Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 145 All I Want Are Kisses and Hugs

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Jacob's anger was escalating as he kept her seized by the neck. His eyes were gradually becoming
red, and his hand was tightening around her veins. At the same time, Sheila's face was turning purple
and her eyes looked like they were about to pop out. Everyone was stunned by the scene, unable to
react in any way. No one dared to stop him; no one even dared to say a word.

When she was on the verge of suffocation, Jacob finally loosened his grip and threw her on the ground
in disgust as if he was throwing garbage.

Sheila gasped like a fish out of water and then coughed heavily.

"Who dares to laugh? I will have you wither just like her!" Jacob stretched out his arm and grabbed the
handkerchief handed over by Sam. He wiped his hands with it and directed his sight towards Sheila
adding,"And you... "

Sheila, who was still trying to breathe on the ground, reflexively quivered at his hateful look. She
immediately tried to gather her thoughts and began begging for mercy with her hoarse voice,"Mr.
Jacob... I am sorry. I was wrong; please forgive me... "

Jacob casually dropped the handkerchief on the ground, as he was staring into her eyes. He was angry
but more so panicked. He kept blaming Sheila,"Emily was sitting right at your table, and you could not
take care of her..." Then on an even more desperate tone, he continued,"Damn it! Keep looking! And if
you can't find her yourself, then all of you go; either you find her... or you can all disappear together."

The other employees began resenting Sheila as well. If she hadn't treated Emily like that in the first
place, Emily might have not left the table. If they had known this would happen, they wouldn't have let
her out of their sight no matter what.

A few hours later

Confused, Emily's gaze kept hovering over Jack who was lying on the ground unconscious. She was
trying hard to get a grip on reality, but the shock they had been through was making it hard.

She slowly reached out to touch his face. His warm but faint nasal breath gently brushed her fingers as
she tried to open his eyelids.

"Jack, wake up. Are you trying to pull a prank on me like the last time? I know you like to do that," Emily
stated hoping she was right.

This time, however, he wasn't pretending.

Suddenly a noise echoed through the air. As it got closer, it sounded more and more like a voice, but
Emily couldn't take the chance. She couldn't risk running into another beast. Instinctively, she dragged
Jack as best as she could, wanting to hide farther into the bushes.

A flashlight beam protruded through the parted grass not very far away. Emily started discerning a
number of human voices coming from the light.

Her breath stopped for half a second, partly because of the newly-found hope and partly because she
needed to quiet down her loud breathing so she could hear the others. Pushing through the severe
pain in her ankle, she forced herself to stand up. With all the strength she had left, Emily shouted,"Is
anyone there? Someone's hurt here! Help, please!"

As soon as she finished her words, a sound of rapid footsteps headed in her direction, and then a
bright flashlight lit up her face.

"Miss Emily!" called out the person holding the light. It's Miss Emily! Hey! She's here!"

However, the pain from standing on her leg combined with the excitement of being found took a toll on
her. Emily's vision quickly turned blurry and she immediately blacked out.

A few shakes and light cheek slaps later, she opened her eyes and was greeted by a familiar scent and
a warm embrace. She would recognize Jacob's perfume from a mile away, even with eyes closed. She
didn't want to move.

Jacob squeezed her against his chest so tightly, as if this was the only way to release the panic and
worry in his heart.

Sam, who had followed him along, kept reminding him,"Mr. Jacob... the way you're holding her is a bit
too tight. She just fainted a minute ago. She might suffocate... Sir? Sir!"

Jacob eventually came to his senses after Sam's last warning. He immediately loosened his hold, but
Emily was already without air. It seemed that she was about to lose consciousness again. So without
hesitation, Jacob pressed his lips against hers, and lend her some of his air.

Emily opened her eyes once more and attempted to whisper,"H..he... Sa.. save him... " Those words
took all her energy away, and she could no longer stay awake. Her body sunk limp into Jacob's arms.

Jacob nervously felt her pulse. Once he realized it was still stable, he calmed down and sighed in relief.
He turned his sight over to Jack, who was also lying on the ground unconscious, and his eyes turned
unresponsive to light.

Later that evening, Emily woke up to a bright white ceiling with molding carved in exquisite patterns.
Immediately she began coughing,"Ahm... ahm"

"You're awake!" remarked a voice to her side. Turning her head, she noticed Jacob tending to her on
the side of the bed. He raised a cup of warm water to her lips gently requesting,"Drink this."

Emily lifted herself higher on her pillow, resting her back against it, and drank the water obediently.
After hesitating for a few seconds, she finally decided to ask,"So... How is Jack?"

"He won't die," Jack spit out, irritated by her question. His eyes looked away, and his demeanor

A huge weight was taken off Emily's chest at the sound of his words. She didn't think twice about
expressing her relief,"That's good."

"You seem to worry about him a lot?" wondered Jacob, still annoyed.

Sensing the strong displeasure in his tone, Emily hurriedly explained,"Because he saved my life, you
know? We ran into a bear in the woods, and it was really scary... "

"Why did you run away in the first place, when you clearly knew there was danger out there? Were you
thinking before you ran into the woods?" he said in critique. How couldn't she see how much she meant
to him? Did she have any idea how worried he had been after she disappeared? 'I should have tied her
to my belt!' he told himself.

Emily wasn't sure what to reply with besides "I'm sorry..." She didn't expect to get reprimanded. She
expected comforting words and a hug.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. How could he be so insensitive?! She turned her
face to the opposite side of the bed. With her head hung low, she allowed her tears to stream down her

Watching her tears drop down from her chin, Jacob's frown sharpened. He tipped his head towards her
eyes and asked,"What's the matter? You think I shouldn't have said these to you?"

Emily bit her lip without saying anything.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?!" continued Jacob. "I thought you might have had
an accident! It's not like you're the most buff person out there! You could have been killed in the

wilderness! Emily, don't you remember that I have already saved your life once? Don't you remember
that your life is mine?" Agitated, Jacob was gesturing and roaring out of pain and anger. He took a
short break to look deep into her eyes hoping he was getting through to her, hoping she could feel what
she had put him through.

Emily reciprocated the look and, with red eyes, she began arguing back,"Right, you own me! I'm not
even entitled to my freedom! My life is yours! In that case, you might as well take it away!"

Angered even more by her words, he clenched his fist in an attempt to get a hold of himself. His
inability to make her see things through his eyes was killing him. Eventually, Jacob sat himself down
next to her, cupped her face in his hands and rubbed her cheek roughly with his thumb.

"Do you think you have any reason to be mad? Can you not understand my panic when I couldn't find

"You shouted at me," Emily said with her lips pursed, pretending to push him away. She didn't want him
to go away. It was obvious from her voice, from her look.

Jacob cradled her tightly and, began thinking out loud,"Can you just admit you were wrong? You can't
just run away like that. Do you hear me?"

However, Emily seemed to tune him out. Like a broken record, she kept repeating,"You shouted at
me... "

After a short pause, she unconvincingly tried to threaten him,"If you keep treating me like this, I won't
take it anymore and I'll stop loving you..."

She was being such a brat in his mind. He had been so worried about her! And how come she wasn't
afraid herself to go into the woods at night?

"How dare you say that after all I've done for you!" Jacob exclaimed in surprise. Her words seemed to
have stabbed him deep into his heart, but all he could do was hold her even tighter. He knew she didn't
mean that. He knew her well. All he wanted was for her to actually see his point and realize just how
much he cared about her. Eventually he softened his tone, trying to explain himself,"I'm not yelling at
you. I'm just reasoning with you."

"But I don't want to reason with you now!" Emily asserted immediately. She raised her eyes to meet his
and went on saying,"All I want are kisses and hugs!"

As soon as she finished those words, she threw her arms around the Jacob's neck, pulled him down
and kissed his thin lips adding,"Like this."

Jacob's heart started racing and his breath got heavier. His anxiety about her earlier worry for Jack was
all gone. All of a sudden, he wasn't even mad anymore. Just like that, she had rendered all his efforts
to convince her futile. He got a hold of her head, and leaned deeper into her kisses. With an
intensifying, mercilessly passion, he kissed and bit and touched.

He wanted her to understand... to see how much he cared about her.

Suddenly an "Eh-hem!" came out of nowhere. Sam was just stepping inside the room, when he ran into
the scene. He subconsciously coughed, and right away began to regret it. He felt as if he should just
turn around and leave but they had already heard him. So he was in a limbo.

Hearing his voice, Emily instinctively tried to push Jacob away. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of
someone watching their private moment. But he was so engaged in their kiss and refused to let her go.
Growing more nervous, Emily impulsively kicked him in order to escape.

The strength of her kick was surprisingly powerful, so much so that Jacob was just about to fall out of

He quickly grounded himself though, and took a moment to catch his breath.

Sam hurriedly turned his back to them, swearing he had really not seen anything.

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