Novel Name : Dragon Poor

Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

The promise of the royal family (3)
Kim Sun-hyeok stayed at the hostel all day and watched the rankings of Graduus and chased the talent.
“It’s too burdensome to take it if it’s too high, and it’s too painful to work.”
Among them, Graudus excluded those who were too high. Because the prince helped him, I could not think that the top talents of Gradus would follow him unconditionally, and even if he succeeded in taking him to the land, he would not be able to do it properly.
He was a talented person who needed to be comfortable, and he did not have to worry about letting him go.
“Except the Gentiles.”
And there they also excluded the Gentiles.
“This is roughly arranged … ”
The total number of talented people who were so cunning and sulky was three.
‘Royal Mage, senior wizard, Jake Fradmoor, Gradus 73.’
‘A member of the Royal Mage, Senior Wizard, Aria Eisen, Graduus 98th.’
‘Royal Mage, Senior Wizards, Xcel Arkain, Gradus 100th.’
It was one of the most promising talents who were recognized in their 20s. And it was also a wizard, not a knight. Julien, who watched him quietly, asked if Knew would not make it, and Kim answered that he had nothing to think about.
“The article has already been decided.”
Although I was looking into the name of Gradus all day long, it was surprising that I decided so quickly that I did not know how long I would be together in the future.
But for him, it was not a hasty decision. Rather, when I told my wish to the king, I had put a nail in front of it, but it was no different.
“Who is it?”
Julien also showed great interest in the first article of the Ganji as a schooire who was also an article-wise scholar. He looked at Julien and stretched his fingers gently with a strange face, pointing to the middle of Gradus’ ranking.
“Talented person, proven talented person, is not it?”
Julien, who looked at the face of Kim Sun-hyuk, who seemed to be waiting for praise, had a blank face. And he responded with a sigh of late.
“I am incredibly talented and personable, but I’m not just a knight, but how would you like to take out the article of the Royal Guardian?”
The name of the article that his fingers pointed to was absurd, and he knew the name of Julian.
‘The Royal Knights, the Royal Guard, the senior knight Asha Trail, Graduus 46th.’
“How did you get it?”
Kim Hyun-hyuk, who saw Julien, who pierced his head with joy, shamelessly spoke.
“I have to tell the princess. Ask for the trail. ”
In a relatively simple and clear way of dueling, the complexity of the wizard’s graduus was determined by the fact that, unlike the articles in which Gradus was ranked,
Most of the witches who spend most of their time in the lab to study and experiment with magic have not been able to play duel with magic unless they suddenly go crazy. So the magicians of Gradus were supposed to identify the magic spells that the party had learned, and how much resistance they could take against their enemies if they were put into battle.
For example, if the knights were rushing and handling tanks that crushed the enemy, the wizards would be fixed in one place to form a rogue, to treat enemies, or to destroy them.
“I heard that the last Knights and Wizards of Gradus can deal with at least one major infantry.”
The power of the individual overwhelmed one hundred well-trained soldiers, and it was a worldly standard, full of magic, spirits and all kinds of unrealistic powers.
“But I will not go to war anyway.”
“So you’ll have to stick your neck in Gradus more and more. Without Gradus, there will not be a chance to prove your skills until the war is over. ”
Julien’s statement was true. I had a hard time to die, and I got a superhuman power in my hand. I was tied up with my hands and feet, and I could not use my strength. How hard is it?
If you think about it, you could understand the minds of the Pyongyang who had been suffering from the imposition of duel in the past.
“Anyway, you will not be able to put in the battlefield anymore. When I thought about it, I took it, and if I could make a fireball and pour out a lightning bolt, that would be the same. ”
He handed Julian a list of candidates for the Written Mage that he wrote down in advance.
“Of these, besides attacking magic, there are those who show their talent or find out who they are.”
“Unlike the knights, the wizards of the Royal Mage are somewhat out of activities and it may take some time to get the information.”
“I do not care. Anyway, after the negotiation is over, I will be awarded the war, and I have to be rewarded so that I will win the royal road. It’s okay if you can find out only in it. ”
Julian looked down at his horse and went out of the room. She was also a sincere girl.
“after. So let’s stop by tolerance. ”
It was also time for the princess to enjoy the tea time. He called the maid and told him to lead in tolerance and moved slowly.
“It seems like you have a very strong heart.”
However, I met a very unpleasant person there. There was the Reinhardt Marquis, who was somewhat grueling when he turned the Gentiles belonging to the Central Army into anti-corruption.
“This is what the princess has permitted.”
“Know. It’s my job to identify the people with resistance, but I do not know that. ”
The marquis, who spoke a word so bluntly, glanced at her.
“I have something to say for a second. I want you to move away. ”
When the maid examines Kim Sun – hyuk ‘s mind for a moment, he nods his head and disappears far away.
“Do you have something to say?”
“How is the royal road? The location is different so the visible world does not change either. ”
It was a fact that can not be denied. I was enjoying a great deal of comparison with the past, which was merely a horse cavalry.
“It is a royal road. It is a comfortable and pleasant place for those who have power, but on the contrary, if they do not have the strength, they will be tortured by all kinds of hooks trying to bite and bite. ”
“I think so.”
I do not even think about Kim Hyun – hyuk ‘ So I just had to listen to the marquis.
“But now you have power and reputation that you can not touch, and you are trusted by the royal family. Perhaps you do not know, but there is no one in the royal road that can treat you as a rash. ”
It was also his attitude to the appearance of the marquis of Reinhardt, who was looking straight into his eyes.
“That’s why. Do you have any idea to stay in the royal road? ”
“What the … ”
This is what I was talking about, and when he saw his strange face, the marquis said with a soft face.
“I do not want to join the Royal Order.”
Kim suddenly could not answer the sudden offer.
“It is to defend the blood of the Addesen, which is the highest peak in the city of Adenberg. The glory and honor can not be said, and no one will be able to command you except those who inherit the city of Addesen. Will not you be attracted? ”
I did not prompt a small answer after.
“You do not have to answer right now. I took you right away. The old man of Kangsuk comes to the royal road and pushes me. So slowly, I think this way, you can put it in your head. ”
I also noticed that he was not very proud of his appearance, but the marquis’s attitude was rarely smooth.
“Let me think.”
This time I was not rejected in the face, I was glad to say that I was laughing and laughing, said the marquee as if suddenly thought.
“Do not even think about such an excuse, even if it is a field constitution. Anyway you will know soon, but you have not stayed in the field for a long time. ”
“What do you mean by that?”
“At Knottain I fell on you as a condition of this negotiation.”
What is the reason why one person’s story is mentioned in negotiations between countries and countries? When he asked for an explanation that frowned, the marquis responded slowly.
“I think you know that Knuthen and the wizards and knights that we can use as main power to avoid the accumulation are not put into the front as much as possible.”
That was the story he knew.
“But this time, I have asked Dave Knight to classify Drake Knight as a high level article and to exclude him from the dispute in the future. That is the condition that the ousted men walked instead of accepting most of the conditions proposed by our kingdom. ”
“Ah… ”
Later I understood the situation and he had a face that was absurd. It is because of the need of Nautaiten that the young children seemed to set rules with their fists.
“Do you accept it?”
“It’s not a decision yet, but it’s probably a high probability. For the time being, the nauta-ten men do not cross the border first, and even if it is, it is enough to satisfy the requirements of Nauta-in. ”
By the way, as I was listening to the Marquis, I felt that the bureaucrats in Adenberg were quite positively considering the proposal.
“Perhaps you are now a senior nobleman, and you will soon find out. Why the knights are tied up in their hands and feet, and the mouths of the mages are sealed. And by the time you see it, you’ll be no different from other knights. ”
The marquis’s face was deeply shaded. However, unlike the Marquess facial expression, which weighed heavily, there was no big change in Kim’s face. I did not see any anxiety about the fact that I could not understand it, but that I might not be on the battlefield like the knights.
The marquess asked whether he had noticed the fact late.
“Have not you? A bird that can not fly can become a leopard that can not run. ”
To the question of the Reinhardt Marquis, he replied with a casual look.
“What is it that you can not fly and run? I live like a chicken and live like a cat. ”
In the beginning, he had no intention of participating in the war. When I saw it, I was ordered to fight, and I just saw the ball. There was no reason to be excluded from the battlefield.
No, it was rather lucky to have been called into a terrible battlefield and not seeing terrible things.
The Marquis added a sigh and said with a sigh of relief.
“Anyway, this is the situation, so if you feel boring, always come to the royal road. The Royal Order will always welcome you. ”
The marquee stepped on the pace, feeling that the pace seemed to be disturbed. As the marquis had disappeared, the maid, who had retreated farther, approached and guided her.
“I am indeed an idiot. I was just about to drink tea now, and Count DeLaughar is looking for this place. ”
The prince asked her to come to play with her body, and now she was as if she did not remember anything like that. Now that he has become accustomed to this disagreement, he just greeted the princess with a smile.
“I had a good window and armor thanks to the princess’ s consideration for the car, Thank you very much.”
“The king also made the best craftsmen in the ball for months. It seems that the heat and the sexuality that have been used to refine and mold the iron seem to create a masterpiece of life, so it would be natural for you to be satisfied. ”
I spoke tremendously, but in the end, it was nothing less than to admit that he gave me such a great gift. He gave a modestly impressed look to the princess and thanked him.
It felt like a young niece. Of course, the nephew of his nephew was the leader of the kingdom, but he was careful to treat him, but it was not a bad feeling to meet a princess who had both resentment and innocence.
“Ah. Wizards and articles to reside in the manor that I told you before. ”
“Oh oh. I have already made a decision. ”
“The wizards will have to worry a bit more, but the knight has decided.”
The princess was looking forward to it, and the princess gleamed with her round eyes.
“Yes. I wonder if an article is in the mind of a Drake Knight, who is a superior man. ”
I have already come to mind, but the princess’ s close escort of the prince as I could not wait to be last minute.
But he eventually told me his decision with the feeling that he did not know.
“Give me the honor of the trail.”
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