Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1555 Pacified

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“Scott, did someone say something unpleasant to you? If yes, can you talk to me about it?“

With food still in his mouth, Scott stared blankly at Taylor. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly switched his
gaze to Louis. Slowly, he said, “Brother, you and Taylor shouldn't stay with me all the time... Ahem...“

Louis noticed that Scott was having a hard time swallowing his food, so he handed him a glass of
water. Right after that, he replied, “Slow down. Let's talk about that after dinner.“ Taylor also handed a
glass of water to Scott, but he just ignored her. When Louis took notice of his brother's reaction, he
became worried.

“Scott, did someone say something to you?“ Louis asked while thinking of the people his brother
could've possibly encountered. He quickly realized that, apart from him and Taylor, the only one that
interacted with Scott was the nurse.

“No, I saw something on TV,“ Scott uttered while pouting like a little squirrel. A few seconds later, he
cautiously added, “The nurse even told me the same thing I watched.“

“What? Don't believe those people. “Scott, you're my brother and I'll gladly take care of you for the rest
of my life. That is what it means to be a family. If you're worried about me, you don't have to be. I have
this wonderful woman, Taylor, to help me,“ Louis wholeheartedly promised in hopes that his brother
would stop worrying.

A few moments later, Taylor placed her hand on Scott's shoulder and gently patted him. She looked
into his eyes and sincerely said, “Scott, don't worry about what other people say. Your brother is right.
We'll take care of you no matter what happens.“

The couple's kindness caused Scott to ponder. While looking at their caring gaze, he realized that the
couple's kindness towards him was the only reason he could trust others again. After a while, he came
to a decision. He nodded in agreement and let out a sigh of relief.

When Scott finally settled down, they continued eating their lunch with happy faces and laughter. When
the couple decided to leave, it was already late in the evening. The weather was quite pleasant
compared with the past days. And the cool breeze made everyone want to enjoy the outside air. With
that in mind, the two of them decided to walk home, just like they were coming home from the park.

“Stop worrying about it. I promise you that Scott will be back to normal in no time,“

Taylor uttered when she noticed the concerned look on Louis's face. Louis's frown quickly turned to a
smile when he heard her words. He truly believed in her promise and tried to look forward to their better

“When are you going to start the second part of Scott's treatment? I would like to know, so I can free up
my schedule that day and join you.“

Taylor didn't need to think about his question since she had been planning it for a long time. With a
confident smile, she responded, “Just be patient. I'll start the treatment when he gets a bit better.“

Her reassuring words gave Louis the utmost joy. At that moment, even though he had gone through so
much just to be with her, he knew it was worth the effort. The overwhelming love he felt at that moment
made him want to spend more time with her.

Since Taylor was one of the best psychologists in the country, she naturally knew what was going on in
Louis's mind. She was amused by how much things had changed in such a short amount of time. In the
past, she hadn't wanted anything to do with him. But now, she wanted nothing more than to spend
every second with the love of her life.

Seeing the somewhat clingy look in his eyes, Taylor quickly suggested, “How about we have a cup of
coffee over there before going back?“

“Really? That sounds wonderful.“ Louis was in utter bliss when his wishes were granted. He made the
most of their time together, but inevitably, they had to say goodbye. After kissing and wishing her a safe
trip, Louis went back home with a smile spanning from ear to ear.

In the morning of the following day, Louis went to work and attended his routine meetings. When he
was done, he called over his assistant and ordered him to bring him the materials he needed regarding
Bill's casinos. “Please bring me the documents regarding Bill. Since I've ruined his first two
establishments, I need to start planning about the third one.“

The assistant nodded in agreement and sorted through a file cabinet. Before handing over the
documents, he asked, “Mr. Ke, how many days do you think it will take for you to finish those plans?“

In a casual tone, Louis replied, “I don't know. To tell you the truth, I don't care how long it takes. I just
want to make sure that the plan is successful. Do you understand?“

“Yes, Mr. Ke. I'm leaving now,“ the assistant uttered while nodding. After that, he left the office and
returned to his nook.

When Louis finally finished work and returned to MK Manor, it was already eleven o'clock at night. As
soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by his father's butler, Percy.

Just seeing him there gave him a feeling that Hunk wanted to see him.

The next words that came out of Percy's mouth confirmed his suspicion. “Young Master, Mr. Ke wants
to talk to you about something. He's currently waiting for you in the study.“

Louis nodded and replied, “Okay, I see. Thank you, Percy. You should go back to your room and have
a rest.“

Percy smiled when he heard Louis's kindness and quickly left.

He had been serving Hunk since he was a child. One could say that he had grown up until his old age
in the family. Rather than an employer-employee relationship, the two of them treated each other like
friends. Therefore, Louis respected Percy very much.

After Percy left, Louis walked towards the study. As soon as he entered the room, he saw his father
drinking tea.

Then, Louis said in a helpless tone, “Father, I've told you many times that drinking tea at night is not
good for your health.“

Hunk turned to him and gave a bright smile as a response. Then, he continued drinking the tea in his

“It's the last cup, the last cup!“ Then, he put the cup on the table.

Without saying anything more, Hunk just looked at Louis with a smile.

Louis couldn't stand such a stare, so he had no other choice but to tell him the truth right away.

“Father, I'm sorry. I used the power of the Ke Family to teach Bill a lesson, but I don't regret —“

Before Louis could finish what he was saying, Hunk hit his crutch hard on the floor. Even without a
word, he could easily make everyone feel his rage.

Louis was afraid to look at his father or even utter a single word. No matter what punishment his father
would give him, he would accept it wholeheartedly.

“You! How can you be like this?!“ Hunk's voice was filled with frustration.

Finally having a little courage, Louis raised his head. His father's disappointed face was the first thing
he saw.

Louis was still trying to process his father's reaction when he heard his voice again.

“Louis, I'm outraged not because you used the power of the Ke Family. I'm furious because it's clear
that you do not consider yourself as a member of the Ke Family yet. Why did you say that you used the
power of the Ke Family? The power of the Ke Family is yours! You have the right to every bit of that

Louis was deeply touched by Hunk's words, but he didn't show it on his face.

Then, Hunk continued, “Although you are not my biological son, in my heart, you are no different from
my own son! I won't stop you from taking revenge on Bill in the name of your foster parents. As long as
you don't do any harm to the foundation of the Ke Group, you can do whatever you want! I believe in
your abilities and who you are! I only ask that you believe in me and my judgment of you.“

“Father...“ Louis didn't know how to describe his feelings at the moment. He was so overwhelmed with
every word that had just come out of his father's mouth.

Hunk, who had a kind and confident expression on his face, knew that he had made the right decision.
The Ke Family must be handed over to a trustworthy person, and that person was none other than

A few minutes later, Hunk started speaking in a soft, mellow voice. “Louis, don't forget about Emily.
She's my only daughter, so I'm trusting you to keep her safe. I hope you can help me take good care of
her for the rest of her life, even when I'm no longer here.“

Hunk's foreboding words brought a subtle frown on Louis's face. He replied, “Father, what are you
talking about? Don't talk like you're going to die. I'm sure you'll live a very long life!“

Even if Louis was enthusiastic when he spoke, Hunk had no words to respond. He could only smile in
front of his son and hope for the best.

He knew he was old. It was normal for people to get old and die of illness. He knew it was better to
accept reality rather than run from it.

A long silence followed after the father's and son's heartfelt conversation. They couldn't think of
anything else to say. Finally, Hunk realized that Louis would probably be tired from work. As a result,
they ended the night with Hunk telling Louis to rest.

After returning to his room, Louis contacted Hunk's private doctor. After making sure that Hunk was in
good health, he let out a sigh of relief. Until then, he had had a worrisome thought that Hunk was hiding
something from him...

Luckily, it seemed that he was just thinking about it too much. After rubbing his eyes, he went straight
to bed.

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