Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

The promise of the royal family (1)
The route of the negotiations followed the royal manual thoroughly. It was the royal court plan to hide the vulnerable places and reveal the strong places and show off the tax. However, the march of the Ashtaine of the negotiating team and their supporters could not afford to watch the surroundings.
They were desperate to keep their buttocks from falling out of their saddles, and they had to be dragged along like a dog along a raging monster.
Instead of asking for a slowdown, the murderous hard-liners and negotiators endured the pain with a flush face. Then it got harder and slowed down and rolled backwards. It seems that the guards thought that they would leave them.
Of course, Kim Sun – hyeok did not want to abandon the Ashtian marquis and negotiations. I did not even think about giving kindness to him. He glanced back and drove Gold Lake to the back of the negotiations.
The crore.
Gold Lake’s low throat caused the negotiations’ horses to slow down as if they were on fire.
The characters in the negotiations screamed on the horse, which seemed to have no regard for the jockey. The situation is worse than when nothing is done.
After that, the negotiations did not roll any more. Only with poison and pride we had to endure hardships. But that was just the story until just before.
“Look at this. Dean, the Count of Dr.
The Ashutin Marquis called Kim Sun-hyuk with a dying voice. The opponent who does not go through evil and the kang, and also, it does not go to the wretched. There was only one way, because it was a negotiation that went on and on and it was going to die before it reached Nabal and the royal road.
“Please, please slow down … ”
I had no choice but to beat my pride.
“Pear, Earl … ”
But Kim did not answer. I just ran as if I had not heard anything.
After seeing it, he felt like he did not hear his voice. I just called him again in a louder voice than before.
“Drake bag … Billion! ”
After I was not accustomed to horseback riding, I breathed my tongue, shouting at the end of my chin with a little breath. Suddenly the blood ran down on his mouth, and the screechy march stumbled as he fell from the horse.
I’m stupid.
Just after looking back, Kim Sun-hyuk finished the situation and kicked his tongue.
“Speed slow. Wanbo (stop), stop. ”
No matter how badly he was, he could not take the tongue out of the way to the royal family with the tongue cut off as a representative of the negotiating team. He picked up two of the cavalry and ordered a priest to be brought in from the nearby manor.
“I should have been careful. If I had to say something, I would have done it when I rested. ”
“Do you have any idea of that rest? I have never seen them stop before the sun goes down. ”
At the end of Kim Sun-hyeok, one of the negotiating team got offended.
“no. What kind of country’s guards are so harshly driving the representatives of one country? ”
“This is not even an exhibition now, so I’m planning to give it a purpose, I’m trying to feed it.”
One time, the discontent was pushed out like a giggle. The Marquis also groaned in pain, but protested in the eye.
“Talk to you. I do not understand why it’s getting anymore. ”
It was incredibly shameless, as if he did not know his opponent did not speak. It was about this time that it seemed to reproach the negotiating team as foolish.
“And I’m not in a hurry. I did not know that I could afford it. ”
It was Novethen that it was time to get the fortress back and stabilize the border, not Adenberg. From Adenberg’s point of view, it did not matter whether the negotiator arrived tomorrow or the following year.
When I talked about the fact, the negotiator seemed to have blocked the conversation and was only bored.
The priest’s healing was done, but the tongue of the Ashtenstein marquis was not completely cured. The priest said that he could not help it because he lacked his faith, but because of his cool attitude toward the marquis, it seemed that he did not treat him properly.
It was almost impossible for a priest to eventually find a man, at least in the kingdom of Ardenberg, to find a man who was favorable to Nektan’s character.
In the end, after a while, Ashtaine was reluctant to negotiate with the audience during this time of year, and the atmosphere of the negotiations fell to terrible extent.
“Is not this too slow?”
“I have to be careful, since the representative of your country has been injured in a hurry.”
This time, the submarine protested on behalf of the marquess at an unbelievably slow march rate, but there was no such thing. Kim Sun-hyuk had just calibrated the schedule as I felt, and the negotiating team was completely exhausted before he arrived at the royal road.
“Forward! Welcome to the royal road. Count Draham. From here on out we will have the task of escorting the negotiations. ”
“Well then, to work.”
Kim Sun-hyuk, who took over the negotiations to the cavalry of the royal guards who had come to the royal road for quite a long distance, looked at the marquee once.
It seemed that the negotiating table, which was pulled by the Royal Guard, like a prisoner, with its shoulders rolled up. It is quite difficult to get what you want, because you have not been able to see it. As Knotane suffered damage, the western frontier was stable, so he did not choose a sword for Kim Sun-hyuk, but rather contributed to the welfare of the West.
At the end of his journey, a group of heavy armored cavalrymen began to move along the leading guard of the road.
We did not have a huge improvement ceremony or a welcoming ceremony this time. I was just going to the royal road quietly, guided by the guards of the royal guards. Naturally, Gold Lake, which attracted attention with its own existence, had to leave it to Chubu, who was stationed outside the royal road.
“I would like to honor the honor of a lifetime with Drake Knight.”
“I hope to see you again!”
Except for the former Drake cavalry members, most of them belonged to the Central Army, so most of the horsemen who followed Kim Sun-hyuk were determined to stay in the garrison.
“When you see me again, come and call me.”
In his words, the chief commanders laughed with grim faces. There was no trace of the past that ignored the command of the western and central forces for the pride of the fight.
“Then I look forward to seeing you again someday.”
When he stepped away from his regrets, the heavy army cavalrymen took a righteous turn at the same time.
“Salute to the dear Lord Earl!”
“The future of Drake Knight is full of glory!”
As well as his exalted pride, he also took a pilgrimage to the farewell greeting of the manned cavalrymen.
“Good luck.”
Kim Sun-hyuk rubbed his nose with his nose’s nose for some reason in the darkness of the men, and he turned his head to the gaze that felt a strange fever.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Kim Sun-hyuk frowned at the remarks of Kim Woo-young, whom the eyes met, with the face of the spirits.
“Do whatever you feel like. The royal family will accept it. ”
“I’m going to do it this time.
Kim Woo-young’s attitude, which does not end with a word, was serious, but he just shook his hand roughly.
“Children. Sometimes I want to put it in the Drake cavalry.
Clarke said to Kim Sun – hyuk who came out of the center of the Central Army.
Even so, there was a story about reorganizing the Drake cavalry in the royal family and making a name for it. However, the Drake cavalry, which has come to the present day when most of the crew have already been killed, was not a Drake cavalry in the past.
Kim Sun-hyuk asked Clark and other senior soldiers to rethink their cavalry after consultation. Of course, the commanders somehow persuaded them to take over the name of the cavalry, who defeated Sastain and won the battle against five times the enemy.
He and the soldiers refused to the end. Eventually, the command winds ended with winds, and the Drake cavalry was practically dismantled.
Clarke and the survivors who lost their membership all applied for the whole area, and changed their affiliation to the Line Pearl Manor. Although the mine that had just begun to go was tough enough to maintain a large number of horsemen, Kim Sun-hyeok accepted everyone, including the crippled members.
I thought it was natural righteousness and courtesy to the company.
“The Count.”
He was locked in thought and he lifted his head at Julien’s end. Surviving survivors and young seeds looked at themselves with a consistent face.
“The guard is waiting.”
“Yes. Go.”
Once he tugged at the men on the edge of the net, he stepped away toward the guard.
It was a royal road that I had already found for a second time, but Kim Sun-hyuk was feeling like I was visiting the royal road for the first time. He was the only one in the past who was only a terminal cavalry.
The royal family sent a large number of servants and maidens to look at his convenience, and to Julien and his cavalrymen, who served as attendants, provided all kinds of benefits.
“Wow. If this is real enough, would you live in the royal road? ”
Beds were so well-trimmed that I was sorry to lie down, it was luxurious, made of wood, and the furnishings in the accommodation seemed elegant and expensive.
Kim Sun-hyuk, who was overwhelmed by his high-class character, could not sit down or sit down and sighed with the expression that Seo-jeong and Julien would look like a strange person.
“You need to get used to it.”
Julien, who grew up in the Countess, seemed to have nothing but trouble with this magnificent house. She took her drink out of the cupboard and passed her by the cup.
“Great. I think I’ll buy some. ”
The maid came to see what he had written on the cheerfulness of the cold drink.
“There is a word that the prince said.”
“Ah. The princess? ”
“The princess said,” I wish you could have taken the time to relax and listen to the lightly as Yaeko was released. ”
Even if it was not so, the princess stood up and got up from the place.
“This is not the western border, are you going to meet him? At least you should wash away the dust and trim it. ”
As she spoke a long way, her clothes and clothes were dirty. Julien said to the maid that he was smiling with a grim look.
“If the prince is not uncomfortable, tell her that she will meet you tomorrow.”
She replied that she had known her to her horse and often disappeared by her step. And soon another maids came.
“Ahn Yu-jeong asked for a meeting with Count Draham.”
“I have an appointment with a princess. Interviews will be possible later. ”
It was unfamiliar to those who had previously searched for it and to send a messenger to ask for a schedule, but Julien seemed to take it for granted. She deliberately deferred all of her decision to the pretense of the appointment with the princess.
“Earl is a high-ranking noble who can not even say that they are royalty. In fact, since you became a lord who ruled the fief, you should have, of course, the Count was not too dismal. ”
He smashed her nagging nagging at the end of the mission.
It was as she said. Many have asked me to meet the prestigious Drake Knight, but none of them have been rude to visit at all.
“uh. I am going to improve the royal road suddenly. ”
What remained to be a bad memory for the last royal road was the stress of suffering from nobles and other Gentiles. If people were to remain courteous at this time, perhaps he would have chosen to stay in the royal road, not in the west.
He got caught up in the bandwagon and wore the battlefield, but in the beginning he was the goal of life by living slender and long.
The next day, the bridegroom ‘s maiden came to see the brightness. At about noon, Kim took a promise and clothed his dress.
“There is not much in the kingdom to visit here.”
The maid of the guidance laughed and said to him that he had passed away, and when he looked around, it was almost impossible to see the maid of honor coming and going. At best, the maidens and servants dressed in fine clothes were only occasionally seen.
“You are here.”
One table at the tolerant garden, and a couple of chairs. The prince was sitting in the most gorgeous chair and waiting for him.
Although her feet were not reaching the ground because of her body that had not yet grown, her daringness was only young, but she was always a majestic prince.
“First, I congratulate you on setting up a big ball.”
Acknowledgment of the princess’ s words, he rose from his seat, and a little bit of Asashi trail passed away.
He also gave a glance to his face and was led by the maiden and sat on a chair opposite the king.
“Yes. Have you thought of your wish? ”
The princess asked her for the first time with her face reminiscent of what was urgent. He looked like a child in front of a pack of gifts without a lot of expectation and he answered with a smile.
“There is something I thought about.”
His answer was that the prince ‘s mouth waved. It was a look that seemed to endure the smile that was going to burst out.
“Yes. Tell me. ”
The appearance of a prince talking and adjusting her voice was confusing as to who wishes to be and who wants to listen to her wishes.
He tried to keep the smile from leaking and said his wish to take all the facial expressions.
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