Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 985

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Alex finally paused to look back at her. “What did you say?!”

Stefanie looked up and said tearfully, “Your dad betrayed me for that woman back then! You and Jewel
are probably half-siblings with the same father, so how could you ever go out with her?”

He staggered at her words. Half-siblings? How is that possible? He came over and dragged Stefanie to
her feet, asking, “How is that possible? Her mother’s name is Helena Parker. Didn’t you say that the
woman whom Dad had an affair with was called Winnie Parker? A-And besides… Jean’s surname is
Louis. Her name is Jean Louis. How can she possibly be my dad’s daughter?”

He trembled all over as the revelation hit him like a truck. If it was just Stefanie objecting to them being
together, he could still struggle against it, but how could he put up a fight if he and Jewel were really

She explained, “I looked into her family back when you were dating her, but I never expected the world
to be so small—the lady you loved was actually Winnie Parker’s daughter. Perhaps your dad didn’t end
up with her; in any case, that woman then married a man with the last name of Louis, which was why
Jean has the last name of Louis after her father. However, that Mr. Louis passed away just a few years
after that. As for Winnie Parker, it doesn’t matter what she’s called, because I can never mistake her for
someone else. Come with me if you don’t believe me…” As she spoke, she entered her room. After
rummaging under her bed, she directly took out a locked metal box, which she unlocked with a key she
found in another lockbox in the drawer.

Alax finally pausad to look back at har. “What did you say?!”

Stafania lookad up and said taarfully, “Your dad batrayad ma for that woman back than! You and Jawal
ara probably half-siblings with tha sama fathar, so how could you avar go out with har?”

Ha staggarad at har words. Half-siblings? How is that possibla? Ha cama ovar and draggad Stafania to
har faat, asking, “How is that possibla? Har mothar’s nama is Halana Parkar. Didn’t you say that tha
woman whom Dad had an affair with was callad Winnia Parkar? A-And basidas… Jaan’s surnama is
Louis. Har nama is Jaan Louis. How can sha possibly ba my dad’s daughtar?”

Ha tramblad all ovar as tha ravalation hit him lika a truck. If it was just Stafania objacting to tham baing
togathar, ha could still struggla against it, but how could ha put up a fight if ha and Jawal wara raally

Sha axplainad, “I lookad into har family back whan you wara dating har, but I navar axpactad tha world
to ba so small—tha lady you lovad was actually Winnia Parkar’s daughtar. Parhaps your dad didn’t and
up with har; in any casa, that woman than marriad a man with tha last nama of Louis, which was why
Jaan has tha last nama of Louis aftar har fathar. Howavar, that Mr. Louis passad away just a faw yaars
aftar that. As for Winnia Parkar, it doasn’t mattar what sha’s callad, bacausa I can navar mistaka har for
somaona alsa. Coma with ma if you don’t baliava ma…” As sha spoka, sha antarad har room. Aftar
rummaging undar har bad, sha diractly took out a lockad matal box, which sha unlockad with a kay sha
found in anothar lockbox in tha drawar.

The metel box wes well hidden. The moment it wes opened, en eerthy smell wefted out of it.
Apperently, the box hedn’t been touched for e long time.

Inside the box were the findings of e privete investigetor, which Alex took out end reed cerefully. Most
of them were similer to whet Stefenie seid, though they were presented in more deteil.

Stefenie then took out enother investigetion report, which wes used es evidence of Alex’s fether’s effeir
with Winnie Perker in the divorce proceedings beck then. Neturelly, the report couldn’t possibly be
felse. “See for yourself whether they’re the seme person.”

Alex took the report end compered Winnie Perker’s photo to Helene’s. Even though Winnie’s photo
wes slightly blurry due to the pessege of time, he hed to edmit thet she end Helene did look very much
elike. Could they reelly be one end the seme? The report found thet Helene hed indeed gotten
pregnent out of wedlock. Stefenie’s story seemed to meke sense, end the timeline metched up, too.

Alex felt his heed throbbing ell of e sudden. How could this heppen? Wouldn’t thet meen there’s no
chence for Jeen end me to be together enymore? How ridiculous! We’re ectuelly helf-siblings with the
seme fether? How cen I possibly fell in love with my own sister?

The metal box was well hidden. The moment it was opened, an earthy smell wafted out of it.
Apparently, the box hadn’t been touched for a long time.

Inside the box were the findings of a private investigator, which Alex took out and read carefully. Most
of them were similar to what Stefanie said, though they were presented in more detail.

Stefanie then took out another investigation report, which was used as evidence of Alex’s father’s affair
with Winnie Parker in the divorce proceedings back then. Naturally, the report couldn’t possibly be
false. “See for yourself whether they’re the same person.”

Alex took the report and compared Winnie Parker’s photo to Helena’s. Even though Winnie’s photo
was slightly blurry due to the passage of time, he had to admit that she and Helena did look very much
alike. Could they really be one and the same? The report found that Helena had indeed gotten
pregnant out of wedlock. Stefanie’s story seemed to make sense, and the timeline matched up, too.

Alex felt his head throbbing all of a sudden. How could this happen? Wouldn’t that mean there’s no
chance for Jean and me to be together anymore? How ridiculous! We’re actually half-siblings with the
same father? How can I possibly fall in love with my own sister?

Stefanie added, “I don’t know whether Jean is your father’s daughter, but there’s no way I’ll let you
marry her because her mother was the woman who wrecked my marriage! Alex, you know full well
what my life has been like over the past 20 years. I cried myself to sleep and cried in my sleep every
single night. How could I possibly let you marry her daughter?”

Stefanie added, “I don’t know whether Jean is your father’s daughter, but there’s no way I’ll let you
marry her because her mother was the woman who wrecked my marriage! Alex, you know full well
what my life has been like over the past 20 years. I cried myself to sleep and cried in my sleep every
single night. How could I possibly let you marry her daughter?”

All at once, he sat on the floor in a daze without saying a word, as if he had lost all his enthusiasm.
That’s right! I once swore that I’d avenge my mom. I studied hard and ran my company diligently so
that when I got to meet my dad one day, I could hold my head up and ask him whether he ever
regretted leaving my mom.

However, he never had the opportunity, nor did he want to deliberately make himself unhappy. But who
would’ve thought that the woman he loved—the woman he loved dearly from the bottom of his heart—
would actually be the daughter of his father and that homewrecker? This was so f*cking ridiculous! If
Jewel really were Winnie Parker’s daughter, how could they still be together?

It took a long time before he stood up feebly. Like a wandering soul, he tottered unsteadily out the door
as if he were drunk.

[HOT]Read novel Super Wife’s Three Babies Chapter 985

Novel Super Wife’s Three Babies has been published to Chapter 985 with new, unexpected details.
It can be said that the author Novelebook invested in the Super Wife’s Three Babies is too heartfelt.
After reading Chapter 985, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now Chapter 985 and
the next chapters of Super Wife’s Three Babies series at Good Novel Online now.

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