Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

Monster Hunter ->
In the first place, Julien’s objection was to invite monster hunters to gather their own monsters because there was no knowledge. Kim Sun-hyuk did not know what Serpent was.
“Mr. Serpent. Monsters, also called Hae Ryong. If this is the only one out there, one or two of the ships departing should sail unconditionally. In other words, it is also called the disaster of the sea. ”
When he showed interest, Dixon gave a desperate argument.
“If you’re the kind of guy that would call me Hailong, that’s what I was looking for.”
Dixon’s face, which was dying from his answer, began to turn.
“But the cheater said it was not too bad. How would I know if you would do the same thing to me as you sold a fake unicorn? ”
But people must listen to the end to know. Kim Sun-hyuk was not so stupid as to trust the cheater’s words.
“This is really, this time! Believe me! ”
No matter how desperately he had to cry out that his words were not lies, there would not have been a sudden burst of trust.
“But why is it now? I would have believed if I said it before. ”
“He, it … I did not see it myself, but I roamed the southern side and just overheard the sailors’ words. If in doubt, send someone to confirm. You will find that my words are true. ”
I heard rumors saying that I would be crazy and believe me once.
“Where is that south?”
“It’s in the southern part of Rügenburg. Some of the boats that sailed at that time were sunk by Mr. Serpent, and there must be someone who remembers. ”
Except for some roads leading to the royal road, there was not a place where the roads were properly arranged. It was costly and time consuming. It was too great to endure the thought of the rumor of the rumor.
“If my words are false, you can kill me.”
Dixon said, “I did not notice his troubles at that time. It was a spoken word to the other, but he was only sneaking.
“It’s worth checking out.”
But it is as true as he is, so he made a few more checks and told Julien to send someone to check.
“Send it back to the mine.”
“Uh, why! It is not really a lie! Please believe me. ”
He looked coldly at Dixon, desperately begging for an unfair face.
“The fact that you are a criminal who harmed millions of people, whether they are real or not, does not change.”
“I have not done anything wrong with this manor!”
It was useless to cry out. He had no intention of releasing Dixon in the first few seconds.
“For the rest of your life, pay for the dark and narrow tunnels. That is the only reward I can give you. ”
“Please only once! I will live a good life … ”
He waved his hand, and Dickson was led back to the mine by the wicked men.
“Hmm. Mr. Serpent. ”
I really did not know that Mr. Serpent was a subspecies of dragons. I was just looking forward to the name of Hae Ryong.
“But what would you do if you found Mr. Serpent?”
“Of course I have to grab it … ”
Julian answered the question without thinking, but he stood firm.
“If you can catch a man named Hae Ryong, how will you carry it, and where will you bring it?”
He was laughing at the trouble he could not think of.
“I will go to that trouble then. Actually, he might not be true. ”
“That’s right … ”
In his reply, Julien asked for his answer. My master said that he did not need to worry about it already.
“So I’ll try to get them as soon as possible and check them out.”
“I’ll believe Julien.”
And when I said so, the face of Julien was not the word of the Spirit. It was rather strange that I was not tired because I was almost alone when I was young at age. But there were no other alternatives since there was no talent in the land immediately.
“It ‘s hard for me to work alone. I’m sorry I can not help you. ”
Julien shook his head as he pinched the sorry heart.
“Being stronger than your own is like having the status of your estates up so that the other lords will not be able to go over here. So let’s do something small and think of it as a desire. ”
Kim Sang-hyuk had been desperate for his administration and development for a long time. Ironically, however, it became obsessed with the growth and development of the individual since the spirit of the development of the manor was broken. It all happened to Einstein Genene after hearing the history of the summons.
“I’ll keep a secret, would you tell me more about the previous summons?”
After Kim Sun-hyuk’s words were scary, Einstein Genéger’s face hardened.
“My dear sir … ”
“I do not desire much. I just want to know if some people have gone and how they lived. ”
He bowed his head deeply and asked for it.
“Hoo … ”
It was a long time before Einstein Genner, who hesitated, started talking.
“You must keep a secret.”
“That’s it. I will take them to the grave until I die. I will never speak elsewhere. ”
He emphasized keeping secrets over and over again in earnest, and then the investigator who was closing his mouth barely opened his mouth.
“I do not know how many times it has been accurately summoned. It was the first time I had noticed the signs of the Great Summon and set up the Gujian (Guidance Chen) to gather the Gentiles in one place.
Einste Zenegger said that the previous summons was totally different from the recent summons.
“If the summoning of the present summoned the Gentiles from the beginning to induce awakening, the summoning of the past was indeed Junggu heating. Gentiles fell sporadically across the continent, and if I had not awakened to myself, I would not know how many strangers had fallen. ”
That said, I do not know the exact details even in rare cases.
“So, what happened before the summons is unhappy?”
“I know it is about 200 years ago. At that time, the number of strangers in Adenberg did not exceed 70. The royal family accepted all of the Gentiles at that time as well, and I heard that they were able to beat the old nobility and gain the same majesty as now. ”
“Is there a known name or someone who made a big achievement?”
“I do not know. Strangely enough, there is no record of the stories of the Gentiles. I just have enough stalks to stay. ”
Somehow it seemed that someone deliberately erased or omitted records of the Gentiles. The story of the strangers of the superiors, who apparently would have had such an outstanding ability, would not have been as good as it is now.
“If the strangers of the old generation were on the side of the king and fought with the nobles, I would be able to understand the favor of the king.”
“There is no doubt about the dignity and authority of the royal family, but some of them have always existed … ”
Kim Sun-hyuk asked about the earlier summons. Einste Genene told me that he had hesitated, but that he thought that he had no more to hide in the yard where he had already told the story, and that the gentiles had caused the story, and that the order of the world had almost collapsed in this world order.
“The record says at that time that ‘the pride of the knights fell to the ground, and the wisdom of the wizard was blind’. And if you look at history, it is true that the number of knights and crusaders who are skilled in the field of detection has declined considerably and the number of mages has decreased significantly. ”
When the big and small battle takes place, the knights and wizards who have always been in the vanguard are not involved in the conflict, because they remember the dark days of the time when the power of sword and magic declined.
“It is strange. If there were so many great people like knights and wizards, why did the Gentiles become a bigger turmoil? Is not the difference of power too much to be recovered because of the pretense of a foreigner in the beginning?
When the number of the Gentiles was few and the number of the mages and the Knights were greater, it did not make sense that many of the supermen were sacrificed to the Gentiles. Pointing out that point, Einstein Genéger carefully laid out his hypothesis.
“There is a record that the armies led by the Gentiles have shown power against powerful knights and mages. I suspect that the Gentiles of that time were a little more special than the Gentiles of the present. No, maybe it could have happened in the kingdom. Not so many people would have been sacrificed. ”
It was the Gentiles that eventually collapsed and wiped out even though they had the power to be second to powerful armies of the superhuman. He was afraid of the transcendent power of the Knights and the Mages.
After that, I heard many stories, but there was not much that was revealed at the end. The record of the Gentiles was thoroughly erased by someone, and he could not hear the specific story he had expected.
“But then.”
After hearing the story, Kim Hyun-hyuk, who had been thinking for a long time, pulled out the story as if he thought about it.
“It used to be that old times were long and many people died, but where did the Gentiles recalled from the Great Summon of 200 years ago go?”
That was the most questionable point. If he had helped the royal family and established the kingship, he would not have had the authority of one or two of his powers.
Even if there is no name left, a small trace should remain. But it happened just 200 years ago, and the trail to the Gentiles was a fascination. It felt as though they had vanished altogether.
“There is no record, so I do not even dare to guess.”
The face of Kim Sun-hyeok, who puts on a contemptuous luck, was revealing the complex feelings.
“Is it possible that they have returned to their original world?”
Through that conversation with Einste Zenega, Kim was able to think a lot. Although the King gained the title of a Gentile looking forward to the future, it did not mean that the royal family truly trusted himself fully.
Naturally, the royal family will not see the power grow beyond a certain degree. Perhaps I could make an excuse to confiscate his name and tell him to return his estate.
As soon as he realized the fact, he pledged to concentrate on growing the individual’s armed forces rather than raising the estate. The Ganjin can take away, but no one can take away the power of the courage.
However, even if I did not know the future, I could not help but worry about the security of the land. It is an individual’s armed force. It has already grown to be more than a few knights, but it can not be stopped by one hand, and it can not protect a large manor.
However, depending on the Drake cavalry as a whole, the castle will be empty in the absence of the cavalry.
So he picked out those who had good behavior and well – being among the spiritual people and recruited about 20 people as pilot dogs.
“nice to meet.”
There was no equipment yet, but one long window was troubled by soldiers, all of whom were armed, watching the lord. Kim Sun-hyuk smiled softly while looking at the same figure as Ogaji-sol.
“Who’s teeth?”
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