Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 44. Visiting the Sage (Part 2)

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Visiting the Sage (Part 2)

Wei Tan's expression was modest, as he smiled and said politely , "Tan (his name) has long admired XianSheng's reputation. Coming to visit unexpectedly, disturbing XianSheng's refined leisure, One is truly embarrassed.'"
Yunshi smiled and said, "One is but a coarse and simple man from the mountains and fields, feeling ashamed to receive JiangJun's personal visit." After saying this, he turned to me and made another bow, saying, "One trusts that Furen has been well since we parted."
I was surprised, "Have XianSheng met Qie before?"
Yunshi smiled and said, "When Sou lived in Chang'an, once visited the family's residence. At that time, Furen was not even seven years old."
I understood and smiled, saying, "XianSheng has an excellent memory." Indeed, at that age, an old man as unimposing in appearance as YunShi does not really attract much interest in me.
Wei Tan then asked Wei An to come forward and pay his respects. After the formalities were done, Yunshi instructed the boy to pour tea for us and invited us to sit inside the hall.
In front of the chess table, the young man who had just played the game with Yunshi was still sitting there. When he saw us coming, he didn't stand up but just gave a faint smile.
I was taken aback for a moment. I hadn't seen him clearly from the side earlier, but now, as I approached, I noticed that this young man was in his early twenties and remarkably handsome, with a captivating and jade-like appearance.
Yunshi said, "This is Cui Ting from Boling. He passed by One's humble abode today and had a tea and chess match with Lao Sou."
"Cui Ting from Boling?" Wei Tan's eyes brightened slightly, and he said, "Could it be the renowned 'Qilin zi'麒麟(Qilin) is a mythical creatures, aka kirin in Japanese. if u wanna know how it looks just google 'Qilin' and it will pop out! 子(zi) means son, so basically Qilin Zi means the Son of Qilin Cui Ting?"
Yunshi stroked his beard and smiled, saying, "Since Jiangjun is already aware, there's no need for Sou to say more."
Cui Ting remained composed, showing neither pride nor concern. He didn't stand up either, just sat there and bowed slightly to Wei Tan, saying, "One is fortunate to meet Jianjun."
Wei Tan returned the courtesy, saying, "Mou has long heard of XianSheng's virtuous reputation. To have this unexpected encounter, One is truly lucky."
I know nothing about this 'Qilinzi,' but I have heard of the Cui family from Boling. They have long been a prominent and influential clan since the previous dynasty, producing many renowned individuals. However, I can't help but dislike this Cui Ting; despite his young age, he carries himself arrogantly. Among the scholarly families, there are many so-called talents who are overly praised merely for their ability to string a couple of poems together and receive grand titles like 'Long' (dragon) or 'feng' (phoenix) Perhaps he is just an overrated and pretentious dandy.
Wei Tan appeared resolute, seemingly unaffected by Cui Ting's indifference towards him. He maintained a composed demeanor and smiled with ease.
After taking our seats, the boy served us with tea.
"The humble abode may be simple, with only old tea and wild water. Jiangjun, Furen and Gongzi, please bear with it," Yunshi said.
After taking a sip, I was pleasantly surprised. Jian Nan's finest tea, "Hao Lu," used to require three Jins (gold coin) to obtain just one or two liang in Chang'an. Now, it seems impossible to find it even if I wanted to buy it. This old tea and wild water offered by Yunshi truly are precious and valuable.
Yunshi said, "This tea was given by Fu Situ himself when Lao Sou left the capital. Lao Sou has treasured it for many years. Today Furen has visits, it is a perfect occasion to treat it to the guests."
I was taken aback. His words reminded me of a childhood memory. There was a time when Mother complained about Father, saying he spent a large sum of money to buy three liang of "Hao Lu" but then gave away two liang to someone as a gift. It turns out that someone was Yunshi.
"Qie respectfully thanking XianSheng's sentiment," I bowed to express my gratitude.
Wei Tan smiled and said, "In the past, Situ was fond of making friends with talented individuals. Mou once heard about the delightful gathering at Meiting (pavilion Mei), where Situ and XianSheng, were the main hosts, enjoying the flowing wine and music. It has become a famous tale."
Baishi XianSheng smiled and shook his head, saying, "Old stories of the past are not worth dwelling upon."
After some casual greetings among everyone, Cui Ting bowed towards our direction and said, "XianSheng and JiangJun, please continue to sit. Mou need to visit another friend in a different place. For now, One will take my leave."
Baishi XianSheng showed no sign of surprise and just glanced at the sky, saying, "It seems there will be rain. Zigui, you should not delay your departure until too late."
"Ting understands." After saying that, he called someone over. Two servants came out of the side room, carrying an item in their hands. When I saw it, I was startled for a moment. It was a wheel and a bed carriage, wasn't that Wei An's pushcart?
Looking at Wei An, he was also gazing in that direction, with a look of surprise on his face.
The servants placed the pushcart on the steps, then went inside the hall. There, they saw Cui Ting supporting himself with one hand on the ground while using the other hand to move his legs out from under the table.
Only then did I understand why he couldn't get up when he was paying respect just now. It turned out that he was a disabled person with limited mobility.
The hall fell into a moment of silence, with only the sound of the hot tea water bubbling in the stove. Cui Ting showed no signs of embarrassment or discomfort on his face. He allowed the servants to lift him onto the carriage and then pushed the carriage outside. The wheels rolled over the white sand, producing a continuous and faint sound.
"People say that the Qilin Zi, having crossed heaven and earth, incurred the jealousy of gods and demons. It seems it's not an empty rumor," As Cui Ting's figure disappeared beyond the bamboo fence, Wei Tan said to Yunshi.
Yunshi stroked his beard and said, "Zigui is talented and capable, and despite his disability, he remains steadfast in his aspirations. That is particularly admirable."
"Oh?" Wei Tan looked at him curiously. "One wonders what aspirations Qilin Zi holds?"
Yunshi, however, smiled and waved his hand, saying, "It's not something that can be easily revealed."
After chatting and sipping tea for a while, Yunshi asked Wei Tan if he would be willing to play a game of chess with him. Wei Tan gladly accepted the invitation, and the two of them sat by the chess table, beginning their game.
I was not someone with refined manners when it came to being a spectator. In the past, when Father and brothers engaged in elegant activities like playing chess, they never invited me to sit by and watch, as I couldn't stay still for even a moment and would start causing trouble. However, Pei Qian was an exception; when he played chess, I could sit quietly for two incense sticks' worth of time without disturbing him.
Now, when my husband engages in leisurely chess games with others in this worldly place, I can be like the graceful maids depicted in celestial paintings, sitting elegantly for half a day. It's not that I force myself to endure, but finding enjoyment in hardship can indeed be enjoyable. I have discovered that watching these two men duel each other is genuinely fascinating.
Wei Tan's chess style was sharp and fierce, attacking both openly and covertly, often catching his opponents off guard, revealing his rogue-like nature. On the other hand, Yunshi's approach to chess was meticulous, guarding against weaknesses, and setting traps at every turn, displaying his craftiness and cunning. As I watched their game, I tried to understand their moves, sometimes grasping the strategy, other times being puzzled, but after a few more moves, suddenly everything became clear. In the end, Yunshi narrowly won the game. The two opponents looked at each other with a smile after the match.
"XianSheng's chess skills are extraordinary, your reputation is well-deserved," Wei Tan complimented.
Yunshi replied modestly, "JiangJun's strategy is decisive and versatile, showing the demeanor of a military commander even in the confines of the chessboard."
Despite their modesty, both of them had an eager expression on their faces, showing their desire to compete further. So, they cleared the chessboard and began another game.
As they continued their exchange, the sky gradually darkened, and dusk approached. The attendants outside came to inquire, asking if it was time to return as the evening was drawing near.
Yunshi smiled and said, "If Jiangjun doesn't mind the humble dwelling at Lao Sou's place, there are two thatched huts to the south. Why not stay for the night? Sou has a few chess manuals that Sou has been eager to discuss with Jiangjun."
Upon hearing the invitation, Wei Tan smiled and bowed to Yunshi, saying, "In that case, One would be impolite to decline."
The soldiers were accustomed to campaigning and always carried camping gear with them when traveling. That night, the troops set up their camp in the bamboo forest, while Wei An and I followed Wei Tan stayed at Yunshi's thatched cottage, following his invitation.
After dinner, Cui Ting returned to this place. From the conversation between Yunshi and Wei Tan, I learned that he had been traveling to study, and last month, he arrived in Shangnan to visit Yunshi. Since then, he had been staying here.
I found it somewhat amusing. In this world, I have encountered people who couldn't have enough to eat at home, others who were robbed while traveling, and some who worried about where to sleep every day. But it was the first time I had ever encountered a leisurely person like Cui Ting, who had a physical disability yet dressed neatly, rode in a carriage, enjoyed the flowers, visited friends, and pursued studies.
However, my curiosity about his pushcart was even greater. In the courtyard, I asked Wei An where the pushcart came from.
"It's not something I made," Wei An answered honestly, "Cui Gongzi's pushcart has lighter wheels than the ones I make, and its design is different."
I couldn't help but be surprised. In this world, there is someone who is as clever as Wei An, and they managed to create the same thing.
Meeting a kindred spirit over drinks or encountering someone with a similar passion is always exhilarating and hard to contain. After Cui Ting's return, Wei An shed his indifferent demeanor and took the initiative to approach and speak with him.
I observed Wei An bowing with refined manners, and then the two of them engaged in conversation. Perhaps they were discussing the pushcart, as Cui Ting's expression showed a hint of surprise. In that moment, it seemed as if a glimmer of light shone from his eyes.
The night grew darker, and the servants lit the lamps.
In the thatched cottage, two distinct groups emerged suddenly. One group consisted of Wei Tan and Yunshi, both intensely focused on the chessboard, silent and engrossed in their moves. The other group comprised Cui Ting and Wei An, with one speaking eloquently and the other chattering away about things I couldn't understand, such as "carriage axle" and "bronze wheel hub." And the one separating them, is me.
Perhaps sensing my drowsy demeanor, Wei Tan suggested that if I felt tired, I could go and rest.
At this moment, I didn't feel like pretending to be virtuous or obedient. I simply smiled politely, bowed, and left gracefully.
"...As One has difficulty walking, this carriage, though originally a self-conceived idea, became a necessity. Gongzi's words have touched upon certain aspects that Mou hadn't pondered day and night. Only now, thanks to GongZi's guidance, has One come to understand..." As I walked out of the hall, I heard Cui Ting's laughter, melodic and pleasant.
Wei An seems to have a like-minded companion too, I thought to myself.
After tidying up a bit, I lay down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. I slept deeply throughout the night, and I wasn't aware of when Wei Tan returned. All I remembered was someone gently hugging me and then placing their arm over me, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. In my half-asleep state, I grumbled slightly in discontent, but soon drifted back into a deep slumber.
The next morning, when I woke up, Wei Tan was no longer by my side.
As I got up and went outside, I saw Wei Tan and Yunshi chatting while preparing tea in the hall. Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Wei An was holding a hammer and diligently hammering on Cui Ting's pushcart. Cui Ting sat on a large stone, carefully observing his work and pointing at something (on the cart) as they discussed together.
With nothing else to do, I followed the boy to have my breakfast.
The weather was pleasant, with no rain in sight and a hint of sunlight breaking through the clouds. I recalled the room where I stayed for the night, which had a bookshelf. Intrigued, I went back and selected two books, then walked to a corner of the courtyard where a wisteria (a plant in purple) arbor stood, and there, I leisurely flipped through the pages.
I had known that Yunshi was knowledgeable, but I never expected his collection of books to be so diverse. For instance, the one I held in my hand was a collection of biographies, narrating various intriguing anecdotes about different individuals. I found it fascinating and read it with great interest. Unconsciously, I had already flipped through more than half of the book.
"Does Furen also enjoy reading such worldly and miscellaneous matters (aka gossip)?" a voice said slowly.
I looked up and saw that Yunshi had already appeared in front of me, leaning on his cane, with a gentle smile on his face.
I quickly got up and bowed in courtesy, saying, "Qie saw the books in XianSheng collection, and they piqued One's interest, so One began reading without asking for XianSheng's permission."
Yunshi smiled and shook his head, saying, "Feel free to read as Furen's wish." With that, he sat down on a piece of bluestone opposite to me, supporting himself with both hands on his wooden cane.
"Have XianSheng and Fujun finished talking?" I asked with a smile.
Yunshi stroked his beard, his expression kind and benevolent. "JiangJun's talents are remarkable. If we could continue day and night, Sou would not decline," he replied.
I smiled and looked through the gaps in the flowers and leaves, where I could see Wei Tan standing in front of the firewood gate, engaged in conversation with a servant.
"Sou remember the last time One saw Furen, it has been fourteen years," Yunshi suddenly said.
I nodded: "Indeed"
"At that time, Situ was drinking tea with Sou, and Furen came out suddenly. Situ pointed to Furen and asked Sou, 'if we were to talk about facial features, how is Furen'?" He looked at me as if recalling, "Sou once said that Furen is blessed with great fortune and holds a noble status beyond words."
I was taken aback and recalled that Li Shang had once said something similar. I smiled and asked, "Is XianSheng also skilled in XiangShu?"
Yunshi smiled faintly, "One just have some superficial knowledge."
I sensed that there was more to his words and looked at him intently. "In that case, according to XianSheng's perspective, can Qie still live up to XianSheng's previous words?"
Yunshi stroked his beard, not directly answering the question but instead asking, "Regarding physiognomy, Sou once saw an exceptional individual, with purple aura gathered at the top of their head, worthy of a rating of ninety-five. Does Furen know who that person is?"
I asked curiously, "Who is that?"
Yunshi smiled gently and replied, "It was the laborer who carried mud when I was building this thatched cottage. Furen, destiny lies partly in people's hands, and physiognomy is nothing but someone's lucky chance."
That's why I don't like to deal with people who have read too many complicated and esoteric books. They talk without precision, always trying to make you feel that they are profound.
I seemed to grasp it vaguely, and after a moment, I adopted a demeanor of understanding and said with gratitude, "In that case, thank you, XianSheng."
The friendship of hermits values a carefree and unburdened manner. When inspiration arises, they come together, and when satisfied, they part without unnecessary formalities or constraints.
So, when Wei Tan suddenly said his farewell, Yunshi showed no surprise and didn't try to persuade him to stay.
"If there is a chance to meet again, Sou will surely engage in a long conversation with Jiangjun." He stood on the steps and said.
"XianSheng's teachings have left a profound impact on Tan (refer to himself). If One has the opportunity in the future, One will definitely visit XianSheng again," Wei Tan respectfully expressed as he bowed.
Yunshi smiled gently.
Wei Tan was very interested in Cui Ting, and before leaving, he asked Cui Ting if he would be willing to go to Yongdu. Unexpectedly, Cui Ting politely declined, saying that he still had old friends to visit and wished to continue his wandering journey.
Wei Tan smiled gently and did not insist.
However, Wei An seemed somewhat disappointed. Before Wei Tan mentioned that we were to leave, Wei An was enthusiastic, expressing his intention to craft a saddle for Cui Ting that would allow him to ride a horse more steadily.
Cui Ting's expression remained gentle as he replied, "Meeting each other in this life is fate. Gongzi's improvement to the cart is already a great kindness."
Wei An seemed unwilling to give up and said, "I will still make it for you."
Cui Ting smiled and replied, "In that case, Ting (his name) will await it patiently."
Stepping out of the bamboo forest, attendants, horses, and carriages were already waiting on the other side of the bridge. I looked back, and the bamboo forest remained tranquil and undisturbed, devoid of any human presence. Everything that had happened just moments ago felt like a dream.
"Fujun visiting Yunshi XianSheng, is it to seek advice?" I asked Wei Tan.
Wei Tan looked at me and asked, "What does Furen think?"
How could I know?
"Qie only saw Fujun discussing the game of chess." I replied.
"Isn't playing chess a form of learning?" Wei Tan smiled and, after saying this, he beckoned for Wei An, who was trailing behind, to catch up, and they continued walking ahead.
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