Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1589 A New Servant

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It was only then that Jacob realized that he hadn't had any free time in quite a while.

Despite his age and being a father to three children, Jacob was still as strong as he had used to be.
Playing badminton with two energetic children was no easy task. Surprisingly, he was able to keep up
with his kids even after playing for more than an hour. He didn't feel as tired as he thought he would.
He even volunteered to fetch the shuttlecock after every match. At some point, Beryl hit the
shuttlecock, and it landed on a tree. Jacob, strong as ever, effortlessly jumped up and took it out of the
tree branch. Witnessing their father's strength, the two children couldn't help but clap their hands and
cheer happily for him.

Emily was quite impressed by Jacob's stamina. After playing badminton for a few hours, Beryl and
Bowen finally felt exhausted. So, their mother quickly urged them to take a shower and go to bed.
Jacob knew that he could get some alone time with his wife once the kids went to sleep.

“Let's go upstairs and get some rest,“ he suggested to Emily as he put his arm around her shoulder.
Judging from the look in his eyes, he intended to do more than just rest. He couldn't wait to make love
to her.

However, Emily decided to tease a little and pretended that she had no idea about what his plans were.
She wordlessly went upstairs without even looking at her husband. At the same time, a servant came
out of a room upstairs and hurriedly headed downstairs.

In his haste, he didn't notice Emily coming up the stairs and accidentally bumped into her on his way
down. This caused Emily to lose her balance. She staggered back and missed a step on the stairs.
Jacob's eyes widened in fear when he saw his wife on the verge of falling backward.

Luckily, he was quick on his feet and rushed towards Emily. He managed to catch her just in time. He
couldn't even begin to contemplate what would have happened if he hadn't reached her in time.

Furrowing his brows, he turned to the servant. “What is wrong with you? You should watch where
you're going! Didn't you hear someone coming up the stairs?“ Jacob yelled at him. After making sure
that his wife was safe and sound, Jacob scolded the servant, “Mrs. Gu was going up the stairs. I don't
mind if you had an urgent matter to attend to downstairs, but how could you fail to notice her? Are you
blind or something?“

A frightened Emily lightly touched her chest; her heart was racing from what had just happened. She
took a deep breath before looking up at the man in front of them. Emily squinted at the servant and
noted that this was the first time that she had seen him. “Are you new here?“

Quickly, the servant nodded and muttered an apology. “I am so sorry. I didn't notice…“

How could he say that he hadn't noticed a person in front of him? Upon hearing what the servant had
just said, Jacob clenched his jaw. But he paused for a second and remembered that the man had been
in a hurry, and that he had looked a bit flustered when he bumped into Emily. Jacob blinked at him
suspiciously and promptly made a decision. “Since your eyesight is so poor, I don't think you're suited
to work here. Just go back...“

Without waiting for Jacob to finish his sentence, the servant pleaded with teary eyes, “No, please. I am
really sorry.“ He clasped his hand together and added, “Several minutes ago, I was scolded by the
housekeeper for doing something wrong, so I wasn't in the right state of mind... Please forgive me. I
need this job because my parents and kids rely on me for financial support. I have to earn some money
for my family. Please be kind to me and give me another chance, sir.“

It looked like the servant was ready to kneel down just to beg to Jacob and Emily.

When she noticed what the servant was about to do, Emily stopped him immediately. She observed his
eyes for a few seconds and saw that his expression looked genuine. She couldn't help but feel
softhearted. Sighing helplessly, she declared, “All right, fine. I'll let you go. But you must be careful next

time. Even if you didn't hit anyone, it's still dangerous to run down the stairs like that. After all, you still
have to think about your safety.“

To be honest, Jacob was still a little irritated at the servant's carelessness. But since his wife chose to
forgive him, he decided to let it go. After all, Jacob knew that his wife was a kindhearted and
compassionate woman. He was willing to do anything to keep her happy. So, he calmed himself down
and said to the servant, “Well? Have you understood what Mrs. Gu told you? Just keep her advice in
mind. Then go downstairs and think about it!“

Quickly, the servant thanked him with a respectful bow and went downstairs.

After they watched the servant retreat downstairs, the two of them returned to their bedroom. However,
Jacob still felt a little suspicious about that servant. There was something about him that didn't quite
feel right. “Tomorrow, I'll check with the housekeeper whether what that servant said just now is true or

Sharing the same feelings of suspicion, Emily nodded at him and added, “That's good. You should do
that. I also think that his behavior was a little strange. We can't afford to be careless, especially during
these times.“

“Don't worry. I will do my best to protect you and the children, my darling,“ Jacob promised to his wife.
Then, he blinked at her and picked her up in his arms. He headed towards their soft bed.

Love was in the air as the couple cuddled happily with each other.

After spending a fantastic night with his beautiful wife, Jacob felt refreshed when he woke up the next
day. He got up early and went to the company in high spirits. On the other hand, Emily was exhausted.
Last night had been a busy night for her. Jacob had kept her awake until the wee hours of the morning.
After eating a fulfilling breakfast, she drove the children to school and then went to the office.

The masters of the Tyrone Mansion were not at home. The only people left were the servants and
Baron, who was less than a year old.

The housekeeper had sent two servants to go shopping for food in the market, and ordered a few
others to clean the house. The housekeeper had also left the mansion in the servants' care. He left
without telling anyone where he was going. The mansion was quiet during these hours.

The servant tasked with cleaning walked into Jacob's study with a bucket and a mop. He started to
mop the floor with a neutral expression. Every few seconds, he carefully looked around as if checking
something. Once he confirmed that there was no one in the room, he put on his gloves and slowly
opened the file cabinet.

This servant was the one who had bumped into Emily last night.

After scouring through the files for a few minutes, the servant found nothing useful in the file cabinet.
His eyes noticed a small drawer on the desk. It was locked. Obviously, he had come prepared. Using
some special tools, he managed to open the drawer without difficulty. He rummaged through the
contents of the drawer but still didn't find anything. After that, he looked around the bookshelf, the
cloakroom, and left no stone unturned. Still, he found nothing of importance. The servant was
searching for something that he wanted for a very long time.

While he was occupied with his search, he forgot that he should still be on the lookout. So when he
sensed a pair of eyes on him, a shiver ran down his spine. Slowly, he turned around and gulped. Mr.
Gu's personal henchman, Sam, was standing behind him with a group of people. All of them wore
black suits and sunglasses. They looked extremely intimidating, and the servant trembled under their

“So Mr. Gu's suspicions were correct. You are up to something,“ Sam said. “Well, is there something
you'd like to say for yourself?“

Surprised, the servant was speechless. He hadn't expected that Jacob would still suspect him of
anything. There was nothing else to say. He was caught red-handed, so he just timidly shook his head
and lowered his gaze.

“Throw him out!“ Sam ordered the men coldly and averted his gaze.

It turned out that after arriving at the company, Jacob was still worried something terrible would happen
in his house. Knowing that Sam wouldn't disappoint him, Jacob sent him and a few people to check the
house. Because of the servant's sloppiness, Sam caught him in the act. In the end, there was nothing
that the servant could say to defend himself. The strong men in black suits took him and threw him out
of the Tyrone Mansion.

After they finished, Sam took out his phone and informed Jacob, “Mr. Gu, it is done.“

“It seemed that I guessed it right,“ Jacob answered and breathed a sigh of relief. Smirking, he asked,
“What was he doing there anyway? Was he rummaging through my things or something?“

Out of habit, Sam nodded. “Yes, sir! That's exactly what he was doing. Nothing can get past you, sir,“
he replied, amazed by his boss's instincts. After they kicked the servant out of the Tyrone Mansion,
Sam gestured for his men to gather and return to the company.

However, they failed to notice another servant quietly watching them from behind the gate. This servant
was carrying bags of groceries that he had just bought at the shop a while ago. A dark smile appeared
on his face as he watched Sam and his men throw out the other servant.

Darren was the first to know that the servant had been driven out of Jacob's mansion. After receiving
the terrible report, he blew a fuse and started scolding the person who delivered the news. Then,
Darren asked someone to send Harlan to his office. With a clenched fist, he also scolded Harlan for his

“I thought you told me that you carefully selected a clever person to infiltrate Jacob's mansion? Are you
sure about that? Do you even know how much effort we had to go through to get that man inside
Jacob's mansion? Then, when we finally managed to do it, his identity was immediately compromised!“
Darren shouted at Harlan, his eyes were burning with rage. “I think you already know that Jacob is a
man with a plan, right? Jacob is known for his remarkable intuitions. So, did you think that he was
going to be easily deceived by such obvious tricks?“ Harlan replied patiently.

Exasperated huffs came out of Darren's mouth as he paced around the office, waiting for Harlan to get
to his point.

Darren had always regarded this plan to be his last bargaining chip. However, he hadn't expected that
he would be defeated so soon. Now, he had nothing! How could he be willing to accept this shameful

Surprisingly, Harlan seemed calm as his eyes followed Darren, who was still pacing back and forth in
the office. An enigmatic smile appeared on Harlan's face. He said, “I know what kind of opponent we
are facing. So, think of this as a diversion. Jacob would focus on that servant and he would believe that
he had gotten rid of the bad seed.“

Upon hearing Harlan's explanation, Darren halted and turned to him with wide eyes. “Do you mean…“

Without waiting for Darren to finish talking, Harlan nodded. “I just wanted to make Jacob let his guard
down, even just a little bit. We just need an opening. That's why I arranged for the servant to recklessly
search through his study. Just take it easy, boss. Our man is still in the Tyrone Mansion. The good
news is that now that they've caught the diversion we planted there, our real spy won't be suspected
anymore.“ There was a confident look in Harlan's eyes. He was satisfied that this plan had worked out
the way it was supposed to. “Mr. Xu, please trust me. We will get that key, no matter what,“ he added in
an optimistic tone.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city,

Bonnie's parents missed their daughter very much. It had been a long time since they had seen her.

So, her father sent a message to her cellphone, saying, “Bonnie, are you free tonight? Your mother and
I haven't seen you in such a long time. We miss you a lot.“ Her cellphone lay quietly on the tea table.
All of a sudden, the screen lit up, indicating that there was a text message.

On the other side of the room, Darren had just finished his shower. His hair was still dripping wet when
he walked out of the bathroom.

The sudden ping of the cellphone caught his attention, and he immediately walked over to the table.
When he saw that it was Bonnie's phone, he wiped his hand and quickly picked up the phone.

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