Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 554 Don't Go, Jacob

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Emily's forehead creased. She wondered whether she was just hearing imaginary voices. She looked
at Sean and asked incredibly, "What did you just say?"

Sean heaved a deep breath and patiently repeated, "Jacob is here to take you home."

"Jacob is here to take me home," Emily muttered under her breath. As soon as she said it, her eyes
opened wide in surprise as if she just realized what that meant.

Even then, no matter how relieving that sentence was, for Emily, it was like a hammer pounding on her
heart heavily over and over again, causing a thousand of ripples.

Emily's mouth gaped open at Sean, still couldn't believe her ears. She placed her outstretched arms
down and asked, "Is he really here? Did he really come? You are lying to me, aren't you? This is just
another trick to make me come down!"

"No. You have to believe me. I'm not lying to you." Emily eyed Sean intently, trying to find any hint of lie
in his face, but his serious expression showed no signs of deceit and falsehood. When Emily didn't
speak, he said in earnest, "Oh, come on now. You don't want him to see you as a corpse, do you?
Come down here!"

Emily didn't budge. She really didn't believe Sean, but the news he brought was so tempting that even
though she suspected that it was a lie, a way to deceive her from not doing what Sean didn't want her
to do, she was still going to take this as hope like a moth drawn to a flame.

"Well, where is he?" she asked.

She then walked slowly down the edge of the rooftop.

"He is in…" Sean started, but as soon as Emily was down on the ledge, Sean rushed towards her like a
lion pouncing on his prey. He stretched out his long arm and embraced Emily tight enough that she

wouldn't be able to break free and do something dangerous that could threaten her life again. "Don't
move," he muttered as his body shivered in fear of losing her.

As soon as Emily was enveloped by Sean, she immediately began to kick and thrash around,
struggling to break free from his arms. The thought that Sean lied to her completely annoyed and
angered Emily. Her eyes reddened once more, and her whole body was burning with rage. Realizing
that all her efforts of thrashing around was useless, she lowered her head down to bit Sean's arm.

Her snow-white teeth pierced and sank into Sean's skin, and blood immediately started to ooze out.
Emily could perceive the metallic taste of blood, but she kept her teeth on Sean's flesh.

Sean hissed and winced in excruciating pain coming from his arm, but he didn't dare let go of Emily.
Instead, he tightened his grip more, making Emily let go of her teeth, feeling deprived of air. When
Sean felt Emily's teeth away from his arm, he said, "You bite like a dog, but I didn't lie to you. I will show
you that I am telling you the truth!"

Sean carried Emily and placed her lying flat on his right shoulder. Her upper body lay behind Sean
while the other half in front. He carried her like this downstairs and held on despite Emily's struggle and
cries to put her down.

Finally, they reached the living room downstairs. Sean placed Emily down but held her wrist in case
she was going to make another plan of running away. She tried to take Sean's grip on her, but Sean
nudged her towards another direction. She glanced towards it and a handsome man with suit and
leather shoes caught her eye. He was sitting on the sofa alone, and his face was cold. His eyes looked
at them with the same cold and distant stare. His temperament was indifferent, making him look like a
snow mountain standing high and dominant in the arctic.

He was standing there, all handsome and difficult to miss, but he was also difficult to get close to, as if
one step towards him would turn you to ice.

Stunned, Emily froze as soon as she recognized Jacob. She couldn't believe that Sean didn't deceive
her this time. Jacob was really here to save her. He came to take her home.

On the other hand, the sounds and cries of Emily before they could reach the room a while ago already
caught Jacob's attention. He was waiting for them to come ever since he heard the loud screams. His
eyes focused on Emily as soon as Sean placed her down to stand by her own.

It was then when he noticed how Sean held on to Emily's wrist. He saw her lips stained with blood, and
suspected that she bit on Sean's arm for it was bleeding. This sight made Jacob frown. He couldn't
understand why, but his heart was immediately overwhelmed with hatred and jealousy.

"Sean, let go of her arm," he commanded in such a determined but still piercing voice.

Sean eyed Jacob closely, as if he was trying to read something through his surface. When he found
nothing but a cold atmosphere on him, he let go of Emily's wrist and said, "Jacob, long time no see."

As soon as Sean let her go, Emily suddenly felt like all her energy was drained from all the struggling
and the thrashing to break free from Sean. More so when she saw Jacob, she felt like all her strength
were released from her body. She felt her legs tremble and too weak to support her. Her head started
to feel dizzy. She could see black spots everywhere. Not a moment long, she finally collapsed, and
Sean was fast enough to catch her before she met the ground.

With a greedy expression, Sean hugged her tight and heaved a deep breath, taking in her fragrance
and smell. In Jacob's eyes, it was an outright provocation.

Jacob stood immediately and scoffed. "You make me sick," he sneered and rushed towards them,
taking Emily away from Sean's arms. "Sean, we still have our bills. Let's check it out later."

Sean shrugged. "Whatever. You can come at me anytime," he said, showing no fear as if Jacob
couldn't threaten him at all.

From his perspective, Jacob was just a poor man whose memory got distorted. He was one of his
human experiments, making him not worthy of his attention.

"She's my woman, and now I want to take her away," Jacob said and took a glance on Emily, who had
collapsed and was now passed out. His face turned somber, but he turned away and immediately left.

Sean watched Jacob leave with Emily. He did not stop him from leaving. Instead, he stood there with a
cruel expression now flashing deep into his eyes. He felt confident about what would happened to them
next. "I knew you would come. I just didn't expect you to come this early," he muttered under his breath
as some of his medical staff moved towards him to treat the wound of Emily's bite.

Sean hadn't expected that Jacob would come so fast that he had no time to inject Emily with the new

However, it didn't matter. His first plan might have failed, but there was always a plan B.

Even though Jacob had taken Emily away now, for Sean, it was not a final result yet. It was still too
early to tell.

Sean was confident enough that Emily would eventually come back to him voluntarily, because by that
time, Jacob would be the most painful person that she was going to experience in her life.

Meanwhile, Jacob suspected that there was something strange, since no one stopped him from leaving
the villa. He knew he needed to be a bit cautious and suspicious about the peace.

Nevertheless, Jacob didn't take that deep into his heart, because either way, he was confident that no
one would defeat him.

He looked down at Emily at thought about how she had betrayed him once, so he would never trust her
again despite saving her from Sean. As for Sean, Jacob would naturally punish him for tampering with

his memory.

Not long after, Jacob had boarded onto his private plane with Emily, who was still unconscious in his
arms. During the flight, there were times that Emily would subconsciously clutch his clothes tightly and
refused to let go as if she was afraid that Jacob would leave her again and out of her arms.

He looked down at Emily and sneered at her actions. Didn't she leave him voluntarily before? Right
now, she was acting like a drowning man trying to catch at a straw. Even with Emily's subconscious
actions, Jacob didn't believe that she was afraid of him leaving.

Perhaps, she just mistook him for another man.

At the thought of that, Jacob's mood suddenly darkened and his eyes gloomed. He decided that he
was going to place Emily down on the next seat.

He was about to move her, when Emily seemed to have sensed what he was about to do. She
immediately grabbed his arm tightly and began to sob uneasily.

"Jacob, please. Don't go…" she muttered under her breath over and over until Jacob wasn't moving

As soon as Jacob heard his name coming out of her mouth, his heart immediately skipped a beat. The
cold expression on his face slowly broke down, and his heart softened as if the warmth from Emily's
touched melted the ice on his heart.

He felt like leaving her alone even if just into the next seat was a heinous crime he couldn't afford to
bail out of.

Jacob thought and couldn't figure out where the feeling of guilt was coming from, but it made him
change his mind about placing her onto the next seat. Instead, he held her tighter in his arms and

looked down at her pale face. She seemed to have felt Jacob's touch and move for the edges of her
lips rose, showing a faint smile.

Emily's actions made it seem that he was the person she trusted the most in the whole world, and that
his arms was the safest place, wanting her to stay there forever.

Jacob snorted and whispered, "You are a big trouble." He then reached out a hand to pinch Emily's
cheek. He liked her tender skin on his fingertips but her paleness needled him. His eyebrows furrowed
into a frown and his forehead creased with concern, feeling a deep sense of heartache for her.

Sean was her brother, so why didn't he take good care of Emily? She looked so frail and weak.

Jacob then recalled how intimate Sean and Emily seemed to be when they came into the living room.
He saw a pervert and a sick bastard in Sean, who looked obsessed and loved his sister way more than
a normal brother should. At that thought, Jacob understood why Beryl was so scared and anxious to
save Emily.

Sean was a sick and disgusting degenerate.

How could he fall and be obsessed with his sister that way? This was purely immoral and dirty! Jacob
now despised Sean way more than ever and was determined that he would make him pay the price for
all that he did not only to him but also to Emily.


Meanwhile, Emily had a short dream.

She was standing on the edge of the roof of the building and was in a standstill with Sean. A moment
later, Jacob descended from heaven to earth like an ancient Greek hero to save her from her demise.

He fought Sean, but he clearly outmatched him, so Sean was eventually defeated. Jacob then held her
in his arms, and with a magic carpet, they flew into the sky, traveling through the kingdom of the clouds.
Together, they forgot all their troubles and became the happiest couple, who lived happily ever after.

However, the white clouds immediately darkened and the next second, Jacob faded and disappeared
entirely. The blue sky and the clouds were gone too. Everything around her disappeared as if they
never existed, and soon even the magic carpet she was sitting on disappeared in a flash.

Emily screamed and reached for something to hold on to as she fell into the abyss and struggled in the
bottom mire, but instead of dropping dead in it, she fell deeper and sank deeper into a void. Sean's
cruel voice rang in her ears again and again until his voice was the only thing she could hear despite
her own voice shouting for help.

"Emily, I will save you as long as you are willing to be my Cloris. We will live happily together in the
future, and I promise you that I will give you all the happiness that you deserve. Every woman on earth
would be jealous of you."

'Happiness? Really? Your happiness means differently, Sean! Your happiness is poison, and some are
still running through my veins!'

"No! Leave me alone! I don't want it! I'd rather die than be with you!" Emily screamed in horror and
realized that she could hear her own voice again. She opened her eyes and woke up from the
nightmare she was in. Her heart was still pounding like heavy hammers against a gong as if it was
going to burst out of her chest any second now.

She heaved a deep breath and slowly, her heart finally calmed down. Fortunately, it was all just a
dream - a nightmare that was going to haunt her forever. Luckily, she woke up just in time.

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