Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

Gradus duel (2)
Right now, Layden Leirach, who seemed to run away with scattering the brilliant green light, was somewhat untouched. no. To be precise, it was not moving but could not move.
What is this … .
It’s only been a year since the last trial duel. He chewed the defeat of the day and wielded his sword day and night. As a result, the ranking of 90th ranked Gradus rises to 79th place. Gradus’ 78th place, which was earned by his opponent, was close to income, while he was proven himself through countless duel.
Obviously, if the opportunity of duel comes again, I was confident to win unconditionally. I had never thought that I was really weaker than Drake Knight in the past.
But the idea was completely destroyed when Drake Knight opened the window. It was in my head that my own self, which had been pierced in a huge pile, had just been confronted with the eyes that seemed to be insatiable.
In the terrible sense of pressure, his arm was firm and his body froze.
He himself masturbated because he was careful of the hesitation, but he could not deceive himself. He was not cautious, he was afraid.
On the other hand, what is your opponent? I was staring at myself like I was a real knight on a fake article subject that I knew nothing about. I was upset at the unshakable gaze, but I was confident that I was even more shy.
So it was already overwhelmed by the force before the duel began.
The battlefield where the life and the temple are caught in a moment was the crucible of the confused emotions, and Kim Sun-hyuk who lived in such a mess was bound to be sensitive to the change of the emotions of the opponent.
‘Knights of black rusted, the mouth of the wizard is sealed.’
It was the moment when the reincarnation of the Reinhardt was desperately touched. And by realizing that fact, I realized that the duel of the present is no help to me.
Kim raised the window. And he pointed at the sharp tip of the lair to the Iraqis who did not move properly.
“Wind piercing.”
With a short recitation, the wind was wrapped around the body, and the lance of the lance stood straight and thrown toward the opponent.
It was the end of the duel.
“Do not let gossip about me come into my ears again.”
He was struggling against the sword of lightning and he was no longer in the world.
The rumor that the Sword of Thunderbolt and the judge of Leirak had once again been defeated by Drake Knight spread throughout the kingdom.
“It was a terrible defeat. He said that he was not able to defeat the sword once, and started dueling with his fingers pressed down. ”
“That’s it. I heard that Drake Knight would have been out of the window if he had not looked at it. So he denied his defeat, and now he can not even do it. ”
When the nobles gathered, they spoke about the duel between Drake Knight and the judge of Leirok.
“Is the sword of lightning weak? Or is Drake Knight strong? ”
People expressed deep doubts about the unilateral consequences of the confrontation of the 78th and 79th articles of Gradus, where there is only a single step difference. And they were soon able to solve the question.
‘Drake Knight! Gradus gets the overwhelming victory against the 74th article! ‘
Drake Knight, who defeated Raiders of Iraq, won a victory against another.
‘Ironclad Knight, Loenlem, defeated Drake Knight! Now Drake Knight’s Gradus is in 69th place! ‘
Drake Knight’s Gradus duel was not the end of it. Graduus defeated the 74th article and immediately defeated the iron-walled knight ranked 69th. Again, 65th place, 61st place in the succession of articles knocked on the ground and proved their power.
The subsequent victory proved the real power of the Drake Knight, and now no one has ever wondered if the Raiders were weak or Drake Knight was strong.
“Drake Knight has asked for a duel with Romero, his own work of iron haul!”
Rumors spread like wildfire to every corner of the royal road, and people were excited about the confrontation of this century.
‘A senior article belonging to the Royal Knights Templar, my own work of irony, Joshua Romero, Gradus 52nd place.’
His opponent was a genuine strong player ranked 52th in the rankings of Graduus, and was called “Iron Hist”, which was a frustrated knight who frustrated many articles. He was a different power than the knights he had cut.
“It’s completely crazy. I won a few times and it seemed like a very short boat. If you want to be a duel for your own work. ”
“If Drake Knight wins, it will be a really big issue!”
The action of Drake Knight, who applied for a duel against such an article, was discussed among the people with courage or recklessness, and the duel with Raiden Leirach, who was the first to do so, has completely disappeared from people’s attention.
But over time, there was no news that Drake Knight and his own work of iron-blood had dueled. I did not hear any stories about dueling until Drake Knight left for the West after finishing his schedule on the royal road.
So people came to think that the duel between Iron Man’s Own and Drake Knight is a rumor.
And when Drake Knight left the royal road and published magazines, people were amazed to see the rank of Gradus in the end.
‘Belonging to the western part of the Central Army, the lord of the Count of Line Pearl,
The results of the dueling knight and the dreary knight that were thought to be rumors had been included in the rankings of Graduus.
“There will be a duel notary! If you find him, you can hear what their duel is like! ”
People have now searched for someone who had joined the Gradus duel. Soon after, I knew who was the witness.
“I wonder what that is.”
The Reinhardt Marquis, head of the Guardian of the Kingdom and fourth in the rank of Gradus, was a recruiter who was searching for people. However, there was no great nobleman who had gone to the Marquis of Reinhardt, who had left his marquee and received the respect of many knights with the sword of his own achievement, to get to the story of the duel.
“I did not know that the princess was so interested in the story of the rough men.”
However, such a Reinhardt marquis could not help but answer the princess’ question.
“The first duel was obviously a defeat of Drake. However, his own work of irony was not satisfied with his victory. ”
After that, I had to confess all the duel of the day in front of the little princess.
“So, my own work of iron-blood encouraged Drachman to ride on the drake. It’s because I thought it was a real victory when I pulled all the power out of my opponent. ”
“Hoo. So what happened? ”
In the princess’ s cry, the Reinhardt marquis was a little bit, but she replied with a mixture of admiration.
“The Drake cloister who climbed the drake was completely different from when he did not get on the drake.”
“It is so great that Dracula’s dance is great.”
The lady glowed her eyes and added a word of marquis.
“I bet you will not have much of a chance to beat Drake to the Drake as well as your own ironwork.”
Kim Sun-hyuk who left a big blue in the royal road was almost arriving at his manor at that time.
“I know. It’s arrogant. I will die. ”
“So why did you give me a heartfelt grudge why I did not live?”
Julien nagged at him as he lay down on the cart and squealed.
“Gradus is a few steps, but I did not know that the gap was so severe.”
“The senior knights are the real power of the royal family. You despise them, so it is natural that you are so insulting. ”
It seemed that the reason for the succession of victories was a little out of proportion. Seeing that you beat the senior knight and tried to test your skills. He regretted the work of the day.
“The Sword of Thunderbolt has won against the Knight of the Knights. Besides, Frederick did not seem that strong. ”
But he also had an excuse. Lyden Lehigh, who was defeated by himself, was the victor of a duel against a senior knight in the past, and Frederick Seedorf, a former cavalry commander, did not seem to be that great.
“Those who have advanced to the top of their career, and those who have just come up with the sword, are different from their birth. Frederick Silduff is the former, and the latter is the latter. The same is true for a high-ranking article that defeats a sword of lightning. ”
“Tell me why now. I would not have done such a crazy thing if I knew. ”
“At that time I certainly had to dry the Count several times. It is the Count who is stubborn. ”
I was confident enough not to hear anything at that time. The only difference between Gradus is that it does not seem to be so short.
However, my own work of iron-blood that I encountered was strong enough to shiver. The window of the property was not able to penetrate the darkness caused by his own work, and his own wind piercing skills and various irregular skills could not penetrate his own defensive defense.
Eventually he was completely defeated in the first duel. However, Ivy recommends that you take on Drake, saying that you can not be satisfied if you do not get the right result.
For a while, the defeat and frustration broke his prey, climbed to Gold Lake, and dueled with his own again.
And after a struggle, I was able to win a victory.
“I was crazy. I wonder what Kang had asked for a duel with the Marquis of Reinhardt. ”
I had a feeling that I was ignorant of the past that I had put the dust on the ground by the Reinhardt Marquis, who had risen to a far higher level than my own work.
“Sometimes I have things that I do not know unless I go through it myself.”
Kim Seon-hyuk, who smiled at the end of a young seed, said, “I thought I was late.
“Sir Trail, is there anything uncomfortable?”
“There is not.”
I could not help but care as much as the Asha Trail I brought to the princess with a chance to make a wish. Fortunately, she was a good person to take care of herself, even though she did not have to take care of her.
“Is it still far?”
The problem was the wizard Aria Eisen. The wizard, like a cripple who never rides a horse and never traveled a long distance, constantly complained on the cart. How many times I had to listen to the same thing until I came here, and there was a scar on my ears.
But I was not kidding, I could not even make a comeback if I was looking at her who seemed to be dying right away with a really pale face.
It was a moment of inscribing in the head of Kim Sun-hyeok how much the mysterious family of the wizard is falling down.
“We’re almost there now.”
I pushed myself on the subject of the patient and pacified the arias, and he turned his head to the sound of the horseshoe he heard from afar.
“Young man Lee Ii im!”
When the cavalry, Jackson, who appeared in a long time, saw his lord, he ran to the face that seemed to cry.
The manor, which had been away for more than half a year, had evolved once again. All of that was the work of Antonin Montaigne.
“You have suffered.”
“Can you say that it is hard work to sit down at the desk and take some pens? The hardship was a shame and the lord who made the battlefield did it. ”
The old man who met in a long time seemed to be several times older than he was when he first saw it. Unlike the horse, it was clear that he had a great deal of trouble managing the small towns. Now that the current bloated line of the Pearl Manor was a proper bureaucrat, I did not have to see how much load I had to carry alone.
“Sooner or later, experts and technicians will come to help run the estate in the royal highlands. So let’s just stick to it. ”
I was so sorry to hear that, and Antonín Montaigne struck me with a handshake, saying that he was doing his best. Then they greeted Asha Trail and Aria Eisen skillfully and arranged their accommodation so that they could rest immediately.
“Lord. I know you will be tired of the elders, but I have to tell you. ”
Montaigne, who was an angry person, would have reported him briefly in writing, but caught him for some reason.
“Do you have something to say?”
“Recently, there is an unbelievable ghost story in the Rhine Pearl River. There are some who saw monsters, some who have come to the waist, some are coming to the knees only, others are getting to the throat.
The anecdote tells us that the spirit of the spiritual life is not good because the spiritual residents continue to fascinate with the monsters in the river.
“The benevolent lord allowed the fishermen to fish in the spiritual waters, but because of this kind of rumor, the spiritual people are suffering from it. ”
“I’ll take care of it. Do not worry about it. ”
Kim Sun-hyuk relieved Antoine Montaigne in a convincing tone. It is because he was convinced that the monster that appeared at the Goseong-moon was a blue gong.
When I checked the status of the blueprints, Kim Sun-hyeok looked at the status window and frowned.
– Complaints, complaints, complaints, complaints, complaints, complaints, complaints … .
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