Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 127 A Choice Without Hesitation

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Brian suddenly mentioned Luke. In his opinion, if they had to break up, he had to take Luke away.

Winnie never thought about giving up Luke. She thought that Brian would not threaten her with Luke.
After all, he already knew the truth of the matter.

But she was wrong. Brian was Brian. No matter what came, he would be the most reason one.

"No, I didn't say that I will give up Luke. I just think our relationship should end."

Winnie quickly denied it.

"When I promised to be your woman, I wanted to use this relationship to drive Penny away and let
Luke grow up in a stable environment. Now..."

"Does Luke no longer need you? If our relationship is over, I have to take Luke home. Do you think
Luke can leave you in his current situation? Do you think your departure will be good to Luke's

Brian wanted to get angry. But he thought that his previous attitude towards Winnie had already hurt
her, so he could only keep Winnie stay in such a relatively gentle way.

"Luke can still stay with me. I can take care of him."

In fact, Winnie knew very well that if she did not tell others the real relationship between her and Luke,
she would not be able to stay with Luke. One day, she would be separated from Luke.

What she was talking about now had nothing to do with Luke, it was that the improper relationship
between her and Brian must end. Besides, even if the relationship ended, it would not affect her taking
care of Luke.

"You mean you can accept Luke, but you can't accept me, right?"

Brian was still trying to suppress his anger.

He was thinking in secret why Winnie suddenly changed her attitude towards him. Did Vanessa change
her mind? Did she want to be with Leo?

"There is nothing to accept or not. The relationship between us is originally a contract. It is normal to
terminate it."

Winnie couldn't hold on. It was a torment for her to say break up. But she had to endure this kind of

"Contractual relationship? Well, well. Since it is a contractual relationship, I can tell you now. As long as
our relationship is terminated, I must take Luke away. This is the condition that we stated at the time.
You can't see Luke again in the future. I will never let Penny go, but I can't guarantee that Wendy can
accept Luke."

The anger in Brian's mind had almost scorched himself, but he was still trying his best to endure it. He
didn’t show any anger out, but he was still cold.

He finally couldn't lie down. He got out of bed, and came to the window with his back facing Winnie.

"Wendy is the woman you love, right?"

Winnie seemed to be asking, but she was sure.

Wendy, what a nice name! She must be very beautiful. Otherwise, how could Brian willingly wait her for
so many years?


Winnie put the focus on Wendy. Didn't she know that he was keeping her stay?

"I'm talking about Luke's affairs. It doesn't matter to you who Wendy is. Now you have two choices.
One is to give up Luke. Then I can terminate the contract. The other is to stay by my side and continue
to take care of Luke."

"I choose to continue to take care of Luke, but I also have a request. After Wendy comes back, if she
does not accept Luke, you have to give Luke to me."

Winnie chose Luke without hesitation, but she also had her own requirements at this time. She not only
said this request once, but Brian didn’t give her a clear answer every time.

"Luke is my child. It seems inappropriate to let him live with you. At that time, Wendy is also Luke's
family. What will she think if Luke lives with you?"

Brian was not sure about the future. If Wendy could accept Luke, he must let Luke live with him.

Brian's words made Winnie stunned. There was sadness in her eyes for an instant.

"You are a good man. You are always thinking about your own woman. Wendy is the happiest woman."

He thought about Penny. He protected Klara because of the shit guilty. Now, he was working hard for
Wendy. What about her? Why did he not think about her once? She was Luke's mother.


Brian looked at Winnie deeply, but couldn't say a word.

"You are right. Wendy will be Luke's Mom by then. The child should be with Mommy. But this is the
case where Wendy can accept Luke. If she can't accept Luke, will I still be able to protect Luke? Can I
reappear in front of you?"

Winnie asked calmly, but she had already tried her best to hide the sadness to say it out.


Brian remained silent. He didn't know if Winnie's assumptions would come true. He was not sure
whether he could find Wendy.

"We will see how things develop at that time."

After silence, Brian gave this answer.

Because this topic was not going on, Brian started the next topic, which was the main reason why he
asked Winnie over.

"Don't you want to buy a house for Vanessa? Buy it as soon as possible. I have arranged for Klara to
move in the house you live in now."

Winnie didn't have any feelings to the first sentence, but after listening to the last sentence, she felt so
heartbroken. It turned out that he wanted to drive her away to give the place to Klara.

Although he already knew that Klara had done many things wrong, he still favored Klara.

"Vanessa will have the exam in another ten days. Can you wait for ten days? I don't want to disturb her
during this time."

Winnie wanted to buy some time. After all, buying a house was not like shopping. She couldn't find a
suitable house in short time.

"It's best to move out immediately. Klara's parents will be here in two days, plus her parents-in-law.
They have nowhere to live."

Brian said seriously. He didn't want to give Winnie one more day.

Winnie was helpless again. She didn't expect Brian to be so merciless.

"You should have told me earlier. Give me a day off tomorrow. I will go out to see the house. I won’t let
Klara be embarrassed."

Winnie still endured the sadness. She was whispering. At this moment, she just wanted to let her heart
die, and then she could not feel the pain.

Brian was on a business trip the next day. Winnie started looking for a house.

It was impossible to buy a house now. Because it was not her house. She had to consider many
aspects. Even if she bought a house, it was impossible to move in within a day or two.

Winnie's only way now was to rent a house.

She spent the morning looking for a three-bedroom and one-living house near the children’s
kindergarten. It took an afternoon to clean up the house and purchased the necessities.

The next morning, she woke up and moved out. Then she sent the children to school. After finishing
these, she went to work. She didn't let anyone know about all this. Even her neighbor, Leo, didn't know
that she had moved.

Winnie walked in through the secretary's room.

"Miss Klara, I have vacated the house. You can move in."

"Sorry, Miss Winnie, I can't do anything about it. My parents and parents-in-law are all old. I’m always
on the business trips. I can't take care of them often. Let them live together and take care of each
other. I can rest assured."

Klara said sorry, but she looked very proud.

"It's okay. Nothing serious. Your idea is right. You can work with confidence if the elderly take care of
each other. I have to go back to the office."

Winnie said with a smile. This matter had nothing to do with Klara. Brian was the person who made
things difficult for her.

Winnie knew that what Brian had wasn’t just only this house. Brian must feel disgust to her so he drove
her away to let Klara live there.

After Winnie returned to the office, Klara called Brian.

"Mr. Bennet, Miss Winnie has vacated the house."

"So soon? Where did she move?"

Brian was surprised.

"She didn't say."

Klara didn't ask at all. As for where to move, she didn't want to know. It was better that Winnie moved
to other planets.


There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"You pack up and move in."

Brian hung up after saying it.

After going home at night, they were a little uncomfortable. The house was not as big as it used to be,
and the two children had to live in the same room. But the children didn't say anything. For them, as
long as they were with Mommy, they felt like it was home.

But Vanessa didn't understand it.

When she came back from the cram school last night, she knew about the things. Then she packed up
with her sister. She woke up early this morning to move out, so she didn’t have time to ask her sister.

Now the two children were playing in the living room, and the sister was tidying things in the room. She
couldn't calm down to study. She just asked her sister what was going on.

"Sister, did something happen to the company? Why did we move out suddenly?"

"No, nothing. There is an employee in the company who is more than we need that house. So I moved

"Vanessa, don't have any burdens. Remember, even if I don't have a job, you and aunt can live a good
life. I can research a piece of software, then I can get hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Winnie thought that Vanessa was worried about her work. So she could only comfort Vanessa.

"Sister, I don't worry. I know your abilities. I am worried that you were bullied by colleagues in the

"No, no one bullied me. I've never been bullied. Don't worry about me. The most important thing for you
now is to study and take the college entrance exam to let me feel proud of you."

Being bullied was already a common thing for Winnie. But she had long been used to it. She just
couldn't let Vanessa know it. Otherwise, Vanessa would be under pressure and would be worried about

"It's fine as long as no one bullies you, then I'll go back to study."

Vanessa was relieved when she heard that her sister hadn't been bullied. The rest things didn't matter
to her.

Winnie kept packing till late. The children and Vanessa both slept. She was tired and had to stop, but
there were still a lot of things that hadn't been unpacked.

Lying on the bed, although it was hot and sweaty, Winnie felt cold.

Brian took her house today. Would he take back the car next?

Take it back. Take back everything that he gave to her. Then she could get rid of the relationship. Then
she could feel relieved.

Without taking a shower, without taking off her clothes, Winnie was about to fall asleep like this, but the
phone rang.

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