Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 333 Find out the Truth

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Leo sighed.

“It is my villa, my parents are not here, so you don’t have to worry about being seen.”

“Your clothes are dirty and I have called the secretary to send in new ones. Take a shower, and she will
be here soon.”

Said Leo, pointing to the direction he came out.

“A bathroom is inside and you can use whatever you want.”

“I’ll wait downstairs for you.”

Leo went downstairs directly after saying that.

Emily breathed a sigh of relief, but she was lost and disappointed.

Seeing that Leo was indifferent, she knew there was no hope for them.

Emily told herself that it was time to give up. He did not belong to her, she would let go as early as
possible, only in this way she could live proudly and not to be hurt.

After Winnie woke up, it was already nine o‘clock in the morning. She had a headache, but she could
bear it.

She got up and found her cell phone, only to find that it was turned off. So she turned the phone on.
Fortunately, nothing important was missed.

She called Laura to help her with something.

“Laura, I will be at work this morning, please help me sent the document I gave you yesterday.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.”

“If you don’t feel well, don’t come today. I’ll take care of it.”

Laura said intimately, but she had her plan.

“I am fine. I just drank too much last night. I will go to work in the afternoon.”

Winnie said politely.

“Ok, I can take care of it.”

When Laura said that, Winnie thought their call was over. Just as she was about to say goodbye, Laura

“I understand, it’s time for good friends to get together as the New Year is coming.”

“Yes, I drank with friends, and drank too much. Laura, I gotta go, I have to my friends and see how they
are doing.”

“Goodbye, Laura.”

Winnie really did not have time to chat with Laura, so she could only hang up the phone.

Laura still wanted to continue to inquire about something, but the phone had been hung up.

She first finished the work Winnie had assigned, and then texted the other two people in the group.

Laura: Winnie got drunk last night and has not come to work today.

Laura: I don’t know who she drank with. She said she drank with friends.

After the message was sent, Laura waited for a while before Klara replied.

Klara: Maybe Daenerys and her friends. Daenerys is pregnant now and can’t drink. Maybe she drank
with men.

Laura: She recently was close to the girlfriend of Leo. When Leo’s girlfriend was free, she came to the
company to chat with her. They seemed to be good and always laughed while talking.

Klara: Good for her. She once dated with Leo, now she gets along well with his girlfriend. I can’t tell she
is sincere or has a sneaky idea.

Klara was puzzled. That day she told Wendy that Leo and Winnie had an affair. Didn’t she use it to
make it hard for Winnie?

Was Wendy afraid of being known by Brian?

At this time, Wendy also sent a message.

Wendy: Laura, are you sure that Leo’s girlfriend and Winnie are very close?

Laura: I’m sure. She came to the company to see Winnie the day before. They had lunch together.
They got along well, talking and laughing.

Wendy was silent, but she felt unease. She told Emily about Leo’s affair. How could Emily not care
about it? If Emily didn’t care or make trouble to Winnie, her plan failed again.

After hanging up the phone, Winnie got up and wash her face. As she was to go out, she received a
phone call from Brian.

After receiving the phone, Winnie went directly to the Bennet Group.

This time she was not as impulsive as last time and did not take the president’s elevator. On the
thirtieth floor, she greeted the secretary as usual, and then the secretary took Winnie to the president’s


“Why did you ask me to be here?”

Winnie stood there, intending to listen to Brian to explain and then leave.

“Sit down, let’s talk.”

Brian walked over from hid desk, and Winnie sat down on the sofa.

“You don’t look well.”

Brian cared about Winnie. Seeing that she was not in good spirits, he was worried.

“It’s all right, I’m much better after a solid night’s sleep.”

Every time Brian said that, Winnie’s heart was inexplicable sorrow. He shouldn’t care about her, and
she had no reason to accept his care.

“Then let’s get down to business.”

“Yesterday you asked me to inquire into Penny. And I found that the man who went to see her was my

That was why Brian was in a low mood.

When Albert told him the results of the investigation, he immediately became suspicious. He had no
idea why his uncle contacted with Penny.

“Your uncle?”

Winnie was in daze. She did not know Brian’s uncle or his relationship with Penny.

“Winwin, I don’t know the reason, so I can’t tell you details. And the Bennet family is complicated and I
need to look into it.”

“I called you here today to talk about things related to Megan.”

Brian did not want to involve Winnie in the disputes of his family, and did not want Winnie to know too
much, otherwise she would be in trouble.

“What does it matter to Megan?”

Winnie was confused.

“Uncle Thomas often visited Penny, and Penny might have told Uncle Thomas about Megan. I’m not
sure what Uncle Thomas will do if he knows it. So I want to tell my grandfather about it before he says

Brian said simply and deliberately slowed down his speed of speaking.

With this explanation, Winnie understood. It seemed that the relationship between Brian and Uncle
Thomas was only superficial.

Winnie was silent, because if Brian wanted to tell his grandpa about Megan, she could not stop him.

“I told you this because I want you to be prepared. Grandpa may come to you, and I have no idea what
he will do to you.”

Brian continued. He was worried that Winnie would be in trouble and might leave B City after he told
the truth.

“I know, and I’ll be prepared. It doesn’t matter to me what the Chairman does, just don’t affect my

Winnie was always prepared, but until now she was not ready, because she did not know how the
Bennet family would treat her and the children.

“I don’t have objection about it, Mr. Bennet. Megan is your child, after all. But I want you to promise me
you’ll make sure I have custody of the children.”

That was the only thing Winnie worried about, and it was what she kept thinking about when she could
not sleep at night.

She knew that Felix was domineering and that it was not easy to keep the children’s custody.

Brian did not know what his grandfather would do. However, he promised Winnie.

“Rest assured, you will have the children.”

“Ok. When are you going to tell your grandpa?”

On the issue of children, Winnie believed what Brian said. He would stand on the standpoint of children
and consider giving them a most suitable growth environment.

“The sooner the better.”

Brian wanted to think about it carefully. After thinking about it, he would immediately tell his grandfather.

“When I tell him, your family and my family will be greatly affected. It is a few days away from the New
Year, so tell him after New Year, so that everyone can have a peaceful year.”

Winnie wanted to make everyone have a final peace and gave herself more time to consider and

After Winnie left, Brian thought a lot. His idea was basically the same with that of Winnie, and he was
not entirely sure about the custody of the children.

If his grandfather insisted on taking back custody, if he could not bear to let the children and Winnie
separate, Winnie could only leave with the two children.

After thinking for a long time, Brian finally decided to follow Winnie’s advice and let everyone have a
stable year.

At the thought that Winnie might leave with children, Brian had a strong desire to celebrate the New
Year with Winnie.

This was likely to be the only New Year together in their lives, the only chance to give their children a
complete memory.

But such an opportunity required him to do something.

Thinking of this, Brian picked up the phone and called grandpa directly.

“I agree to the blind date, but the result should be based on my own decision.”

“All right, I’ll arrange it.”

“Will you invite Winnie or shall I invite her?”

Felix was obviously proud, he knew Brian would agree to go to the blind date because of Winnie.

“I’ll tell her.”

Brian did not trust Felix, afraid he said something wrong.

“Ok, make your own arrangements.”

Felix hung up the phone after that.

He did not immediately arrange the blind date, but made a call to Winnie.

After Winnie left the president’s office, she met Albert and chatted for a while before going out of the
Bennet Group. And then she met Jack as she walked out of the building.

Winnie was stunned and did not know what to say.

“We met again.”

Jack was excited. he did not expect to meet Winnie today.

“Oh, I’m here for business.”


Winnie said and then found an excuse to leave, but Jack continued.

“You were in a hurry to leave last time. Don’t say you are unavailable this time. We’re all going to have
dinner at noon anyway. How about you treat me today?”

Felix hung up the phone after that.
He did not immediately arrange the blind date, but made a call to Winnie.

After Winnie left the president's office, she met Albert and chatted for a while before going out of the
Bennet Group. And then she met Jack as she walked out of the building.

Winnie was stunned and did not know what to say.

“We met again.”

Jack was excited. he did not expect to meet Winnie today.

“Oh, I’m here for business.”

“| bP)

Winnie said and then found an excuse to leave, but Jack continued.

“You were in a hurry to leave last time. Don’t say you are unavailable this time. We're all going to have
dinner at noon anyway. How about you treat me today?”

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