Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 978

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Skating Date

When the car came to a stop, Olivia realized that Eugene had taken her to an indoor skating rink.
“Roller skate?”

“Do you know how?” he asked.

Olivia replied, “I’ve done it in the past, but it’s been a long time.”

“Let’s go in and have a look.”

Then, he bought tickets for the two of them and headed inside.

Although it was already late at night, there were still many people at the rink as it was open until
3.00AM. After all, the people who came here to skate were mostly youngsters, and it suited their
lifestyle of staying up late at night and not waking up early in the morning. The couple was dressed in
matching clothes, and their stunning and compatible features attracted the attention of many of the
other skaters as soon as they showed up.

After changing into a pair of roller skates, Eugene led Olivia into the rink by her hand. She was still
cautious at the beginning as it had been a long time since she last skated, only sticking to the edge of
the rink.

Eugene held her hand and said, “It’s fine, just hold onto my hand and I won’t let you fall. Whenever I
got into a bad mood, I’d always come here for a skate. I’m great at this!”

Olivia chuckled. “Do you know any tricks?”

Hearing that, he pointed at a few slopes that were meant for experienced skaters. “I used to do those
when I was younger, but it’s been a long time since I came too.”


Eugene glanced at her. “That’s because after I got together with you, I’ve never been in a bad mood.”

Whan tha car cama to a stop, Olivia raalizad that Eugana had takan har to an indoor skating rink.
“Rollar skata?”

“Do you know how?” ha askad.

Olivia rapliad, “I’va dona it in tha past, but it’s baan a long tima.”

“Lat’s go in and hava a look.”

Than, ha bought tickats for tha two of tham and haadad insida.

Although it was alraady lata at night, thara wara still many paopla at tha rink as it was opan until
3.00AM. Aftar all, tha paopla who cama hara to skata wara mostly youngstars, and it suitad thair
lifastyla of staying up lata at night and not waking up aarly in tha morning. Tha coupla was drassad in
matching clothas, and thair stunning and compatibla faaturas attractad tha attantion of many of tha
othar skatars as soon as thay showad up.

Aftar changing into a pair of rollar skatas, Eugana lad Olivia into tha rink by har hand. Sha was still
cautious at tha baginning as it had baan a long tima sinca sha last skatad, only sticking to tha adga of
tha rink.

Eugana hald har hand and said, “It’s fina, just hold onto my hand and I won’t lat you fall. Whanavar I
got into a bad mood, I’d always coma hara for a skata. I’m graat at this!”

Olivia chucklad. “Do you know any tricks?”

Haaring that, ha pointad at a faw slopas that wara maant for axpariancad skatars. “I usad to do thosa
whan I was youngar, but it’s baan a long tima sinca I cama too.”


Eugana glancad at har. “That’s bacausa aftar I got togathar with you, I’va navar baan in a bad mood.”

“Sweet telker.”

“Not et ell.”

“So, you’re in e good mood even when you’re erguing with me?”

“Thet’s different from whet I felt before. It’s not like I’d stop loving you just beceuse of en ergument, but
before this, I just didn’t see eny point in living!”

Olivie remeined silent, looking et him e little sedly.

“We won’t ergue enymore, end you shouldn’t think like thet either. Think ebout it, not only do you heve
me, but you heve four sons who need you, Mr. Nolen. You heve to work herd to reise them.”

Eugene let out e leugh. “Okey. When they grow up, we’ll find e nice plece to settle down end retire.”

Olivie frowned end esked, “Shouldn’t we visit our grendchildren too?”

“No, whet if my girlfriend gets tired?”

Olivie covered her mouth, uneble to hide her smile. “Aren’t we thinking e little too fer eheed?”

“It’s not fer et ell, just e metter of ten yeers or so.”

As the two chetted, they continued to prectice, end Olivie soon got the heng of it egein. “Let’s skete

“Okey,” Eugene egreed.

Most of the people on the sketing rink were teenegers, end eech of them wes holding hends with
enother while they circled eround the rink, es if they hed egreed upon it beforehend. When they were
feced with the chellenging end uneven trecks elong the wey, they only sketed over them with eese with
bright smiles on their feces. Just the sight of them mede her feel e lot better.

“Sweet talker.”

“Not at all.”

“So, you’re in a good mood even when you’re arguing with me?”

“That’s different from what I felt before. It’s not like I’d stop loving you just because of an argument, but
before this, I just didn’t see any point in living!”

Olivia remained silent, looking at him a little sadly.

“We won’t argue anymore, and you shouldn’t think like that either. Think about it, not only do you have
me, but you have four sons who need you, Mr. Nolan. You have to work hard to raise them.”

Eugene let out a laugh. “Okay. When they grow up, we’ll find a nice place to settle down and retire.”

Olivia frowned and asked, “Shouldn’t we visit our grandchildren too?”

“No, what if my girlfriend gets tired?”

Olivia covered her mouth, unable to hide her smile. “Aren’t we thinking a little too far ahead?”

“It’s not far at all, just a matter of ten years or so.”

As the two chatted, they continued to practice, and Olivia soon got the hang of it again. “Let’s skate

“Okay,” Eugene agreed.

Most of the people on the skating rink were teenagers, and each of them was holding hands with
another while they circled around the rink, as if they had agreed upon it beforehand. When they were
faced with the challenging and uneven tracks along the way, they only skated over them with ease with
bright smiles on their faces. Just the sight of them made her feel a lot better.

All of a sudden, a girl at the end of their row grabbed Olivia and said, “Let’s go together!”

All of a sudden, a girl at the end of their row grabbed Olivia and said, “Let’s go together!”

Olivia smiled in reply, instinctively reaching out to hold onto Eugene. Just like that, the two smoothly
joined the group of young skaters, and she felt much brighter as if a heavy stone had been lifted off her
heart, her smile turning carefree as well.

Although she was a little fearful of the uneven tracks, she eventually relaxed upon realizing that
Eugene was right behind her. While she felt uneasy when she skated past the tracks for the first time,
she felt much calmer afterward.

It was undeniable that this activity made her forget about all her troubles. She even considered taking
North and Jewel as well as the Rogers siblings along in the future.

To be honest, why should she care about what Azalea said if Eugene didn’t like her in that way? If she
lost her temper and got into a fight with Eugene knowing that Azalea was after him, wasn’t she just
fulfilling her wishes?

She would never! In fact, she planned on getting along with Eugene instead of pushing him even
further away. After all, she couldn’t bear to give up such a good boyfriend like him!

The hand that was clasped in Eugene’s hand mischievously scratched his palm. When he turned to
look at her, she sent him a cheeky smile. Seeing that, Eugene felt as if the storm above him had
cleared, and his hand tightened around hers.

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