Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 666 Selfish People Do Selfish Things

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Vanessa continued.

“My sister said she was wrong, but I don t believe her. You've been dating her for a long time, and you
should know that she has boundaries. She would never do anything against her conscience or her will
in any way."

"Especially about you, her principles are much more rigid. Because she knows her low status, she tries
to compensate in other ways. She could not do anything that make you break up with her."

Vanessa in any case did not believe that her sister could do anything wrong, because of this, she said
these words.

When she was free, she analyzed why her sister broke up with Brian. Her sister must mean she was
wrong about the relationship, otherwise they would not break up so easily.

In the respect of relationship, Vanessa belived more her sister. For so many years she had never had
an ambiguous relationship with anyone, she would not casually like another man. But once she fell in
love, it would be a lifetime.

Another unconditional believer, Brian was not sure what his eyes saw was true now. But how to explain
the video about her and Stefan.

"Vanessa, your sister might fall in love with someone else. No one can..."

"Impossible. Who does she like? In all the time since she parted with you, she only worked, and I've
never heard her take a phone call from a strange man. Can you tell me who she likes?"

Vanessa interrupted the words of Brian with indignation, defending her sister. So far, her sister had
been focusing on Brian. Anyone could say that her sister liked other people, but he could not.

Brian did not immediately answer, but thought of Vanessa's words.

She said Winnie never received a man's phone, and Calvin said the same. He also said he never saw
her and Stefan being together.

What was going on? Were they not getting together? Were they not getting married? Others did not
know about it, but Vanessa should know it.

What was the reason? What Winnie was hiding?

"She told me the other day she was going to get married..."

Brian wanted to know more, so that he could give better analysis of Winnie. But as he opened his
mouth, he was interrupted by Vanessa.

"To get married? You're kidding, Brian. Can I ask who she's married to? You're the only one in the world
she could..."

Vanessa suddenly stopped, because of her own words. If she continued, she would have revealed that
her sister still loved Brian.

"Well, I'm out of your business. Now that you've broken up, don’t have any contact."

Vanessa shut up in time, too much words were not good.

It confused Brian. He wondered if she suddenly thought of who Winnie was going to get married, or
another secret?

In the suburbs.

After saying goodbye to Vanessa, the two kids squatted on the grass pulling grass one by one, looking
very lonely and helpless.

Felix was more than 90 years old and could not squat down. He could only get a small chair and sat
beside two kids.

"Have a chat with me."

He said firmly. The kids would have refused if he had asked their opinion. So he needed to be tough.

"I have heard everything you said to your aunt. I think you are right. I did not do a good job. I apologize
to you."

This seemed to be the first time in Felix's life to apologize. He had done all things in his life, nothing
was wrong, and he only felt sorry for the two kids.

"Will you change? Will you accept my Mom?"

Megan thought it was an opportunity, thought Great grandpa's attitude would change, so she asked


Felix could not answer, because he did not intend to accept Winnie.

"Great Grandpa, if you can't accept mom, you didn't do anything bad, and you don't have to apologize
to us."

As Felix hesitated, Luke knew his attitude. The apology was just perfunctory. He still couldn't accept

"Luke, Megan, you don't understand adults. There are so many things we can't do. We can't just think
about ourselves and could not be tied down by love."

"When you are older, when you come into contact with all kinds of people, you will understand me."

Facing the kids’ discontent, Felix could only persuade them patiently. He wondered how much the kids
would understand. But he hoped they would not be depressed, hoped to see innocent smile back to
their faces.

However, Felix's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the kids.

"But you understand us, but you don’t think for us. But there was one thing you said that I liked to hear.
We can't be selfish, we can't just think about oureselves. Have you ever asked yourself if you are

Megan asked Felix sharply. She thought Great Grandpa chatted with them was because he was going
to accept their mother, to tell them the good news. However, Great grandpa still only cared about
himself and did not consider anyone's ideas, which made Megan very disappointed.

Her mom told her to be polite and respectful to the elderly, but she really couldn't do what mom wanted

Felix was stunned by the question of Megan.

"Great Grandpa, I actually think you are the most selfish person in the world. You made grandpa and
Dad your slaves for what you wanted. Selfish people do selfish things."

"Great Grandpa, what else do you want? What can you do with all the money and power in the world?"

Megan was disdainful to everything Great Grandpa had and what he wanted to have.

At a young age, she looked innocent and lovely, but she had a discerning heart and a quick tongue.

But that wasn't all she wanted to say. She hadn't gone as far as she wanted.

"Great Grandpa, please admit that you are the most selfish man in the world. What you're doing is
unfeeling, you're tearing our family apart, you're tearing us apart from our Mom. You're doing a great
job. Please keep doing it. But it is your power to make sure that my brother and I do not hate you."

After that, Megan turned around to continue to pull weeds. She did not want to see Great Grandpa.
Grandpa's world and thinking were too complicated for her to accept.

What Megan said was what Luke wanted to say, but Luke felt that he would not have such a sharp
effect. So he had not spoken but let Megan say it.

Now that Megan finished, he needed to add something.

"Great Grandpa, all your dreams of riches can be done by Dad. Dad is willing to do it for you, and he
likes your strong attitude towards things and people. You have trained him so successfully that he has
left me and my sister alone to fulfill your dream."

"He's a great dad and you're a great grandpa. Your partnership is perfect, please continue."

"But I want to tell you, I will not be controlled by you like my Dad, who has no ego. If you push me and
my sister again, we'll ask our Mom to take us away, and never come back to the Bennet’s and never
see Dad or you again."

Luke said ruthlessly and angrily. He let out all that he had held up for so long.

He knew he shouldn't have said it, because it didn't change anything. But his and Megan's attitude
must be known to adults.

Luke got up, and then took his sister to the side.

Felix was shocked by the words. He could not believe that such words could come from such young

Was he selfish? Was he unfeeling? Did he break up their home?

Such small kids said he was selfish, said he was wrong, had he done wrong all his life?

What did he want? What if he had all the money and power in the world?

The two kids questioned one after another, beating Felix's heart heavily. Should he ask himself, from an
outsider's point of view, what he had done all these years?

The conversation between kids and Felix not only made Felix shocked, but also made Rufus ashamed.

He could hear the conversation between the kids and the old man from a distance, and his father was
not the only one to be blamed for the situation.

If at the beginning all oppression was on him, he could resist like Luke and Megan, If when his father
put all the burden on Brian, he could have stood up for his son, none of this would have happened

The kids hated not only the old man but also Brian, maybe hared more their grandpa, for he had not
protected everyone, for he had dealt with all the relationships.

The kids were right. No one thought for the sake of the two kids, no one cared they were sad.

Vanessa went home and saw her sister was still busy, so she did not disturb her sister, but went
straight to the kitchen to cook. And she told her sister about the Bennet family when they were having
lunch together.

"You said Chairman went to see the kids?"

Winnie looked up and asked Vanessa.

"Yes, he said he missed them, so he went to see them. Brian said they refused to go to the old house
and said they would never go to the old house again. It seems that our persuasion had no effect at all."

Vanessa told her sister the reason Felix went to see the kids.

"Alas, they grew up and have more ideas. They were not perfunctory to me. They cannot do that to
their elders, they were not respectful and it will make their hearts distorted. It's not good for their growth
at all."

Winnie was worried but helpless. Growing up in such an environment, the kids were heard to be free
and to have a healthy mind.

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