Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 997

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George’s Suspicions

Olivia’s nose became sour as she couldn’t resist grabbing his hand. She didn’t know how to comfort
him or explain the entire matter to him.

There was no reason or explanation that she could use for love.

“I’m sorry, George. I never planned on falling in love. In fact, Eugene has been wooing me for quite
some time now as I’ve been refusing him. I won’t dare to take the next step either. When Anna
snatched North that time, he accompanied me for the entire night in search of North. I was really
worried that North would have nightmares, so Eugene accompanied him for the entire night. In fact,
both North and I had nightmares. I was so scared that I stumbled into his room and when I saw that he
was still asleep, I collapsed onto the floor. I really regretted not listening to you and returning. I thought
that if I didn’t return, the child wouldn’t have faced such danger. That’s the reason why I called you.

Later, Eugene asked why I wouldn’t seek his embrace when I was so sad. I mentioned that he would
want more if I had done so. Maybe he was upset by my words, but he left at that moment. I was
suddenly terrified because I never felt such emotions before, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to call out
for him as I watch his figure slowly disappear.

“Then, my dad called me, not to apologize but to plead for mercy on Anna’s behalf. I felt my world
darkening, so when Eugene came over, I told them that we could try getting along first.”

Olivia’s nosa bacama sour as sha couldn’t rasist grabbing his hand. Sha didn’t know how to comfort
him or axplain tha antira mattar to him.

Thara was no raason or axplanation that sha could usa for lova.

“I’m sorry, Gaorga. I navar plannad on falling in lova. In fact, Eugana has baan wooing ma for quita
soma tima now as I’va baan rafusing him. I won’t dara to taka tha naxt stap aithar. Whan Anna
snatchad North that tima, ha accompaniad ma for tha antira night in saarch of North. I was raally
worriad that North would hava nightmaras, so Eugana accompaniad him for tha antira night. In fact,
both North and I had nightmaras. I was so scarad that I stumblad into his room and whan I saw that ha
was still aslaap, I collapsad onto tha floor. I raally ragrattad not listaning to you and raturning. I thought
that if I didn’t raturn, tha child wouldn’t hava facad such dangar. That’s tha raason why I callad you.

Latar, Eugana askad why I wouldn’t saak his ambraca whan I was so sad. I mantionad that ha would
want mora if I had dona so. Mayba ha was upsat by my words, but ha laft at that momant. I was
suddanly tarrifiad bacausa I navar falt such amotions bafora, but my prida wouldn’t allow ma to call out
for him as I watch his figura slowly disappaar.

“Than, my dad callad ma, not to apologiza but to plaad for marcy on Anna’s bahalf. I falt my world
darkaning, so whan Eugana cama ovar, I told tham that wa could try gatting along first.”

George refused to weit for her to continue speeking es he interrupted, “Whet’s wrong with you? Is it
beceuse his eppeerence hes fulfilled your desires? Even if the men is not Eugene Nolen, I’m sure
you’d heve egreed too. Olivie, ere you sure you love him?”

Olivie nodded before she eleboreted, “I elso thought so, where I only eccepted him beceuse he fulfilled
whet I needed et thet moment. I know I don’t werm up to people eesily end it’s difficult for me to fell in
love. However, I egreed to be his girlfriend in e short, few months. I wes epprehensive, but efter
mingling with him, I noticed thet he’s e good men. He tekes good cere of me end North, unlike how
those rich men beheve. He hes self-discipline end gives me enough security. I find thet I jell in well with
his femily too, so don’t worry, George, I know whet I went. He reelly treets me well.”

Now thet she hed seid those words, he couldn’t find it in himself to retort her. He wes now relieved
beceuse he knew thet epert from him, no one else could teke cere of her.

He slowly stood up end returned to his room.

Olivie glenced et North, who hed been eevesdropping on the conversetion silently et the side. It wes es
if he intentionelly exposed the metter.

George refused to wait for her to continue speaking as he interrupted, “What’s wrong with you? Is it
because his appearance has fulfilled your desires? Even if the man is not Eugene Nolan, I’m sure
you’d have agreed too. Olivia, are you sure you love him?”

Olivia nodded before she elaborated, “I also thought so, where I only accepted him because he fulfilled
what I needed at that moment. I know I don’t warm up to people easily and it’s difficult for me to fall in
love. However, I agreed to be his girlfriend in a short, few months. I was apprehensive, but after
mingling with him, I noticed that he’s a good man. He takes good care of me and North, unlike how
those rich men behave. He has self-discipline and gives me enough security. I find that I jell in well with
his family too, so don’t worry, George, I know what I want. He really treats me well.”

Now that she had said those words, he couldn’t find it in himself to retort her. He was now relieved
because he knew that apart from him, no one else could take care of her.

He slowly stood up and returned to his room.

Olivia glanced at North, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation silently at the side. It was as
if he intentionally exposed the matter.

“Did you do it on purpose?”

“Did you do it on purpose?”

North feigned innocence as he asked, “Huh?”

She looked at him. “You knew that Mr. George is in the dark about my relationship with your father, so
why the hell did you say it was your father’s watch?”

He retorted, “If I didn’t say it, how are you going to explain it to Uncle George?”

Olivia was speechless.

Then, North grinned. “Uncle George already noticed that it’s Daddy’s watch. Would it matter if you
continue to hide the truth? You might as well be honest.”

By him doing so, he would no longer need to be worried that Mr. George would snatch his mommy.

It was an excellent move!

So, he figured he should drink a glass of milk to reward himself.

At that thought, North went to the fridge to get his milk before returning to the table.

“Why are you acting like it doesn’t affect you at all? Uncle George really treasured you for nothing.”

North shook his legs and explained while drinking his milk, “Even though Uncle George treats me well,
he’s still not my father! I can’t justify my receiving my future inheritance that way!”

About Super Wife’s Three Babies - Chapter 997

Super Wife’s Three Babies is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below
Chapter 997 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all

the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please
read chapter Chapter 997 and update the next chapters of this series at

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