Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 172

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Chapter 172

Most luminous candles (3)
Just as flowers bloom and flowers bloom, it is easy for a girl to grow up to be a woman. But at this moment, the transformation of the princess, Ophelia, was not at that level.
The round eye, which was graceful but did not hide the curiosity of the girl, became more of a calm and delicate woman, and her nostrils and noses became mature with a beautiful line. The chunky curved jaw line also became delicate and could not recall the appearance of the princess who had been plump in the past.
The girl became a complete woman in the months that Kim Sun-hyuk had not seen.
“Ah… ”
The princess turned her head to the elasticity that I had not even known.
“It’s been a while.”
The bird was completely different from the lovely tone of the past. So it was even more lethal. If her voice was to make a beautiful smile in the past, her voice now had a stunning horsepower just like listening to people.
“Are you really a prince?”
When she asked unintentionally for such an amazing change, the princess opened her eyes narrowly and asked.
“Was there a woman who was waiting for me?”
Even though I knew it was a joke, it felt like it was a big sin to feel throbbing somewhat.
Crazy heartbeat. Take it easy.
I shuddered the heart that was shaking and jumping without a guide. Even so, I had to resist the masturbation that the princess shed.
Indeed, the offbeat voice and voices of the princess were fatal to him.
“Could it be?”
The heart which jumped at random when I decided to take control of my heart began to calm down a little bit.
“Thank goodness. I was afraid it was a longing for me alone. ”
But that was only a moment. The heart that was barely calmed down by the prince ‘
“I missed you a lot.”
Kim Sun-hyuk had to grab his heart without knowing it, with a smile that seemed to get more and more spirited.
Without seeing it for a moment, the princess had become a ghost for heart health.
“Only the fiancé is visible, and the father is no longer in sight.”
If Theodore had not intervened in the middle, his heart would have stopped before he met the dragon. The charm of the princess was so fatal.
“I do not think so. sire.”
“쯧. It’s hard. ”
It was a feeling that the king wanted his daughter to show him half of the softness of his fiance.
“The Count of Dr. You have a lot to say, but now I have a story to share with you. Would you take a seat for a while? ”
“I will do what I want.”
Kim did not hesitate to step down. It was because she seemed to be hung up on a princess without knowing whether there was more.
When he returned to his quarters, he spit out his long-suffering breath.
I already knew that the pedigree of Adesden was completely awakened around the ceremony, but nevertheless, the change of the princess was amazing.
The fact that a person can change to that level in a short period of time was rather surprising.
Kim Sun-hyuk knew.
The change of the princess was not a blessing. Her transformed beauty was the essence she had in the first place, and it was her future that would naturally come in time after time.
But she was not even allowed to have such a natural time.
The immature body and spirit of the royal family, who had to lead a nation, was a fatal weakness. The ancestors of Addesen have overcome such weaknesses with the acceleration of growth.
Through the awakening, the immature body and mind have been brought to the prime at once.
[Maybe it is because the act of opposing providence has given them a heavier form.]
Geheimnis laughed at the foolishness that such unnatural growth would be one of the reasons to shorten their name.
However, Kim Seonhyuk did not think that Adesden’s bloodspeed did not know the side effects unlike the words of Gehaimnis.
In his view, the people of Addesden were innocent rulers and kings. They would have been willing to give up part of their lives for the time being.
“You told me. Sometimes it is more important than your own life. ”
His refutation did not refute him.
[Your destiny is very ironic.]
This time, Kim Sun – hyeok asked his mouth.
Adeden’s blood relatives chose to reign as princes instead of extending life, and his blood was flowing to his fiancée.
That meant that she was also likely to make the same choices as her own blood.
“I said,” I will wait in the place where the prince always was. ”
As the maid says, the princess was always waiting for him in a corner of his home where he always brought tea with him.
The princess closed her eyes and watched the sunshine, knowing that she knew he had arrived.
The brilliant princess’ hair, which received the white sunshine, seemed mysterious as if she had released a golden thread, and the skin that had not been exposed to sunlight for a long time seemed transparent as if the veins were visible. The eyelashes lined up at the end of the fine eyebrows were truly extravagant.
The appearance of the princess with her eyes closed in the sunshine was as beautiful as a picture.
“Hee hee.”
Every now and then, whenever I was nosy, I had a charm like a siren’s singing that was nothing to pour.
So, instead of saying hello to the princess, she had only heard the song for a long time.
If the princess did not open her eyes to the maid ‘s footsteps, she would have stayed forever.
“You are here.”
The princess, who opened her eyes, found Kim Sun-hyuk and handed her a greeting.
“I felt so good that I did not want to interrupt.”
When I answered honestly, the princess looked at him straight and said.
“As long as the sunshine of the afternoon is warm, the lively fragrance of the grass leaves is as lively as ever.
The unbelieving straight-forward expression of emotion, a moment of silence, he grasped a flower-like smile.
“You still are.”
The princess, who looked at him for a long time, spoke with a loud voice.
“So I will be satisfied with my heart.”
The princess looked around for a moment with her eyes. It was a transparent gaze as if looking at it like that of King Theodore.
“Good luck. All of the world has changed, but only you are. ”
The relief that was deeply doubted by the voice of the princess could not have been a reason for him. But I could not even ask. Somewhere in her voice I felt a sense of sadness, and he only listened to her words.
“I was curious. You would have kept the promise with the royal family. What changed in the kingdom as it is? I was so curious. ”
But the loneliness of her voice disappeared soon.
“I have heard the matter briefly to Your Majesty, but I wanted to hear from you directly.”
She quickly smiled at me as a single single and asked him what had happened.
“Could you tell me what happened?”
It was an appearance that had changed matured, but it was not much different from that of a little boy who was struggling to listen to the old saga.
“I go straight to the royal road … ”
Kim Sun-hyuk was willing to accept the favor of the princess, and explained in detail the things that have happened.
“Hoo. Such a thing. ”
It was a space with a listened ear, so I had to hide and talk about it properly, but the princess, who had already heard a simple letter from Theodore King, knew the story and put it in his mouth.
Kim Sun-hyuk, who was grateful to the courtesy of the princess who jumped her hand and spit out her elasticity, finished the story in an instant.
“Indeed, I am.”
I watched the face of the prince looking at myself with a soft smile. It felt like a child who was proud of himself, and somehow the princess seemed like an association.
In any case, the awakening of the princess was not limited to the growth of the flesh.
“How did the princess stay?”
“Before the ceremony, I was devoted to meditation to regain my mind and body.”
The princess laughed and explained the days she had sent. It was only meditation time that was not so special. But he listened to his ear as if it were a great story.
Kim Sun – hyuk and Prince Ohfiria had filled each other ‘s gap for a few months between them.
“Yes. I have heard all the stories to your Majesty. ”
And when the whole thing was reapplied, the princess picked up an uncomfortable topic that he could not get out first.
“I’d like to say sorry to you first.”
The prince was sincerely sorry for the burden that she would have given her for a long time.
“Besides that, I’m sorry for you. I will be the Queen of Ardenburg before you are your companion, maybe you have gotten a really bad rap. ”
It was what I was prepared from the beginning. The marriage of a country’s next throne successor was no different than the union of ordinary lovers anyway.
“But I will promise you. I will be more truthful to you, and faithful. ”
Kim Sun-hyuk, who was quietly listening to the princess, became an odd expression. This is because the repertory felt like I had heard it somewhere without knowing it.
“If this country is okay, would you accept it?”
It was not because of feeling. It’s not like I’ve heard it, it’s a story I’ve actually heard.
“Will you be with me for a lifetime?”
The prince was proposing to her.
Kim Sun-hyuk had forgotten what he was supposed to say to be absurd, surprised or surprised.
But the princess waited for his answer without giving up whether she was willing to go.
“Is not it me and the princess promised the future?”
It was an awesome answer, even though I thought of myself, but I was not able to get in shape at the time when the roles of men and women had changed.
It has not been less than a month since Prince Ophelia broke the chigger and the ceremony began.
Despite the turbulent continental situation, many couriers of the kingdom visited the kingdom to celebrate the ceremony of the next ruler of Adenberg.
“I, Theodore Tiberius, is thinking of letting Adessen have all the work for the Royal Reformer and my only eldest daughter, Ophelia Laurel Adesten, and see if she has the qualities to be the queen to lead the Ardenberg. As long as she does not make a grave mistake during the regent, the throne of Adenberg will return to her. ”
On the spot, King Theodore announced that she would determine the merits of the princess by ascertaining her qualities.
As a young princess who had been the minister of the kingdom in the kingdom as an agent of King Theodore from childhood, the King’s word was in fact the official declaration of succession to the throne.
Though it was somewhat sudden, the golden eye of the Ardessen pedigree, which appeared before and after the wives and ceremonies that the princess had shown, made the nobles of the kingdom unable to oppose the king’s decision.
In addition, since the adepts of the royal family have been done at an early age, it was plausible that there was nothing new.
There were those who expressed concerns over the occasional visit, but they quickly shut their mouths on the news of the hero and the next queen of the Drake.
In front of many nobles and people, Kim Sun-hyuk pulled out the white wedding veil of the princess.
Boldly, the princess, who had gone to the ceremony hurry and asked her where to go, was shy with his eyes down.
When she first saw her, she looked young.
At that time, I really could not imagine that I would get married to such a child.
“I am ready, so do not hesitate.”
When he stopped for a while, the princess encouraged him. I did not know how he was shaking his voice.
He grabbed the princess’s cheek, smiling redheaded and red. And he gently kissed his forehead.
“This declares that the marriage of Adessen’s eldest daughter, Ophelia Laurel Adesten, and the line of Perl’s line of reconciliation, Pearl Kim Drake, has been done in good and true ways!”
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