Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 668 Brian Showed Up

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Winnie wanted to go to see Penny in the afternoon, but Felix called and asked her out. This time Felix
chose meeting place to be a coffee shop, which deliberately catered to Winnie. That surprised Winnie.

Winnie hurried to the coffee shop.

"Chairman, am I late? I am sorry, there was a traffic jam."

Winnie said apolitically, even if it was a very bad excuse. But there was indeed a car accident.

"No, you are on time. I am early."

Felix's manner was neither genial nor aloof. Since he knew that Winnie took the blame and she did not
make scene, Felix’s attitude Winnie had changed a lot.

Although he still could not accept her to become his granddaughter-in-law, he liked to get along with

"I'll be punctual next time."

Winnie knew Felix hate the people who were late, even if she was late, but Felix came earlier than her.
She was equally uncomfortable keeping others waiting for her.

Speaking, Winnie saw Felix had coffee, she could not help but remind.

"Chairman, you'd better not drink coffee at your old age. It's bad for your health. Get something else."

Winnie was to say to the waiter, but Felix stopped her.

"It is ok, I'll just have a little."

"Director Chambers, I have a question I can't figure out. Why didn't you tell your family why you broke
up with Brian?"

Felix then asked the question. He had been puzzling over the question since he knew it yesterday. Why
didn’t she tell her family and friends?

Winnie was stunned and did not expect that Felix cared about such things.

“The kids told you?”

Winnie asked Felix, thinking that it must be mentioned by the kids when they had chat.

“Brian told me.”

Felix gave a simple answer. It did not matter who told him, the reason why Winnie did not tell mattered.

"I see."

Winnie gave a bitter smile.

"Now I'm as disgusting as I can possibly be in his eyes. He must have said nothing good about me. It
doesn't matter, we broke up anyway."

Winnie sighed and released the feeling of bitter. If Felix wanted to know, she had nothing to hide.

"I didn't tell my family and friends, because I didn't want to get Mr. Bennet in trouble. If my friends and
family find out I've been wronged, they will go to Brian. Even Vanessa will go to him for explanation.
They all agree that Mr. Bennet and I break up, but they won't accept it this way."

Speaking of this, Winnie could not help but sigh, depressed. If she did not sigh, she was afraid that she
could not bear it.

"You are afraid that Brian would be questioned by your family."

Felix understood that the reason Winnie did not tell her family was that she did not cause trouble to
Brian, rather than being embarrassed like Brian said.

"No, I was afraid my family and friends would question him and he would know the truth, and then we
wouldn't be completely apart."

Winnie did not admit that she did it for the good of Brian, but gave Felix an answer like she was selfish.
They had broken up, and no one should know that she did it for his good. It was like going back to the
time of the first crush, everything was silent.

"After Mr. Bennet and Gloria get married, I will tell my friends. Then it won't change anything."

"By the way, Chairman, Vanessa came home yesterday and told me that the two kids were rude to you.
I did not educate them well, please do not get angry. I apologize on behalf of the kids."

Winnie got up, and then bowed to Felix.

"There's no need to apologize."

Felix frowned. It was not that he was not dissatisfied with Winnie's apology. The more sensible Winnie
was, the more uncomfortable he was.

“They are my kids, and I wouldn't be angry even if they were rude to me. Don't worry about the kids. It's
only natural that they didn't accept the fact you broke up.”

Felix explained. Since Winnie made an apology, he could not tell her what the kids said.

Although the topic shifted to the kids and Felix did not pursue the previous topic, Felix knew, no matter
how Winnie hid, her starting point was for the sake of Brian.

In fact, from a personal point of view, Brian really needed a woman who paid for him wholeheartedly.
But business was bigger than heaven, how could a man be held back by love?

Winnie sat down again, even if Felix did not care, she thought she did not educate the kids well.

"As a matter of fact, the two kids said something against you in front of me, but I criticized and
persuaded them in person. They agreed to do it, and I thought they could do it. But I did not expect that
they refused to go to the old house and were rude to you.”

"Even though they're the kids of the Bennet family, I'm not doing a good job as a mother for they being

Winnie blame herself, during this period of them, she did neglect the kids’ discipline and

"The kids are good and need no further education. An old friend of mine has a spoiled great-grandson
who has no manners, yells at grown-ups and makes no sense if he doesn't get what he wants."

"Such kids can hardly be compared with Luke and Megan. Every time I mention my great grandkids to
my old friends, I always show off. I am proud of the two kids."

"Don't blame the kids. It's normal for them to have their own ideas when they are older."

Felix recalled the scene he talked about his great grandkids with his old friend. He said it deliberately to
Winnie, lest Winnie blame kids.

He was also touched by the memory. Other people's kids were spoiled. His kids were sensible and
excellent, why couldn’t he give them what they want.

“I will not scold them, but they must not resent you. My break up with Brian has nothing to do with you.”

Winnie felt it far-fetched. Although he was not directly related to it, he was one of the standards that
Winnie measured love.

Without Felix in the middle, Brian's love would not be so difficult, and she would not lose confidence in

Felix and several women completely cut off Winnie’s fantasies to love and to Brian.

"The kids are right. It's my fault. If I hadn't objected to your being together, nothing so unpleasant would
have happened between you, and you wouldn't have broken up."

For the first time, Felix admitted his fault in front of Winnie, which surprised Winnie and Butler Lowe.

How could he say such things? No matter what he did in his life, he never admitted that he was wrong.
Everything he did, everything he said was the truth without a flaw.

But he did admit he was wrong now.

Winnie looked at Felix, feeling incredible. She didn't know what to say next.

"Director Chambers, I know I made a mistake, but I hope you can understand my intention. What I do is
for everyone's good, not my own."

"So I'm sorry, but I still can't accept you."

Felix said indifferently and insisted his thought.

However, before Winnie made any reaction, Brian's voice suddenly was heard.

"Grandpa, Winwin and I have broken up, why do you still bother her?"

Brian appeared in front of them with an angry face. He questioned Felix coldly, because he heard the
last words of Felix.

He and Winnie did not work and Winnie would not entwine him. But Felix still asked Winnie out, clearly
he was giving her a hard time.

Brian had been very guilty to Winnie, and he did not want to increase his guilt.

"What are you doing here?”

Felix asked with a frown.

He was dissatisfied with Brian’s sudden appearance and tantrum.

"I passed by and saw your car and Winnie's car parked here. I knew you were making trouble for her."

Brian told a lie, in fact, the bodyguard told him that Winnie and Felix were together.

However, Brian continued to talk angrily without giving anyone a chance to explain.

"Grandpa, she and I broke up, and now we have nothing to do with each other. You seek her out alone,
aren't you afraid she'll stick to us? Grandpa, don't ever see her again. She has no effect on me, on our
family, on the Bennet Group. I will not want her anymore."

Brian said so because he did not want his grandpa to bother Winnie again, he did it for the sake of
Winnie, but he ignored Winnie's feelings.


"I assure you that I will not stick to your family for a single meeting. I am not that shameless."

"Brian, there is a surveillance video here, you can keep my words. If I disobey my words, you can show
it to me."

"Remember, I will not be with you even if you want me."

Winnie angrily rebuked Brian and then walked away.

She did not expect that Brian would humiliate her so in public, did not expect that he would hit her self-
esteem so hard in front of his grandfather.

Felix originally did not like her and looked down upon her from the bottom of his heart. Well, now she
was worth nothing.

"How can you talk like that? You don't even know why I asked Director Chambers out! You made
Director Chambers embarrassed."

Felix reproached Brian, but he knew why Brian said those irrational words.

He was afraid that Grandpa would give a hard time to Winnie. He was protecting Winnie, but his
method was wrong.

"Grandpa, I don't know what you're talking about. No matter what you said, don’t find her again. I have
promised you to marry Gloria and she will not bother me again. Why you still want to meet her? "

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