again.
This Alpha team is indeed the most elite team under General Reese, and the weapons equipped by their team are enough to compete with a small army. Moreover, they seem to have evaluated the defense power of the Phantom Suit on Lin Rui, and used a powerful killer move from the beginning.
Seeing Lin Rui dodging the attack, the Alpha team blocking the road opposite again adjusted the muzzle and aimed at Lin Rui. This time, a full set of four high-tech weapons were aimed at Lin Rui’s position and they also predicted where he might dodge. This time, Lin Rui seemed to have nowhere to hide.
At the next moment, two force field launchers and two shock wave launchers fired at the same time and they have also calculated Lin Rui’s position.
Facing such a sharp attack, Lin Rui made the choice at first: he couldn’t get hit by the blue strange force field. Therefore, the still-cooling Fire God Artillery was thrown out decisively by Lin Rui, just hitting one of the two shock waves. While Lin Rui himself was dodging the attack of the force field, he was hit hard by another shock wave.
Lin Rui had lost control of his body in mid-air. Tom, who had been clutched by Lin Rui, fell weakly to one side. Lin Rui himself was blasted into the wall of the side of the aisle by a huge shock wave. It seems that Lin Rui has completely lost his resistance under this attack.
Da Da ~
Not daring to be careless, the Alpha team did not put down their weapons and they slowly approached the big pit smashed by Lin Rui.
“Ahhhhhhh! I didn’t expect that I would be forced to this step!” As the Alpha team approached the big pit, a cough came from inside the big pit, and then Lin Rui’s weak voice came out.
Pū Pū!
Hearing Lin Rui’s voice, the Alpha team pointed their weapons forward. However, the next moment, two small red dots suddenly flashed from the wall, just like human eyes. No, It’s human eyes! A pair of eyes full of red light!
The next moment, before the Alpha team attacked, a shadow had flashed from the wall, and it quickly shuttled through the team twice. It finally appeared behind the Alpha team, it was Lin Rui and he looks unscathed!
“So this is the power of my body after getting strengthened by Titan II?!” The red light in his eyes had gradually weakened and Lin Rui squeezed his fist and felt the tremendous power in his body.
After receiving the shock wave attack, the Phantom suit didn’t fully defend himself. Some of the forces still attacked Lin Rui through the Phantom suit, which also seriously injured Lin Rui. Forced to this point, Lin Rui could only quietly inject the unused Titan II enhanced serum in his own body. The powerful power that filled his whole body almost made Lin Rui fall into a violent state and it was difficult for him to control his emotions for a while.
Speaking of which, although the Titan 2 Serum that Lin Rui just used is more stable than the Titan 1 that Harry used before, the average person can’t bear the violent impact of energy and mental shock at all. Of course, Lin Rui’s body is strong enough to withstand the strength of the Titan II serum.
However, this sudden rise in power also makes people easily lost in this power that is not their own. Lin Rui also suppresses the side effects and controlled his violent emotions because his mental strength is strong enough to do this. It is difficult for ordinary people to control themselves. So, if Harry wants to rely on Titan Series serums to break into the U.S. military and grab part of the profits, there will be a lot of optimization and adjustment in the future.
Of course, Lin Rui doesn’t have time to think for Harry now. The power and speed that he erupted with just a moment ago could not again be reached by Lin Rui, and he attacked every member of the Alpha team in a blink of an eye and used enough power to kill them all. However, he doesn’t know if his control of the violent power is not very good or for other reasons. Lin Rui was already feeling that something was wrong with the attacks he had performed just now.
Just as Lin Rui was still feeling Titan II’s enhancement of his strength, there was a sudden movement behind him. Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Rui turned around quickly and his expressions changed.
He saw that the Alpha team, which should have been killed by him, standing intact in front of him, and the high-tech weapons in their hands were again aimed at him. And a layer of the light blue shield on their body seems to have protected them.
“Fuck!” With a loud curse, Lin Rui pulled his leg and ran backward.
Even after taking the serum, there was no way to deal with these guys. This is the first time he’s been suppressed to this extent by the enemy’s technology. Moreover, the working time of Titan II serum is limited. Once the time passes, Lin Rui will bear his own injury and the aftereffects of the Titan II serum. Although he still has a dose of the recovery serum, it will take some time for him to recover. So, seeing what’s going on, Lin Rui decided to run away.
After injecting the Titan II serum, Lin Rui’s speed increased again by one level. Even if the weapon in the Alpha team has the lock function, but if the human eyes can’t follow his figure then what would the weapon be locked upon. Therefore, they can only watch Lin Rui run away.
When he ran away, Lin Rui also picked up Tom who had been thrown away. He kept remembering his previous promise to Tom, although Tom has been brainwashed by Hydra.
In this way, Lin Rui led Tom to flee around the Hydra base. Armed soldiers came to block them at various locations and the most elite Alpha team kept following them.
What seemed simple in the eyes of General Reese turned into a tug-of-war. Lin Rui was indeed not the opponent of the Alpha team, but the general soldier team could not even stop Lin Rui who had injected the Titan II serum into his body. It seemed that they could only catch Lin Rui after he was tired of running. However, General Reese watched Lin Rui scurrying around the base and he gradually developed a bad feeling in his heart.
“General Reese, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect this boy to have these mysterious things. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have given him the chance to escape.” Behind General Reese, the rescued Chief Jeffery looked at Lin Rui, who was scrambling in the base on the monitor and said a little awkwardly.
If he hadn’t insisted on recruiting Lin Rui, Lin Rui would have been pushed into the laboratory now. Even if the experiment had become unsuccessful in the end, they could have still destroyed this person who poses a huge threat to Hydra. Now, if they continue to let Lin Rui scurry around this base, something bad will happen sooner or later.
“I also didn’t expect so many secrets to be hidden in him. Even if you don’t give him a chance, he would have still tried to escape. Now, the most important thing is to control him. If we let him break into somewhere where he shouldn’t, then we have to completely destroy him.” Without looking back, General Reese said coldly.
“Yes! I understand!” This time, Director Jeffery had no other opinion.

Just when Lin Rui was fleeing in Hydra’s base, Deadpool and Francis were going to meet in a remote abandoned steel mill. Originally, Francis and Deadpool had an appointment of nine o’clock, but Deadpool could not bear to wait and rushed over when he was ready.
After getting out of the taxi, Deadpool walked in rhythmic steps towards the abandoned steel mill ahead. In the front steel plant, Francis had already arranged dozens of heavily armed men. He himself was standing on an elevated platform that was tens of meters high, with a transparent jar containing Vanessa beside him. As long as Francis activates the jar, the oxygen in it will be pumped out in a few seconds, and Vanessa will experience the last painful experience that Wade had experienced before becoming Deadpool.
“Francis! I’m here!” Stopping at the gate of the abandoned mill, Deadpool looked up at Francis and shouted.
“Wade Fucking Wilson or should I call you Deadpool! An Immortal fighter! Today, I’m going to see if you really are Immortal!” Standing on the edge of the high platform, Francis yelled as he looked at Deadpool below.
Then Francis waved and Francis’s men, who had been hiding rushed out with various guns in their hands that were aimed at Deadpool.
“Destroy him!” Francis roared and ordered.
The sound of the bullets being loaded was heard for a while, although Deadpool will face the attack of countless bullets in the next second but he behaved very calmly, even standing so indifferently in the open space. Regardless of Deadpool’s response, Francis’ men have decisively pulled the trigger!
However, what came out of the battlefield was not a burst of gunfire, but a high-energy weapon attack. There was an explosion all over the battlefield, mixed with the screams of Francis’s men.
In a small abandoned square, various laser beams shot around and Francis’s men screamed and ran to hide.
Standing calmly in the middle of the firing, Deadpool watched the merciless killing of Francis’s men with his arms behind his back. However, on the inside, he was very shocked as this situation is a lot different from what he had planned or even expected! Couldn’t they let him act cool for some time? Anyway, his girlfriend is still watching it! Although Vanessa doesn’t know that the guy in the crimson tights is her missing boyfriend Wade Wilson.
Francis’s men were wiped out and it seemed that Francis was a little stunned to see this scene on the stage. Then he noticed that a dozen Iron Man Armors have appeared on the battlefield without him noticing them. That’s right, it’s a dozen Iron Man. Against the ordinary people under Francis, there were a dozen Iron Mans. How can they even defend?
Hum! !!
Taking care of the small fries, the Iron Man flying in the air separated into two units and landed towards Francis. At the same time, the space around Francis suddenly opened wit a space door, and then Iceman and Blink came out of it.
“You!” Seeing X-Men suddenly appearing beside them, Angel Dust, who had been standing beside Francis, rushed towards them.
However, Iceman simply waved his hand, and Angel Dust, who was rushing over was instantly frozen in place. The gap between her and Iceman is not one or two points, and the Mutants of the power class restrain the Mutants of the body strengthening class, not to mention Iceman’s own strength.
Seeing that Angel Dust was frozen in ice, Francis’s eyes flashed and he tried to press the button in his hand. He was trying to harm Vanessa to get Iceman to back off. However, as soon as he pressed the button, a laser fired from the Iron Man who was approaching, directly penetrating Vanessa’s glass cabin.
Seeing that nothing was happening, Francis seemed to have figured out something and he threw out the remote control in his hand and looked at Iron Man and Iceman and Blink around him.
“Where is Mirage Knight?” An Iron Man landed in front of Francis, and Tony’s low voice came from inside of it.
“Mirage Knight? Oh, sure enough, I’m the one who was abandoned.” Hearing the inquiry from Iron Man, Francis’s figure froze first, then he smiled to himself.
“I will ask you again, where is Mirage Knight?” Without getting the answer that he wanted, the Iron Man approached and asked again. At the same time, Tony raised his robotic arm toward his chest.
It was obvious from Tony’s tone that he was already impatient, and Iceman on the side was worried that Tony would raise his hand to destroy Francis in the next moment.
“How should I know where Mirage Knight is? Don’t you see it yet? I’m a guy who attracted your attention!” Francis replied evenly in the face of the threat from Iron Man.
If Francis still doesn’t know why he encountered these things today, he would be too stupid. He was just a small head of Hydra who was responsible for the Mutants part. He had no access to any secrets inside Hydra. Part of him doing these things to Deadpool this time was because he really hated Wade and wanted revenge. On the other hand, it was also because he was told that they would send more powerful people to follow him secretly. If there were League of Defender and X-Men to help Deadpool as they did last time, they would make them unable to leave from here.
Last night, after Francis went to find Weasel, he met Mirage Knight in the alley outside. Just when he thought that he would need to deal with Mirage Knight himself, two powerfull people appeared out of nowhere and dealt with Mirage Knight in few minutes. Then they took Mirage Knight away without saying anything to Francis. However, Francis knew that they were the powerful people sent from above. After seeing the abnormal strength of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, Francis finally had the confidence to deal with Deadpool.
Originally, according to normal circumstances, Francis did have other Mutants team to support himself. However, after catching Mirage Knight, several forces throughout New York started looking for Lin Rui like crazy. This made Hydra immediately cancel the plan to support Francis. Sending those guys when the sky was full of Iron Man was suicide. So, in the end, Francis was abandoned.
“You mean, you have nothing to do with the kidnapping of Mirage Knight ?!” It seems that Tony can no longer stand Francis’s “Perfunctory” attitude and the laser cannon pointed at him has begun to be charged.
“Mr. Stark, calm down!” Seeing this, Iceman finally couldn’t help but interject and at the same time, he secretly thought to himself. “Did Tony Stark eat something bad this morning? Where is this anger coming from?”.
Hearing Iceman’s words, Tony dropped the charging robotic arm. Although Tony didn’t know anything about X-Men or the like before, he also learned about these special forces in the world after joining SHIELD. Last night, Iceman and Blink were also looking for Lin Rui, so now Tony gave them some consideration.
“Francis, you said you were attracting our attention. That means you still know something. We just want to know where Mirage Knight is now.” Seeing Tony give way a little, Iceman walked in front of Francis and asked seriously.
“Do you want to save him? I urge you to dispel this idea. I haven’t seen any of the people they took again. Of course, him being alive is certain, after all, Mirage Knight is still a very powerful guy, but will it be the original Mirage Knight is hard to say.” Francis said disdainfully towards Iceman.
He is sure that he would die today, but he is still feeling a little proud to see that these powerful group of people couldn’t accomplish their goals. Iron Man is powerful, League of Defender is also very strong, X-Men has been fighting with the organization behind him for many years. But they don’t know how powerful the forces behind them are at controlling people. Now that Mirage Knight had been captured and his previous bosses would have done what they had to do in order to control Mirage Knight.
Hearing Francis’ words, Tony couldn’t bear it anymore and he raised his hand and fired a laser directly at Francis’s calf. Suddenly, Francis’s calf disappeared. Of course, Francis, who can feel no pain, just stood back again as if nothing had happened.
Iceman hasn’t finished talking and he waved his hand to seal Francis’s calf in ice in case he bleeds to death.
“So, do you have anything to tell me about the two people who attacked Mirage Knight last night and took him away? And, what exactly is the organization behind you?” Iceman seals Francis’s calf and asked again.
“The two people from last night …”
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