Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 296

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Chapter 296

Agreement (3)
Shortly after a massive advance on the entire front line, soldiers’ morale fell to a point.
Even the soldiers of the warless soldiers who did battle with the monsters so far did not overcome the instinctive fear of the masters and the monsters. It was rather strange that the fraud was fine because there was no order for them to march into the barriers of how many masters were buried.
“This is crazy.”
“It’s a miracle that the defensive line is not punctured, so go inside.”
For the soldiers, the order of the command was nothing but a jump in the monster’s vagaries.
“Soldiers. Do not be afraid of darkness. Ichon’s Knights and a thousand wizards will be with you. ”
The Commanders were also aware of the atmosphere of the soldiers early and tried to encourage their courage somehow, but the fraud that fell on the floor once did not think of coming up.
“In this case, the soldiers may try to desert in the worst case.”
Now the barrier was not a problem, but the soldiers had to worry about desertion.
“I will look over the soldiers.”
At that time, Hiruni was Park Jungmin, a warrior.
The warriors worked miracles around the front as they had proved the oracle with the strong flash of the previous day.
Many soldiers and soldiers disappeared without being trapped in the miracle caused by the mighty soldiers, and the soldiers who watched the scenes finally showed enthusiasm that the god finally sent down the savior for this world.
“Let’s end that damn barrier!”
“The Savior is with us!”
I was no longer afraid of sleep or worried about nightmares. The soldiers were fully encouraged by the overwhelming majesty of God, and overcoming the fears of darkness beyond the barrier.
And when the moment of antagonistic coalition reached its climax, an expedition heading beyond the barrier finally gathered in the northern plains of Tennessee.
Ninety-six of the twenty-three, twenty-three, eighty-four, and eighty-seven mages, and nine other supermen with other powers, were added to the power of the expedition to head over the barriers and apart from each one of the articles of the Adenberg Empire Wizards, four hundred Gentiles and Quakeshas joined the expedition.
There they added an infantry of seventy thousand years, thirty thousand sichuan. It was one of the elite elites who fought for a long time against the monsters and the masques.
“We do not fight unless we are on horseback.”
Unfortunately, the nomads in the north refused to join in on the grounds that their words were refusing to approach the barriers themselves.
“We will take responsibility for the defenses while you are gone.”
It was fortunate that they were glad that they were going to fill the void of power.
Come on.
It was a holy and sacred flash that seemed to be not of this world that informed the start of the expedition. The pillar of light that started in the sky opened the way for the expedition to walk through the barriers of darkness like the dawn sunlight that drives the night away.
“The propaganda effect is awesome.”
Instead of joining the expedition, Marek remained on the defensive line and kicked his tongue as he saw the drunken soldiers drunken by the deity.
“Do you think it will succeed?”
Likewise, the Asha Trail, who did not join the expedition, looked at Marek.
“I do not know.”
Marek’s gaze headed toward the back of the expedition, moving along the path of light.
“But it is clear that no matter who wins, it is not human victory.”
The strong divinity and darkness of the source, no matter who is the winner of the two fights, man was just a bridesmaid.
Asha Trail did not understand Marek’s words, but that did not mean to ask questions. I just looked quietly at the back of the expedition after the eyes of genseng.
After the expedition passed through the border of the barrier, the darkness that had split off on both sides soon established the wall again.
The appearance of the expedition that was obscured by the darkness was no longer visible.
Even after the expedition headed over the barrier, the alliance’s routines did not change at all.
If you can detect a wave that is more likely than a black barricade, you have deployed your troops to defeat them. The only thing that changed was that the Northern cavalry had handled the mighty battalions instead of the knights and the mages.
But it was not that the situation of the outside world did not change because the situation of the defensive line was the same as before.
Abnormal signs were found throughout the continent.
The first to discover the ideal was the herbivores who traveled through the dark forests.
“I swear, I’ve never seen an ugly monster ever since I was born.”
“It looks like a mixture of pigs and humans so odd, but I almost felt like I was being eaten by him rather than looking at it with soul.”
Herbsts bugged about the unknown being crouched in the shadows of the deepest forests, and later the woodcutters who were cutting trees on the outskirts of the forest spoke.
They testified that the forests were full of bizarre monsters that they had never seen before, and the head of the kingdom, which was afraid of the disaster that happened in the country, would dispatch quickly.
“It is different from the thing.”
And the fact that they entered the forest and confirmed the authenticity of the rumor confirmed that the monsters in the forest were different species from the mounds.
“It was like an orc in mythology.”
The mission wizards said that strange beings in the forest were the same as orcs recorded in myths of the past.
The heads of the kingdoms realized that it was a separate issue from the peril of Maggie, who was worried about, sighing relievedly.
I was relieved that the anomalies that appeared in his kingdom were not precursors of terrible disaster.
But it seemed too early to be relieved.
Rumors came from all over the place. Some of the rumors that came out of it were about the orc that already existed, but there was something about a totally different being.
The monsters who raided the town turned out to be trolls. It is also a monster recorded in mythology. ”
“The auger … is. It’s a terrible monster that has been known to eat many humans in the past. ”
Monsters eating human beings appeared in various places and went on a journey. All of them, like all of them, were ancient beings found in ancient records.
That was not the end.
Mermaids were witnessed in the sea, and on the high mountain peaks Harphy mixed humans and birds. In addition, a large number of newspapers have revealed new forms and have invaded the human realm.
It was as though the world was returning to the age of myths. Of course, not all of the newly emerged beings were harmful to humans. There were also mystical beings such as fairies and unicorns. But there were not many eyewitnesses to creatures like fairies and unicorns.
Much more than that was a rumor about the monsters.
There was a raid all over the place. The occasions where the merchants who were active in the war were frequent raids by the men, and the story of the farmers who were caught in the trolls and augers descending to the village came to mind.
By then, the leaders of the kingdom were aware of the seriousness of the situation, and flanked the lords of the far reaches of the monsters.
But it was not easy. The beings who came back from the past appeared endlessly and were unable to deal with the forces of the lord lords.
Such was the case with the Ardenberg Empire.
“The damage to the eastern and northern regions is extremely severe. Change Bags are trying to keep their polices at their best, but the range of raids is too vast. ”
Although it was the empire that dispatched the most troops to the barriers, the power of the newly formed central army was still sufficient to protect the empire’s wide territory.
Nevertheless, it was impossible to effectively cope with all the extreme and wide-ranging attacks, so the requests of the viceroys were flooded in the middle.
“They are not monsters.”
A representative of the Quasicars came and told them about the raids.
“I do not know why they suddenly came back, but they are certainly one of those who existed and existed.”
The appearance of a species that had existed as the master of the continent before this continent became a human being, Ophelia grasped the seriousness of the situation at once and asked the magicians to open the record of the past.
The wizards, who had been commanded by the Empress, set up a few days and made a terrible conclusion.
“If indeed mythical beings were all they existed, and they are now in this world again, the present situation is just the beginning.”
They argued that the powerful monsters, which could not be compared with the monsters that have appeared so far, had to exist in the past without any reason.
Ophelia did not listen to the words of the mages. I immediately informed the entire continent and prepared for the future. The Empire also waited for articles and wizards to respond to sudden disasters.
But time was not on the side of humans. Continued kingdoms of the continent caught up in horrific wars unveiled powerful mysterious monsters that the mage foresaw without preparing to prepare for the future.
“The merchant ships that went to Granados and the motherland were attacked by a giant snake!”
“In the northern part of Grypindor there is a gigantic monster popping up and ruining a whole area!”
The damage was so great that it could not be compared with the damage so far, and the mages were turned white and showed the identity of the attacker.
“Behemoth, known as the Leviathan, known as the ruler of the South Sea, and the disaster of the earth.”
The terrible beings that destroyed many of the kingdoms in the past have finally appeared.
Among them, Behemoth, who appeared in Griffindor far away, was in urgent need of Leviathan.
Rebians attacked one of the main ports of the empire, Luogenburg, to smash hundreds of boats that had been docked, wondering if they were not satisfied with raiding ships that cross the sea.
“According to the records, a thousand wizards and a thousand articles came out, but they did not catch Behemoth, and five hundred fleets were fired and destroyed by Leviathan.”
“We must prevent Leviathan from coming to land. If you go up to land, the same thing that happened in Luchbergburg will be spread throughout the empire. ”
“If you can not stop them, the southern part of the empire will be ruined.”
Some of the mysterious wizards seemed to have come to an end in the world.
“The Ruegenburg Ghost was attacked again!”
There was news that the Ruegenburg land was attacked again after the first raid and within a day or so. The damage of this time was that the vessels that had been docked as before did not stop sinking, and that the Leviathan in the water completely destroyed the territory and returned to the sea leisurely.
After that, news came out that the southern manor of the empire, adjacent to the sea every day, was devastated by the raids. It was surprisingly fast and ruthless.
“This time, where was attacked again!”
Ophelia, suffering from the appearance of a terrible monster, stood up with a firm face.
“Not that … ”
However, the expression of the messenger was bright enough to be strange.
“This is the news that Leviathan attacked the Habsburg land and was defeated and fought!”
Even at the end of the unpredictable messenger, even the iron-blooded woman whose expression did not change had her eyes rounded.
“What the … It’s not that easy to beat! According to the record … ”
Ophelia, holding her hand, blocked her mouth.
“The Central Knights and Magicians who had left a few days ago could not have reached the South already, did they have any great powers that I did not know about in the Habsburg land?”
In her words, the messenger opened her head tremendously.
“Not that … ”
Strict knights beside him stood firmly to rebuke the messenger.
“The Grand Master has returned!”
The emperor, who seemed not to rise from the throne when the Hwangseong collapsed, raised his body.
“Tell me more.”
The messenger was godly to the great ruler of the woman and continued to report.
“When Leviathan’s raids destroyed the harbor of the Habsburgs, it suddenly struck something beautiful like a mixture of gold and silver in the sky. Shortly thereafter, Leviathan suffered a great wound and immediately fled to the sea. ”
Then the gold and silver lightning … ”
“As if it were not of this world, the beautiful and mysterious creature was certainly the first person to see it, but there was a comment from the Baroness of Hassburg that the appearance was similar to the Red Banner of the Trans-Atlantic.”
Ophelia closed his eyes and sat down on the throne.
“You are back. Finally he returned. ”
Ophilia, who repeatedly said the same thing several times with a trembling voice, asked the messenger late.
“It is said that the tradition grand universe is a detached form.”
“That is… He said that after the Battle, Leviathan, who was wounded after the battle, disappeared into the sea. ”
At the end of the messenger, Ophelia’s face was frowned for a while.
“What did you say without saying anything?”
“The Baroness of Hasbu says he has not even seen the face of the Grand Duchy.”
Somewhere in the face of the cold-eased ex-girlfriend, the messenger saw the dancing situation and escaped as if he were running away.
“Did you put on a horse? Once you have gone out of the way, you’ll have to look at all my gear to come back. ”
“It’s a really fast guy.”
[Leviathan is a villainous monster who has eaten young Hae Ryong who has not grown up in the past, and his cunning can not be said.]
When Kim Sun-hyuk, who was trying to look over the net, said with a sad face, he replied.
[Since Leviathan has hid himself in the sea, I can not keep chasing him.]
Rebians were not so easy to deal with, especially for the winged dragon that ran through the expanse. It was possible that Leviathan was reaching halfway over the harbor, and Kim Sun-hyuk did not think he would pursue any more.
But I did not even think about letting Leviathan go.
“If Bryon is able to regain full strength, will he be able to catch a guy who knows what Leviathan is?”
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