Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 69. Sì Dì (Sisters-in-law)

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姒娣(sì dì)

姒(sì) - wife of husband's elder brother
娣(dì) - wife of husband's younger brother
When referring to the relationship between a man's wife and his brothers', the wife of an elder brother is called "姒" (sì), and the wife of a younger brother is called "娣" (dì).
Surprised, I wondered why Xu Ji came here. After a while, I saw Zhang Shi quickly walk over and say something to Xu Ji.
Xu Ji glanced at Guo Furen's side, her expression calm. After a moment, she slightly lowered her head, turned, and walked towards the direction of her courtyard.
"Furen, just now Er Gongzi seemed to have seen Xu Ji," Ah Yuan said.
"Shh," I shook my head slightly at her and continued to look ahead.
The hall was filled with guests. The bride covered her face with a fan made of gold-inlaid jade and walked slowly to the hall, holding Wei Zhao's hand. Praises were heard, and Wei Zhao stepped forward to take the fan from the bride's hand.
Amidst the admiration of the crowd, I looked and saw the new bride with delicate makeup, rosy cheeks, and vermilion lips, radiantly complemented by the pearl and gold hairpin on her head.
This princess is named Hui, her birth mother was the Late Emperor's Wang Jieyu, and she holds the title of Qinyang. The Late Emperor had many children, and I am not very familiar with Princess Qinyang. She is quiet, not very close to the Empress Dowager, and younger than me. Back in Chang'an, we only met a few times. After several years, now meeting again at the Wei Residence, the Princess's appearance has matured a lot compared to before. With her attire, she has become a graceful and beautiful lady.
Wei Jue and Guo Furen sat at the top, watching the newlyweds kneel and bow before them, both wearing joyful smiles.
Wei Tan is the eldest son, and since Wei Zhao is marrying, he also needs to receive the ritual of bowing of the newlyweds. Today, he is rarely dressed in wide-sleeved robe, and the refined attire somewhat conceals his sharpness as a military general. Surprisingly, he doesn't look out of place at all; rather, the attire accentuates his handsomeness.
When we were dressing in the morning, I couldn't help but sneak a few more glances. I quietly thought to myself that indeed, one's character is influenced by their surroundings. Even someone like Wei Tan, who is a warrior, has started to feel pleasing to my eye.
The wedding was lively, and after the banquet, the newlyweds exchanged cups. I returned to the courtyard, and by then, the moon had risen to its zenith.
Entering the room, I caught a whiff of alcohol and saw Wei Tan lying on the couch, still in the same clothes. Even though he hadn't gone out today, he had been both receiving guests and drinking.
I gently closed the door and walked to the edge of the couch. I saw Wei Tan with his eyes closed, seemingly asleep. I didn't disturb him; instead, I sat down beside the couch and observed him for a while.
Wei Tan's sleeping posture has always been good. Sometimes, I wake up early in the morning and see the fine lines of his eyebrows and eyes illuminated by the soft morning light, emanating a different kind of tranquility and serenity. Now, under the candlelight, his breathing was steady, and I could see his eyelashes neatly arranged like feathers beneath his eyelids.
Suddenly, I thought, what if I pinched his nose to wake him up? The idea popped into my mind, and I found myself oddly excited by it. Wei Tan had playfully disturbed my sleep more than once, so occasionally, it wouldn't hurt to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Just as I was about to give in to the itch in my heart and reach out, without warning, Wei Tan opened his eyes.
"What is Furen doing?"
Me: "....."
My hand froze above his nose, and I withdrew it, smiling innocently, "Qie noticed Fujun hadn't changed clothes, hence intended to help Fujun change."
"Oh?" Wei Tan also lifted the corner of his lips. After a moment, he half-closed his eyes and stretched lazily.
I felt a sense of regret, and just as I was about to get up, Wei Tan's arm suddenly reached out and pulled me down onto the couch.
"Does Furen knows, what Weifu have been thinking about today?" His breath carried a hint of alcohol, and he spoke in a leisurely, amused tone.
I struggled a bit, but he didn't let go, so I obediently went along with him.
"Thinking about what?" I asked.
Wei Tan looked at the tassels on the canopy and said, "Weifu remembered on the day One got married to Furen, One didn't even wear xuánduān, and even brought a knife when entering the bridal chamber."
So he still remembers.
I thought for a moment and asked, "Why didn't Fujun wear it?"
"During battles away from home, who would bother with such cumbersome attire?" Wei Tan said without a hint of guilt. After speaking, he chuckled, "If Furen feels regretful, we can make up for it today."
Who said anything about making up for it? As I swatted away Wei Tan's wandering hand, I sighed, "Qie is tired."
Wei Tan bit my neck gently, "If tired then it's good to go to the bed."
I resisted, covering my clothes and not allowing him to reach it. After some playful struggle, Wei Tan started to laugh, patted my head, and continued hugging me.
The room fell quiet. His arm made for a comfortable pillow, and as I gazed at the flickering light on the lampstand, after a while, I whispered, "Er Shu's wedding was quite lively."
"Hmm," Wei Tan replied.
I looked up, "Does Fujun regret it?"
"Regret what?" Wei Tan opened his eyes and glanced at me.
I propped up my arm and looked at him, forcing a bitter smile, "One heard that originally Jiushi wanted Fujun to marry a princess, but in the end, Fujun married me, and the wedding was hastily arranged."
Wei Tan gazed at me, and suddenly he started to laugh. He put some strength into his arm and gently guided me to lie back down.
"What's there to regret or not regret? Marrying a princess was Father's ambition," he said in a dismissive tone.
I had asked the question with the intention of taking advantage of his tipsy state. However, upon hearing his response, I was taken aback and found his answer intriguing.
"One plus five plus one plus one equals?" he asked suddenly.
"Eight," I answered without hesitation.
"That's right," Wei Tan's gaze turned mischievous. "Look, Furen. Zhong Ming married a princess, but he only has one wife and one concubine. Yet Weifu, by marrying Furen alone, managed to surpass eight people in one go. In the end, it's still Weifu who wins." (he was talking about the 8 positions they've tried lmaooo)
I was momentarily puzzled, but then I realized the meaning behind his words. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and annoyed, so I playfully reached out to pinch him.
However, Wei Tan continued to laugh heartily, capturing my hand and his dark eyes glistening mischievously.
As Wei Zhao's new wife entered the Wei family, there were now two daughters-in-law in the Wei residence. The family still addressed me as "Shao Furen," but they respectfully referred to Liang Hui as "GongZhu."
Guo Furen was very pleased with this new bride. The next day, when the newcomer rose early to pay her respects, Guo Furen held Liang Hui's hand, displaying great warmth.
Despite being a new bride, Liang Hui was only seventeen years old. Standing next to Wei Zhao, her complexion was shy, and her eyes were filled with anticipation.
As we exchanged greetings, Liang Hui held onto me, her gaze clear: "It's been many years since I last saw Furen. When One heard that I could become sì dì with Furen, One was truly delighted."
I looked at her and lightly smiled, saying, "One is grateful to Gongzhu."
Wei Jue left after he had finished his breakfast. Guo Furen was in a good mood. Before long, Zhou Shi and the others also arrived. Everyone sat in the hall, drinking tea and eating, with laughter and conversation flowing.
I noticed that Wei Zhao seemed somewhat absent-minded. He didn't speak much, and whenever he did, it was in response to questions from Guo Furen or others, with brief and polite replies. Liang Hui, on the other hand, appeared oblivious, often casting her gaze toward Wei Zhao, always with a hint of blush.
After sitting in the hall for a while, the children brought by Zhou Shi and the others were clamoring to play in the backyard. Guo Furen had always loved children, so she instructed the servants to set up mats, tables, and chairs in the backyard, and everyone moved there together.
The weather today is splendid, with a gentle breeze and sunny skies. The children are frolicking in the garden, while the women either take leisurely strolls or sit around chatting.
Wei Zhao didn't stay seated for long, as he took his leave, mentioning that he needed to return to the military camp. Liang Hui, upon hearing this, looked at him, her expression showing a slight hint of surprise.
Guo smiled warmly, saying words like to leave and return soon to Wei Zhao, and let Wei Zhao go.
"Recently, there's been a lot of affairs in the court, and Zhong Ming has been quite busy as well. One hopes Gongzhu can understand," Guo Furen said kindly to Liang Hui.
Liang Hui looked at her, her face devoid of displeasure, and she smiled, saying, "Er Fu understands."
The group once again resumed their cheerful conversations and laughter. Zhou Shi's little daughter was clamoring to hear someone play some music, so Guo Furen turned and instructed a servant to call for the musician.
I was personally brewing tea, in the midst of pouring the tea, I noticed Liang Hui walking over. I was slightly surprised, set down the copper ladle, and was about to bow in greeting, but Liang Hui stopped me.
"Zhangsao, no need for excessive formalities," she smiled, taking a seat beside me, observing the tea leaves swirling in the pot, and she playfully blinked, "Does Zhangsao also enjoy brewing tea?"
Her tone carried a familiarity, which made me feel somewhat uncomfortable.
I picked up the copper ladle again and smiled, "It's just One has nothing to do, so can't say that One likes it."
Liang Hui looked at the children playing in the courtyard and added, "I only just entered the household, and now just come to realize there are so many children in the residence."
I replied, "They are all the children of cousins in the family."
Liang Hui nodded and said, "I've heard that there are even infants in this residence."
I was somewhat surprised by why she was asking me this. Did no one inform her before? With my thoughts pondering, I replied, "Indeed. Gushi has two very young sons, both just over one year old, but they didn't come out today."
Liang Hui looked at me, smiled gently, and whispered, "I wasn't referring to Chengxiang's young child. I've heard that My husband has a concubine, who recently gave birth. One wonders if this is accurate?"
The copper ladle paused by the edge of the pot, and I looked at Liang Hui. Although she wore a smile, her gaze was remarkably earnest.
"Furen," at that moment, Ah Yuan's voice rang out. I turned around, and I saw her walking over, her expression somewhat hurried.
"Don't know what's with my servant, please wait a moment, Gongzhu," I felt like I was granted an amnesty. I smiled apologetically to Liang Hui, and stood up.
"What's the matter?" I walked up to Ah Yuan and asked.
"Furen," Ah Yuan glanced over at Guo Furen's direction, her gaze cautious, and whispered, "Just now, Wang Hui (Wei Tan's attendant) came to report, Da Gongzi had a dispute with Chengxiang."
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