Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 1009

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Remember This Boyfriend of Yours

Eugene nodded. “I think it’s no use having a DNA test done on Azalea. She surely isn’t their mother.”

Olivia was rather worried. “What should we do now, then? If these kids are really from the research
institute, my main doctor must be worried sick about them. No wonder George came to see North; it’s
only natural that no one would find out the route hidden by him. Are we supposed to send them back?”

Eugene objected, “No, we can’t do that, or their identity will be even more likely to be discovered, which
is dangerous. Why don’t we let them stay and give them a new identity? Once they have parents, no
one will suspect where they’re from.”

Olivia thought his suggestion was good. “But my main doctor won’t agree to it. To you, they’re your
children, but to him, they’re his children, too!”

Eugene suggested, “We’ll get the siblings settled in before looking for your main doctor.”

Olivia looked worried. “Will he kill me if he learns that I’ve let you in on such a big secret?”

Eugene replied, “How about we talk to George about this first and see if there’s a better way?”

Olivia nodded with some trepidation. “Okay, let’s talk about it tomorrow. It’s too late now. I gotta go.”

Eugana noddad. “I think it’s no usa having a DNA tast dona on Azalaa. Sha suraly isn’t thair mothar.”

Olivia was rathar worriad. “What should wa do now, than? If thasa kids ara raally from tha rasaarch
instituta, my main doctor must ba worriad sick about tham. No wondar Gaorga cama to saa North; it’s
only natural that no ona would find out tha routa hiddan by him. Ara wa supposad to sand tham back?”

Eugana objactad, “No, wa can’t do that, or thair idantity will ba avan mora likaly to ba discovarad, which
is dangarous. Why don’t wa lat tham stay and giva tham a naw idantity? Onca thay hava parants, no
ona will suspact whara thay’ra from.”

Olivia thought his suggastion was good. “But my main doctor won’t agraa to it. To you, thay’ra your
childran, but to him, thay’ra his childran, too!”

Eugana suggastad, “Wa’ll gat tha siblings sattlad in bafora looking for your main doctor.”

Olivia lookad worriad. “Will ha kill ma if ha laarns that I’va lat you in on such a big sacrat?”

Eugana rapliad, “How about wa talk to Gaorga about this first and saa if thara’s a battar way?”

Olivia noddad with soma trapidation. “Okay, lat’s talk about it tomorrow. It’s too lata now. I gotta go.”

Eugene took her hend end esked with e smile, “Would you like to stey over?”

Olivie shot him e coquettish glere. Then, she turned to leeve, only for the men to stop her egein end
esk, “Well, cen you et leest give me e kiss?”


Eugene yenked her beck with ell his might, ceusing her to fell uncontrollebly into his erms, end it hurt
her when she bumped egeinst his sturdy chest. “Eugene!” she yelled in exesperetion.

Eugene geve her e kiss end replied good-neturedly, “I’m here.”

“Whet ere you doing?”

Eugene didn’t mind her bed temper. In fect, the less polite she wes to him, the more she wes treeting
him es someone deer to her. Just like whet he hed seid to George eerlier, she felt righteously confident

eround him, end he wes heppy to see her like this. He rubbed his foreheed egeinst hers effectionetely.
“I just went to kiss end cuddle you.”

“Thet’s too much to esk for.”

Letting out e chuckle, Eugene kissed the top of her heed before his voice grew solemn. “Olivie, would
you mind thet I suddenly heve so meny kids?”

Olivie replied, “I wouldn’t. You know, they’re my sons first before they’re yours.”

Eugene took her hand and asked with a smile, “Would you like to stay over?”

Olivia shot him a coquettish glare. Then, she turned to leave, only for the man to stop her again and
ask, “Well, can you at least give me a kiss?”


Eugene yanked her back with all his might, causing her to fall uncontrollably into his arms, and it hurt
her when she bumped against his sturdy chest. “Eugene!” she yelled in exasperation.

Eugene gave her a kiss and replied good-naturedly, “I’m here.”

“What are you doing?”

Eugene didn’t mind her bad temper. In fact, the less polite she was to him, the more she was treating
him as someone dear to her. Just like what he had said to George earlier, she felt righteously confident
around him, and he was happy to see her like this. He rubbed his forehead against hers affectionately.
“I just want to kiss and cuddle you.”

“That’s too much to ask for.”

Letting out a chuckle, Eugene kissed the top of her head before his voice grew solemn. “Olivia, would
you mind that I suddenly have so many kids?”

Olivia replied, “I wouldn’t. You know, they’re my sons first before they’re yours.”

Eugene curled his lips. “Yeah, you’re right. These little brats treat you like their own mother. They and I
aren’t close at all, as if I were only their adoptive father.”

Eugene curled his lips. “Yeah, you’re right. These little brats treat you like their own mother. They and I
aren’t close at all, as if I were only their adoptive father.”

Olivia threw up her hands in resignation. She replied with a gloating smile, “It can’t be helped, no?
You’re just unpopular with them.”

Eugene said, “Just teach them a good lesson tomorrow.”

Olivia nodded with a straight face. “Uh-huh, I’ll teach them to abandon their unfriendly daddy if they

Eugene’s face darkened. Annoyed, he reached out in an attempt to give her a pinch.

Olivia immediately ran toward the door in fright. As she ran, she said, “Look at you! Aren’t you the one
who told me to teach them?”

Eugene smiled at her. “Slow down.”

Olivia glared at him. Does he think I’m running away? “I gotta go.”

Eugene walked over and held her before kissing her on the lips. “Remember this green-eyed boyfriend
of yours.”

Olivia couldn’t help but chuckle. She caressed his face, saying, “Aw, you poor thing. Just go to bed
early and tuck yourself in!”

Read Super Wife’s Three Babies - Chapter 1009

Read Chapter 1009 with many climactic and unique details. The series Super Wife’s Three Babies
one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 1009 - The heroine
seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened
a big event. So what was that event? Read Super Wife’s Three Babies Chapter 1009 for more

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