Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1502 Clueless

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Sam came over and pointed at the product quality report, which showed the over-standard sodium.
"Mr. Xu, the sodium content exceeds ten percent of the normal amount. It's not possible. We must have
been sabotaged by someone," he explained in a grave tone.

David had already guessed it before Sam had said it out loud. "Do you have any clue who it might be?"
he asked.

Sam shook his head. This was an important matter. He had been meticulously investigating the
incident for the last three days. However, he had found nothing suspicious at all. There were barely any
clues as to how the incident had happened.

"I haven't found any solid evidence yet," he admitted sheepishly. "But I'll keep looking."

David nodded in understanding and held the quality inspection report tightly. He was lost in his

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Gu is quite distressed with everything that is happening to the HT Group. However, the
best thing for the company right now is to keep a low profile. Can you please persuade him to calm
down? I understand that he is anxious, but it won't solve anything," Sam requested. His tone was full of
concern for his boss.

For Sam, Jacob wasn't just his boss. He liked to think that he was like a brother to him too.

Upon hearing this, David nodded again. "Okay, I will do my best to help with the situation."

"And also, Mr. Xu, I hope you can join all of us to solve the food poisoning incident of the HT Group
together. I don't want Mr. Gu to get involved in these matters, if possible. He is the head of the
company, so people won't believe him even if he's telling the truth," Sam added. Sam had always been
attentive and cautious. As soon as he said this, David immediately understood when he was implying.

HT Group was a huge company with great influence. However, if someone was really trying to frame
them, Jacob's involvement would only make things worse.

If they really wanted to minimize the damage that this incident had caused them, then David would be
the best for the task.

"I understand, Sam. I see that you really care about your boss. Have you ever thought that I might not
be able to help?" David asked with a smile.

Sam was puzzled by the question. After giving it some thought, he answered with a trace of
embarrassment, "I believe you are qualified, Mr. Xu. For so many years, it was you and Mr. Gu that
built this company. Your combined efforts made this company what it is today."

David was surprised by Sam's answer. He hadn't expected that Sam would give such an answer and
even compliment him.

He laughed in amusement and put aside the inspection report in front of him. "Since this is a food
poisoning case, I suppose the people who suffered from food poisoning are the key to solving the
issue. Find a lawyer to talk to them and make a compensation plan as soon as possible. Make sure
those people are satisfied with the settlement," he told him.

"Yes, Mr. Xu. I'll do it right away," Sam replied immediately.

"Is there anything else?" David noticed that Sam was still standing there without moving an inch.

A polite smile painted itself on Sam's face as he filled a cup of coffee for David. "Mr. Xu, Mr. Gu was
right about you. You and Mr. Gu are really great friends. To be perfectly candid, after the incident, the
people who were close to Mr. Gu started to stay away from him. It was only you who chose to remain
by his side and even offered help."

Even though he was saying such sentimental words, his tone was serious. Feeling both embarrassed
and slightly flattered, David said, "Well, as you said, HT Group is not just Jacob's company but also
mine. It was both of our efforts that built this company."

Then, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something. "Besides contacting the alleged victims of
food poisoning, recall all the products that we've already sold and schedule a press conference. I'll
make sure that the press sees me destroying the products."

"Yes, sir!"

Sam finally went out to carry out David's orders. He contacted the victims and quickly worked out the
terms and conditions for the compensation. The total sum of the compensation was huge. However, if it
would save their company's reputation, then it would be worth it.

Even though David didn't have Jacob's affinity for business, he was definitely ten thousand times better
at winning people's affections and gaining back their trust.

He even invited the higher-ups of the Inspection Department and some known reporters so they could
witness him burning the unsafe products in front of the public.

One of the reporters asked David, "Mr. Xu, I heard that you were very angry after you found out about
the food poisoning incident. Today, you burned all the products that didn't meet the food regulation
standards. Is it all just for show?"

David gave a small smile and explained, "You're asking if I'm putting on a show, but I'm not holding this
press conference to defend myself. What I need to do is make sure that nobody else is harmed by our
products. This time, I am claiming responsibility for the food poisoning incident. I have been less than
careful with our company affairs and failed to properly supervise the company. This incident is a wake-
up call for me. Our HT Group will definitely be more attentive and responsible in the making of our

future products. It is always our main goal to deliver excellent products to all our customers and keep
them happy."

He spoke fluently and eloquently, and one could also hear the sincerity and honesty in his voice.

Upon hearing his statement, Sam couldn't help but give a thumb's up internally. He felt that David was
truly a capable and sophisticated man.

At this time, several victims came over to say something.

The reporter asked, "Hello, you're one of the victims who suffered from food poisoning, right? Are you
satisfied with the compensation you received from the HT Group? What do you want to tell the public?"

The old man took the microphone excitedly. He gleefully announced, "I am one of the victims. Due to
my already poor health condition, I was hospitalized for days. However, the HT Group was kind enough
to shoulder all the medical fees. They were generous enough to also generously compensate us for our
economic losses. Most importantly, Mr. Xu of the HT Group has bought us physical accident insurance
in case we encounter another accident. He is a really good person."

It was rare practice for a company to go so far as to buy health insurance for the victims as

Sam turned his head to glance at David. He noticed that David wasn't really paying attention to the
victim's statement at all. Instead, he was trying to cotton up to the director of the Health Department.

A grin appeared on his face. 'If we had asked for David's assistance earlier, then perhaps Mr. Gu
wouldn't have gotten framed and put in such a difficult situation, ' he thought to himself.

This time, they had successfully destroyed the products that were not safe for consumption. Moreover,
the victims of the food poisoning incident had come forward with positive statements about the HT

Group. This made the incident seem less of a big deal to everyone. However, the quality of their food
was still their most important problem.

David knew that the traitor in the company must be thoroughly investigated. They must acquire hard
evidence in order to catch that person red-handed.

After the press conference was over, David and Sam went back to the company together. In the past,
Sam had been pretty skeptical of David. However, after what David had done these past few days,
Sam found that despite his initial judgment, David really cared about the HT Group.

"Mr. Xu, we didn't find anything unusual in our company's CCTV recordings, so we still haven't found
out who did it and how it happened," Sam informed David in a puzzled voice.

David looked at him and said, "Since we haven't found any evidence, why don't we create some?"

"What do you mean?" Sam didn't quite understand what David meant. However, it seemed that David
wasn't in the mood to explain anything at all, so he didn't bother to ask again. However, he couldn't
stop thinking about it.

In the KING Group's headquarters, Darren sat in front of the television and watched David's interview
with a glare.

"This man is still as shameless as before. Now, he's trying to play the sympathy card. Shame on him."
Darren kept glaring at David's face as if he was going to burn him that way.

Harlan quickly changed the channel. "Mr. Xu, don't worry. Let's see what he can do to save the HT
Group's reputation."

Group. This made the incident seem less of a big deal to everyone. However, the quality of their food
was still their most important problem.

David knew that the traitor in the company must be thoroughly investigated. They must acquire hard
evidence in order to catch that person red-handed.

After the press conference was over, David and Sam went back to the company together. In the past,
Sam had been pretty skeptical of David. However, after what David had done these past few days,
Sam found that despite his initial judgment, David really cared about the HT Group.

"Mr. Xu, we didn't find anything unusual in our company's CCTV recordings, so we still haven't found
out who did it and how it happened," Sam informed David in a puzzled voice.

David looked at him and said, "Since we haven't found any evidence, why don't we create some?"

"What do you mean?" Sam didn't quite understand what David meant. However, it seemed that David
wasn't in the mood to explain anything at all, so he didn't bother to ask again. However, he couldn't
stop thinking about it.

In the KING Group's headquarters, Darren sat in front of the television and watched David's interview
with a glare.

"This man is still as shameless as before. Now, he's trying to play the sympathy card. Shame on him."
Darren kept glaring at David's face as if he was going to burn him that way.

Harlan quickly changed the channel. "Mr. Xu, don't worry. Let's see what he can do to save the HT
Group's reputation."

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