Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1508 He Is Not A Good Man

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"How can I turn a blind eye to what's happening to you? You're stuck with Darren every single day and
I'm sure he makes you miserable. How can I just let that continue in good conscience while knowing
what he does to you? Please, just take my advice. If you have the chance, leave him as soon as
possible. There's no reason to stay with him anymore." The thought of Bonnie being stuck with Darren
greatly affected Emily. She honestly hoped that Bonnie would choose to listen to her.

"Emily, what are you talking about? I don't know anyone by the name of Darren." Bonnie asked in
confusion while blinking her big, gorgeous eyes.

"I'm talking about the man who took you by force!" Emily was stunned when she heard what came out
of Bonnie's mouth. It was bewildering to think that she was absolutely clueless about who Darren was.

"Are you telling me that Danny's real name is Darren? I've been calling him Danny ever since we met.
He hasn't corrected me ever since," Bonnie casually responded. However, the thought that Darren had
been lying to her from the moment they had met started creeping up her mind.

"Danny? It's Darren! That's always been his name. Gosh, I can't believe he even lied about that." At
that instant, Emily realized how pitiful Bonnie's life truly was. As a result, she started to shake her head
while thinking to herself, 'Poor Bonnie, she's been living in a lie for so long.'

"I can't believe it! That scumbag has been making a fool of me from the very start!" Bonnie's big eyes
easily conveyed her true emotions. Feelings of both anger and sorrow started to fill her inside. Bonnie
had a hard time accepting the truth, so tears started to fall from her eyes. It affected her so much that it
was almost impossible for her to think clearly.

"It's fine, Bonnie, as long as you listen to me. Darren is a bad man and he doesn't think twice about
deceiving young girls like you. Don't let him fool you anymore with his nasty tricks. Please, take my
advice, Bonnie. Stay away from him at all costs."

Burdened with a hard decision in front of her, Bonnie had no clue what to do.

It wasn't unreasonable to think that after spending so much time with Darren, she had gradually
developed feelings for him. Despite all her efforts to remain sensible, she had inevitably fallen in love
with him. For her, leaving the man she loved was too great of a pain to bear.

"Emily, I don't think I can do what you want. Things are different now. I can't leave Darren just like that."
Bonnie tried her best to speak normally but it was clear that she felt embarrassed by her decision. Her
voice was so quiet that Emily almost didn't hear her.

"What do you mean things are different? Bonnie, please don't tell me you've fallen for that vile man?"
Emily asked in disbelief. She couldn't endure seeing Bonnie spend another second with Darren so she
added, "Trust me. He is not a good man. When it comes to men, he's the worst of the worst!"

Although Bonnie didn't nod along with Emily's words, she couldn't disagree with what she said either.
The awkward expression on Bonnie's face told Emily what she didn't want to hear. Bonnie was head
over heels for Darren and anything she said would be utterly useless at that point. Despite that, she still
had to try something.

"Please, Bonnie, come to your senses! I can't let you believe that there's a happy ending for the both of
you. Staying with that man will only cause you to regret it. And besides, he's a complete maniac!" Emily
raised her voice and tried to sound as convincing as she could. It was her final attempt to persuade

Unfortunately, her words fell on deaf ears since Bonnie was still lost in her own thoughts. All she could
think about was the fact that Darren had lied to her. The only thing she wanted at that moment was to
confront him and ask why he had done so.

"I'm sorry, Emily, but I have to go now. I need to take care of something first. Please excuse me for
now. Let's just talk some other time, okay?" Right after Bonnie finished speaking, she took her bag and

left. She took off so quickly that Emily didn't even get a chance to respond.

While she was on her way back home, Bonnie's mind was distraught. She would give anything in the
world for Darren to appear right in front of her that instant. The questions pilling up in her mind were
starting to get too heavy to bear by herself. That being said, the only question she wanted an answer to
was, how could he lie to her all this time?

A few minutes later, when Bonnie returned to the manor, she saw Darren relaxing in the garden. His
nonchalant behavior infuriated her even more.

"Darren!" Bonnie shouted with all her might.

Darren instantly turned towards her when he heard his name being called. To his surprise, Bonnie
stood there with her mouth open while looking extremely upset.

It only took one second for Darren to realize that he was in deep trouble. To him, Bonnie seemed like
she had just gotten hold of information that he had tried so hard to hide from her. With that in mind, his
thoughts started to race with things he could've done wrong. With slightly furrowed eyebrows, Darren
rushed up to comfort her while preparing every explanation he could think of. The last thing he wanted
was to be misunderstood.

"Bonnie, please calm down."

"Why did you lie to me?" Bonnie ferociously exclaimed.

"Bonnie, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to hide it from you," Darren pleadingly uttered while he
straightened the look on his face. He tried his best to come across as a sincere man. He knew from the
very beginning that Bonnie would freak out if she ever found out about the truth. That very moment, he
regretted the fact that he hadn't come clean earlier.

If only he had told Bonnie everything earlier, she wouldn't have had to hear the truth from someone
else. Perhaps, things wouldn't have led to this.

"You're telling me that you didn't mean to hide it from me. But why did you lie for so long? You couldn't
even tell me your real name! Up until this point, you've made a fool out of me! To think that I even kept
on calling you 'Danny'! What's wrong with you? Is it fun to lie to people? Did you enjoy making me look
stupid that much?"

Bonnie let out everything that she wanted to say. After that, everything that she had been feeling—
betrayed, disappointed, distressed—caused a waterfall of tears to subconsciously flow from her eyes.
Her heart was broken into so many pieces when she confirmed the fact that after everything she had
given to him, he hadn't even bothered to tell her the truth and come clean.

"Wait a second, Bonnie. Please calm down and listen to me carefully. It wasn't my intention to hide
things from you. At that time, I had a lot of problems in front of me which were so overwhelming. It
stopped me from telling you my real name. That's why I made one up. Please believe me, I'm speaking
from my heart right now. I honestly had no intention of lying to you." Darren fondly looked into Bonnie's
eyes. He hoped that somewhere in her heart, she would understand him.

"Even if you couldn't tell me the first time, why didn't you tell me after that? You had so many
opportunities to tell me the truth, but why did you choose to hide it?" Bonnie replied while she looked
away from Darren's handsome face. Her big eyes were still full of sorrow. In her mind, he was just
making up excuses and didn't deserve any forgiveness.

"I admit that it was stupid of me to take this long to tell the truth. I know it's all my fault, but I was just
waiting for the right time to tell you."

From the first moment they had begun speaking, Darren had always feared that such a thing would
happen. He knew that if Bonnie found out about his lies, it would be hard for her to believe him

anymore. At that moment, even though he hadn't expected it to happen, his worst fears had come true.

"You're such a liar! I don't want to be with you anymore!" Bonnie exclaimed. The sudden intensity of her
emotions caused more tears to fall down from her eyes.

What Darren had done to her felt like getting stabbed in the back. That being said, it was
understandable why she didn't want to be with him anymore. After she had finished speaking, she
turned around and walked away with heavy steps.

For the longest time, Darren had been certain that Bonnie was the one for him. Ever since he had
realized that he couldn't be apart from her, he had made sure that she wouldn't leave him so easily.

So, the image of Bonnie leaving ignited something deep within Darren. As a result, he caught up with
her in a rush and carried her on his shoulder.

"Let go of me! I don't want to be with a lying scumbag like you! What do you think you're doing?"
Bonnie exclaimed, completely stunned with what Darren was doing. However, despite being lifted in the
air, she still managed to struggle and slap Darren on the back.

"I can't just let you leave like that. I swore to myself that I will never let you go for the rest of my life."
Even with the bruises on his back, Darren was determined and carried Bonnie inside the manor.

"I don't want to live my life with a dishonest man by my side! Do you really think forcing me like this will
change my mind?" Upon realizing that all of her efforts to leave him was in vain, Bonnie suddenly burst
into tears once again.

Her cries at that moment were completely different from earlier. It was full of anguish and despair.
Noticing this, Darren was a bit startled. He started to get worried that he might've hurt her, so he put
her down right away.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you somewhere?" Darren asked with a genuine concern for her wellbeing.

"You lied straight to my face and you won't even allow me to leave! What Emily said was true! I can't
believe I couldn't see it before. You're a maniac and there's no denying that!" Bonnie felt completely
helpless at that moment. She cried, and it didn't seem like her tears were ever going to end. Her long
curled eyelashes were dotted with pearl-like tears.

Her desperate words made Darren anxious. He wanted to explain his side of the story, but it seemed
hard to do so while Bonnie was still upset.

"Bonnie, please don't cry. Just listen to me for a minute, okay?" Darren tried his best to calm her down.
Despite his best efforts, it was to no avail.

"Stop telling me what to do! I have to let out everything because my heart hurts so much! All my pain is
because of you, so don't you dare tell me to stop crying!" Bonnie felt even worse than before, and more
tears streamed down her rosy red cheeks.

"Oh Bonnie, I know I did something unforgivable. But please, find it in your heart to forgive me. I beg

Darren couldn't bear to see the woman he loved like that anymore. Unfortunately, the only thing that
seemed appropriate to do was to gently pat her on the shoulders.

Bonnie managed to calm herself down enough to listen to his words. That being said, there was still no
way she was going to forgive him that easily. She turned around to listen but she deliberately avoided
looking at Darren's face and remained silent.

"Bonnie, if you still hate me, punch my face until all your anger fades away." While saying so, Darren
stood in front of Bonnie and kept his head still, as if he was really waiting for her to punch him.

His bold and seemingly idiotic move successfully eased the tension between them. Bonnie was finally
able to smile even though there were still tears in her eyes.

The sudden smile on Bonnie's face relieved Darren. He was finally able to let out a sigh of relief, since
he knew she was no longer that upset. Afterward, he smiled right back at her and asked, "Bonnie, do
you still hate me?" Darren tentatively reached out his hand to help her stand up. While doing so, he
stared longingly at her pretty face, desperately seeking her forgiveness.

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him and replied, "Humph, don't you dare think that I'll forgive you that easily
just because I'm smiling. I need you to prove that I can trust you. Only then will I forgive you."

"Well then, I promise you that I'll do everything I can to win back your trust." While Darren was
speaking, he raised three of his fingers. The serious look on his face was too funny for Bonnie not to
laugh at.

"That's good. It's settled then." she replied while pouting. In a way, her innocent looks made it seem
very cute.

His bold and seemingly idiotic move successfully eased the tension between them. Bonnie was finally
able to smile even though there were still tears in her eyes.

The sudden smile on Bonnie's face relieved Darren. He was finally able to let out a sigh of relief, since
he knew she was no longer that upset. Afterward, he smiled right back at her and asked, "Bonnie, do
you still hate me?" Darren tentatively reached out his hand to help her stand up. While doing so, he
stared longingly at her pretty face, desperately seeking her forgiveness.

Bonnie rolled her eyes at him and replied, "Humph, don't you dare think that I'll forgive you that easily
just because I'm smiling. | need you to prove that | can trust you. Only then will | forgive you."

"Well then, | promise you that I'll do everything | can to win back your trust." While Darren was
speaking, he raised three of his fingers. The serious look on his face was too funny for Bonnie not to
laugh at.

"That's good. It's settled then." she replied while pouting. In a way, her innocent looks made it seem
very cute.

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