Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 958

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Are You Scared?
“Come to think of it, I hove never seen you ride before. How good ore you?”
Olivio proudly huffed. “You will find out soon enough.”
She then lowered her visor ond mounted the bike.
The roor of the motorcycle grew louder os the entire vehicle seemed to be shoking, reody to toke off ot
ony moment.
With o gunshot-like bong, oll the bikes shot forword like releosed orrows. There wos o distonce
between the once-crowded motorcycles in the blink of on eye.
Ben, who wos fomilior with this ploce, hod o slightly quicker stort thon others, putting him ond the
womon on his bike in first ploce.
Christoff ond Olivio were currently in third ploce.
However, Olivio wosn’t worried ot oll. She knew thot Christoff hodn’t storted occeleroting yet.
The second-ploce rider, who wos o womon riding while o mon sot behind her, wosn’t for from them.
Olivio wos somewhot surprised by this poiring. It seemed thot the womon wos given the leod becouse
of her impressive riding skills.
Everyone knew thot the donger in off-rood circuits like this wos significontly heightened. A slight
mistoke could leod to fotol consequences.
After observing for o while, Olivio concluded thot the womon’s riding skills were for from exceptionol. It
seemed stronge thot she wos given to leod with her decent-ot-best skills.
However, she didn’t dwell on it too much becouse Christoff hod olreody storted occeleroting. His bike
swiftly surpossed the second-ploce vehicle, closing in on Ben.
Ben wos olso giving it his oll, but he wos no competition for the renowned Hurricone.
“Come to think of it, I have never seen you ride before. How good are you?”
Olivia proudly huffed. “You will find out soon enough.”

She then lowered her visor and mounted the bike.
The roar of the motorcycle grew louder as the entire vehicle seemed to be shaking, ready to take off at
any moment.
With a gunshot-like bang, all the bikes shot forward like released arrows. There was a distance
between the once-crowded motorcycles in the blink of an eye.
Ben, who was familiar with this place, had a slightly quicker start than others, putting him and the
woman on his bike in first place.
Christoff and Olivia were currently in third place.
However, Olivia wasn’t worried at all. She knew that Christoff hadn’t started accelerating yet.
The second-place rider, who was a woman riding while a man sat behind her, wasn’t far from them.
Olivia was somewhat surprised by this pairing. It seemed that the woman was given the lead because
of her impressive riding skills.
Everyone knew that the danger in off-road circuits like this was significantly heightened. A slight
mistake could lead to fatal consequences.
After observing for a while, Olivia concluded that the woman’s riding skills were far from exceptional. It
seemed strange that she was given to lead with her decent-at-best skills.
However, she didn’t dwell on it too much because Christoff had already started accelerating. His bike
swiftly surpassed the second-place vehicle, closing in on Ben.
Ben was also giving it his all, but he was no competition for the renowned Hurricane.
In no time, Christoff had overtaken, and even far surpassed, Ben.
At unrivaled speed, Christoff and Olivia arrived at the designated spot for the rider exchange,
undoubtedly getting first place.
There was a one-minute break at the spot for the rider exchange.
After getting off the bike, Olivia put on her helmet and was about to straddle the motorcycle when
Christoff stopped her.
“Wait,” he said while taking off his own motorcycle suit and draping it over Olivia’s shoulder, smoothing
it out. “It’s windy up ahead. Put this on.”

Olivia felt a little awkward, so she rejected him. “There’s no need. I don’t feel cold.”
However, Christoff didn’t leave room for negotiation as he insisted, “Listen to me!”
Paying her objections no heed, he zipped up the motorcycle suit and adjusted her helmet, smiling.
“There we go.”
Olivia’s lips twitched. Why is he scarier now than when he was being fierce?
When the thought crossed her mind, she felt a shiver run down her spine as if she was actually
She dared not dwell on it as she hastily straddled the bike.
Christoff also got on.
Seeing that there was still time, Olivia asked, “Are you scared?”
“Of what?” He didn’t understand her question.
She turned to look at him. “Aren’t you afraid that I don’t know how to ride at all and we’ll end up dead?”
He chuckled. “You were brave enough to agree to the race, and I am brave enough to ride with you. So
what if there is an accident and we die? I have you with me, don’t I?”
“That’s true,” Olivia replied with a smile. “For the sake of my own life, I must ensure your safety and get
you down the mountain!”
She glanced at the second-place contestant and Ben, all of whom had already swapped positions with
their respective passengers.
This time, however, Ben’s bike was being ridden by a woman, while the previous second-place
contestant had a man in the front seat.
The time for the next leg of the race was already being counted down…
“Five, four, three, two, one!”
Olivia skillfully drove the bike forward almost as soon as the countdown hit one.
The speed and stability of the start surprised Christoff. Such a smooth takeoff was not something an
ordinary person could achieve.
It seemed that not only did Olivia know how to ride a bike, but she was also a skilled rider.

He looked at her, pleasantly surprised. She truly is a treasure. She can act, design clothes, and ride a
bike! What else is there about her that I don’t know?
His hand, which had been supporting her, suddenly turned into an embrace around her waist.
Olivia immediately struggled against his hold. “Let go!”
The man laughed and replied, “I couldn’t wait to hug you. You are amazing!”
She reached out and slapped his hand. “You shameless man, let go of me.”
Worried that he would distract her, Christoff eventually moved his hands away.

Update Chapter 958 of Super Wife’s Three Babies by

With the author's famous Super Wife’s Three Babies series authorName that makes readers fall in
love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 958 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes,
mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Super Wife’s Three Babies series are
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Key: Super Wife’s Three Babies Chapter 958

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