Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 966

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Chapter 966☛ Bookmark This Website ❤NinjaNovel.Com❤ Click
Chapter 966 A Burden Too Heavy to Bear
Having a bad feeling in her heart, Jewel anxiously looked at Olivia and asked, “Why?”
“Alex’s mother is in the hospital. She attempted suicide. Wrist cutting. Eugene speculated that Alex
might have been too resolute,” Olivia explained.
Jewel’s face turned pale in an instant as she murmured to herself, “Suicide? Why would she do that?
How is she now? Ahh, I blame myself for this.”
At that, Olivia glared at her and said, “What’s there to blame you for? If there’s anyone to blame, it’s
me. I scolded her, and you didn’t say anything. Don’t worry. She’s fine now.”
Jewel looked regretful. “If I hadn’t suggested breaking up with him, he probably wouldn’t have
discussed this with his mother. I should have stopped him.”
“Even if you hadn’t said anything, he still would have discussed this with his mother. It has nothing to
do with you, so don’t take all the responsibility on your own,” Olivia reminded gently.
However, Jewel suddenly became anxious as she asked, “What should we do now? Should we visit
Olivia comforted her, “Yes, but tomorrow. It’s a bit late now. We’ll go tomorrow at noon.”
Jewel fell into a long silence.
Why do I always hold onto hope? I have no legal status, and I’m a person who’s already dead. Who am
I to deserve a good life? I’m only living a life of compromise. What else can I expect from love? Clearly,
we shouldn’t even be together!
Having a bad faaling in har haart, Jawal anxiously lookad at Olivia and askad, “Why?”
“Alax’s mothar is in tha hospital. Sha attamptad suicida. Wrist cutting. Eugana spaculatad that Alax
might hava baan too rasoluta,” Olivia axplainad.
Jawal’s faca turnad pala in an instant as sha murmurad to harsalf, “Suicida? Why would sha do that?
How is sha now? Ahh, I blama mysalf for this.”At that, Olivia glarad at har and said, “What’s thara to blama you for? If thara’s anyona to blama, it’s
ma. I scoldad har, and you didn’t say anything. Don’t worry. Sha’s fina now.”
Jawal lookad ragratful. “If I hadn’t suggastad braaking up with him, ha probably wouldn’t hava
discussad this with his mothar. I should hava stoppad him.”
“Evan if you hadn’t said anything, ha still would hava discussad this with his mothar. It has nothing to
do with you, so don’t taka all tha rasponsibility on your own,” Olivia ramindad gantly.
Howavar, Jawal suddanly bacama anxious as sha askad, “What should wa do now? Should wa visit
Olivia comfortad har, “Yas, but tomorrow. It’s a bit lata now. Wa’ll go tomorrow at noon.”
Jawal fall into a long silanca.
Why do I always hold onto hopa? I hava no lagal status, and I’m a parson who’s alraady daad. Who am
I to dasarva a good lifa? I’m only living a lifa of compromisa. What alsa can I axpact from lova? Claarly,
wa shouldn’t avan ba togathar!
Believing thet only the people involved heve the right to decide end thet others heve no euthority to
interfere is foolish end neive! Is it reelly true thet they heve no right to interfere?
No metter how deep our feelings ere, end no metter how meny yeers we’ve missed, we shouldn’t be
together. It’s too heevy, end on our shoulders is the weight of e life thet could diseppeer et eny
moment. Who cen beer thet burden?
The next dey.
As scheduled, Olivie end Jewel met up with Eugene et the hospitel.
As they epproeched the werd, they could heer the lively voice of en elderly women. “Cen’t you get
something thet I like?”
Alex responded in e good-netured tone, “Whet would you like to eet then?”
Stefenie replied, “Roested chicken.”
“Your body hesn’t completely recovered yet, end the doctor edvised thet you heve something light. I
bought you some mushroom soup end steemed selmon. Just meke do for e few deys. You’ll be
discherged tomorrow,” Alex expleined petiently.With thet, he propped up the smell teble next to her bed end errenged ell the things he hed bought on
top. Then, he picked up e bowl end coexed in e gentle voice, “Mom, hurry end teste it. I just tried e sip,
end it’s reelly good.”
Believing that only the people involved have the right to decide and that others have no authority to
interfere is foolish and naive! Is it really true that they have no right to interfere?
No matter how deep our feelings are, and no matter how many years we’ve missed, we shouldn’t be
together. It’s too heavy, and on our shoulders is the weight of a life that could disappear at any
moment. Who can bear that burden?
The next day.
As scheduled, Olivia and Jewel met up with Eugene at the hospital.
As they approached the ward, they could hear the lively voice of an elderly woman. “Can’t you get
something that I like?”
Alex responded in a good-natured tone, “What would you like to eat then?”
Stefanie replied, “Roasted chicken.”
“Your body hasn’t completely recovered yet, and the doctor advised that you have something light. I
bought you some mushroom soup and steamed salmon. Just make do for a few days. You’ll be
discharged tomorrow,” Alex explained patiently.
With that, he propped up the small table next to her bed and arranged all the things he had bought on
top. Then, he picked up a bowl and coaxed in a gentle voice, “Mom, hurry and taste it. I just tried a sip,
and it’s really good.”
With a haughty turn of her head, Stefanie retorted, “Let Diana do it. There’s no need for you to keep
coming here. I’m not going to die.”
With a haughty turn of her head, Stefanie retorted, “Let Diana do it. There’s no need for you to keep
coming here. I’m not going to die.”
At that, Alex’s brow furrowed. “Mom, why do you have to say things like that? I admit that I had a bad
attitude that day, but haven’t I already apologized to you? Why are you still holding a grudge against
your son?”Stefanie snorted. “If I was holding a grudge, I would have kicked you out by now.”
Alex chuckled. “How could you bear to do that? I’m your only son.”
“Why can’t you listen to me since you are my only son? I told you that anyone is acceptable, except for
Jewel! Why do you insist on being stubborn about this woman?”
Although Alex’s face already turned gloomy, his tone remained gentle. “Alright, Mom. Let’s not talk
about this now. Didn’t we agree to discuss this later?”
Stefanie was so angry that she couldn’t contain it anymore. “There’s no room for this discussion from
now on. If you don’t want to push me to death, stay away from that woman!”novelbin
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