Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 182

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Chapter 182

The Land of the Devil (2)
The kingdoms of the Midlands, which had been overlooking the waters of the western world, began to move.
They organized small squadrons to search for fast-moving horsemen and searchable people, and have them spot the western situation. And I waited. Three days passed, and four days passed, and again ten days passed.
No matter how long I waited, none of them came back to the West.
Again the personnel were selected.
Those who were more skilled than those who first went to the west were included in the search. There were also articles and wizards that could be called the sum of the kingdom power.
Even lesser wizards and critics were supermen.
Everyone believed that they could come back with the answer to the whereabouts of the scouting squad and the situation in the west.
But it did not take long for the faith to break.
I have lost contact with magicians who have received a lot of expensive liaison magic spells that they have arrived in the West.
I lost your dear superhuman power in vain, but I did not have any income at all.
[Drake was right.]
Although the last one of the quarantine stations that had been lost was short, the eastern and central kingdoms were sufficient to recognize the seriousness of the situation.
“Why the western situation has not been known so far?”
“Is the central kingdoms back to the West bound? If they did not deceive and deceive them, could the situation in the western part of the world not be known to this extent? ”
The eastern kingdom strongly condemned the centrally located kingdoms and forced them to actively reconnaissance. Some of the belligerent kingdoms have even moved to army borders to perform military demonstrations.
“The kingdoms of the Midlands prove themselves innocent!”
The central kingdoms that had been engaged in scouting activities in order to sort out the masters who had infiltrated their own countries finally failed to overcome the pressure of the eastern kingdoms and finally decided to dispatch troops.
Not long after, massive expeditionary troops, consisting of massive cavalry and infantry – size infantry, crossed the border into the western continent.
And finally they reached the land of Death that Drachon spoke of.
“This is ridiculous … ”
The soldiers were terrified when they saw the dull purple sky and were completely overwhelmed by the uncertain aura of smoothing.
“We go forward. It can not be judged that the whole of the kingdoms of the West have collapsed in this circumstance alone. ”
Commanders continued to advance, encouraging frightened soldiers.
There was no easy way to go to the west.
The soldiers who drank the polluted river were sickened by an unknown disease, and those who were right were beginning to show madness with a terrible nightmare at night.
But the commanders kept on going.
And finally reached a point where it could be considered a major hub of the Western kingdoms.
“Ah… ”
The ruined fortress, the ruined city, the empty barracks, and no people were found anywhere.
Those who disappeared as if they had evaporated, the commanders of the expedition troubled for a moment. I was confused whether I would be looking for the missing people, satisfying the purpose of the desire, or biting the army.
But the answer has already come out.
Unknown illnesses in scarce drinking water, and soldiers showing madness, no further marches. They were martialed enough to get enough of this information and turned their heads.
“It goes back.”
Committed by the Central Kingdoms, carefully selected commanders did not forget that those who had departed first disappeared, and turned the army head on the spot.
The way back was not easy. The footsteps of the exhausted soldiers suffered from thirst were heavy, and the madness was on the verge of collapse of the army due to the soldiers.
They desperately wanted to get out of hell by escaping the western world, where they soon became a land of death.
But the real hell was just beginning.
They realized that the day was over when they decided to return.
The first to be sacrificed was the soldiers who were exhausted and moved their turbulent steps.
Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of hands protruding from under the ground grabbed the soldiers’ ankles.
Suddenly the ranks became a mess. And something that stinks over soldiers who have been mixed up in such a mess.
“Sa, help me!”
Screams rose up everywhere. Something unidentified over the soldiers tore up the soldiers and erupted at Agua.
That’s cool.
Those that protruded from the black soil were surprisingly human. Only half-decayed flesh and long-sprouting green fingers were different from human beings.
Commanders and wizards who had confirmed the identities of the assailants were stunned.
“Uh, undead … ”
Finally, they learned where the western people disappeared. And the price was the blood and flesh of many soldiers.
“Find a place with a solid bottom and keep your ranks!”
Wise and experienced commanders sought the best answer, and the wizards and knights also did their part.
They found all the undeads trapped in the mess with the soldiers and smashed them all. Their performance was astounding as they were called the Kingdom of Power.
Undead burned in the fire in the light.
Time passed, and the confusion was resolved. But even though they did their best, the sacrifices of the soldiers were enormous. The number of infantry sacrificed in a short while was more than half of the unit. The cavalry was also a placenta that lost their horses, so the force of the troops suddenly declined suddenly.
So many undead and monsters attacked the army weakened its power.
But still they did not give up hope. The superheroes were still alive, and the commander was still calm.
It was about three days after the hope was shattered and I was on my way back home.
The giant tentacle protruding from the ground crushed the mages. The knights quickly ran out of the tentacles, but the mages had already died.
Knights of mages who have lost the support of the knighthood themselves to the limit.
“Even if the gods are alive, we must inform this fact.”
The commanders made a decision. They decided that even the tired knights would be sacrificed as they were going to do it, pulling them out of the crowd and returning with their horsemen.
The last remaining superhuman escaped from the unit in less than a day, and the unit was annihilated.
Their positions were different, but the situation of the expeditions was great.
“You can not sacrifice soldiers for nothing.”
A small group of desperate escapes ran toward the central part. But even that was not easy.
The closer they were to the border, the more powerful enemies blocked their way. The articles proved why they were called superhuman. Nevertheless, it was impossible to escape hell by their own strength.
After all, the majority of survivors were annihilated.
Only a few survivors who luckily survived could have a chance to see the blue sky again.
Nearly two thousand troops from eight kingdoms bordered by the West have survived forty forty.
Even those who survived so far returned to their home, and after a short while, they had been blamed for their sorrow, and the mages explained that their slavery was addicted to their sorrows.
“I have confirmed that the West has fallen into the hands of the devil.”
The survivors all died, but the western situation became known to the neighboring countries in more detail.
“This is no longer the problem of the western kingdoms alone.”
“We will take all the masters who have penetrated the kingdom with all their might, and will hang them on the border.”
The kingdoms of the central region declared the situation in the west as a continental problem and declared that the central kingdoms would gather power.
It was the moment when the Central Kingdom Confederation was formed.
To this end, the eastern kingdoms also announced their intention to help the central kingdoms with maximum support. The western part was followed by the middle part, and the middle part was not blocked by the eastern part.
“We need help from the Holy See.”
“In this situation, Astoria is still in the fight for the house.”
The kingdoms reminded them that those who served the old gods long ago fought with the wicked and unclean ones and finally won, and strongly urged the Astoria powers to cease power struggles and pay attention to the problems of the continent.
The archbishops of Astoria also realized the seriousness of the situation, concluded a temporary alliance, and ended the struggle for power.
“Fighting the army of the devil is also a fight against Magi.”
“Those who are addicted to maggie are either insanity, or marginalized or marginalized, or one of them.”
It is known that the old records kept in the temple were released at one time and that the western part was destroyed by the records, not by the army of the king, but by the magic itself.
“All that is needed to resist Maggie and ultimately overcome is the faith in the holy god, and the grace of God.”
The Divine State has informed us that only divine power is the only means of driving Maggie. And proved that his claim was true by sweeping away at once those who appeared in his country.
It is inevitable that the divine authority of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Holy Land has been extradited.
“You who have dedicated your life to the holy gods. Today I declare the holy war in this place, that you may give your life and death to Him who is promised. ”
The Divine Provincial Government declared the temple as a volunteer. It was a country that had claimed the temple even when Masu was disturbed, but the weight of the proclamation of the present temple was different.
It was an absolute command to bring together the priests scattered throughout the continent, not a faint cry for secularity.
It is just the beginning of the temple with the evil devil.
The atmosphere of war slowly ripening, at that time the kingdoms were questioning the whereabouts of somebody.
Moving the Iberian Union to inform the situation of the West, and the whereabouts of Draham heading west for herself.
However, the rumor that he left west of Granado was not heard anywhere near the end of the news.
“I do not know if I was ever … ”
A nobleman spoke out a word without any notice, and I was amazed at my grass. But I could not pick up the words I already spoke, and the most I should not have listened to them.
“Keep your mouth shut.”
The regent, Ophilia, who has been in charge of the meeting without a facial expression, has warned his noble nobleman with a frozen face.
“Your conscience is jealous, and you have punished your mouth, so punish you.”
A noble who had been speculated on the anger of the regent, who had not been before, fell down and asked for his sins.
“It is a winning ball that has won the battle in any difficult battle so far. He who doubteth his safety is like disregarding the name of the tradition which I have made. ”
Ophelia ‘s cold voice clutched the nobles’ mouths and bowed their heads.
It is a regent in which it is hard to deal with the news that the transmission ball was heading west, which became hell. Today one of the nobles who was right is disturbed by the planting.
The nobles were dressed, and meetings were held to determine the size and item of the logistical support for the central kingdoms.
The nobles escaped and the face of Ophilia left alone was immersed in the water.
“Did not you promise to come back soon?”
Her magic mumble was tightly gripped by a magic expert who flew a month ago.
[It seems to take time to work.]
Ophelia sighed again.
“Your servant!”
I was sitting alone thinking about the broken news, and suddenly I heard a fussy voice.
“Say it.”
Again, she said coldly, with a mask of expressionless expression, and the servant, who opened the door, fell down and shouted.
“I heard that the Drake of the Transporter ran out of the Rhine Pearl Manor and headed west!”
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