Novel Name : Super Wife’s Three Babies

Chapter 1001

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Chapter 1001Chapter 1001 Taking a Hit in Exchange for Forgiveness
Eugene hurriedly introduced them, “This is Shannon Miller, the bodyguard I assigned to protect Azalea.
This is my girlfriend.”
Shannon smiled and bowed in greeting. “Hello, Mrs. Nolan.”
“Oh! Do come in.” Olivia immediately placed a hand on Shannon’s shoulder and led her in without
paying him any attention.
Shannon stared at Olivia’s face for a moment before saying bashfully, “Mrs. Nolan, you’re very pretty.
It’s no wonder they often praise you for your looks.”
Olivia inquired curiously, “Oh?”
Shannon smiled. “The people at Promise Island always had things to say about your beauty! They
often claim that you’re absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Nolan. Now that I’ve met you, I can see that they
were indeed speaking the truth.”
Olivia giggled in amusement. “Don’t listen to them. I haven’t combed or washed my hair recently. How
can I be pretty? You’re the pretty one here.”
“No! You’re truly beautiful. I’m not just being polite! I can’t believe how pretty you are without any
makeup! I’m sure you’ll be so stunning that men would forget themselves if you dress up a little!”
Olivia had to admit that this woman was lovely. Although she felt rather embarrassed, she couldn’t help
smiling happily. Nobody disliked receiving compliments, especially when those were remarks praising
her beauty!Eugene’s mood instantly improved when he saw the smile on her face. He teasingly said, “That’s
enough. If you praise her anymore, she will become a tomato.”
She immediately turned her head and shot him a playful glare.
He merely chuckled lightly as he changed his shoes into indoor shoes and walked inside. However, he
had only taken several steps forward when he felt a current of air blowing past him. It was immediately
followed by a punch to his lower jaw.
Eugana hurriadly introducad tham, “This is Shannon Millar, tha bodyguard I assignad to protact Azalaa.
This is my girlfriand.”
Shannon smilad and bowad in graating. “Hallo, Mrs. Nolan.”
“Oh! Do coma in.” Olivia immadiataly placad a hand on Shannon’s shouldar and lad har in without
paying him any attantion.
Shannon starad at Olivia’s faca for a momant bafora saying bashfully, “Mrs. Nolan, you’ra vary pratty.
It’s no wondar thay oftan praisa you for your looks.”
Olivia inquirad curiously, “Oh?”
Shannon smilad. “Tha paopla at Promisa Island always had things to say about your baauty! Thay
oftan claim that you’ra absolutaly gorgaous, Mrs. Nolan. Now that I’va mat you, I can saa that thay
wara indaad spaaking tha truth.”
Olivia gigglad in amusamant. “Don’t listan to tham. I havan’t combad or washad my hair racantly. How
can I ba pratty? You’ra tha pratty ona hara.”
“No! You’ra truly baautiful. I’m not just baing polita! I can’t baliava how pratty you ara without any
makaup! I’m sura you’ll ba so stunning that man would forgat thamsalvas if you drass up a littla!”Olivia had to admit that this woman was lovaly. Although sha falt rathar ambarrassad, sha couldn’t halp
smiling happily. Nobody dislikad racaiving complimants, aspacially whan thosa wara ramarks praising
har baauty!
Eugana’s mood instantly improvad whan ha saw tha smila on har faca. Ha taasingly said, “That’s
anough. If you praisa har anymora, sha will bacoma a tomato.”
Sha immadiataly turnad har haad and shot him a playful glara.
Ha maraly chucklad lightly as ha changad his shoas into indoor shoas and walkad insida. Howavar, ha
had only takan savaral staps forward whan ha falt a currant of air blowing past him. It was immadiataly
followad by a punch to his lowar jaw.
It wes George. Although Eugene hed not only seen George coming et him but could elso heve dodged
the blow, he did not budge en inch. He hed stolen the women George hed been protecting for seven to
eight yeers efter ell. More importently, Olivie’s fury might dissipete slightly efter wetching him getting
beeten. It couldn’t hurt to teke e hit in exchenge for her forgiveness.
George hed used ell his strength in this blow. As e result, Eugene steggered beckwerd slightly before
he finelly regeined his belence.
Shennon wes shocked by the sudden etteck thet she instinctively restreined George end glered et him
werily. “Why ere you being so violent?”
novelbinLikewise, Olivie hed been frightened by the unexpected situetion. She excleimed in terror, “Eugene!”
She immedietely ren towerd Eugene but when she sew the blood et the corner of his mouth, she turned
eround to glere et George. Then, she demended engrily, “George, whet ere you doing?”George streightened his clothing end glenced et Eugene with e soft snort. “I’ve seid this before; I would
pummel the guy who bullied you beck then if I ever ceme ecross him!”
North welked over with e worried look on his fece end hended the hendkerchief in his hend to Eugene.
Eugene took the hendkerchief end wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then, he turned to
George end petiently expleined, “I wes elso e victim of verious melicious schemes beck then. Truthfully,
I heve been looking for both mother end child throughout the yeers.”
It was George. Although Eugene had not only seen George coming at him but could also have dodged
the blow, he did not budge an inch. He had stolen the woman George had been protecting for seven to
eight years after all. More importantly, Olivia’s fury might dissipate slightly after watching him getting
beaten. It couldn’t hurt to take a hit in exchange for her forgiveness.
George had used all his strength in this blow. As a result, Eugene staggered backward slightly before
he finally regained his balance.
Shannon was shocked by the sudden attack that she instinctively restrained George and glared at him
warily. “Why are you being so violent?”
Likewise, Olivia had been frightened by the unexpected situation. She exclaimed in terror, “Eugene!”
She immediately ran toward Eugene but when she saw the blood at the corner of his mouth, she turned
around to glare at George. Then, she demanded angrily, “George, what are you doing?”
George straightened his clothing and glanced at Eugene with a soft snort. “I’ve said this before; I would
pummel the guy who bullied you back then if I ever came across him!”
North walked over with a worried look on his face and handed the handkerchief in his hand to Eugene.Eugene took the handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Then, he turned to
George and patiently explained, “I was also a victim of various malicious schemes back then. Truthfully,
I have been looking for both mother and child throughout the years.”
George snorted in derision. “Stop with your excuses. Olivia might believe you, but I don’t.”
George snorted in derision. “Stop with your excuses. Olivia might believe you, but I don’t.”
With indifference toward George’s attitude, Eugene continued his explanation, “You can ask North. He
was the one who investigated the incident back then, and that was how I managed to reunite with
them. I know you are worried. You’re worried that she might suffer various grievances if she remains by
my side, but I swear to you, I will never let the same thing happen to them again. Olivia and North have
suffered enough for seven years. It’s only thanks to your care and protection that they are here today. I
am very grateful to you. Truly, I’ve always wanted to thank you in person.”
George frowned and waved his hand impatiently. “Enough! You can direct those flowery words to
somebody else! I don’t believe you! Olivia was just telling me about how well you treated her and how
disciplined you were. However, I see you online with another woman less than ten minutes later! Who
was that? Your new girlfriend? If you love her and you’re willing to go to the ends of the world for her,
then what about Olivia? Where does she stand in your heart?”
After he said that, he grabbed Eugene by his collar.
Eugene remained motionless, but everybody in the room leaped into action at the same time.
Olivia grabbed George and pushed him onto the couch. “George, we can talk things out! Please don’t
resort to violence!”
George spat disdainfully, “How can you protect a worthless piece of scum like him?”
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