Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 193 You Will Save Her, Won't You

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When Emily tried to take a peek inside the ward, she caught the sight of a girl sitting on a bed. She was
sweet and pretty, but her face was pale as ice. She had a smart disposition, as if the whole universe
was hidden behind her breathtakingly pure eyes.

"Victor, when can I go out?" asked the girl.

Victor looked at her tenderly, as if he could only see her in his eyes. "Soon," he replied.

"What do you mean by 'soon'?"

"A few days later, if everything goes accordingly."

Anne laughed, and winked at him. "Can I meet the kind-hearted donator you told me about?" she

Victor froze for a second, but he showed no change in his facial expression. "Sorry, the donator wants
to protect her privacy. I can't fulfil your wish," he said plainly.

"I see," Anne replied, reluctantly. Anne was disheartened by Victor's words. She looked down as if she
were upset, but it was hard to determined whether she believed Victor's words or not.

"But we can break some rules for you today. You can have half of my strawberry cake," he said. Victor
cautiously changed the topic. Seeing the satisfaction in her face, he gradually smiled at her.

As a matter of fact, he was lying to her, but he had no regrets.

Hiding outside of the ward, Emily gasped, as her eyes widened with astonishment. She had never seen
Victor act like that before, and the tenderness in his eyes was overwhelming. He was like a chocolate
lava cake, hard on the outside, but soft on the inside.

'I have never seen this side of Victor.

Who would have guessed that he wasn't actually such a heartless person?

What kind of person could bring out Victor's tenderness? She must be someone very dear and
important to him.'

"Who's there?" Emily's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of a female that came from inside the
ward. As soon as she looked up, her eyes met the curious eyes of a young girl looking at her through
the half-open door.

She tried to sneak away, but it was too late. Once Victor heard the girl's words, he stretched his long
leg and caught Emily immediately.

"What are you doing here?" asked Victor.

Emily had no valid explanation, but she definitely sensed nervousness in Victor's tone. "... Nothing. I
was just wandering around," she replied.

"Let me walk you back right now," said Victor.

"Never mind. I can walk back by myself. Don't worry. There's nowhere I can run. Why don't you go back
to the girl inside..." Before Emily could finish her words, Victor grabbed her arm and walked out
immediately. "... Fine," said Emily.

Not like she could have done anything about it anyway. Emily was helpless. That was very clear.

Meanwhile, the nurse in charge of Emily went crazy looking for her everywhere. When she saw Emily
walking back with Victor, she felt relieved, but she kept blaming Emily.

"Watch her carefully," asserted Victor. After instructing the staff member, Victor turned to Emily with a
stern look on his face. He stressed his tone, and said,"Don't wander off to places you don't belong in."

'You mean don't visit the person you are hiding from me, ' she mused.

Emily didn't make any promises to him. Instead she looked straight at him and asked,"Victor, are you
still unwilling to tell me the truth?"

This time, Emily didn't call him Mr. Victor as she did before.

Victor sighed. "What kind of truth do you want to hear?" he asked her.

"Hmm...I don't know. Why don't you start with - what do you need me to donate?" she asked. Emily
wasn't witless. She could tell by the way he looked at that girl, that she was really important to Victor.

Emily had figured out what Victor was up to. However, even if he desperately needed Emily to donate
an organ, shouldn't he have asked for her consent first?

Emily had spent so many days living there like a domestic pig, and yet she knew nothing of what was
going on. She was just worried that one day she would wake up with an organ missing from her body.
Now that would be a real horror story!

Victor looked at her silently for a second, and then smiled unexpectedly. He spoke out slowly,"Your

Stunned, Emily gasped and stuttered,"My.... my heart?"

"Yes, your heart is the perfect match for an organ transplant, but most importantly, both you and Anne
have the same rare blood type," he said.

The familiar coldness had returned to Victor's handsome face.

Anne suffered from heart disease for over twenty years. For years they looked for a cure, but it was
useless. Now, her body had reached its limit. Without a heart transplant, she would soon be dead.

The life of a young girl was as precious as a flower, unfortunately, Anne's life was withering. How could
Victor watch as the girl he loved withered away while he sat there doing nothing!

In the past few years, he had been ardently searching for a suitable heart for the transplantation. But,
unfortunately, Anna's blood type was so rare that it made the process of searching even more difficult.
Fortunately, Victor never gave up. He even looked through all the health reports of his employees, and
at long last, he came across Emily's health report.

The moment he found a match for Anne's heart, Victor couldn't find the words to describe the
excitement he was feeling. His heart pounded in his chest so hard, and it felt like it would jump out of
his throat.

Finally, after years of searching, he had found a chance to save Anne's life!

"So, that's why you approached me suddenly, out of nowhere. Now everything is starting to make
sense to me," said Emily, after finally having seen the entire picture.

"Yes." Victor did not deny it. The coldness in his eyes remained unchanged, as if nothing in the world
could warm his heart again except for Anne.

Although he promised Jacob that he wouldn't hit on Emily as Jacob wished, he could never fall in love
with Emily anyway. His heart belonged to someone else. After all, people have different choices. He
never had any interest in Jacob's treasure since they had met.

However, Victor was willing risk his friendship with Jacob, by approaching Emily, as long as it would
benefit Anne's recovery. His aim was simple. He only would go through with his goals, if Emily broke up

with Jacob.

Otherwise, his goals would have been more difficult to achieve if Jacob had stood in his way.

However, Victor soon learned that Emily and Jacob's relationship was stronger than he had imagined.
When he failed to split them up, Jacob had given him a final warning.

Although, Victor no longer approached Emily, he still did not give up on her. All he needed was a small
opportunity. Meanwhile, in his search for a suitable heart, Victor ended up wandering along secret
places that were beyond the regulations of the law.

Never did he imagine, that he would come across Emily being auctioned to the Dark Area. Even Victor
couldn't deny that it was like an Act of God.

'Jacob, don't blame me for this. It's you that failed to keep your woman safe!'

When he was presented with the opportunity, Victor spared no expenses and straight away bought her
at the auction without any hesitation. So long as Anne could be cured, money was no matter for him.
Even if it had bankrupted him, he would pay any price for her heart!

At that moment, Emily looked at Victor with a convoluted expression. She couldn't find the words to
respond to him.

"So, your heart, is mine now," he asserted. Victor sounded confident, gently, as he continued,"You will
help her, won't you?"

Victor's words were hypnotic, as it seemed to have the magic to compel people to act against their own

Emily, however, bit her lip hard and shook her head determinedly. "Sorry, I can't," she said.

Emily understood that her life didn't just belong to her only. She had a responsibility towards her
parents. After all, they had raised her since she was a child. But most importantly, she owed her life to
Jacob, who had saved her life countless times without even hesitating... If the circumstances were any
different, she could have offered herself to save Anne's life.

However... she had her parents, her friends, her career and... the man she loved dearly! Emily wanted
to live for them!

Emily understood that her life didn't just belong to her only. She had a responsibility towards her
parents. After all, they had raised her since she was a child. But most importantly, she owed her life to
Jacob, who had saved her life countless times without even hesitating... If the circumstances were any
different, she could have offered herself to save Anne's life.

However... she had her parents, her friends, her career and... the man she loved dearly! Emily wanted

to live for them!

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