Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 136

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Chapter 136

Treasures of Addesen (2)
To enter the royal road in a loud way anyway, he was also unwilling. The loud victory was merely an inconvenience to him. In that respect, the direction of King Theodore was rather contrary.
However, I was just struck by the fact that I could not figure out what that was about.
“Your Majesty’s orders … ”
It seemed that I had to meet with the parties to find out what the instructions of this instruction were.
“Did you meet someone on the way here, or did you contact me?”
In the question of Abshillingugnay Leverkusen, he shook his head.
There was no way he would meet with other people who had moved through the sky in the first place. I was afraid that people would be surprised to see the monster, even if I had solved the rest in the same way as homelessness in the plain, not the village.
“Fortunately, the.”
A middle-aged knight who left the words of Ando shortly looked at him silently.
“Something is complicated.”
The knight glanced at Redburn instead of the answer. He looked at him as if he were going to get rid of the visible monsters first and talk to him.
“Until I call it again, it is not noticeable.”
Red Bull, who was looking at the master of the slipper, flashed and suddenly it disappeared away.
“Are you done now?”
“Thank you. The only Wyvern rider in the entire continent, Shinji, is likely to be exposed by simply witnessing Wyvern. ”
The middle-aged knight who said so handed a dull colored lobe.
“Even if you are uncomfortable, you should be covering your face until you arrive.”
“I will.”
Kim Sun – hyuk wrapped the robe he had passed around his head. Looking back, Asha Trail and Julien were looking exactly the same.
“Then I will guide you.”
Kim Sun-hyuk, who climbed the horse that the Royal Guard had prepared, began moving along.
Arriving at Wangseong, it was frightening that Kim Sun-hyuk had to leave the party.
“Sir Trail. Thank you Julian. ”
Asha Trail nods his head, looking at the young seed’s hand, instead of the answer.
“You need a lot of seed.”
I was surprised to find out that the press secretary Gerhard Nau Leverkusen, who has only moved his steps so far,
“It’s a good kid. It’s also competent. ”
In addition, he was a poor child who suffered from aftereffects that stopped his growth. So recently, I was worried more and more and I was worried about it. The fact is that Julien is several times stronger and stronger than himself.
“i See.”
The middle – aged writer was no longer asking about Julien.
“Come this way.”
Kim Sun-hyuk was introduced to a deep place after the visit of King Sang-sung who had a tea time with a prince one day.
“Well… ”
At some point, the images of the maids who came to the temple disappear, and the elements of the elements were blindfolded.
“Will you wait here for a moment?”
Abshilling Gdneu Leverkusen, who guided him so deeply, sought for his understanding. He answered, and the middle – aged man soon disappeared somewhere.
Kim Sun-hyuk looked around while the Knights of the King’s Guard were away for a while.
The courtyard decorated with candles was quiet, and even invisible, it felt as if it were alone in the world. But he knew that his unguarded gardens were heavier than any place he had ever been.
There were dozens of places in the garden that did not show up. If it was not a wind chime, it was a secret surveillance that could not be noticed.
Kim Sun-hyeok intuitively came to realize that this place is the deepest point in the visit only allowed to the royal family.
끙. What the hell is going on.
I was afraid that I had to leave the land that I loved to my feet.
“Death Race.”
The Knights of the Royal Guard, which had been gone for a while, disappeared.
“Your Majesty the King will come soon.”
Kim took off his robes and trimmed his outfit. Just a few moments away, King Theodore appeared with some knights in the distance.
“The Line of Thought Perl Kim Drake is the only ruler of the Ardenberg, and I see the king of Adesten by Theodore Tiberius who inherited the blood of Adesden.”
I have been dealing with the royal family several times already, and without knowing it, the royal method seems to me. Unconsciously, he was greeting the ruler of Ardenburg in an impolite posture.
“I’ve often heard voices through communications, but it’s been a long time since I’ve had face to face like this.”
Theodore’s presence still remained. It seemed like his silent visit was filled with the appearance of the king.
“When I saw you, ”
“Alas. I will not follow the unfamiliar rules. If you were going to be formal, you would have invited you to this war. So get up. ”
Kim opened his waist with a smile. It is uncomfortable as if you were dressed in clothes that do not fit the attitude of the king, who cares about efficiency.
“Thank you for your consideration.”
King Theodore, who saw his smile, stood in the snow.
“You have grown to such a degree that you can not even compare with the past.”
The king, who sprang a short admiration, continued.
“I know that you hate giggling ridiculous things, but I still want to apologize to the war heroes for their adventure without any hospitality.”
“I did not want hospitality, but is there a reason why I had to move so secretly?”
The expression of King Theodore was displeased.
I wonder if he was suddenly interrupted and questioned, but the king’s gender could not be normal. Perhaps it was clear that there was a reason for the king to feel bad.
“I have something I want to pursue, the nobles have a little bit of objection.”
Kim Sun – hyuk had a somewhat surprised face in the end. It is because of the overwhelming charisma and the fact that the nobleman who were presided over by aristocrats had encountered the opposition of aristocrats,
“I have promised you the greatest glory that I can have as a wise man. You have set the right ball for him, and I now want to keep the promise. ”
It seems that the opposite is related to the promised glory. Kim Sun-hyuk was worried and anticipated, and he waited for King Theodor to continue.
“But before that, I felt the need to keep in touch with you first. I offered a price for the opposition of the nobles, but if you leave the harpoon, it will look funny. ”
King Theodor stopped for a moment and stared at him.
And again!
He stared at the transparent eyes as though he had penetrated the inside. On the surface, however, he acted like a faithful servant waiting for the King’s words.
Theodore began to laugh with a chuckle rather than look at him for a long time.
“My decision was right. Now I see you, and I am convinced again. ”
The king’s words and attitudes were filled with the willingness of what was so pleasing.
“You deserve glory.”
The king, who declared it, suddenly asked the unquestioned question.
“Do you have a woman in your heart?”
I do not know what the bastard (?) Was, but Kim Sun-hyeok asked me a question that I did not even know.
He apologized later for realizing his mistakes, but the king was not interested in anything. But that made him even more uncomfortable.
“Unlike the view, it is the Young Suk.”
The king’s gaze was overly mild and overly friendly.
“I will ask you again. Is there a woman who gives her heart, or a family that Hondam comes and goes? ”
Kim had a hard time asking the persistent question. I tried to roll my head hard to see what the king was talking about, but no matter how I thought about it,
“When I saw that there was no answer, I did not have a woman in my heart.”
The king, who interpreted his silence in his own way, chuckled and laughed.
“Then there is no problem.”
“What is the problem?”
Kim Sun-hyeok did not even know that I was in the mood to expect something terrible to happen.
“You are a dragon.”
But instead of letting the king answer his questions, he called his name with a dignified voice.
“The tremendous majesty you have established can not be found beyond my expectations, I could hardly find a reward for it.”
I wanted to make sure that I did not have to worry about the reward so much, but Kim Sun-hyuk could not break the king’s words.
“I have found a reward that can be argued for a few days and nights, and it is only worth the trouble.”
My mouth was dry. I was not able to understand why I was so nervous when I received a prize not a penalty.
“I, Theodore Tiberius, will give you the most brilliant gem among the treasures of the Ardesen family.”
At the end of the jewel, Kim sneezed a sigh of relief. But it seems too early to be relieved.
The king ‘s words were not over yet, and he had to curse his own self – reliant.
“Ophilia Laurello Adesten, my dear daughter, a beautiful princess whose praise is praised by her, for she is the greatest glory I can give to you, through which you will be joined by the city of Addesen”
Kim was completely frozen. I could not understand what the king of the kingdom did.
Seeing half of his soul gone, King Theodore still remained in a majestic voice.
“I will welcome you as a royal family.”
Kim did not even remember what he had talked to the King afterwards. I just found myself staying in a hostel set in the spirit of tolerance for being granted to the royal family.
“This is crazy!”
He was speechless and spoke out.
“Is not it crazy? What is a person? ”
When he came to the royal road, Kim Sun-hyeok, who had always loved him, was forced to make an exception.
“What a prize!”
He excitedly forgot that this is the deepest place in the world.
“Such a little bitch!”
I can not understand what kind of people you are talking about. Now, as a modern man, he is only a child of fourteen years old.
But my father will give his young daughter a reward for herself. It was unbelievable for him.
If the proposer was not the head of Addesden at the height of Adenberg, he would have punished his opponent without success. So far, King Theodore’s proposal was no different from a modern man’s point of view.
Kim Sun-hyuk, who was very excited over time, was able to calm down. But the problem was not resolved, and he was going to be married to a fourteen-year-old child.
‘I will gather tomorrow’ s big and small collections and announce this decision all the time. You shall be present in your place so that the nobles will not make your name miserable. ”
The bigger problem was that the head of this powerful proponent of Adesden was about to make it happen tomorrow.
“driving me crazy.”
In marriage, unexpected situation, he fell into perfect chaos.
“Who are you?”
Kim Sun-hyeok, who asked me in the voice of the day without knowing me, came back to me later to reconsider the fact that this place was the only place where he was allowed to be a royal family.
“who are you.”
“Can I excuse you for a moment?”
He opened the door with a vigorous and hard voice and an uneasy heart.
There was only one class in the royal court, which was the same as the symbol of the royal guardian.
Theodore Tiberius was the only bloodline of Addesen and the only woman of the royal family of Addesen, the patroness of the Ophilia princess.
“May I have a look around the room for a moment before she visits?”
At the end of this conversation, rather than a question, he nodded with a desperate face.
“Excuse me.”
When I looked around here and there for a devastated man, Saga was quick to search and sent a signal outside the door.
Hurray, Hurricane.
“It’s been a while.”
I wanted to hear the light footsteps, and I heard a fresh voice like a bird.
“Seonhyuk Line Perl Kim DeLa Rong Lee see the princess … ”
Kim Sun-hyuk, who gave a reflexive example, discovered the princess and found it hard. It is because the appearance of the prince who met in a year was so different from the prince that he remembered.
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