Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 139

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Chapter 139

Treasures of Addesen (5)
Come on. When you get insulted, it’s what you aim to do.
The King ‘s intentions were over. In this way, it was clear that Kim Sun – hyuk, who had been trying to suppress the rebellion of the aristocracy and insulted the nobles, was going to put a wedge so that they would not be able to overturn their choices against them.
This is show. It was a kind of ceremony that went through to become a royal family. Kim Sun-hyuk also knew about that, and I was willing to adjust to the end of the day as long as I had already decided.
However, after seeing the behavior of the aristocracy, the idea to finish it properly disappeared.
“sire. It is a great thing that the master of the DeLaval county can not find an analogy, but it is nothing but a mere beauo! ”
Here, too, are the dogs treated with dogs.
It is only a matter of pride that the horse is not able to receive the prize, and is putting his life and shooting the battlefield.
“I have made a great work, but it is a dedication to be a wise man of the kingdom, and counting it is no more than insulting its noble and holy service.”
Insult was not like that. He was willing to sacrifice his life for the country, but even the noble behaviors that he said were natural, insulting the sacrificed soldiers and insulting him who had struggled to die.
He began to rise to the privileged ritual of the aristocracy who regarded the effort and dedication of others as safe for him to remain safe.
“I am a stranger whose origin is unknown. ”
“Those who can not distinguish between frivolity and honor … ”
“Just because of the power, even if the things that are worthy of heaven are used, the foundation of the country is broken … ”
He was really angry at the behavior of the aristocrats who valued people for themselves. The chiefs of the hereditary nobility, who only met their parents well and were still there, were overly shameless.
“What do you think of that word, Drake Count?”
Theodore had a good chance to intervene in good timing. Kim lifted his cotton arm and stepped forward.
“De, Count Draham?”
The complexion of the aristocrats who knew herself became bloated.
“Sigh… ”
He took a long sigh.
It was an unexpected spot, a show that was not in the mood. But it was the nobles that did not like it any more.
From the beginning Kim Sun-hyuk hated nobles.
When I first came to the royal road, I used somehow to take advantage of myself and how frustrated I was with those who were frightened. In addition to that, I kept quiet and ate it. But it was rather strange if the nobles felt good.
“sire. Will you step back for a while? ”
King Theodor nodded his head at his request.
In front of the nobles, Kim Sun-hyuk stared at the young, old man who was cunningly rolling his eyes.
“sire. Why is the Count of DeLasca dressed as a guardian and in here? ”
He closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the voices of the nobleman, who wondered if the situation had yet to be grasped, or whether the king had sneaked in the fact that he had sneaked in these boring papers.
Though he was forced to create it, his anger was real.
When Kim Sun-hyuk reopened his eyes, his momentum had changed as if it were a dragon.
As the nobleman, who had been the forerunner of his predestination, fell down, he sat down. A noble who failed to figure out what had happened to him fell back again and again.
The noble, who discovered that my body was trembling like a sapling late, spoke out loud. And I turned my eyes over white and asked for bubbles.
“What is this … ”
When the nobles frowned at the situation where they did not know English, they tried to get stuck. I found Kim’s unconscious eyes gazing at them.
It was different from the look of Adesden that seemed to dig into every detail.
His eyes were more heterogeneous and violent in view of the nobles. It was the enemy that the whole body would be torn apart in the place where I went out, and it was a difference in price that I pressed it with overwhelming difference.
The nobles, who were born and never seen such kind of eyes, never dared to look at them. While they were not aware of themselves, they had to avoid their eyes and ignore their mates.
Only these cubs.
The nobles who could not even stand and dare to look down could not even see the soldiers at the end of the line.
They discussed death as well as sacrifice and devotion, but in fact they were chunks that did not even go to the edge.
It was rather disappointing that I faced the poor people.
“Ha … ”
Kim Sun-hyuk relaxed the enemy and captured the momentum.
It took a while, and the noble who bubbled up and turned his eyes turned to the spirit.
“Who is it?”
“Lee, a millionaire’s millionaire … ”
The answer came from elsewhere. But it was good. It was enough just to hear the name of the aristocrat who was most enthusiastic and tortured.
“The Countess of Lynn Million … ”
Kim Sun-hyeok just put the name of the Linenman family in his mouth. By that alone, the Count of Lynnen Bay seemed to have received a death sentence.
“I will visit for a day.”
He did not forget to leave a warning.
“Ah… ”
In his words, Countess Linenman urgently asked other noblemen for help.
However, after a short while with the eyes of Kim Sun-hyuk, the nobles who were completely depressed seemed to have no intention of helping their colleagues. It seems to me that I may have a grudge against the person who does not want to be distracted by his attorney with his party in front of him.
“Lynnen Man wondered that his body was not good at all. Let’s go back and get informed of today’s results. ”
Then King Theodore stepped up and settled the situation.
“What are you doing? I do not help you to wonder if the linen only. ”
One of the knights waiting for him approached and dragged the Count of Linnenman out of the conference hall.
“There was a moment of disturbance, but I’m going to finish today, as I said before.”
At the king ‘s end, the noblemen watched.
Because the party was in front of me, it seemed like it was hard to object to it as before. In addition, they had just watched what the Count of Lynnen Million had just before.
The force of the knight in the ground just hurt the person as if he faced a ferocious faction even by facing him.
The nobles are now completely depressed, unable to take a strong decision as before. However, he did not even look closely at the combination of the Adédens royal family and Drake.
“Maybe it’s a good job or a little hurry … ”
“I think it would be good to make a decision by seeing a good time in a little more time.”
“The Count of DeLasca has just returned from the battlefield, so I should take a rest.”
The aristocracy suggested that the decision be delayed with such excuses. Of course, it was not the king of theodore who would go to Horak because they said so.
“Lift them up.”
The king, determined to finish his job in his place today, took out another hand he had prepared.
It is.
The two men who opened the door of the conference room knelt down.
“Theodor Tirerius, the rightful ruler of Ardenberg, will pay homage to His Majesty the King of Addesen!”
The nobles who did not know English for a moment in the sudden appearance of strangers appeared to realize that their color was quite different from that of Ardenberg.
“Sir Gilles Marin de Lorraine, from Grapevindor, Sir Lavafet Sylvain.”
The king smiled and introduced them.
“The article of the expanse!”
Lately, the nobles who had noticed their identity trembled.
“Why are there those who should be in Kalstain fortress here? ”
The nobles never seemed to be able to keep up with the conversation when the people they did not anticipate repeatedly appeared in the conference room. But there was more surprise than the appearance of Griffin Riders.
Sir Lafayette and Sir Roland decided to leave the country and stay in our Adenberg. ”
King Theodor added a word without hesitation.
“And that’s what I persuaded them to be.”
The nobles could not even think about managing their faces this time.
“Saints still lack the major of the Death Valley Count.”
Instead of persuading the aristocracy, Theodor slowly drove him out of his mind, so that they could not dare to refute his opinion. And the plan succeeded.
Since the Count of Lynnen Bay has already been frenzied out of control, the nobles who have been pushed to the ground have no longer been able to disagree with the King ‘
The ball that convinced Griffin’s treasures and proud Griffin riders to turn them was unimaginable as nobles.
“But I have also pondered, and I have come to realize that the opinions of the sages are also right in part. I am going to engage the princess and the deceased Count Dracula, so I will spend more time watching. ”
In addition to that, he changed his attitude, which seemed to push him to marriage right now, and said that he was making a concession, so no more nobles had any objection.
“I am willing to follow your Majesty’s decision.”
It was a moment when I decided that the problem of dragging a month ‘
“Good work. Your ball is really big. ”
“Come on.”
In the eyes of King Theodor Kim Sun-hyuk, I heard a sickness without knowing.
When I think about it, I think that the act I did today was to finally confirm the confusion with the princess, so I felt that it was nothing but the pursuit of a confrontation with the young princess.
“Ha. What the hell did I do? ”
It was confusing whether his actions were good.
“Your dragon has prevented the kingdom’s chaos.”
The tea time, Kim Sun-hyuk who attended the invitation of the princess doubted whether the princess in front of her knew what she was talking about.
“It is. Impairment. You are a true story. ”
Looking at the princess who praised the elderly person, he could not bear it.
“Is she okay? Is it not so bad even if this confusion is decided? ”
The young girl asked if she was too harsh to accept it, and the girl ‘s answer was a spectacle.
“You are a stranger, and you have no family to fill your souls with your marriage, and that is not enough for you to be a bride. Is there a reason why I should reject you? ”
I could not even tell whether I should praise a young girl looking at her political marriage from a political point of view or whether she should praise her as realistic.
“Besides, there is no better godmother on this continent than you. The reason why the nobles opposed me and your marriage was that they themselves wanted to be tied up with you. ”
In the end, Kim Sun-hyuk gave up giving the princess a private impression.
“Do you hate me?”
The princess’s question was surprise. Kim Sun-hyuk, who drank tea still, took a case without knowing the question that he did not think about.
“쯧. I can not finish it. ”
The princess handed her a handkerchief while she was tongue-tied, and wiped out her mess that had become a mess.
“Thank you.”
“I have not heard the answer yet. Do you hate me? ”
There was a moment of disturbance, but the princess did not seem to give up listening to the answer. At the end of the incident, Kim Sun – hyuk first asked himself a question.
I do not like the princess.
I have never thought deeply about the princess in such a complex situation. When he realized that he had forgotten that he had a prince in front of him, he was troubled.
He was so thoughtless, the princess waited silently for no effort.
“I am… ”
He worried for a long time, he hesitated opened his mouth.
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