Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 29. Journey (Part 2)

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Journey (Part 2)

Apart from heading north from Huainan, the terrain becomes increasingly flat.
Due to the turmoil in the north, along the way, we encountered many refugees fleeing south with their families. Some had ox carts, while the destitute had to rely on their own two legs, begging for food along the way, dressed in tattered clothes.
Ah Yuan had also experienced displacement and hardship before, so seeing all of this saddened her deeply. She generously gave away her own meagre food supplies, and when it came time to eat, she could only gaze at me with longing eyes.
I shared some of my meagre food with her and said, "With so many refugees around, do you think you're carrying a granary?"
Ah Yuan lowered her head and wiped her eyes, saying, "But I couldn't bear it, Furen. That old man lost his wife and still has to take care of two young children…"
I understood that she was thinking about the past and worrying about Li Shang, those two father and son heading to Jiangnan. I comforted her by patting her shoulder.
While we were talking, Wei Tan walked over.
"What's wrong?" He glanced at Ah Yuan, whose eyes were red.
Ah Yuan already had a certain fear of Wei Tan, so upon hearing his words, she quickly wiped her eyes, lowered her head, and stood aside.
"Nothing," I said. "Should we continue our journey by getting on the carriage?"
"Let's rest a little longer," Wei Tan replied.
I nodded and looked at him standing in front of me. Then I asked, "Need something?"
Wei Tan squinted his eyes in the sunlight and said, "Can't come if one wants nothing?"
Me: "..."
Wei Tan sat down on a nearby dry log next to me, our eyes meeting. To be honest, I didn't particularly enjoy locking eyes with him. His face had a tanned complexion from the sun, thick eyebrows, and deep, intense eyes that held a sharpness within them. It was always difficult to discern his intentions, which made me feel like I had no control over the situation.
I quickly averted my gaze.
"The soldiers said you distributed some of the food supplies to the refugees?" Wei Tan asked.
Ah Yuan flinched.
"En," I said, "I found them to be in such pitiful condition."
I had expected Wei Tan to criticise me like I had just criticised Ah Yuan, but he didn't mention it at all. Instead, he asked, "Is there enough food for everyone?"
"It's enough," I replied. After a moment, I changed the subject, "Has the situation been intense over at Tan Xi's side?"
"In any conflict, it is bound to be intense," Wei Tan responded. "Once the battle with Tan Xi is over, the court will issue orders to establish settlements and cultivate the land, and at that time, there will be no more issues with refugees."
Deal with Tan Xi first before making further plans (for them), I thought to myself. However, on the surface, I smiled and nodded, saying, "That would be excellent."
Wei Tan looked at me with narrowed eyes.
That familiar feeling, as if he could see through my thoughts, arose again. I pretended to focus on a small bird flying overhead and quickly turned my head away.
The weather had been clear and fine for several days as we entered Henan, with straight and level roads. Four days later, our group arrived in Yingchuan.
Throughout the journey, I noticed that Wei Tan didn't seem to be in a hurry. Whenever we reached a prefecture or county, he would never opt to stay in the villages to save time and avoid socialising. Instead, he made it a point to visit the local officials and engage in detailed discussions about governmental affairs. His attitude was humble, and the officials were pleased by his presence. The host and guest both seemed to enjoy the interactions.
Yingchuan is a large county with talented individuals and abundant natural resources. It has produced many prominent families. It is precisely because of this that the region is home to many influential and wealthy families who maintain armed retinues and fortified walls. Even in turbulent times, Yingchuan has not suffered the desolation and decay seen in other places.
The Prefect of Yingchuan is surnamed Fan, with the given name Yue. He has been in office since the reign of the late emperor.
From my perspective, this person seems to have a good understanding of assessing the current situation. When He Kui engaged in corrupt governance, and the whole realm joined forces to suppress him, Fan Yue remained silent. Later, during the power struggle between Tan Xi and Dong Kuang, Fan Yue publicly sided with Dong Kuang, offering money and provisions, but secretly colluded with Wei Jue, who was eyeing him from behind.
Later, when Dong Kuang's three sons fought for power and Wei Jue took advantage of the situation to launch an attack, within a month, they managed to bring most of Henan under the control of the court. Once firmly established, Wei Jue replaced many of the prefects, but Fan Yue remained unaffected. In fact, Wei Jue even promoted several of Fan Yue's sons to official positions.
With such a deep connection, it is natural to expect that Wei Tan would not be treated poorly upon his arrival in Yingchuan.
As soon as we entered the city, Fan Yue led a group of a hundred or so elders of Yingchuan to greet us at the city gate. It was the first time I had witnessed such a grand reception during my time on the road, and I couldn't help but exchange glances with Ah Yuan, sitting beside me in the carriage.
Wei Tan, on the other hand, remained calm and composed. I listened to his conversation with Fan Yue, sentence by sentence, and he spoke with ease and composure.
After the initial exchange of greetings, Fan Yue led our group to his residence. He specifically cleared out the backyard of his house and arranged for Wei Tan to stay there overnight.
When I finally got off the carriage, Fan Yue clearly seemed taken aback upon seeing me.
"Furen's presence adds radiance to this place. I apologise for not paying my respects earlier," Fan Yue stepped forward and greeted me.
"My wife has been suffering from an ailment in her feet, making travel difficult. There is no need for excessive formalities," Wei Tan replied.
Fan Yue smiled and turned to ask if the accommodations and meals were prepared for everyone, and the others responded that everything was already in order. Fan Yue extended his hand in invitation, inviting Wei Tan and me to rest in his residence. Wei Tan returned the gesture and did not refuse, allowing Ah Yuan to support me as we entered the house together.
Indeed, Yingchuan lived up to its reputation. Fan Yue's backyard was even larger than the entire mansion of Pei Qian in Huaiyang. The houses were spacious, adorned with flourishing flowers and lush greenery. Pavilions and winding waters were dotted throughout, showcasing Fan Yue's refined taste and attention to detail.
After freshening up and changing clothes, Fan Yue hosted a banquet in the main hall. The food was delicious, and I even had the pleasure of tasting some small delicacies from Chang'an that I hadn't enjoyed in years.
Fan Yue was quite talkative and had the eloquence and confidence of a prominent aristocratic family. Besides discussing matters related to Yingchuan, he engaged in lively conversations with Wei Tan about various topics from all corners of the world for several days. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy each other's company. During their conversations, Fan Yue mentioned that he had served in the same court as my father in the past and had even met my two older brothers.
"Fu Gong and the two Gongzi's were the pillars of the world, but it is a pity that sturdy trees are easily broken," he said, looking saddened and mournful.
I had heard such words too many times before and had long grown accustomed to them.
"The departed are no longer with us, but Fan Gong's remembrance shows that our ancestors are aware," I responded, matching his sentiment with a wistful smile. In an instant, I noticed Wei Tan glancing at me, wearing a smile that seemed both amused and ambiguous.
Fan Yue nodded, his face relaxing. He then shifted the conversation to the current war situation, and to my surprise, Fan Yue even knew about Wei An shooting Liang Heng in Huaiyang.
"I have long heard of Si Gongzi's intelligence and remarkable talents. With that one arrow in Huaiyang, your name has resounded throughout the land," Fan Yue said with a friendly smile.
Wei An, caught off guard by the praise, appeared somewhat uncomfortable on his face and glanced at Wei Tan.
"Fan Gong has overpraised," Wei An nodded and responded calmly.
After a satisfying meal, Fan Yue instructed his servants to pour wine and raised his cup to Wei Tan with a smile. He said, "The people of Yongchuan are particularly concerned about maintaining good health. The homemade green plum wine from Yue's family can help alleviate fatigue and heat. I offer a toast to Gongzi, as a gesture of welcome."
Wei Tan also smiled, raised his cup, and drank it all in one gulp.
At this moment, Fan Yue called out to the outside, "Why is there no music and dance to enliven the atmosphere?"
Soon, a gentle female voice responded from outside, and several attendants entered with candles, adding more light to the hall. The sound of footsteps followed closely, and eight or nine entertainers filed into the hall.
"The skills of our local performers may not match those of Chang'an, but we have some music and dances for the entertainment of Gongzi and Furen," said Fan Yue.
"Fan Gong is too kind." replied Wei Tan.
As the performers took their seats, a songstress stepped forward in the hall. She had arched eyebrows, bright eyes, and her lips were adorned with rouge. As the music began, she gently tapped the rhythm and started to sing.
Her voice was gentle and melodious, captivating the audience. Even someone like me, who had attended numerous banquets, couldn't help but acknowledge her exceptional talent. She sang a famous melody from Huainan, praising the wind and expressing tender emotions.
I glanced at Wei Tan, who held a wine cup and took a sip from time to time.
The songstress finished her song, and I thought she would leave the stage, but instead, she stepped aside. The sound of instruments started again, and at that moment, the sound of tinkling jewels and delicate ornaments filled the air, crisp and clear, as the fragrant breeze wafted discreetly. I turned my gaze towards the entrance and felt a flutter in my heart, for there stood a truly beautiful woman.
The woman's hair was intricately styled, adorned with layers of ornaments. She was dressed in a long-sleeved dance gown, resembling the petals of a lotus leaf, with colourful decorations. With every movement, she seemed like a celestial being descending to the mortal world. While the singer continued her performance, the woman danced gracefully, casting shy glances and tender gazes, all directed towards the presence of Wei Tan before her.
I looked at the graceful figure and delicate lips, with a smile on my face, and took a sip of the wine.
To have eaten and drunk to one’s heart’s content, the shadows of candles are shining brightly, no matter the attendants, maids, or performers in the hall, each and every one of them in their prime, beautiful and charming..
This guy Fan Yue really treated me like a dead person.
"Furen, what does Fan Yue mean by this?" Upon returning to the room, Ah Yuan expressed her frustration.
"What do you mean by 'what does he mean'?" I sat down on the couch, poured myself a cup of tea, and drank it. Fan Yue's green plum wine might not mean much to those men, but it had quite an effect on me. Just now, I only had two or three glasses, and I already felt a little tipsy. Seeing this, Wei Tan instructed Ah Yuan to take me back.
"Those courtesans!" Ah Yuan exclaimed, "Each one of them is staring at Da Gongzi like a mother hen..."
"Lower your voice," I scolded Ah Yuan with a glance, gesturing towards the outside.
Ah Yuan, unwillingly, closed the door and looked at me. "Furen, what to do if Da Gongzi takes a concubine?"
What to do?
What else can be done? My wet nurse once told me that there are two things in this world that cannot be stopped: rain from the heavens and women getting married. Mother, who overheard the conversation, disagreed and said there is one more thing that cannot be stopped: men taking concubines.
At that time, I couldn't understand, but as I saw more, I gradually came to understand. It is natural for men to be driven by both appetite and desire. Who among them doesn't dream of having a beautiful wife and concubines by their side? Taking concubines is seen as commonplace by them. Take my father, for example. Besides my mother, our household had three concubines. Even in Chang'an, that was considered modest. Pei Qian's father, for instance, added an eighth concubine when Pei Qian was only ten years old.
I once grabbed Pei Qian by the collar and said, "If you dare take a concubine, I will divorce you."
Pei Qian forced a bitter smile and replied, "I wouldn't dare. The one I'm interested is a fierce woman. Having you alone in the house is enough..."
The alcohol fumes, momentarily suppressed by the tea, began to resurface. Now that things didn't work out between Pei Qian and me, I couldn't confidently tell someone else not to take concubines, could I? Especially in the case of Wei Tan, whether I liked it or not, there was a possibility that I might be cast aside by him first before we even reached Luoyang.
"Furen..." Seeing that I didn't answer, Ah Yuan stamped her feet complainingly.
"What can we do? If he wants to take a concubine, let him. A beautiful woman who comes knocking on the door should not be rejected like a fool," I said as I poured myself another cup of tea and drank it.
"Aren’t you annoyed?" Ah Yuan looked at me with confusion.
"Annoyed about what? Annoyed for what?" I grew impatient and glared at her.
Suddenly, there was a knocking sound at the door.
"Who is it?" Ah Yuan asked.
"Zhangsao" It was Wei An's voice.
Ah Yuan opened the door, and Wei An came in. Earlier, Wei Tan had forbidden him from drinking, but now he looked at me with a pale face.
"Si Shu, what the matter?" I asked.
"Xiongzhang asked me to inform Zhangsao that he has some matters to discuss with the county magistrate and will return later," Wei An replied.
"I see." I smiled knowingly, as clear as a mirror in my heart. Discussing matters must be about arranging for the beautiful woman to be sent, right? As for returning later... I glanced at the sturdy and stable large couch in the room. If the discussion went smoothly, he wouldn't be coming back to sleep tonight.
Oh no, he never slept with me in the first place.
Now, everything is finally correctly named and truthfully stated.
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