Novel Name : A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 1440 New Year's Day (Part 3)

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"You're lucky we have enough ingredients in the fridge and that I can somewhat cook. Just eat as much
as you want, but don't complain if it isn't that tasty!" With her chopsticks, Bonnie picked up a single
piece of stewed beef for Darren to taste. She approached him to feed him herself. The moment he
reached out his head to take a bite, she grabbed the glass of red wine in his hand. Darren was a little
surprised, but it seemed like a fair trade, so he didn't get mad.

He savored that single piece of meat like it was the most delicious thing in the world. At the same time,
Bonnie poured his leftover red wine into her own glass. As soon as she took a sip, the alcohol caused
her to tear up and cough.

"Stop drinking if you can't handle it! Why are women so stubborn?" Darren stretched his arm forward
and reached out to take the wine glass from Bonnie. However, she was quick enough to dodge.

If someone else were to see their actions, it would definitely be considered flirtatious. Even the two of
them felt the romance in the air that night. They were so close to each other's faces that they could feel
each other's breaths.

Bonnie felt completely bashful, but she chose not to move away. She gritted her teeth and teased
Darren. "The wine is already inside my tummy. What do you want me to do?"

Would you prefer it if I bring it back up?" Of course, that would be impossible. But Darren was
intoxicated by the sweet fragrance of the wine mixed with Bonnie's perfume. They stared into each
other eyes, feeling like a surge of electricity was running through their bodies. It was getting harder and
harder for them to hide their flustered hearts from each other.

In a stroke of bad luck, Bonnie's phone rang out of the blue. The intimate air that surrounded them
disappeared in a single second.

Darren immediately came back to his senses and pulled away from Bonnie. Meanwhile, Bonnie stood
up to answer the phone. Her mood was seemingly dissatisfied, but when she heard her parents' voices
on the other line, she blushed like a teenager on her first date.

"Mom, Dad! Happy New Year!" she subconsciously uttered. Her parents then responded, "Are you still
working during the holiday? And did you have your dinner yet?" Her parents' worries were quite
apparent in their voices. As usual, they were full of concern for their child.

It caused Bonnie to feel an extreme wave of emotions. It got harder by the second for her to stop her
outburst, so she went to another room to let her feelings out without Darren seeing it.

"I'm fine at work. Actually, I'm still working right now! But don't worry, our boss said that he would treat
us to a big feast after we finish this." Bonnie's words were full of happiness and eagerness, even with a
hint of youthfulness and determination. But her parents were clueless to the problems that troubled her

"Don't hesitate to tell us if you're tired. And if you don't have enough money, we'll send you some. I'm
sure you're aware that we don't want you to work so hard for a living," Bonnie's parents firmly replied. It
was obvious from their tone that they were annoyed that she was still working even though it was a

"Please, Mom, I'm fighting for my dreams. Don't worry too much about me. I'll come back there to visit
you soon."

After exchanging a few more words, Bonnie finally hung up the phone. As soon as she did, tears
uncontrollably started falling down from her face. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself
down. It was New Year's Eve, so she didn't want her emotions to ruin the night, and for Darren to get
the satisfaction of seeing her in such a pitiful state.

Unfortunately, Darren was already there before she could wipe away the tears on her face. He leaned
against the wall with a glass of wine in his hand. His playful expression was regrettably ingrained into
Bonnie's mind.

"Do you enjoy eavesdropping on others?" Bonnie asked him, obviously annoyed.

"Maybe if you beg me and say that you really want to go home to your parents, I might consider
allowing it," Darren uttered with a faint smile on his face. Although his eyes conveyed how much he
longed for companionship, he could only show a tough front to other people. He didn't want anyone to
doubt his strength.

"I've told you multiples times that I won't beg. Darren, what's the point of doing this?" Bonnie sincerely
asked. She tried her best to understand him, even showing him nothing else but mercy. She hoped to
beat him in terms of kindness.

Both of them intently stared into each other's eyes. Neither of them wanted to look away, as if it was a
competition. They tried their best to pry into each other's thoughts bit by bit. The two of them had built
emotional barriers through years of sorrowful events and would never openly speak of what they felt.

But the more they behaved like this, the more their appreciation for each other increased. They
understood why both of them chose to show a strong front.

"I think that you really like making a fuss out of meaningless things, just like right now!" Darren
teasingly uttered. He shrugged his shoulders and turned around to leave. However, Bonnie continued
arguing with him in an annoyed tone.

"Stop right there. Shouldn't you be giving me an explanation? Wasn't it you who eavesdropped on my
phone call with my family? Don't you think you're the one who's doing meaningless things here?"

Darren turned to face Bonnie and stood still for a while. He kept quiet but stared deep into her eyes.
His simple actions caused Bonnie to lose all the courage that she had mustered up.

Darren then whispered in Bonnie's ear, "What explanation do you mean? I can give you anything you

For some reason, Bonnie felt like her heart had almost jumped out of her chest. Her face was as red as
an apple. She firmly replied with just three words, "Let me go!"

"It's very simple!" Darren replied as his thighs got closer to hers. The sweet smell of red wine and his
musky scent were the only things she could smell at that point. He then added, "Just beg me!"

He was obviously still playing his shameful tricks once again. Bonnie pushed him away with all her
strength and quickly left the room.

Meanwhile, Estelle pitied herself that night. The fun and boisterous atmosphere outside brought her
despair because she didn't even have a house to live in. The number of people who cared for her could
be counted on a single hand, and the people that she loved couldn't even bother to look at her in the

New Year's Eve was a night to have fun, but only loneliness and sorrow filled Estelle's heart. Even in all
this sadness, she still saw some hope. The fact that her father was still alive and breathing was enough
of a fortune to comfort her.

At the hospital, the only sound a person could hear was the sound of machines at work.

Estelle held her father's hand tightly and placed it on her cheek. Even if his hand could not touch her
face like before, she lovingly whispered, "Dad, I'm so grateful to be your daughter. Promise me you'll
wake up. We'll make up for this year's celebration in the future. We still have a happy life to live, right?"

Unexpectedly, a feeling of warmth suddenly appeared in the cold night. When Estelle turned back to
check what it was, she saw a smiling face enter the door.

"Hello there, Miss Wang. I'm wondering if I could have the honor of spending New Year's Eve with
you?" Ethan asked her with a warm expression on his face. He entered Estelle's world like a ray of
hope. Before she could burst into a smile herself, he said something to make her wonder.

"Come on, guess what's the most iconic food for a reunion on New Year?"

Ethan tried his best to be mysterious and jumped into the ward with his hands behind his back as if he
was going to perform a magic trick.

Estelle shook her head in disbelief. She felt like she was in a dream, not because of what he had
brought, but because his arrival itself was a wonderful surprise.

Unexpectedly, a feeling of warmth suddenly appeared in the cold night. When Estelle turned back to
check what it was, she saw a smiling face enter the door.

"Hello there, Miss Wang. I'm wondering if | could have the honor of spending New Year's Eve with
you?" Ethan asked her with a warm expression on his face. He entered Estelle's world like a ray of
hope. Before she could burst into a smile herself, he said something to make her wonder.

“Come on, guess what's the most iconic food for a reunion on New Year?"

Ethan tried his best to be mysterious and jumped into the ward with his hands behind his back as if he
was going to perform a magic trick.

Estelle shook her head in disbelief. She felt like she was in a dream, not because of what he had
brought, but because his arrival itself was a wonderful surprise.

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