Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Chapter 314 Not Feeling the Love

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Every time speaking of shooting, Winnie felt that her heartbeat fast. Although she had learned acting
lessons, she still had no confidence in herself.

“The timing is fine, but I'm starting to get nervous now.”

“Don’t worry, do as your usual practice. I believe you can do everything well.”

Leo was full of confidence. Winnie was meticulous, making him feel steadfast.

For Leo's trust, Winnie smiled. As she was make a joke, there was knock on the door.

“Come in”

As Leo's voice fell, Emily walked in. But when she saw Winnie, she was not calm.

“You're here, too.”

Emily ran to Winnie and embraced her as she got up.

“You are finally back.”

They had not seen for days, Winnie was excited.

“You were saying like we've been away for a long time. I've only been away for a few days.”

Emily let go of Winnie and smiled brightly.

“Really, I felt you have been away for many days. God, have I fallen in love with you, so I feel the day is
very long without you around?”

Winnie said jokingly.

“You are disgusting. I have a boyfriend, even if you love me, you have no chance.”

With that, Emily could not help laughing heartily, and the two women had ignored Leo.

However, looking at these two happy women, Leo showed a smile.

After that, Emily suggested to have lunch together.

“I'll book the restaurant, and you two just eat.”

Emily took out her mobile phone. Winnie spoke at this time.

“You two go, and I'll join you next time. There will be a performance at the kindergarten at noon, and I
promised my children I will go and see.”

“Then we can have dinner after the children finish the performance.”

Emily wanted to have dinner with Winnie, and her attitude was sincere.

“No, I still have work to do. You eat this time and next time I'll join you.”

With that, Winnie picked up her bag.

The performance would start at afternoon, but Winnie did not want to disturb their time so she refused
to have dinner together.

After Winnie left, Leo and Emily were left in the office, and the atmosphere was immediately subtle.

“Why didn't you tell me you are back, so that I can pick you up at the airport?”

Leo's tone was warm, but Emily did not have intimate or ambiguous feeling between lovers.

“I tried to surprise you, but I seemed to fail, because I don’t think you were happy to see me.”

Emily inadvertently teased.

“I am happy, why not. Come on, let's go to lunch.”

Leo said with dodging and he was guilty to Emily.

The two men went downstairs together. Leo drove Emily to lunch. This was the third time Emily took
Leo's car. She took a deliberate look at the pendant on the car, but she felt upset because the previous
one was still there.

Emily felt uncomfortable and she was straight-forward, so her emotion could be told from her face.

But Leo asked her, she said.

“It seems that you really don't like the pendant I bought for you.”


Emily's sudden words made Leo stunned, and then he realized what Emily was saying.

“Oh, I left it at home.”

Leo did not say that he did not like it, but he did not say that he liked it. He only said meaningless

Hearting the light explanation, Emily felt more upset.

“Return it to me if you don't like it. It is meaningless if you put it at home. I bought it because I liked it, I
will take it back and hung it on my car.”

Emily's tone changed and Leo could hear that. He wanted to comfort her but felt himself hypocrisy.

“You have given it to me, you can't take it back. I'll give you one if you like it.”

Leo could only say on.

Emily looked at Leo who was driving, but she said nothing, because she did not know what was in his

Brian had been thinking about Klara since returning from the airport. He had a second thought about
what had happened the night before. Klara was standing at the right angle to see the people coming up
by the elevator, so Klara was intentional.

She came to apologize, and since she did that, it was a false apology, so she had not realized she was
doing something wrong.

After consideration, Brian arrange works to Albert and at noon he called Klara to his office.

“Mr. Bennet, you want to see me?”

Klara timidly said.

She had not felt at ease since she left the office the night before. Standing in front of Brian, she was
nervous and dared not say a word.

“Klara, I know exactly what you were up to last night. I know everything you've done to Winnie since
she came here. She treated you well, but you hurt her.”

“I've told you in all seriousness that I don't want you to hurt her any more. But now it seems you can't
do that.”

Brian went to the point. He was already disappointed with Klara. In his heart, she was no longer a
person he trusted, but just an ordinary employee.

“Mr. Bennet...”

Klara wanted to explain.

But Brian had seen through Klara and had made a decision, so he did not want to listen to Klara's

“Klara, I won’t dismiss you for your husband's sake. But you can't stay in B City. I have asked Albert to
arrange for you to go to the branch office in A City.”

“Mr. Bennet...”

“I'm not finished.”

Brian interrupted Klara sharply. Then he went on speaking coldly.

“The Spring Festival is coming soon. We should not let the elderly and children have an easy festival,
so go to A City after the Spring Festival. If you have a good performance, you can come back in a few

Brian paused before he continued.

“Think about it. It is time for you to wake up. You are a wise man, and I think you can understand even
if I don’t say it, but you have let me down.”

“Klara, You and I have no chance to be together, to put it bluntly, I would not choose you, even if I need
a mistress.”

Brian felt that Klara would not give up if he did not make the words clear. Although it would hurt Klara's
self-esteem, he could only do so. And it was herself asked for it.

“Mr. Bennet...”

Klara wanted to intercede on her behalf. She didn't want to leave B City, but Brian did not give her a
chance to speak.

“I have given you many chances, and this is the last one. If you do not cherish it, your husband cannot
save you.”

“Get out. I want to work.”

Brian issued the order decisively.

Klara was sad and bitter but dared not show resentment.

Brian's words were unfeeling. How could he say it like that, had he ever considered her thought?

When Brian got off work, he was hesitant and tangled. He didn't know how to get back to his home. His
sister, the children and Winnie were not there. If he had dinner with his father, the atmosphere would be

But he had to go back since he had promised Winnie. Brian had to call Wendy, so that he would not be
embarrassed going back with Wendy.

On the way home.

“Why do you come home suddenly?”

Wendy was excited. She did not know why Brian changed his attitude, but the result was good. Then
she would have something to say to Grandpa.

“No reason.”

Brian didn't want to explain.

“Never mind, your father will be happy since you go home. And your grandpa and your sister will be
relieved and you should have done it long ago.”

“Well, now you have a home, I can move in with you.”

Wendy's tone was affirmative. She did not think about the consent of Brian.

“This is not my home, and you should ask him for his consent.”

He meant his father, which he could only use it as an excuse at the moment.

“I'll talk to him in a minute.”

Hearing Brian's answer, Wendy felt bitter. But she made it easy for herself.

Brian's meaning was obvious, but she pretended that she did not understand. If she wanted to win his
heart back, she had to pretend fool.

“By the way, it is about new year and Grandpa said you should spent new year with you parents at
home since it is the first year you came back.”

Brian shifted the subject, but it sounded heavy.

Wendy had known about it. From Felix's attitude, she had expected such a result. But for Brian’s
attitude, she was disappointed.

“Grandpa is thoughtful. Thank him for me.”

Wendy said in a bitter tone. If it went on like this, her position would lose.

As Brian's car drove into the courtyard, Winnie waiting in the house saw Wendy sitting in the passenger

She told the children a few words, put on clothes, picked up her bag and walked out.

When she walked to her car, Brian and Wendy met her when they got off the car.

“What are you doing here?”

Wendy’s smile instantly froze and her tone was unkind, as if she was accusing that Winnie shouldn't
show up here.

“I brought the children here. Go inside. Rufus is waiting for you.”

Winnie gave a smile, but she was embarrassed, but it was covered by her soft tone and warm smile.

As Winnie opened the door, Brian said to her.

“Stay for dinner.”

Brian's tone was obviously different from that when he spoke to Wendy.

“No, I'm meeting a friend for dinner.”

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