Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1556 Friends

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At this time, Bill, who had been defeated by Louis, also found out the root of the problem. He knew that
if he didn't come up with a solution soon, things would only get worse. He needed to come up with a
plan and strike while the iron was still hot. As the old saying went, 'The enemy of my enemy is my
friend.' There was only one person that met that criteria. It was Darren. Bill could join hands with him to
take down their enemies.

Bill called Darren and suggested that they meet at the latter's house to discuss some business. Since
there were too many people at the KING Group's building, Darren agreed to it.

So, Bill eagerly went to Darren's house with hopeful eyes.

The two of them sat opposite each other. There was no one else on the first floor except for the two of
them, so they could talk about private matters without worry.

“So, I heard that you have a business matter to discuss with me. What kind of business matter did you
want to talk about, Mr. Liu?“ Darren asked casually while pouring himself a cup of tea.

Hearing this question, Bill smiled and said, “Mr. Xu, you can call me Bill. I wanted to discuss business
with you only because I think we have so much in common!“

Darren's eyebrows jumped up in interest. He looked up at Bill and asked, “So much in common, huh? I
don't know about that. Enlighten me.“

Instead of explaining, Bill simply said, “Good tea,“ as he poured himself a cup and took a sip.

A small smile appeared on Darren's face, but he didn't respond. He knew that Bill was just purposely
building up the suspense.

Once he realized that Darren wasn't planning to respond, Bill decided he should stop beating around
the bush.

Sighing softly, he put down the cup on the table and looked at Darren again. “Mr. Xu, I know that Jacob
is giving you a hard time right now. Trust me when I say that my situation is not any better than yours. I
was hoping that you and I could team up and fight them together!“ Bill proposed with a hopeful tone.

The offer wasn't a surprise to Darren, but he still didn't reply immediately. In his mind, he pondered over
the pros and cons of working together with Bill.

“If you want us to team up, then that must mean you need me. However, I can't just agree to that. How
about you show me something to prove your integrity first?“

Before Bill came to his house, Darren had already guessed that this was his purpose. Now, he just
wanted to make sure he would get something in return.

“Mr. Xu, I admire your straightforwardness. If that's what you want, then I am willing to invest in
repairing the broken capital chain of the KING Group! Will that satisfy you?“

When Bill finished talking, Darren tried to hold back the gasp that almost came out of his mouth. “Mr.
Liu, you are so generous!“ he complimented instead.

Apart from the staff of the KING Group, only Jacob was aware of the broken capital chain problem.
How had Bill found out about that? In fact, Bill had planted some men in KING Group.

Upon closer observation, he hadn't found anything suspicious about Darren. He felt like everything was
going according to his plan.

“Well, then, Mr. Liu, when can I expect your money to be transferred to the KING Group's account?“
The agreement to Bill's proposal was implied, even though Darren didn't say yes directly.

With a smirk, Bill answered enthusiastically, “Tomorrow! The money will be transferred tomorrow.“

Now that he was finally on the same boat as Darren, there would be endless possibilities. He finally
had someone to back him up with his plans. They could bring down Jacob together.

On the other side of the table, Darren was trying his best to control his temper. He felt annoyed thinking
about the useless employees in his company.

So in order to keep Bill from seeing any changes in his expression, Darren thought that it would be
better if he made him leave first.

Darren stood up and held out his hand. “I'm looking forward to working with you then, Mr. Liu.“

“Likewise, Mr. Xu,“ Bill replied as he stood up and shook his hand.

Since they had already reached an agreement, there was no reason for Bill to stay at Darren's place
any longer. He left the manor after a quick goodbye.

Once Bill was out sight, Darren immediately started smashing things again.

Recently, it was getting more and more difficult for him to control his feelings. He thought about how
hard he had worked for the KING Group for years, but there were still so many spies in his company.
He couldn't help but feel infuriated about it, so he vented it out by destroying things.

Never in his life had he thought that he would end up working with Bill. If he didn't need the money, he
would never have agreed. But the KING Group had to survive and Bill was his only hope at the

The company could use the money, so he couldn't refuse Bill's help.

They were both using each other to gain something, so Darren didn't feel too ashamed for taking his

Bill was a man of his word. He kept to his promise and transferred the money to the KING Group the
very next day. The financial crisis of the KING Group was immediately solved because of that.

Upon receiving the money, Darren wasted no time and started to make plans to destroy Jacob. It was
clear that Jacob wanted to defeat Darren, but the latter would never let the former's wishes come true.
Darren was confident that he wouldn't lose against Jacob. If anything, Darren was even more
determined to beat him.

One of the first things that he decided to do was to replace most of the employees of the KING Group.
He fired all the unqualified employees and recruited some more capable employees. To guarantee that
the new employees would remain loyal, he doubled their salary.

Now, the KING Group didn't have as many employees as before, but at least he was sure that these
employees were useful and competent. This was Darren's recruitment requirement.

To prevent someone like Rip from sneaking in again, Darren asked Harlan to follow up on the
recruitment meticulously. They couldn't afford any more mistakes.

What Darren did had a positive impact on the company. Many senior professionals were delighted by
the superior benefits of the KING Group. Some even left their own companies and wanted to transfer to
the KING Group.

Anyone could successfully enter the KING Group as long as they were competent and managed to
pass Harlan's evaluation. Darren was able to recruit a group of talented employees at lightning speed.

In the business world, Darren's process of fixing the KING Group's reputation was considered bold.
The news reached Jacob immediately.

“Sam, go and investigate the person supporting Darren. I'd like to find out the person bold enough to
invest in Darren's company.“

“Yes, boss!“ Sam nodded obediently. After he received the order, Sam prepared to leave to take care of

But Jacob called out to him to stop him, so Sam turned around with an expectant look.

“Arrange two people to submit job applications to the KING Group too.“

“Okay.“ Sam lingered for a few seconds before he finally turned around and left.

Efficiency was one of Sam's greatest traits. In just less than two hours, he came back to Jacob with an

“The capital came from Bill. A few days ago, he visited Darren's home. This afternoon, I arranged two
of our people to go to the KING Group and apply for a job, but neither of them passed the interview.
Darren seems to be very strict with recruitment this time. I'm afraid that our people may not be able to
get in as easily as they could last time,“ Sam explained carefully and made sure not to miss any details.

With a raised brow, Jacob couldn't help but sneer, “I wasn't expecting that Bill would turn to Darren for
help. Those two are practically cut from the same cloth.“

Two people that he considered his enemies were working together. What else could he say? It seemed
that Darren was acting smart this time. Jacob smirked as he thought of this.

For a few minutes, Sam stood still and waited for Jacob's next order. However, when Jacob didn't
speak, Sam asked in a small voice, “Mr. Gu, what should we do now? Do we need to start coming up
with a countermeasure?“

To be honest, Darren was the least of their concerns. Bill was the one that Sam worried most about.
That man didn't seem to know when to stop.

Hearing this, Jacob turned around and looked at Sam. “Don't mind them. They can only protect
themselves right now. They won't have the energy or the resources to cause trouble for a while. Let's
just wait and see. If there's any problem, let me know as soon as possible.“

He was confident that he could defeat both Darren and Bill.

Upon hearing Jacob's self-assured tone, Sam didn't say anything more.

Darren quickly selected a group of elite employees, and after that, their following days were filled with
heated discussions.

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