Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

The Drake's stench and intimidating presence caused the well-trained horses to utter neighs in fear. Although the horses of the 24th Regiment which have endured through countless battles were able to stay in position steadily, but it was impossible for those horses of the recent transfers.
The place had become a mess as the new transfers were busily trying to calm their horses down.
"Be quiet. It's because of you that the place is in this kind of mess."
From that, Sunhyuk kicked the back of the Drake.
The Drake quickly bent its pride down like a dog lowering its tail. However, the horses that were stricken with fear did not show any signs of settling down.
"Since it has eaten its meal already, I'll bring Stella over. Until then, don't start." "You've worked very hard in feeding it. So don't worry, you're the first." "Oh, is that so? That's great. I'll be right back!"
Then, with a casual greeting, Sunhyuk disappeared like the wind. In a instant, he rushed over riding a white horse.
"Then should we start? The day is getting dark, and we can't possibly repeat this tomorrow so."
From those words, the men began to retreat.
"More. Even more. Don't be caught in it."
Perceiving how the cavalrymen were now retreating for quite a ways; creating the necessary space, the transferred calvarymen stared at them strangely but did not directly ask why.
"Sunhyuk." "Yes."
Then Clarke whispered in his ear before retreating back as well.
"That guy, he's a notorious man from the southern territory. He's infamous for stabbing his senior from behind, and forcing his comrade to become handicap, so make sure to properly deal with him. If need be, it's okay to kill him." "That, that's a bit…" "Use a skill or what not. I had requested for new transfer enlisted, but they've gathered only trash here. If it's impossible to rehabilitate them, then it's ideal to cut them off beforehand."
It was still an unreasonable demand for Kim Sunhyuk who is still not yet numb to murder.
"What are you guys whispering! Are you someone that can't even ride a horse without your mother's care?!"
Maybe it was to regain his pride after seeing the Drake, the giant man shouted wildly.
"Ugh. Well, let's scare him first."
Sunhyuk was only focused on how to accomplish the mission that Clarke assigned him.
"Then start!"
The flag prepared in advance was thrown into the sky, causing the towering man to simultaneously charge towards him.
"Huh? Huh?"
In a split instant, the distance was shortened as the spectators awed in surprise. Sunhyuk who had departed at the same time was much faster. At this rate, the huge man wouldn't be able to increase his speed enough to accelerate a worthy attack, causing victory to already tilt to one side.
Though the new transfers were surprised, the cavalry of the 24th Regiment nodded, already accustomed to this. They knew better than anyone how excellent the Widow Maker was, and Stella was a monstrous horse that did not back down and show any fear against the Drake.
The giant man yelled before powerfully thrusting out his spear. Though he did not have much momentum entering the joust, the force of the thrust was still quite impressive.
However, he encountered the wrong opponent.
Sunhyuk who had experienced two skirmishes of actual battles within the recent conflicts. He was no longer a fledgling Rider anymore, as he would not submit towards a Rider who hadn't even properly engaged in actual life and death combat before.
To have to go this far…
Sunhyuk sighed once more before quietly muttering something before the collision.
"Wind Piercing."
Though there wasn't a great deal of attribute's strength spiralling on his spear like before, a simple charging of energy was all it took.
An explosion roared through the air as the aura pierced towards him, causing the man to tumble from his horse.
Fortunately, since he was not at full speed, he was able to barely escape the blow. Staring back in a dumbfounded state, as he fell off his horse.
"Well done."
The 24th Regiment did not even shout. Instead, they just nodded in consent.
On the other hand, the new transfers were completely stupefied at what just happened. Though the giant man had thrusted at the exact timing, his opponent had simply scattered his attack. The men wondered exactly what kind of method he used as a result.
With a single shout, the giant man collapsed from his stance as the overwhelming blow crashed into his shield, pushing him back.
It was a defeat due to an overwhelming difference in skill, causing the faces of the new transfers to darken.
"That guy is the youngest? How monstrous are the others then?" "Could it be that the others are also riding monsters like him?"
Sunhyuk chuckled hearing the voices of the new transfers through the power of wind.
He licked his lips staring at the new transfers in front of him like they were merely prey. From that, the transfers shivered once more.
Fortunately, there was no new transferred cavalrymen that selected Sunhyuk afterwards. However, avoiding him did not mean that they would win. Against the cavalrymen who have gone through hellish training and also life-or-death battle against the Sastane Cavalry, they were exceptionally strong themselves.
"Are we done? Even if you have lost, I will give you another chance again. So if there's anyone that wants to challenge again, speak now."
The transfers who had challenged relentlessly and charged at them before becoming unconscious had finally bent their ego.
There was nothing they can do. Whether it was pride, or enduring until the end, they could not win anything against the opposition, causing the transfers not to dare challenge again.
"Then, it's understood that everything's been settled?"
The new calvarymen couldn't even reply to Clarke's question as they lowered their heads in shame. Then, they bowed to the cavalry of the 24th Regiment once more.
"You're welcome, new recruits." "Starting tomorrow, be prepared for some intense training. We'll make you into real men." "We'll let you scream nice and loud."
But that welcome was so detailed that the transfers feeble groans were incapacitated.
"Quite a boisterous bunch." "Well, all of those cavalrymen think the same, isn't that so? I would abhor having someone less capable than me stand above me. I do not want to run behind a guy slower than me. That's why you have to step on guys such as them like this."
From the Captain's words, Clarke replied calmly.
"Is there a problem?" "Of course not. Even if there was one, it would only end up with a few casualties… No. Rather, there are some who are better off dead." "Ah, is it a political matter?"
Clarke asked with a troublesome heart, which the Captain nodded to.
"An illegitimate child [TL: son of a concubine] of Count Paslon had entered the troops." "I've heard that the eldest son of Count Paslon has been sick with a serious disease…" "That is true. It seems that it'll be hard for him to survive past the age of thirty. Though there are three sons, there are credible rumors that they are all hopeless. There are even rumors that some are even considering supporting the illegitimate child who also has the blood of Count Paslon.
Grasping the situation in an instant, Clarke frowned.
"Whether they have realized what is transpiring, they have transferred him over here." "So on one side, they wish for him to die on the battlefield, and determining that it was better to face the spear in front than have a sword aimed at them from behind their back. [TL: Basically, sent him away so they might not possibly backstab the other noble sons]
Frederik did not answer.
"So who is he? That illegitimate child?" "Jackson Hamilton."
Though the new transfers were stripped off their prideful egos, they had not lost their resilience completely. There were even one who was expressing anger out to another person.
"You bastard. Are you saying that you don't consider us comrades? Are you trying to survive by yourself?"
The new transfer who was beaten to a bloody nose began to quarrel against Jackson.
"What's so strange of a soldier following orders?"
But Jackson's reaction was as firm as a cactus.
"A bastard that doesn't even know comradery…" "That's enough."
It was then that Clarke entered the tent of the new transfers.
"Comradery does not rise from causing accidents like these, but enduring through hardships together, you stupid bastard."
The moment Clarke entered, they felt like they were like rabbits in front of a wolf.
"Is there anyone who died from the hazing? Reply if there is…"
It was impossible for a dead person to reply. Fortunately, there was none who had died.
"Then is there anyone that is aching so much that they can't speak anymore? Reply…"
The new transfers did not reply this time as well.
"What a relief. Everyone come along."
Unlike the first time when they were recusant to his words, all the transfers speechlessly marched out of the tent.
"Is the hazing not over yet?"
As if he was pleased with how firm his question was despite his current, injured appearance, Clarke replied kindly.
"No. If you guys defied with such passion, then we must finish the job cleanly as well."
Clarke then brought them over to the tent of the cavalry of the 24th Regiment.
"Oho? The recruits have come? Sit. Sit." "Hey. Look out for yourselves. Though that Captain Ahjussi had permitted it, even he can't prevent the stubbornness of the Commander."
From the scent of alcohol, the new transfers displayed puzzled looks.
"I don't care what squad you're from, how well off you were, or how powerless you are."
Clarke forced them to sit.
"Once you drink those cups in front of you, you will officially be a member of the 24th Regiment."
From that fairly manly speech, the hesitant new calvarymen raised their cups.
"Good. For the glory of the Drake Cavalry!" "Drake Cavalry?"
Hearing that title for the first time, someone asked, which Jonathan came forth and explained.
"From now forth, our troop will not use the official numbering, but the title of our squad. Though it has not officially been submitted, there's a high probability that our name will be known as the Drake Cavalry."
The fact that a normal cavalry which weren't even Knights were receiving a title, they soon realized that they were in a glorious squad as their faces lightened. It seemed that those recent unpleasant events were completely forgotten.
"For Drake Cavalry!" "For Drake Cavalry!"
Clarke declared once again, which the new transfer soldiers vigorously replied to.
"I'm in your care." "Let's be friendly from now on." "I…will believe and follow you."
Those simple men whom were full of complaints were greatly satisfied as they had forgotten their grievances with those cups of alcohol.
"Yeah. You've come well."
Though the tone and attitude of the recruits weren't so formal, Sunhyuk smiled as he warmly welcomed his successors.
After drinking some time, the atmosphere that the guys had started to change slowly.
"Huh? Where did everyone go?" "I think they all went to the washroom as a group."
But, after they were drinking for quite some time, there were no members of the original Drake Cavalry that was present here. No… There was one remaining.
There was Sunhyuk whose face had reddened from the large intake of alcohol.
"Where did everyone…" "Hey."
All that they heard was Sunhyuk who answered loudly.
"Yes? Yes."
Since his first impression of riding the Drake was so intense and intimidating, they had already recognized him as their senior as they waited in silence.
"Don't you know how hard it is for me?"
But what they heard was completely different from what they had expected.
The next day, every single new transfer stood firmly as if they were all military disciplined from get go.
"It seems that you've handled them more than I thought. I like it very much."
Though his face was a mess, but he did not reply to the compliment from the Captain. His face was even slightly haggard.
"Well, our youngest did work his hardest."
Though Clarke chuckled as he patted Sunhyuk's shoulders, unable to remember what he had done last night, he stared at Clarke with a stupefied look.
"Once the troops that Mengsk fortress have deployed arrives here, we will immediately head to the capital so make sure to maintain your equipment and condition in top form." "Oh yeah! Reward time!"
From the Captain's words, the cavalrymen cheered.
A grand reward was awaiting them. A first-class reward, and promotions for every single one of them was waiting for them. Among them, the one who had the most awards and promotions was Sunhyuk.
Knighted as a nobility and an extremely large reward, Sunhyuk would finally be able to confidently step out of being ignored as a lowly Dragon Rider.
"Then that person in charge…
He was already being flustered at the thought of meeting the advisor who had poured out heaps of expectations for him a few times.
He'll see that person soon.
His wait was not long. Prior to heading to the capital, they changed paths and visited the place where the advisor was staying.
"Long time no see."
And thus the advisor's face was familiar.
TL Afterword:
Calvis: Damn, Drake Cavalry is a catching name, but I can't help but wonder who that advisor is. He's from the Royal family, and yet they already met quite a lot of times. Any guesses?
PR Afterword:
T0ngan: LMAO – They actually unleashed MC in his drunken master styles on the new transfers… Borderline Masochist: N/A
Translator: Calvis Editor: T0ngan/Borderline Masochist

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