Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 115. Suspicion

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Jiumu has come to mourn, and also to bid farewell.
I invited her to sit in the inner room. She sighed and began to explain the reasons one by one.
Qiao Ti is pregnant. She accompanied her mother-in-law back to Nanyang to rest and nurture her pregnancy. Her husband, Cen Wei, was dispatched to Xingzhou in Hebei several months ago. As for Jiumu's only son, Qiao Ke, he was recently sent to Puyang in Henan to serve as the County Magistrate. After much consideration, Jiumu decided to go along with Qiao Ke.
I learned about Qiao Ke's assignment to Puyang just two days ago. There's no need to ask for the reasons; it's quite clear. With Wei Zhao's recent appointment, many of the previously promoted officials from the collateral lineages associated with Wei Tan were replaced. Despite Qiao Ke's noble background, he was seen as Wei Tan's confidant and got caught up in the purge. While the position of County Magistrate is not bad at all, it's usually reserved for older individuals who are nearing the end of their careers. Placing it on a young man like him effectively marks the end of his official career prospects in this lifetime.
"Ah Jin, even if you stay in Yongdu, take good care of yourself," Jiumu wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye, sighing, "I've heard that Wei Kang is not a kind-hearted person."
"Wei Kang?" I looked at Jiumu in surprise. "Why did Jiumu mention him?"
"You didn't know?" Jiumu was also surprised. "There's a shortage of troops in the court, and Wei Kang received an imperial decree to lead 60,000 reinforcements from Liangzhou."
I was so shocked that I couldn't find the words to respond.
"Sixty thousand," I repeated in a low voice. "When did this happen?"
"It's expected to arrive in the next two days. Bo Gong (Qiao Ke) used to serve as a court official and heard the ministers discussing it," Jiumu frowned. "Ah Jin, such a significant matter, they didn't even inform you. Da Sima has only been gone for a short while..." Her voice was filled with sorrow, and tears welled up again.
I comforted Jiumu and exchanged a few more words. Then, I sent her out of the residence.
After returning, my thoughts just couldn't settle.
Wei Kang, the younger brother of Wei Jue, the San Shifu of Wei Tan, Wei Zhao, and Wei An, visited Yongdu at the end of last year. He was appointed as the governor of Liangzhou (the Liang Province).
Sixty thousand troops from Liangzhou. I secretly gasped.
The people of Liangzhou have a fierce reputation. Back when He Kui was in power and the court was weakened, he took advantage of 100,000 troops from Liangzhou to rampage through Chang'an. Is Wei Zhao in such a rush because he's dealing with Liang Wen, or is it because…
Unexplainably, I thought of Wei Tan, and suddenly caught a glimpse of something mysterious.
Perhaps regardless of the actual truth, Wei Zhao himself believed that Wei Tan is already dead. That's why he's acting so boldly and recklessly.
The garrison in Yongdu currently consists of just 30,000 troops from the Xiliu Camp. Wei Zhao aims to take control of these troops with his current position, but it seems it won't be an easy task.
Since Wei Zhao's rise to power, he has been tirelessly working to consolidate his authority, recognizing that true control requires a strong combination of military and political influence. For an ambitious individual, even the highest rank is a mere mockery without obedient soldiers at their disposal. Unfortunately, Wei Jue did not leave Wei Zhao with any troops that he could freely command. Therefore, Wei Kang's Xi Liang (western liang) troops present a favorable option. When Wei Kang visited Yongdu last year, the two of them had quite the amicable conversation.
With Wei Tan's troops in the front, he can easily hold off Liang Wen. Meanwhile, Wei Zhao, firmly established in Yongdu, still maintains control over most of the northern regions, even if he has lost the areas around Runan and Taizhou.
So, he intends to relocate the capital further north.
One particularly crucial point is that it has only been five days since Wei Tan's incident. On the other hand, Wei Kang is far away in Liangzhou. Even with swift horses, it would still take him at least ten days to half a month to reach here. If we calculate back, it means that Wei Kang must have set off with his troops around the same time Wei Tan left for Xin'an. Such a coincidence, if one were to claim it lacks any hidden motives or prior planning, who would believe it? Moreover, leading 60,000 troops from Liangzhou is not something that can be done in complete secrecy. There must be individuals who are aware and assisting with this matter.
The more I think about it, the clearer it becomes in my mind.
Regardless of whether Wei Tan is alive or not, Yongdu is not a place for me and Ah Mi to stay for long.
Wei Kang has indeed arrived.
On the second day, news of his arrival at the outskirts of Yongzhou reached us.
Guo Furen couldn't hide her smile, while Wei Zhao had already left the city early to welcome him.
I, along with Liang Hui and other female relatives, waited in the residence. Around noon, a servant came and reported that Wei Kang had arrived (at the residence).
I heard a long sigh, "Heaven envies the heroes. My nephews from the Wei clan have met a tragic end. Our family is in sorrow! The world is in mourning!" Looking over, I saw a man dressed in mourning attire, his face filled with grief, swiftly entering the premises. It was Wei Kang.
The household members (relatives and servants) in the hall wept aloud, tears streaming down Wei Kang's face as he supported the memorial tablet and lamented, "Last year, when I saw my nephews, they were all outstanding and could have made the world proud. How could it be that in just half a year, they are now separated by life and death? I arrived too late! If my troops from Liangzhou had arrived in time, I would not have let any harm befall my nephews!"
The cries grew even more heartrending. Zhou Shi and Mao Shi supported each other, weeping as if they were made of tears. I too lowered my head, using my sleeve to cover my face.
With Wei Tan's whereabouts unknown, I too felt like crying, but not a single tear would come. After pondering many things, my heart became clearer. The words spoken by Wei Kang, once so poignant, now seemed less emotionally charged to me.
"San Shufu personally paying his respects, Meng Jing and the others in the underworld knows about this, they may find comfort in their hearts," Guo Furen stepped forward to console, then instructed the household members to come forward and pay their respects to Wei Kang one by one.
Wei Kang offered words of comfort to each of them. Zhou Shi and Mao Shi wept incessantly. "Zhi Fu, grieve as you must. There are elders and young ones in the family. Taking care of yourself is what truly matters," he said to me with great sincerity and concern.
I bowed to him in gratitude and replied, "One will do so."
After visiting Wei Jue's residence, Wei Kang left the city.
"I heard that the Liangzhou troops are currently stationed in Du Yang, such a small town, and it's dozens of miles away. They'll have to establish a new camp even for temporary lodging," Ah Yuan said. "Why doesn't this Gongtai choose to stay in Yongdu?"
While changing Ah Mi's diaper, I replied, "Why stay in Yongdu? Yongdu can't compare to the stability of those Liangzhou troops."
Ah Yuan nodded. Soon, her expression turned mysterious as she handed me a piece of paper. "Fuqin has sent a reply," she said.
My spirits lifted, and I eagerly took it from her.
Li Shang is always efficient in his work. When I asked him to investigate the background of Lü Zheng, he quickly sent me a letter with the information.
Lü Zheng's father, Lü Si, was an old subordinate of Wei Jue. Several years ago, Lü Zheng joined Wei Jue and he proved to be quite capable. He rose from a common soldier to become Wei Jue's deputy. However, his relationship with Wen Zhen (Wei Zhao's supporter) is quite close. His appointment as the Rear Army Commander is also related to the arrangements made by Wen Zhen and others.
Knowing this, many things become clear.
Liang Wen's night raid, the soldiers' panic and retreat, Lü Zheng mourning report... it all linked together like a story.
The situation is getting more and more chaotic, but after such a major event, why is there still no word from Wei Tan? As I pondered over this, a sense of unease settled in my heart.
Now, it's only that note suggesting Wei Tan is alive. Is he really still alive?
Wei Zhao has already invited Wei Kang. I've thought it through in circles, and by the time news of Guo Cheng's arrival with 50,000 troops from Liaodong reached us, I wasn't too surprised anymore.
After Wei Jue exterminated Tan Xi and his family, he left Guo Cheng in Liaodong to manage affairs. Guo Cheng incorporated the remnants of Tan Xi's faction, established military garrisons, and conducted his duties with great distinction. When Guo Cheng returned to Yongdu, the governor of Liaodong appointed someone else. However, it seems that this person either couldn't suppress Guo Cheng's remaining power, or was entirely in line with his agenda. The arrival of 50,000 troops in Yongdu at this moment, just like Wei Kang, is quite a coincidence.
Wei Kang and Guo Cheng, one a Shufu and the other a Jiufu, both are trusted relatives of Wei Zhao.
One from Liangzhou camp, the other from Liaodong camp, both have twice as many troops as the Xiliu Camp. When you add up the numbers of soldiers, it's already over a hundred thousand.
The courtiers in the capital seem to have found some relief. Even after Liang Wen broke through Wei Tan's water fortresses, while there were those who fled and mourned, Liang Wen didn't rush to attack further. According to the message from Li Shang, the information from the front is heavily restricted. It's heard that Liang Wen's forces are limited, and he doesn't dare to venture too deep. He's lingering in the regions of Taizhou, Renyang, and Runan, searching for able-bodied men and provisions to conscript for the army.
Of course, there are varying degrees of closeness among relatives. Wei Zhao naturally doesn't trust the Xiliu Camp, and in his eyes, the Liangzhou and Liaodong camps are closer to him.
The main camp of the Liaodong troops is set up to the west of Yongdu, about twenty miles away. In just two days, Wei Zhao has visited twice. According to Li Shang's letter, it seems that there have been quite a few changes in the guards of the capital. He heard many people speaking with a Liaodong accent.
I have a feeling that something is amiss.
Speaking with a Liaodong accent clearly indicates soldiers from Liaodong. However, the defense of the capital has always been handled by the soldiers of the Xiliu Camp. Wei Zhao's intention is quite clear here. If he wants to take control of Yongdu, he will need to push out the soldiers from the Xiliu Camp.
With my thoughts racing, I wrote a letter to Li Shang, instructing him to gather information on the movements of the Xiliu Camp.
Just as I was anxiously looking out, Zhou Shi and Mao Shi arrived.
Since the news of the loss reached them, they've been overwhelmed with grief day after day. When they met me, they wept bitterly. But today, although they still carry a heavy air of sorrow, it seems there's something else on their minds.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
They exchanged glances, and I understood. I signaled for Ah Yuan to go keep watch at the door.
"Zhangsao," Zhou Shi began, "what is Er Tangxiong trying to do? He replaced the Commandant of the Guard with soldiers from Liaodong. Today, when the servants went out and came back, they told me that even the patrol soldiers on the streets have become Liaodong troops, acting arrogantly. If the people don't comply, they resort to violence."
"I've heard similar stories," Mao Shi added. "Those men dine and drink in eateries but refuse to pay. When the owners want to report them to the authorities, they beat them so badly that their lives are nearly lost, and they even vandalize the establishments." She sighed, "In the past, it was never like this. Under Chengxiang's rule, even when half the city was packed with refugees, the soldiers wouldn't behave like this. Could it be that Da Gongzi and the others are no longer here, and the world is turning..." She touched upon a painful subject, then lowered her head, choking back tears.
Zhou Shi and I both offered words of comfort.
"Zhangsao," Zhou Shi looked uneasy, "we've come to tell you because we feel that things in the residence and the city have been getting increasingly unsettling. There's a lot of public criticism. Lately, many families have been leaving Yongdu. Could there be trouble brewing in the city?"
Finally, someone has asked about these matters. I pondered for a moment and replied, "In my opinion, it's only a matter of time."
"Ah..." Mao Shi's expression turned anxious, and she cried, "Having lost our husband, are we to face another period of turmoil?"
Zhou Shi couldn't hold back her tears either. "Back then, in Longxi, I shouldn't have agreed to accompany my husband... Now, it's not just me. I have a son and daughter who have yet to reach adulthood. In times like these, what are we to do?"
I pondered for a moment and said, "We may not have necessarily lost our husbands."
The sobbing abruptly stopped. Zhou Shi was the first to react, looking at me with confusion. "What?"
I looked at them and whispered, "There's something I'll share with both of you. Can you promise to keep it a secret?"
The two of them exchanged glances and nodded slightly.
I laid out my suspicions about Lü Zheng, Wei Kang, and Guo Cheng in detail. They listened attentively, their initially puzzled eyes gradually gaining a spark of understanding.
"If...," Mao Shi's voice trembled with excitement, "if our husbands are not truly gone, can Yongdu be saved?"
"But if they're not dead, why haven't they come back?" Zhou Shi, though excited, still had her doubts.
I shook my head and sighed softly. "I can't fully understand this matter either, so it's just speculation," I said. Then, I looked at them seriously and cautioned, "Even if it's just speculation, you must be careful not to speak recklessly. There's still Guo Furen in the residence."
"We can keep it (the secret)," Zhou Shi said with understanding. "Zhangsao, don't worry."
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