Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1434 Denial

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The reporter was terrified. Still, he did his best to feign composure. "Jacob, why have you brought us
here? You're breaking the law!"

"Exactly! This is kidnapping. And you must know that you're doing a horrible thing!" the "victim" chimed

Jacob sneered. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Breaking the law? Kidnapping?" With a wave of his
hand, a couple of bodyguards came forward to untie the two men.

The men had not expected Jacob to do such a thing. Suddenly, they regained the courage to speak up
against him. "I advise you to let us go as soon as possible, or we will go to the police and report this
awful crime!" the reporter swore, raising his voice as he pointed a finger at Jacob.

Annoyed at the men's brazenness, Sam marched forward, determined to teach them a lesson. Jacob,
however, stopped him in time with another wave of a hand. He had something else in mind.

He opened his mouth slightly and said, "I think you should listen to your gut, given your current
situation. If you're willing to cooperate, you can expect an even bigger reward. From me."

For a moment, the "victim" felt quite tempted. Nevertheless, the thought of his mother in Darren's
hands distressed him. While Jacob's offer was tempting, he wouldn't dare risk his mother's well-being.
The reporter, on the other hand, was convinced that this was merely a trap. As long as he did not admit
to anything, Jacob couldn't harm him.

With this in mind, the two shook their heads, their way of telling Jacob that they had no idea what he
was talking about.

Of course, Jacob had expected this. He had just thought that if they knew they could work with him,
they might change their minds. However, these two seemed to have no intention of turning against


"Well, it seems that I've found the wrong men then. You two can go," Jacob said with a shrug,
effectively surprising the two. This was far from their wildest dreams. They hadn't seen that coming.

Having been told that they were now free to leave, they didn't want to waste another second in this
place. Without delay, they left.

The two ran for as long as their legs could carry them, constantly looking back to see if there were any
suspicious people or cars following them. When they were sure that they were safe and unfollowed,
they stopped to catch their breath.

"Damn it! He's much less intimidating than I thought!" the reporter exclaimed, gasping for air.

"I thought we were going to die in there," the "victim" agreed with a lingering feeling of fear. The two
were overcome with the excitement of escaping the jaws of death. Although they were still quite
shaken, they were also happy to have been released without a scratch. They thought that perhaps
Jacob had only wanted to frighten them or get them to tell him what they knew.

Now that it was over, the two decided to put the matter behind them.

"Let's go, buddy! We're free!

This is our second shot at life, so let's have a good time! What do you say?". . . .

Back at the company, Sam and Jacob were engaged in a serious conversation.

"Mr. Gu, do you think that was the right move?" Sam believed that they should have tried to get the two
to tell them the truth, even if it meant torturing them.

Jacob had thought the same at the beginning. However, to prevent the two from attempting to deceive
him, he had made a few changes to his plans. After all, Darren had paid them well. They worked for the
man. Jacob knew that he should be smarter and more meticulous when dealing with them. These two
were now in the same boat as Darren was.

If they found out that Darren planned to throw them under the bus, they would definitely panic. Once
they reached that point, they would do anything in exchange for safety.

"Be patient. Just wait for them. Before you know it, they'll be begging me to take them in," Jacob
smacked his lips as he shot Sam a confident look. At that moment, he looked equally dangerous and

Sam nodded in agreement. He deeply admired Jacob's brilliance. . . . . . .

As night approached, the lights on the streets grew brighter.

The reporter and the "victim" had just exited a night club. Perhaps owing to the amount of alcohol that
they had consumed, the two of them staggered on the road, almost falling to their feet.

They were so drunk that they had failed to notice the car behind them. It had been following them for
quite some time and was inching closer to them now. Just when the two were about to pass out from
how drunk they were, a man inside the car waved his hand. Immediately, two burly men got out of the
vehicle and approached the two inebriated men. Without much difficulty, they lifted the two and threw
them into the car.

"What are you doing? Who are you and what do you want?" the reporter demanded to know as he was
brought back to his senses. The familiar sense of being abducted overcame the two.

The reporter's sharp voice broke the silence of the night. Only the dim light from the nearby street
lamps could be seen along the dark road.

"What are you doing? Let go of me! Help!" Shreds of wide cloth were stuffed into their mouths,
effectively silencing them. Shortly after, their resistance turned into helpless grunting.

The two were then taken to a small, dark room by the sea.

Bang! The door was slammed shut, and the night was once more calm and quiet.

The two wondered if this was Jacob's doing. Perhaps since they had decided not to work with him
earlier today, he had had them taken in again.

The two men's hands were tied behind them and around the chairs that they were seated on. Their
mouths were stuffed with sackcloth and they couldn't see a single thing in the pitch black room.

They didn't know where they were now. But judging by the distant sound of waves and seagulls, the
"victim" guessed that they were somewhere near the sea.

Suddenly, they heard what sounded like a door opening. The reporter vigilantly turned his head toward
the direction of the sound.

Although he couldn't see anything, he shimmied violently to try to break himself free.

What should he do now? He had only been on this Earth for a little more than twenty years. There were
a lot of things that he hadn't done yet. Was this the end? These were the only thoughts that occupied
his mind.

The terror grew greater and greater, but as they were tied to the chairs, there was nothing that they
could do. They had the desire, but not the ability, to escape. They could only listen as the steady sound
of footsteps drew closer and closer.

Also, it seemed as though several people were coming into the room. Just then, one of their phones

"Hello? Yes, boss, we've got them. What should we do with them?"

"I'm sure there were no witnesses when we took them."

There was a short pause before the reporter heard the horrifying words. "You mean kill them?

Okay, Mr. Xu. Don't worry. Consider it done."

The call ended. The person who had answered the phone had a calm voice. It was neither loud nor
low, just the right volume to deliver the fate of the two men into their ears. From the few sentences that
he had overheard, the reporter was able to extract two very important pieces of information—one, this
was their execution, and two, it had been ordered by none other than Mr. Xu!

To his surprise, it was not Jacob who had sent these men to capture them. It was Darren!

Sure enough, the two had already thought about the possibility of Darren getting rid of them. It was for
this reason that when he had instructed them to go in hiding abroad, they had quickly obliged. They
had agreed to live a life of hiding for two reasons. One was the promise that they had made to Darren.
They had assured him that they would do anything that he requested. The other was their fear of him
suddenly changing his mind and deciding, for whatever reason, to have them killed.

It seemed that Darren had found out about their return and was going to kill them to cut loose ends.

Probably because they were at the losing end, the two felt as though the air around them had grown
stagnant. Paralyzed with fear, they felt as though it had gotten harder to breathe.

Out of the blue, the wads of sackcloth were forcefully pulled out of their mouths. With that, the reported
yelled, "What are you going to do with us!"

Several of the brawny men, all dressed in black, smirked.

"What are we going to do with you, you say? Shouldn't you know by now?" Menacing laughter filled the
small dark room.

It was as if a group of proud hunters had just brought down a fat deer. "Aren't you afraid of going to
jail —"

Before the "victim" could even finish speaking, a hard slap landed on his face.

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