Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 543 Little Demon

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The sudden pain in her wrist awoke Yilia from a deep sleep. Someone had slashed her wrist, and the
pain was excruciating.

"Ahhh!" Opening her eyes she was greeted by a bruised little face at her bedside. A pair of dark eyes
were locked onto her in a most disconcerting way.

In the dim light Beryl's bruises appeared even more ghoulish, like a burnt doll in a horror film.

"Beryl! What are you doing?" Clutching at the bleeding wound on her wrist, Yilia freaked out and began
yelling, "What the hell are you doing to me?"

Staring wordlessly at her, Beryl reached out and turned on the table lamp.

"Calm down, auntie! Yelling only speeds up the loss of blood. Didn't you know that?"

The wicked woman who had once kidnapped her had said so.

Yilia stared at her in disbelief. She couldn't understand how the child could have harmed her, but her
bleeding wound reminded her of the fact.

Grabbing some tissues from the side table, she exploded in rage, "You rotten little girl! You are going to

A sudden flash dazzled her eyes as she finished speaking.

Cold white light reflected off the knife which Beryl was wielding. Blood dripped from the sharp tip. It
blossomed like red flowers on the floor.

The child's dark eyes gave her a chill. It cut into her own dark core, sharp as any knife.

"Tip tap! Tip tap!" Beryl flashed a horrid smile and spoke eerily, "Listen to the sound of the blood
dripping on the floor. Do you like it, auntie?"

Wide eyed, Yilia wanted to rip her to shreds, but she feared getting too close to the child and her knife.
Instead she cursed loudly, "You! You little asshole!"

"Asshole? Are you talking to yourself?" Beryl sneered, her dark eyes captivating Yilia. She continued,
still smiling nefariously, "By the way, there is nothing you can do to stop the bleeding."

"Go to hell!" Yilia screamed. Screaming in her mind, Yilia thought bravely, 'Do you honestly think that
you can best an adult? You little bitch!' But when she tried to get up, she was suddenly dizzy.

'What's going on? Did I really lose that much blood?' She wondered and began to panic.

Suddenly she realized that the wound kept bleeding no matter how much tissue was being pressed
onto it.

"Tip tap! Tip tap!"

The sound of her own blood dripping in the silent room deafened her.

'Did the bitch cut a vein?'

'Why do I keep bleeding no matter what I do?' She thought in bewilderment.

From blood loss she became too weak to even yell at Beryl. All her strength had been consumed by
the collection of blood flowers growing on the floor at her feet.

"Give... give me the phone!" She ordered feebly.

Flashing an angelic smile, Beryl spoke sweetly. It was as if she were discussing homework, "Is that an
order? Do you dare to issue orders, even now? Do you want to meet my knife again?"

"Really? Just try it!" She would never have thought that a little girl could attack her like this. Weary now,
her words lacked conviction. But she knew Beryl had nowhere to go.

'What the hell is she going to do next? Kill me? She doesn't have the balls, ' she thought.

Beryl followed her order. She finally found the phone and held it out to her.

Heaving a little sigh of relief, Yilia looked at the phone. The first thing she needed to do now was to call
911. After she got treatment, she would come back and kick this damn girl's ass.

She was pale and so very tired now. Reaching out with her bloodied hand to take the phone she was
thwarted when Beryl suddenly put the phone behind her back. The child hid it like a toy!

Her hands closed on nothing but air. Yilia became mad and yelled, "Beryl! What the hell are you doing?
Give me the phone!"

Dancing backwards the little girl teased, "Do you want it?"

Yilia roared, "Give it to me! Now!"

"Okay!" Beryl held out the phone again, but when the bloodied hand touched it she swung around and
threw it out of the window, "Oops! You can't get it now."

In disbelief Yilia watched the phone arching out of her reach and disappear into the night sky. Her body
began trembling with fear and she asked timidly, "Are you really this wicked? Do you want me dead?"

"Nope!" The child answered happily as she looked appreciatively at her knife, "I just want you to bleed.
It's much more funny that way."

A massive pool of blood was now staining the floor.

Yilia's face was as white as paper. No matter how tightly she held her wound, the blood kept pouring.
Her mind was spinning around out of control and she struggled to think straight. She felt chilled and
couldn't stop shaking.

Realization struck that if it continued like this she would soon be dead. She was gripped by raw, naked

With even the strength to stand failing her, she sank to the floor with one crimson hand gripping the bed
for support. Survival instincts made her beg, "Beryl! Please Beryl... It's all my fault. I shouldn't have
beaten you today. I was just so mad then. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

Absolutely no emotions showed on Beryl's face, and like a doll she stared vacantly.

Blinking away tears and biting her lips to try and stay conscious, Yilia pleaded, "Please won't you go
seek help from our neighbors? Tell them I need help, please. I will treat you better, I promise..."

"No!" Beryl slowly answered.

Disappointment stinging her eyes, Yilia made a desperate lunge for Beryl, "You little bitch! You want me
dead, huh? No fucking way!"

Nimbly Beryl dodged her attack like a cork popping.

Weakened Yilia fell down to the ground with a bang. She had totally lost the strength to get up, and her
eyelids became heavy. Slowly she began to fade into unconsciousness.

"Help me! Help! I don't want to die..."

She was engulfed by fear and darkness.

The last image she saw before completely blacking out was of the little girl standing over her, looking
down like a princess might regard an ant.

Darkness consumed Beryl's eyes until the very irises had been devoured. The scene at her feet
reminded her of her time with Tina, and it brought a return of a dark, desperate and hopeless feeling...

She wanted this vicious Yilia to feel all of it, all of her pain.

'Sorry, mommy!

I've become a bad girl again, '

she thought morosely. She noticed Yilia's eyelids flutter as she fought for a last breath. Undoubtedly the
child had now become a demon in her mind. She would never understand how this wuss-child had
turned into this beast over night.

She had seemed like an angel to her before.

"Rest in peace." Climbing onto the cupboard Beryl took the flowers from the vase and covered Yilia's
quivering body. A tribute to the soon-to-be-dead. Mournfully she whispered, "Auntie, I will always watch
over you."

Demon! Beryl was truly a demon!

Her mind busy dying, Yilia opened her mouth and tried to call for help. Lacking any strength she
couldn't even make a sound. Her mind echoed with her unvoiced cry, 'help!'

She could not accept this. She was still young, and there were so many great things waiting for her to
be enjoyed. She could not die like this.

It was her fault for what she did to Beryl, but the child had lied to her first. And she suffered such
humiliation because of her. She just wanted to teach her a lesson.

Surely she didn't deserved death because of this, did she?

Her last thoughts were of how unfair it all was. She didn't want to die. Not yet! Not Now!

It was her fault for what she did to Beryl, but the child had lied to her first. And she suffered such
humiliation because of her. She just wanted to teach her a lesson.

Surely she didn't deserved death because of this, did she?

Her last thoughts were of how unfair it all was. She didn't want to die. Not yet! Not Now!

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