Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 148 You Wanted To Take Advantage of Me

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With her face turned ashy grey, Lynn paused for a long while before she could speak again. "It's...It's
Tina! I was forced to do that because Tina threatened me with my nude picture," she said.

Tina's name drove Jacob up the wall. With a malicious tone, he said,"Tina? Well, well."

Jacob's voice seemed to make the air around them colder and thinner, suffocating Lynn and Sheila, as
they dared not to utter another word in fear of angering Jacob.

A few minutes later, Jacob ordered Sam,"Take the cage out of here."

Sam quickly followed Jacob's order. He got a few men to put a black piece of cloth over the cage,
before wheeling the cage away. Afterwards, he went to take Lynn and Sheila out of the hall, who were
standing there pale as ghosts.

"Lynn, you bitch! If it hadn't been for you, I would not have been dragged into the mire! Trust me, Mr.
Jacob. I did not have any intentions of hurting Miss Emily! I am innocent!" yelled Sheila. Blinded by
fear, Sheila began to curse at Lynn without any restraint, hoping to find Jacob's sympathy.

With an expressionless face, Jacob taunted,"Perhaps you should be happy that you were too much of
a coward to do anything to Emily."


Meanwhile, Emily, who had spent the whole day lying in the bed, could not bear it any longer, so she
decided to get out for some fresh air. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she felt a slight twinge in
her ankle, which brought back memories of yesterday when she had hurt her foot.

Fortunately, the ointment was working, and today her foot injury was feeling better. She figured she
could be up and about as long as she didn't put too much pressure on her injured foot.

Emily hobbled and limped on her way to the door. However, when she opened the door, she was
surprised by the two bodyguards outside, smiling at her.

With a loud bang, Emily slammed the door shut angrily. Then she hobbled to the window, looked down
and came up with an idea. She slowly went back to the bedside, tore the bed sheet into pieces and
knotted them into a rope. With everything in place, she took a deep breath and slid down the window
with her home-made rope.

Safe and sound, when her feet touched the ground, her heart bloomed with joy. Soon, she realized that
there was another problem—How could she find Jack? Emily had no idea where to look for him or
where he could be.

'Anyway, I have to leave here first.'

Emily walked cautiously along the wall, and then, all of a sudden, she bobbed down when she saw two
girls walking towards her. But when she found out who they were, she bobbed up and
exclaimed,"Chloe! Layla!"

Chloe and Layla were stunned to see Emily, but the next minute they both showed a warm smile and
said,"Hey, Miss Emily. Shouldn't you be in bed now? How are you feeling?"

Emily was grateful to know that the both of them cared for her a lot. "I'm okay. I was just wondering...if
you know where Jack is? He got injured and I just wanted to see whether he was okay or not," she

"Of course we know. Mr. Jacob told us not to get close to Mr. Jack's room. But I think he will allow you
to go see Mr. Jack if you ask," said Chloe. 'Wow! How thoughtful of them! I remember that they used to
be somewhat unkind to me, ' Emily thought.

Obviously, the two girls changed their tune because they both knew how Sheila met her miserable end.

Besides, unlike Tina, who always treated them with conceit and disrespect, Emily never threw her
weight around them. As a result, there was no need for them to be difficult to Emily.

Most importantly, even though Emily was very easy to pick on, Jacob, on the other hand, was a man no
sensible person would dare to offend.

Emily coughed, seeming to become a little awkward at their words as she quickly asked another
question,"So, where can I find him?"

"He's now in the villa at Quarter C. Would you like us to show you the way?"

"Oops, Miss Emily, it seems that your foot hasn't completely healed up yet. Would you like me to find a
wheelchair for you?" asked Layla.

"It's okay. I can go there myself. Don't worry about me," Emily assured them. Startled by their sudden
change in attitude, Emily immediately refused their generosity as she said,"If you take me there, you
might be seen by Jacob. Anyway, It's not too far away from here. Sorry for disturbing you. Please enjoy
your vacation."

'"Enjoy our vacation?"' amazed by Emily's words, Chloe and Layla thought, 'after that accident, who
would be in the mood to enjoy the vacation?

Mr. Jacob wouldn't allow us to have fun even if we wanted to.' However, since they didn't want to be
seen by Jacob as well, they decided to let Emily go on by herself.

"Okay, take care of yourself. See you later, Miss Emily," said the both of them.

"Thank you, I will. You guys take care too."

Before long, Emily eventually found Quarter C. However, just as she reached the door of the villa, she
was stopped by the two guards, who persuaded her to leave.

"Ms. Emily, we were strictly told by Mr. Jacob to not allow anyone else to go inside the villa. Only
doctors and nurses are allowed to go in and out of this place."

Frustrated, Emily rolled her eyes and pretended to be angry. "So you mean that I am also not allowed
here, and that I am just a stranger to Mr. Jacob?" she asked with an agitated look on her face.

One of the guards hastened to explain,"I didn't mean that..."

"I didn't think so," she replied.

"We're sorry, Ms. Emily," they both replied, apologetically.

"Anyway, I am going in, whether you like it or not. I'd like to see who would dare to stop me!" she
challenged. This was the first time she had behaved so arrogantly. She felt so awkward that she
walked straight towards the villa without wasting another second.

Again, she was stopped by the dutiful guards, but they didn't say anything this time. They simply raised
their arms to stop her from going in.

Emily gritted her teeth and straightened her back, which made the guards quickly draw back their arms
as they felt embarrassed by Emily's behavior, although their arms didn't really touch her body.

'What on earth is she up to? Mr. Jacob will surely kill us if we touch even a single hair on her body!'

"If you insist on stopping me, I will tell Jacob that you wanted to take advantage of me!" she yelled at
them. Trying hard to look minacious and unreasonable, Emily actually felt sorry for what she did to the
guards, but she had no choice.

Panic-stricken, the two guards looked at each other helplessly. After all, Emily was Mr. Jacob's
girlfriend, and they, were just his employees. They knew that if Emily had complained about them to

Jacob, he would have surely believed her, without a doubt.

And the worse part was that, anyone who dared to touch Jacob's girl would end up dead. 'If she really
said that to Mr. Jacob, we would be dead meat!'

After long consideration, the guards got out of her way, unwilling to trouble her any longer.

Pulling herself up to her full height, Emily walked towards the villa, satisfied.

Soon afterwards, Emily was standing at the door of Jack's room. She asked the nurses on duty in the
villa and quickly figured out where Jack was with their help.

When she sneaked into the room, she was stunned by what she saw—A man was lying on the bed,
covered up to his neck with sterile white bed sheet. And he had a green oxygen mask on his pale and
fading face.

Emily's heart suddenly curled. 'Why did Sam say that Jack was not seriously injured, when he is
actually lying here like a dead man with that oxygen mask to help with his breathing?' she wondered.

Before Emily could get closer to Jack, a nurse suddenly came in. Strangely enough, she didn't seem
too surprised to see Emily there, instead, she nodded at Emily and greeted,"Good afternoon, Ms.

"Good afternoon," replied Emily. Somehow feigning a smile on her face, Emily was startled to see the
nurse take off the oxygen mask from Jack's face. With her eyes widened, Emily cried out without a
conscious thought,"No!"

Surprised by Emily's voice, the nurse paused for a long while before she responded,"Miss....Miss
Emily, what's the matter?

Is there anything wrong?"

"Why did you take off his oxygen mask? How will he breathe without that?" Remembering what a
moribund state Jack was in yesterday evening, Emily could not help but hobble to the nurse with all her
strength. The next minute she snatched the mask from the nurse and placed it over Jack's face again.
Then she turned round and glared at the nurse angrily.

Dumbfounded, the nurse paused before she responded in an aggrieved tone,"Ms. Emily, Mr. Jack is
doing much better now. He won't need the oxygen mask to breathe anymore. And taking off the mask
is actually going to help with his recovery."

Embarrassment rooted Emily to the ground, as she said,"Oh, I didn't know

"Why did you take off his oxygen mask? How will he breathe without that?" Remembering what a
moribund state Jack was in yesterday evening, Emily could not help but hobble to the nurse with all her
strength. The next minute she snatched the mask from the nurse and placed it over Jack's face again.
Then she turned round and glared at the nurse angrily.

Dumbfounded, the nurse paused before she responded in an aggrieved tone,"Ms. Emily, Mr. Jack is
doing much better now. He won't need the oxygen mask to breathe anymore. And taking off the mask
is actually going to help with his recovery."

Embarrassment rooted Emily to the ground, as she said,"Oh, | didn't know

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