Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

Since the King and Princess had returned, Sunhyuk suffered from the nobles for quite a long time. A certain noble introduced his daughters to him, and another tempted him with wealth and power.
However, thanks to Atiya's help of tempering his heart, his mentality was firm and wasn't swayed by such beauties. Also, he did not need any more riches since he was already promised by the King. In the start, he wasn't interested in power, so he could not feel any sort of attraction in the propositions of the nobles.
Eventually, the nobles acknowledged their lack of research, and on the night of the third day of the victory banquet, the stubborn nobles ceased all attempts and stopped trying to persuad the Stranger.
Thanks to that, he was able to enjoy the last day in humour with his comrades and eat some delicious food. It was a rather pleasant time. All of the food and drinks offered by the Royal Family were extravagant delicacies that he had never enjoyed before coming here.
Time passed quickly in that busy schedule. Soon, the knighting ceremony had arrived.
"Stranger who cannot return back to thy lands far, far away, state thine name for all to hear."
From the solemn question of the King, who was dressed in a white gown; Sunhyuk lowered his head and answered.
"Stranger, Kim Sunhyuk. What is thine wish to keep and live forever." "Repay good in faith, and justice for evil."
It was a short phrase that all of those who would become Knights would answer, and was a simple rhetoric saying that referred to justice, loyalty and service. However, for him, that was the best outcome.
Unlike others who had dedicated their lives to becoming Knights, he did not have those beliefs. Whether it was grace or evil, he was someone with a common mindset that he would pay back what he received.
"Is there anything else you wish to say?" "Yes."
If he were to speak too long, all of his inner thoughts would be revealed, so he appropriately answered the King with a short reply.
"Will you observe and preserve justice in favor of good from evil in thine future?" "Yes."
Fortunately, the King had views of his own. But, as he listened to the speech, it sounded like he was emphasizing the highest priority on repaying the grace of the Royal Family, but he did not mind.
Once this ceremony was over, he would say goodbye to the Royal Family and this repulsive place.
"You will swear. A oath that shall bind you to live your whole life for thine beliefs you proclaimed on this day." "I swear."
The King then gripped his sword and lowered it in a slow motion, lightly tapping on both of his shoulders and then the back of his neck.
"The First Knight of Adesden, in the name of Theodore Tiberius Adesden, I bestow you the title of Knight. Be brave, courteous, and loyal."
Once the solemn declaration was over, the citizens of the Palace cheered with the announcement of this sacred ceremony as if they were already waiting for this moment.
"Also, by right of the Adesden Royal Family, with the rightful authority as the one and only ruler of the Kingdom, I bestow you the title of Viscount and the name Drachen. Thou shalt be cautious, considerate and fair that the name of Drachen shalt not be defiled." "I will remember, and embrace it once more."
Sunhyuk answered with an unwavering voice."
"All hail the King!" "All hail Viscount Drachen!"
Citizens of the Palace cheered even more enthusiastically at the birth of a new noble whose name was named by the Royal Family.
Though the official knighting ceremony had ended, it wasn't like everything was completed. Since his achievements didn't just include a title of nobility, he still had to wait to receive his reward.
Until everything is completed, there was still a lengthy amount of time which he had to stay within the Royal Castle. First, Captain Frederik had been officially promoted as an Advanced Knight, and Clarke, Hansen and the other cavalrymen were also awarded with a prestigious title and promoted to Semi-Knights.
"Well, it's just title by name, but it's still so awe inspiring. Who would recognize you [TL: Basically knights-to-be. Not official Knights] when you're a Knight by name."
Although it was a position that wasn't even recognized properly by Apprentice Knights, the other cavalrymen did not voice any complaints. Since they were nobles themselves, they didn't feel a lot of regret from this.
"Now we have to properly serve the Viscount now."
But if there was a problem, it was that there was a vast difference in how the cavalrymen treated him now.
"Just do as you normally do. Saying Viscount in broad daylight." "If it is your will Viscount-nim, I will accede to your wishes."
Fortunately, the cavalrymen did hear his request. If wouldn't be possible to have the same relationship as he had with them in the past, but he thought it was possible to maintain their bonds going forth.
"What's going to happen in the future? That Captain Ahjussi is already an Advanced Knight and will probably have a rank of at least a Colonel. Now who's going to take the position of Captain?" "With the establishment of a squad name now, you shouldn't worry of some useless guy overtaking that position."
The cavalrymen began to discuss in a group who would come and take the position as Captain.
"Wait, with Sunhyuk now receiving a nobility rank and also becoming a Knight, he can't be in a normal position? "Surely not…"
Suddenly, they stopped talking and stared at Sunhyuk, now realizing the fact.
"Haven't you heard of anything?"
He recalled the Commander's proposition that he would not separate him from his comrades if he so willed, so he pretended he didn't know. Since he would most definitely be offered a commanding officer position, since he didn't receive an offer yet, it wasn't like he was lying.
"Well, how about it? It's better than having a guy who couldn't ride a horse properly stand in front of us, right?" "That is true. No. Rather, it's certainly better."
But the atmosphere strangely returned back to normal. That surprising question of theirs slowly dissipated as they began to anticipate it already.
"Don't forget that if it wasn't for Sunhyuk, we would have never been able to defeat those Sastanes. If I were to ride without Sunhyuk, I would feel quite empty." "It's not like it's good to rely on it, but our Drake Cavalry needs to be one in order to properly show up our strength." "Yup. Yup."
Now Sunhyuk was about to faint that these Riders would go to the Commander and request him to be the commanding officer-in-charge of this group now.
"Please, let's not make any more troubles. Let's first return. If it's the Royal Family, they would be fed up by this." "Well, there's nothing to eat or see here, so the outpost is better. The people here truly feel as if they’re not living, so I can't feel any sort of affection here."
"Same here."
From their wards, Clarke supported them, and Hansen nodded his head. Then Jonathan suddenly slapped Hansen's back and shouted.
"Such a guy like him is busy saying that when there are so many beautiful ladies here. You bastard, you didn't even come back yesterday as well?"
After injuring his precious manhood, seeing Jonathan scold Hansen about his man, Sunhyuk nearly fainted and tried to stop him.
"Don't say stuff you don't know. This bastard carried all of his money and received healing from a skilled Priest. See see. He has new teeth implanted here. This bastard probably spent all of his money."
From Jonathan's words, Sunhyuk was able to confirm that Hansen's front teeth were properly restored.
"Is that true, Hansen?!"
Both that place and his teeth were broken by him, so feeling responsible, he asked repeatedly. Hansen, showing the imitation teeth, nodded.
"Ah thank God. Thankfully it wasn't so broken that it was unusable."
With the collaboration of the Priest and a Magician, they were able to perform an amazing miracle.
Then, Hansen pompously spoke that he should tour the Castle once more since they had come here already.
"Is that so? Where is that place? If we can afford some time in our schedule…"
Clarke and the other men were soon ready to follow Hansen.
The truly unreliable guide in Hansen -leading the men ended up in a terrible failure. The place where there were beautiful young ladies and alcohol ended up being a place that was totally unsatisfactory, a total dumpster. Not only that, there was so much nagging that the aggressive cavalrymen began to quarrel against the so called Prayers. The commotion was so large that the Royal Guards were dispatched before the scene finally settled down, and the cavalrymen almost ended up being locked behind bars.
However, since there was a Viscount and even Semi-Knights present there, the cavalrymen couldn't dare go that far, and after catching the hoodlums that had caused this commotion who revealed their tricks, the situation had finally calmed down.
"Just watch it if I'll ever believe Hansen again." "What does it matter if he escapes impotency. He's impotent in the eyes and mouth!"
Although they had unexpectedly caused a collapse of one of the most infamous hoodlum factions here, the burly men spoke like this, which allowed Sunhyuk to finally have a breather.
Mmm… Yes. This is how a person should live.
Since he has been with his comrades for too long, he became similar to them in terms of ignorance and simple-mindedness.
Once that commotion was dispersed, they killed time while waiting for the promised rewards. But the amount of the reward was so large that even the Riders with low wages received a year's worth of money.
"Why is there so much?" "There's an added bonus for capturing the enemy Knight and Magician alive."
Since the awards had increased, there were none who complained about it.
During his stay in the palace, Ahn Yoojung visited him two more times, and another Stranger faction that he had never even heard of before sought him out as well. Their objective was, as expected, to bring him within their group. Obviously, Sunhyuk refused their proposal.
If he can endure a bit longer, he would leave the Royal Palace, so he was intent on not being involved in any complicated faction battles.
'Ah, seriously. I'm really not compatible with the Royal Palace.'
Full of irritation from their visits, Sunhyuk couldn't help but sigh from Ophelia's constant visits.
"Viscount Drachen, do not be uncomfortable with my visit. Today, I have come to resolve a personal curiosity."
Due to the banquet escort that he was forced into, it didn't matter to him regardless if the visit was for personal or public matters.
"Can you show me your Drake?"
However, since the young Princess had bravely come and made a request, he listened to her request. Since he was going to leave the Palace soon, he thought he would provide the young child of the Princess a gift.
"Ohoh! Being this close, there is no comparison to the previous time I beheld it. It does not have the grace of a horse, but it looks so brave and strong, I cannot help but admire it."
Unable to stand near it, she was a few footsteps away as she admired the Drake, causing Sunhyuk to smile at her alarmed face.
"Won't you tell me the name of this brave beast?" "Since he has not been fully tamed, I have not provided it a name as yet."
Hearing the Princess's words, he realized the fact that he had not named the Drake yet, which he replied with a quick excuse.
"Is that so? Then will you not give me the opportunity to name this brave and strong creature?"
No. Never. If possible, he wanted to answer like that. However, unable to win over her unique, lovely self and authority, she assigned the fate of the Drake to the Princess who probably had the worst naming skills in the Kingdom.
"Victory in the meaning of praying for your sense, or if that's not to your liking, Chaos Fear, or Lightning Thunder…"
In a moment, fearsome names blurted out of the Princess's mouth. The names that she spewed out were such severe, spiteful names that they were appalling to even think of accepting. Seeing him refuse desperately, she continued to devise names with a more willing face.
"Dark Phantom. Oh! Since your scales are close to gold, how about Goldrake in short for Gold Drake? Your nickname can be Goldie."
Sunhyuk seeing the murderous-like naming sense that the Princess possessed, if she were to leave her as it is, in fear that she would come up with some more fearful names, he consented.
"Goldrake…" "Ohoh. I thought as well that you would be pleased with that name. Isn't that name quite fitting with those scales?"
Noticing how bright her face was as she made a girly laugh, unable to shatter that joy, Sunhyuk decided to accept the will of the Princess in the end.
"Goldrake, that is your name from now forth."
Telling the Drake a new name with a loud voice, the Drake suddenly looked up and stared at him.
[Drake's obedience has finally breached the limit and have reached 100.] [A new category has been created in the attributes window.] ['Earth' Attribute has been added in Status.]
TL Afterword:
Calvis: Oh wow! The second attribute. Dang, now it's earth?! Is he becoming the Avatar?
PR Afterword: T0ngan: LMAO @ 24th Regiment antics within the night life.. Hansen you legend! Borderline Masochist: N/A
Translator: Calvis Editor: T0ngan/Borderline Masochist

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