Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 363 The Position of the Copilot

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With important work, Winnie had no regard for her mood. If she did not think about it, she would not be

No matter what they hid, she had to face it.

Winnie came to the Johnson Group. As she parked the car, Brian called.

“Do you have work to do?”

Brian asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, I just arrived at Johnson Group. What’s the matter?”

Winnie replied calmly, sounding as if nothing had affected her mood.

“Why did you leave without telling us?”

Brian did not dare to directly ask about the doubts in his heart. He could only talk about some
unimportant things and tried to figure out her mood. But from her sound, there shouldn’t be a big

“I was afraid to wake up the child, so I texted Emily. Didn’t she tell you?”

Winnie got off and closed the door. She walked towards the Johnson Group with her mobile phone
sticking to her ear.

“Yes, I thought you would tell me. I’m still waiting for you to return to the suburbs.”

Hearing that Winnie’s voice was easy, Brian finally felt relieved. It seemed that Winnie had not been
affected by anything.

“It is an urgent, so I did not give you a phone call, if the work is solved smoothly, I will go to the suburbs
at noon. By the way, will Wendy be there? If she will, I will go to see your father another day.”

Winnie had not forgotten the pervious experiment, nor what she had said to Brian. To avoid such a
thing happening again, she had to confirm it.

“She won’t be there. Get your work done as soon as possible, we wait for you to have lunch.”

Brian felt guilty speaking of Wendy.

“Ok, I’ll do it as soon as possible.”

Winnie hung up the phone, got on the elevator and went straight to the studio.

It was not a big problem, but it was complicated to solve. After Winnie removed the fault, it was nearly

Winnie still had words to say with Leo, so the two people came to Leo’s office.

“There won’t be a problem again. It was an oversight of our work and we didn’t check it out when we
texted it. Leo, let the supervisors hold a temporary meeting, so that everyone takes it seriously.”

“Now that it’s in public beta, if this happens too often, we’re going to lose a lot of players.”

Winnie had to remind Leo, although she did not understand the management, this omission was
absolutely the programmer’s negligence.

“I will arrange tat in a moment, it is not a big problem, but it could never happen twice.”

“By the way, Winwin, I will take Emily home at noon. Do you have any place to go? If not, please come
home with me.”

Leo invited Winnie, because he knew her aunt and Vanessa had not come back.

“You take Emily home, why I come with you? I have to go to the suburbs at noon.”

Winnie was gratified that Leo would take Emily home, judging from that, they could get married.

“Good, don’t be alone in New Year. Winwin, how are things going between you and Mr. Bennet lately?”

Leo was worried. Hearing that she was to go to the suburbs, he thought their relationship should have

“We can’t be together, but we have to contact because of the children. When the children grew up, I will
be fine.”

Winnie had always thought so, although with such a relationship, she would be scolded and hatred by
Wendy, but she had done her best.

“I gotta go. Call me as soon as if there is something wrong at work. Bye-bye.”

Winnie said goodbye and turned to leave.

She told herself that she should be relaxed, so she would not be tired.

After Winnie left, Leo drove to pick up Emily.

Because her parents were persuaded by Leo, Emily had to help Leo.

Out of the house, Emily got into Leo’s car.

“First go to the mall, I buy some gifts for your parents. It is New Year, I can’t go with nothing.”

Emily said to Leo who was driving.

“I’ve got that ready and we just need to be there.”

Leo started his car and drove home

“Why in the back?”

Leo asked Emily.

“Where shall I sit if I don’t sit back? Should I get off and run with the car?”

Emily knew what Leo wanted to say, but she just didn’t want to be in the co-pilot, that position always
reminded her of her cheap pendant.

“You used to sit in the copilot’s seat. Sitting in the back makes me feel I am your driver.”

Leo was not used to it, because it was not easy to look at her if she sat in the back.

“We had broken up. Everyone thinks the copilot seat should be girlfriend’s. I’m not your girlfriend now,
so I don’t want to sit there. Whether you are the driver or not, it is up to your thought. You don’t even
want to be a driver, do you?”

In fact, the reason why Emily sat in the back was very simple. She wanted to keep a distance with Leo.

“You’ve got a lot of reason, but my parents are counting on you. And as for Winwin, I also want you to
cooperate with me a few times. You quit when I find the right opportunity.”

Leo requested, but he was creating opportunities too.

“I can help you, but you must hurry. I may not be able to help you for long because I will go abroad. I
can’t help you to hide from your parents either, so tell them as soon as possible.”

“By the way, when you find the right opportunity, don’t tell Winwin the truth, just say that we don’t love
each other, so we broke up. Otherwise Winwin will have a burden.”

“Tell her before I go aboard and then I’ll leave.”

Emily really didn’t want to hurt Winnie, so she came up with such a good idea for everyone. Although it
was a lie, it was a white lie.

She started to plan to go abroad these two days without any accurate country, just to avoid Leo for a
period of time and let him completely disappear in her memory.

“Go abroad? For work?”

Leo frowned hearing that.

“Sort of. I go to learn something, and come back to help my father.”

Emily said casually.

“When will you be back?”

Leo was flurried, feeling he was to lose a treasure.

“I don’t know the specific time. It depends on how I study.”

Emily planned to leave, but really had no idea when she would return, maybe in a month, maybe in a
year. The time was determined by when she got over.

“There are also many good learning opportunities at home. You can study well without going abroad.”

Leo put forward his idea. If Emily really left, his life would be empty, as well as his heart.

“I am still thinking about it. I haven’t decided exactly where to go yet.”

For Emily, she could go anywhere as long as there was no Leo.

She wanted to go abroad, because it was not easy to come back, so as to control her heart. She could
not control herself at home, and she might brazenly come back to Leo.

Or abroad, it was another world, she could not find a little about Leo, so she could forget him faster.

Winnie drove to the suburbs. The atmosphere of the family was unexpectedly harmonious without

At the table.

“Winwin, eat more, you seem to have lost weight.”

Rufus was pleased to see Winnie and felt she was his child.

“It is good. It’s painful to lose weight.”

Winnie answered with a smile, she did not have to be so constrained without Wendy.

“That’s what you young people think. I still think don’t be too thin. Parents will be distressed if you are
too thin. Eat more.”

Rufus inadvertently made Winnie moved.

No man seemed to have cared for her in that way since her father had died. Rufus really warmed
Winnie’s heart like a kind father.

“Ok, I will eat more.”

Winnie smiled gently and ate.

“Winwin, haven’t your aunt and Vanessa come back?”

Rufus continued to speak.

“No, my aunt said she wouldn’t come back until Vanessa started school. I’ll let you take care of the
children during this time.”

“It’s my duty to look after the children. Your aunt is polite.”

Rufus said, but wondered in my heart why Isobel left early and came back late. Was it because of him
or the Bennet family?

“My brother and I will take care of you when we grow up.”

Megan suddenly said, hearing that, everyone was happy.

“Good, I must live well, so that you can take care of me when you grow up.”

Rufus fondly touched the head of Megan.

Now the atmosphere was much more harmonious. If the family could always be like this, it would be
great and the two children would be happy.

Although Brian did not speak, he was infected by the atmosphere and gave a smile.

At that moment, he felt very secure and felt that he was the happiest man in the world, having the
woman he loved most, lovely children and his father around.

He was unfamiliar with his father, but now he lived with him. He was grateful to Winnie for forcing him

After lunch, Winnie asked the two children upstairs to take a nap, and Rufus went back to his room to
rest. Winnie and Brian were the only two people in the living room.

“Why don’t you go upstairs and have a nap? You’ve been busy all year, and you seldom have a rest.”

Winnie said and got up.

“Where are you going?”

Asked Brian.

“I am going home to get some rest.”

Winnie was not used to being here. Since she had her own house, she did not feel dependable

“Go upstairs to bed and eat here tonight. You are alone at home, and it will be bored Don’t go back.”

At the same time, Brian held her hand and walked upstairs.

“I’m not going upstairs. I’m going home...”

“You don’t have the right to choose. We have managed to give the children a comfortable environment.
Don’t let the children down.”

At this time, the two of them had already walked up the stairs, because the children had taken a nap,
Winnie did not dare to speak loudly.

“Ok, let me go and I can walk by myself.”

After lunch, Winnie asked the two children upstairs to take a nap, and Rufus went back to his room to
rest. Winnie and Brian were the only two people in the living room.

“Why don't you go upstairs and have a nap? You’ve been busy all year, and you seldom have a rest.”
Winnie said and got up.

“Where are you going?”

Asked Brian.

“lam going home to get some rest.”

Winnie was not used to being here. Since she had her own house, she did not feel dependable

“Go upstairs to bed and eat here tonight. You are alone at home, and it will be bored Don't go back.”
At the same time, Brian held her hand and walked upstairs.
“I’m not going upstairs. I’m going home...”

“You don’t have the right to choose. We have managed to give the children a comfortable environment.
Don't let the children down.”

At this time, the two of them had already walked up the stairs, because the children had taken a nap,
Winnie did not dare to speak loudly.

“Ok, let me go and | can walk by myself.”

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