Novel Name : Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 211-213

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Heroes of Marvel Chapter 211-213

“Damn it!!” Watching Bucky fall from a dozen floors in front of himself, Lin Rui screamed with a very ugly expression on his face.
Then, regardless of the battle between the aircraft carriers and the Iron Man Armor outside, Lin Rui jumped out at the same time. He wants to save Winter Soldier Bucky. Such a good opportunity to remind Bucky of his past memory and getting rid of Hydra’s brainwashing. Lin Rui won’t give up so easily.
However, just a second after Lin Rui had just jumped out, another missile from the mid-air battlefield outside the building blasted towards Lin Rui.
“I ~~ Fuc…!”
Boom! Lin Rui, who had just jumped out, had no time to curse and was hit hard by the missile.
In a violent explosion, a dark figure with his arms across his chest was blown from the center of the blast by the blast wave, and only came to a stop when it struck the interior wall of the building.
Huh ~
Lin Rui, who was hit by an explosive shock wave, slammed into the wall, and his back sunk into the wall about five centimeters deep. The whole person was like a large pie stuck to the wall.
Kakaka! A few seconds after sticking to the wall, Lin Rui’s body gave a sound as he gives a blast and jumps off the wall with a twist.
“Whew! How powerful is this missile!” Lin Rui, who has fallen to the ground, takes a long breath and mutters, clearly still apprehensive of what has happened.
Although Lin Rui upgraded the Phantom Suit’s hot weapon defense to C Grade, it does not mean that he can defend against the attack of this powerful missile. Moreover, Lin Rui had a feeling of being targeted just now. It seemed that the missile was aimed at himself and it almost broke the defense of the Phantom Suit. This was abnormal.
“J.A.R.V.I.S, are you still there?” Glancing at the Iron Man Armors and SHIELD fighters planes outside, Lin Rui glanced and shouted suddenly.
“How can I help you, Mirage Knight.” Soon, J.A.R.V.I.S’s voice came through the headset.
“Do you know who was attacking me just now?” The Iron Man Armor team outside was under the control of J.A.R.V.I.S. Then the guys who attacked him were obviously those that were about to be shot down, so Lin Rui would ask J.A.R.V.I.S.
J.A.R.V.I.S was silent for a few seconds after Lin Rui asked this question, but he quickly replied to Lin Rui.
“Mr. Mirage Knight, depending on where you are now. The missile attack that occurred on your position has a 95% probability of being an accident.”
“Twice?” Lin Rui frowned again after hearing J.A.R.V.I.S’s answer.
“Yes.” J.A.R.V.I.S’s answer was as simple and straightforward as ever, and it seemed that it has calculated the trajectories and directions of the missiles.
“Ok, I see. Can you take care of these troubles outside as soon as possible.” Now that J.A.R.V.I.S. has said so, Lin Rui said as he suppressed the uncomfortable feelings in his heart.
Next, Lin Rui walked across the rubble in front of him to the corner of the wall that had been collapsed. Standing on the gravel and looking down the building, Bucky’s figure was completely invisible. Lin Rui doesn’t know if Bucky is dead or alive if he falls like this, but Lin Rui thinks that it is more likely that he would see him later. After all, Bucky also have very important roles in many Marvel movies.
“Forget it, there will always be a chance to find him in the future. And what I said just seemed to remind him of something, Bucky should not go back to find Hydra. I also asked J.A.R.V.I.S. to intercept his files so that no one else would find trouble with him.” Standing on the edge of the building and looking outside, Lin Rui thought silently.
Huh ~
A few seconds later, Lin Rui, in good spirits, turns away and heads back toward Captain Rogers’s position.

Captain Rogers wasn’t at the place where he had fought against the Winter Soldier. He and others went upstairs together after hearing from Natasha that Fury had been shot. Lin Rui also made it to the top after contacting Daredevil.
At this time, the Hydra affiliation of SHIELD headquarters has been basically resolved. Although SHIELD also lost a lot of agents, this result is already the best.
“Fury, are you okay?” Following Natasha to the conference room on the top floor, Steve saw Fury being taken care of by several members of the World Security Council, and the blood on his chest was especially noticeable.
“It’s okay, that shot missed the mark.” Fury is in better shape than he looks.
But Natasha, who was standing behind Steve, blinked when she heard Fury’s words. She had checked Fury’s condition before and that shot hadn’t missed its mark but Fury was not dead and his wound simply looked like an ordinary gunshot wound. With the Winter Soldier’s marksmanship, it is impossible for him to miss, Fury’s situation is clearly not normal.
Although Natasha didn’t understand what happened to Fury, Fury knew it. Aside from the fact that he had a simplified version of the super-soldier serum that had been injected into his body, the most likely cause was the unknown liquid that Mirage Knight had given him to drink.
Since Fury woke up, he felt that his body is getting better every day. Not only has his previous injuries have been healed and he is now able to get quick treatment for a life-threatening gunshot wound. Fury wasn’t about to say anything even if he knew that it might have something to do with Mirage Knight’s unknown potion.
“That’s good. Fury, our plan was successful. Alexander is dead, and members of Hydra lurking inside SHIELD have been wiped out!” Confirming that Fury’s life is not in danger, Captain Rogers goes on to say seriously.
“Oh, I know. However, we also paid a high price.” Fury said in a low tone.
Except for SHIELD’s own manpower lost in the war and the destruction of the entire headquarters, the biggest loss for Fury was actually the decrypted data. To keep Hydra out of hiding, Fury had to do just that. However, this also makes many top-secret materials that should not be exposed to appear to the public, which is not good news for SHIELD.
“We will survive it and after this incident, I don’t think that the World Security Council will put too much pressure on you, and maybe your plan will be easier to implement.” Holding Fury, Captain Rogers continued and looked towards the frightened members of the World Security Council.
“Of course! We now fully support Director Fury’s decisions. The formation of the Avengers Alliance has become necessary. However, there are still some details that need to be discussed before that.” Facing Captain Rogers, the members of the World Security Council immediately expressed their positions.
However, although they now say that they will support the Avengers Alliance, they have not said anything. After all, SHIELD has been infiltrated by Hydra for so many years, and now it has cost so much to clear this tumor out. The World Security director will certainly no longer trust SHIELD as before. The focus of their subsequent discussions may be on the supervision of SHIELD, especially these superheroes who are far superior to the ordinary people. Of course, these things will not be spoken by them in front of Captain Rogers.
Hearing the words of those members of the World Security Council, Lin Rui who stood in the doorway didn’t go in. These politicians at the top of the world only think about their safety when they are in danger. Once the danger is over, they will start to think about how to maximize their power to ensure their future safety.
“Daredevil, there is nothing more to do here, I will leave first. Also, if Captain Rogers asks about that Hydra’s killer, you can tell him that I didn’t catch up and he got away.” The matter has been resolved and Lin Rui doesn’t want to stay here for a long time. He told Daredevil and walked out silently.
Soon, Lin Rui disappears into the corridors of the top floor.
Mirage Knight’s departure was noticed by Captain Rogers but he did not prevent it. Mirage Knight’s position has been made clear before as he was only helping SHIELD deal with Hydra, and that it had happened, it is normal for him to leave.
When the whole world was shocked by the information released by SHIELD, Lin Rui calmly left the SHIELD headquarters and returned to his uncle’s home in Washington.
Lin Rui, who cooperated with SHIELD this time to deal with Hydra did not expect it to go so smoothly. He did not take any action except to save Fury with a vile of Elven Holy Spring Water. At this time, Lin Rui ‘s mainline quest to eliminate Hydra’s has reached 34% completion. Only one latent Hydra member eliminated in SHIELD has already completed Lin Rui’s mission by one third.
Seeing the completion of the quest in his mind, Lin Rui thinks that the meaning of the mainline quest should not be to complete the quest by destroying all Hydra members in the world but to destroy the main force of Hydra. This should be good news for him.
The matter of SHIELD and Hydra has come to an end and only five days had passed. As for his remaining two days left in Washington, he can just go to see Thor. Lin Rui thought and he pulled out his phone.
It’s been a month since he separated from Thor in New Mexico, and Thor has also contacted Lin Rui several times during this time, but most of the time Thor is complaining about his habit of living on Earth. Recently, he hasn’t complained much. Maybe he is getting used to it.
In addition to Thor, Darcy had also contacted Lin Rui. After knowing that Lin Rui, a handsome mixed-race man was not only handsome but also had a close relationship with Iron Man Tony Stark, she became even more enthusiastic about Lin Rui, which made Lin Rui feel a little overwhelmed. So, before Lin Rui went to see Thor, he had to make sure that Darcy wouldn’t show up, otherwise he would rather not see Thor.
Soon, Lin Rui got through to the phone he had called Thor before.
“Hey! Jackson, I haven’t heard from you in days.” As soon as the phone was connected, the rough voice of Thor came from that end. Listen to his tone, it seems that he is living well, he seems to have gotten used to the life of the earth.
“Thor, listening to your tone, it looks like you’re happy. Why, have you made any progress with Miss Foster?” Lin Rui, holding the phone, raised his lips slightly, then asked lightly.
“Well, this, there is progress. However, I am happy because I have found a new job now, so I don’t need Jane to support me anymore.” Thor said proudly when he heard what Lin Rui said.
The grand prince of Asgard even had to depend on a woman to pay for his foods and comfort. If Odin knew it, maybe he would directly kill him with a lightning strike. But Lin Rui was not surprised at all, because he was used to it.
In the beginning, Thor was unaccustomed to life on Earth, and claimed to be the proud prince of Asgard. So when Jane Foster called Thor out for a job for the first time, he was unwilling to do it.
However, after realizing that he would not be able to return to Asgard in a short while, Thor who got left behind on earth was really embarrassed after being raised by a woman. Although as long as Thor is willing, SHIELD is willing to accept him. However, Thor will obviously not choose SHIELD. For the SHIELD organization, Thor still trusts Lin Rui’s words from earlier. Moreover, he did not want to be studied as an alien.
“Really? Congratulations, what job is it?” With a smile, Lin Rui asked.
Lin Rui is very happy to see Thor living well on the earth. Only when Thor has more attachments on the earth will he be able to make the efforts when the earth is in danger in the future. Of course, it would only be possible if Thor can regain his powers back. Otherwise, he’s just a slightly better alien.
“‘I’m a librarian at Jane’s school library. I help sort out books and stuff. It’s easy and it’s not much but at least it’s a job” Thor on the other end of the phone replies somewhat sheepishly as he clearly feels that his current job is not up to the table. However, for an alien to find a job on earth is pretty good, and Thor doesn’t have many choices.
“Librarian?” Lin Rui was speechless when he heard Thor’s answer to his job. He doesn’t know how Miss Foster was able to get Thor into the library of their school. This kind of work is generally distributed to the students in the school to earn work credits.
“That’s pretty good too. By the way, I’m in Washington now. Will you be free in the next two days? I’ll come and see you.” Although there were so many words in his heart, Lin Rui wouldn’t say them and after asking Thor about his work, he went down to the business.
“Really! You’re in Washington? I’m free. Even if I’m busy at work, you can come to me.” Hearing Lin Rui said he was now in Washington, Thor said with some joy.
“Well, I’ll go to see you tomorrow, say hello to Miss Foster for me.”
Then Lin Rui talked with Thor for some time before hanging up the phone.
Ever since Thor returned to Washington with Jane Foster, Asgard hasn’t sent anyone over to Earth and seems to have forgotten their great prince. Or maybe the frontline battlefield is grim, and Thor will be ignored for a while. Either way, Thor is going to stay on earth for the time being.
“Thor, how can I help you regain your power? How can I ensure that you are willing to protect the earth and become the guardian of the earth after gaining your powers back?” Lin Rui, who hung up the phone, muttered secretly while lying in bed. This is something Lin Rui was thinking about when he saw Thor.
Thor’s strength in Marvel World should be one level higher than the Hulk, perhaps even stronger, and that is unreasonable super strength. Since Lin Rui had acquired Thor’s friendship from the beginning, it would be unreasonable not to tie such a powerful man/god to his team. SHIELD? Avengers Alliance? With Lin Rui stepping in, Director Fury can’t find many people joining the Avengers.
“Forget it, one step at a time. Since Odin exiled Thor to earth, he should be confident that Thor can regain his power here. After all, Thor was his own son and even Loki didn’t betray them and they can get along with each other, Thor won’t remain as a mortal on earth forever.” With this in mind, Lin Rui meditates and falls asleep.

As Lin Rui slept in his uncle’s house in Washington, Kamar Taj welcomed a special guest.
“Welcome, Prince Loki of Asgard.” In the residence of Kamar Taj, a young disciple looked at the handsome man in front of her and said.
“Thank you, Young sorcerer (s). I wonder if Ancient One is free now? I want to see her.” With a smile, the handsome young man looked at the young sorcerer in front of him and asked in a soothing tone.
That’s right, This beautiful young man dressed in gorgeous vintage clothes is Loki, the second Prince of Asgard. It is not known how he came to be on earth, and instead of looking for his brother Thor, he came to the Ancient One, who had been guarding the earth from the demons of other worlds.
“Prince Loki, Ancient One already knows of your arrival and will be here soon.” Facing Loki’s question, the young sorcerer answered softly.
In fact, as the Orthodox organization united down by Agomoto thousands of years ago, the Sorcerers on the earth will not be weaker than the magical Sorcerers of Asgard. However, in addition to being the prince of Asgard, the most important reason for the Young Sorceror’s respect for Loki is that he can feel the powerful magic power of Loki, and he is far from being his opponent.
“Well, I’ll wait here.” Upon hearing the reply, Loki politely sat down on the floor of the living room. The young sorcerer also sat down and poured Loki a glass of water.
Loki was sitting for two hours, and what the young sorcerer had said on his arrival now seemed to be bullshit. Just when Loki was about to lose his patience and politeness, there was a sound of unhurried footsteps from the back of the living room. Loki and the young sorcerer who was sitting turned their eyes towards the sound.
“Ancient One.” The young sorcerer named Yun Meng said first when he saw someone coming out from behind.
After Yun Meng said that sentence, the middle-aged woman who came out from behind had also stepped in front of them. Unlike the film in which she had a bald head, Ancient One in reality not only has thick hair but also looks beautiful. Although she looks like a middle-aged woman, her eyes reveal a thick sense of vicissitudes.
Seeing Ancient One appearing in front of his eyes, Loki quickly stepped off the ground and stood up. Faced with such a big sorcerer whose strength and status are not under his father, even the proud and charming Loki had to treat this situation with caution.
“Prince Loki from Asgard, what brings you to earth?” Calmly looking at the second Prince of Asgard, the Ancient One asked quietly.
According to the agreement between Odin and Ancient One, Asgard must pass through Ancient One if they want to get involved in the matters of earth. Like last time Loki when bullied Thor with the Destroyer in New Mexico, it was considered to be over the line. However, the last incident did not cause much harm and Ancient One didn’t mind it much but that did not mean that she would allow Loki to do things on Earth again.
“Ancient One, I’m here for one thing and want to ask for your help.” Facing Ancient One’s cold attitude, Loki continued without hesitation.
“Oh? What is it that couldn’t be solved by Odin, the Lord of the Gods?” Ancient One’s mood fluctuated slightly when she heard Loki’s words.
“It’s about my brother, Thor.”
“Is that the guy who was exiled to Earth by Odin?” Although Odin exiled Thor to Earth without saying anything to Ancient One, the Ancient One obviously knew about it. But this matter is irrelevant and Thor is deprived of his power so the Ancient One didn’t really care about this matter.
“Yes, Thor is being punished by my father and was exiled on Earth because he made some mistakes. But Thor is the Prince of Asgard after all, so my Father hopes that you can take care of him during his stay on earth. You may also know that Asgard is going through a war. Dark Elf’s shadow appeared shortly before the battle with Frost Giant. We have no energy to care about the Earth for now. “Without beating around the bush, Loki said directly.
“Take care of Thor? When did I become a nanny for Asgard?” Ancient One asked politely, ignoring the tense war situation on Asgard.
Odin dumped his son on Earth and the Ancient One ignored it as it didn’t harmed anyone. But for him to tell her to take care of Thor now. Really? !! Also, with Asgard’s strength, Frost Giants are not their opponent at all. Even if Dark Elf intervenes in the battlefield, as long as Odin takes to the battlefield, it would not be a problem to defeat them. However, Odin, as the Lord of the Gods, will not appear on the battlefield at will, which is where Ancient One can’t get used to Odin.
“No! No! Of course not! You are respectable and powerful sorcerers, my father wouldn’t dare to think so. In fact, you just need to send someone from time to time to check upon him. After all, Thor is reflecting on earth and not on vacation. To that end, I also brought enough sincerity with me.” Seeing the change in attitude, Loki quickly explained, taking out his present. No One would dare to think of Ancient One as a babysitter.
“Oh?” With her brow raised, Ancient One looked at Loki meaningfully.
Half an hour later, Loki left Ancient One’s residence under Yun Meng’s leadership. Standing on the crowded street that led to Kamar-Taj, Loki turned his right finger and disappeared, while the people around him turned a blind eye to him.
“Loki, Thor, Odin’s two sons are not that easy. However, the first chamber of the earth … Ah …” In the empty living room, Ancient One sat on the ground and sighed softly.

On the desert outside Puente Antiguo, New Mexico, USA. Since Mjölnir fell here more than a month ago, now this place has been completely protected by SHIELD, and it seems to be a first-class research base.
While fighting with Hydra at the SHIELD headquarters in Washington yesterday, this first-level research base also carried out a cleaning operation. A large number of Hydra’s hidden agents were cleaned out. Recently, Mjölnir’s protection has been tightened. However, their heavy protection seemed to have no effect on the guy who appeared next to the Mjölnir.
“Mjölnir, Mjölnir is now left here to be studied by these ignorant earthlings.” Standing beside Mjolnir, Loki looked at the famous divine tool and said to himself.
“My stupid brother doesn’t know when to pick you up again. Are you disappointed in him?” Loki asked, looking serious as if he thought Mjolnir was a friend. But there was no response from Mjolnir which was stuck on the ground.
Huh ~
At this moment, several guys in white research clothes suddenly walked in from behind Loki. They were obviously the ones responsible for studying Mjölnir.
“Huh!” As the researchers approached this side, Loki suddenly snorted with a cold look.
The researchers seemed to hold back after Loki hummed coldly, then turned around and left here at the same time, as if hypnotized.
A few minutes later, Loki left New Mexico without alarming anyone, and no one knew that the Second Prince of Asgard had ever appeared here.

Weston Landing University in Washington. Although this school can’t be compared with some of the world’s famous schools like Harvard and MIT, it is also a very good university in the United States. And early this morning, Lin Rui walked into this university like an ordinary student, Jane was in this school, and Thor was certainly in the school’s library.
“There is really a big gap between this kind of university and high school.” Lin Rui sighed in his mind as he walked down the wide walkway of the campus. Not to mention the Empire State High School in New York, where Lin Rui is still studying, even the university he attended in his previous life in China is no match for this one.
Although Lin Rui looks a little younger than an average college student, he doesn’t get much attention on the way. At best, he looks like a visitor. After all, open universities like these in the United States are visited by many tourists every day, not many people pay attention to them.
After a brief walkthrough Weston Landing’s campus, Lin Rui walked towards the library as Thor should be at work at this time.
“Hello, excuse me.” Just after Lin Rui lifted his feet and took a step forward, there was a somewhat unskilled greeting behind him, in English.
Lin Rui turned around in confusion, and then he saw two young Asian girls smiling and looking at him, apparently they had just greeted him. After a little judgment, Lin Rui guessed that the two should be here on travel.
Looking at their looks, these two girls should be from China, but now there are many people who look like them in the states so Lin Rui can’t be sure. So Lin Rui also answered in English: “Hello, can I help you.” He asked as simple as possible.
“That … This … Xiao Xin, how do you say cafeteria in English? I suddenly forgot!” At Lin Rui’s words, one of the two girls was about to answer, but she suddenly forgot the word and asked her friend for help.
However, just when the girl was about to answer the question, Lin Rui had spoken again, and what the girl said in a whisper and the language had made Lin Rui sure that they were from China.
“Are you going to the cafeteria?” In front of the surprised eyes of the two girls, Lin Rui spoke out with standard Mandarin.
“Ah! You are also from China!” Hearing the standard Mandarin spoken by Lin Rui, the girl who had forgotten her words said happily.
When they were walking on the road before, they were looking for passers-by who looked like Chinese, and finally chose Lin Rui. However, after noticing that Lin Rui was half Chinese, they also knew that Lin Rui had a low chance of being from China, so they said hello in English. Now that Lin Rui spoke in standard Mandarin, they were certainly very happy.
“Well, I am Chinese but I was born here.” Nodding with a smile, Lin Rui answered. Speaking of which Lin Rui is an American now, after all, he was only a Chinese in his previous life.
“It’s almost the same, but your Mandarin is so good!” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, the obviously lively girl said with a smile. Although Chinese people living in foreign countries generally speak Mandarin, they are generally not very standard, and some people do not speak Mandarin at all.
“Thank you, are you going to the cafeteria now?”
“Yes! Yes! We want to see the difference between the cafeteria here and our country!”
“Then let’s go together. I just came over from there.”
“Hey! Thank you! We are so lucky!”

At this point, Thor, who was standing in front of the library, said: “Why hasn’t Jackson arrived yet? Didn’t he say that he was already here? Did he get lost?”
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