Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 111. Veiled Taunt (Part 2)

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Veiled Taunt (Part 2)

She emphasized the word "daughter" very strongly.
The woman beside Dong Shi covered her mouth with her fan, glancing at me and then at Guo Furen. "I heard Gongzi Zhi's name was personally chosen by Chengxiang?"
Guo Furen glanced at her, smiling and nodding in agreement, "Indeed."
I understood what they were implying, and I wasn't angered. I sighed lightly and said, "Originally, Jiushi had intended to choose a name for our daughter. However, due to his ailing health, Fujun took on the task instead."
The woman seemed to want to say something more, but someone beside her gently nudged her with their arm and gave her a meaningful look.
I glanced over and saw Liang Hui sitting next to Guo Furen, delicately placing a cherry into her mouth, seemingly oblivious to the conversation.
"I've heard that Chengxiang has always cherished his grandchildren, and it seems to be true," Wang Ju's wife, Du Shi, spoke, perhaps sensing the delicate atmosphere, trying to ease the conversation.
Everyone nodded in agreement. Before long, they each began to engage in their own conversations.
Not long after, there were some murmurs of sighs from nearby. I glanced over and saw Guo Furen and Dong Shi, along with a few others, engrossed in conversation. Phrases like "Taizhou," "Renyang," and others reached my ears, and someone mentioned, "The villages and towns are all emptied out."
I understood in my heart. They were probably discussing Wei Tan's actions in Taizhou, Renyang, and Runan regions.
"Ai," Lu Shi, the wife of the Minister of Education Zhang Xian, sighed heavily. "With such turmoil, if the refugees start causing trouble, it will only lead to more problems."
Dong Shi smiled and said, "The relationships among women in the household are of great importance. They say when a man marries a wife, he marries her wisdom. If a husband is not handling matters properly outside, a woman should not only concern herself with children, but also offer her advice when necessary."
The words were spoken loudly, and we on this side could hear them clearly. The women all had a look of surprise on their faces, and the volume of their conversations lowered.
Du Shi caught on to the situation and looked towards me.
These words were clearly meant for me to hear. If I turn a deaf ear, this Da Sima Furen title would just be in vain.
I smiled and looked at Dong Shi, saying, "Furen's words are quite interesting. What does a husband's affairs outside have to do with his wife?"
Dong Shi replied, "How could it have nothing to do with his wife? A woman, when she sees her husband acting improperly, should offer guidance to remind him, upholding the teachings of her parents in the boudoir."
"Qie is ashamed," I scoffed secretly, speaking slowly, "In the boudoir classics, it emphasizes the instructions for women. It states that women are inherently humble and weak, with respect and obedience as their way. It also says that men are responsible for the outside, while women should maintain the inner sanctum. This is in line with the principle of Heaven and Earth."
Dong Shi seemed taken aback by my unexpected rebuttal. Just as she was about to respond, I didn't give her a chance to continue.
"This is just the first part," I looked at her with composure, "The second part, in Qie's opinion, is that our husbands are all court officials, and their affairs are closely tied to the state and the military. Women in the inner chambers often lack detailed knowledge, and most judgments are based on hearsay. How can we speak rashly? When it comes to offering guidance, it is best to exercise caution in words. I have always respected One's parents' teachings in the boudoir, and I have been diligent in heeding Gushi's advice in Fujun's family. Yet, Qie has never heard that a wife should interfere in her husband's affairs."
Dong Shi's face turned a mixture of red and pale. She glanced at Guo Furen, as if she wanted to speak but found it difficult to do so.
"Husbands have their own affairs, what can we women possibly add?" Zhou Shi approached with a graceful smile, then turned to Guo Furen, "Didn't Furen mention earlier about visiting the Lotus Pond to watch the cranes? The palace attendants just informed that they've set up mats and cushions at the pavilion over there, inviting us to go."
Guo Furen's expression relaxed slightly, and she nodded, saying, "Is that so? Laofu was just thinking of going there."
Zhou Shi helped Guo Furen her up, casting a meaningful glance in my direction. Even though everyone knew the underlying reasons, it was important to maintain appearances. I also smiled nonchalantly and said to Du Shi and the others, "The Lotus Pond has cool breezes and beautiful lotus blossoms. They've also raised cranes this year, which should be a delightful sight."
All the women agreed. Servants surrounded us, and the women chatted and laughed as we headed towards the Lotus Pond. Guo Furen and Liang Hui walked ahead, while I, along with Du Shi, Yu Ying, and others, followed a few steps behind. We strolled, admiring the scenery and engaging in casual conversation. Before long, we had already created some distance between us.
During this season, the plants, flowers, and birds in the palace gardens were also exceptionally beautiful. We hadn't walked far when we spotted a group of palace maids surrounding Wei Jieyu. As we approached, I and the other women all paid our respects.
"Zizi has returned to the palace to rest. I came out for a stroll in the garden, and happened to run into you ladies," Wei Jieyu said with a smile after the greetings. After the formalities, she turned to me and said, "Qie would like to invite Furen to accompany me. Would it be possible?"
I was somewhat surprised, glancing at her, then at the other women. Wei Jieyu was not only an imperial concubine but also a close relative of the Wei family. When she extended the invitation, there was no reason for me to refuse. The other women were tactful as well. Yuying smiled and said they would head to the Lotus Pond first, and they all bid their farewells and left.
Wei Jieyu gave me a smile and led me towards another direction.
I'm more familiar with Wei Ci and the other nieces and nephews of Wei Jue, but the two imperial concubines who grew up in Longxi, I rarely see them.
However, the Wei family, being from a noble background, provided good education for their women. I've met this jieyu a few times before. She has an elegant manner and a beautiful appearance. On a previous occasion, she seemed somewhat intimidated by the Wei family and spoke quite reservedly. This time was no different. I inquired about her life in the palace and asked about her relatives in Longxi, but she didn't share much.
"Is this palace newly constructed?" I asked, noticing a few pavilions nearby with freshly painted roofs.
"Indeed," Wei Jieyu replied. "When Qie and Zizi arrived last year, these halls and pavilions had just been completed."
I nodded. The Imperial Palace in Yongdu were originally a converted imperial residence and couldn't compare to the grandeur of the former Imperial Palace in Chang'an. There were also fewer buildings. It must be said that Wei Jue was willing to invest money in making the palace resemble the residence of an emperor even more.
Continuing forward for about a hundred paces, between a pavilion and an artificial hill, two eunuchs stood there.
Seeing us approach, they bowed, but said, "Pi bu are not allowed to enter."
I was surprised, but Wei Jieyu smiled and said, "There is a noble person wishes to meet with Furen. They have been waiting for quite some time."
Up ahead, there was a waterside pavilion that looked very familiar. As expected, not long after advancing, the stream, railings, small bridge, and a figure quietly fishing on the stream stone came into view.
Wei Jieyu appeared somewhat tense, looking at me with a slightly forced smile.
The Emperor seemed to hear the commotion, and he turned his head. In an instant, our gazes met.
I didn't know why he wanted to see me, but since I was here, there was no use in hiding. I approached and bowed to him, saying, "Greetings…"
The Emperor, however, placed a finger to his lips, then turned away, his gaze fixed on the water's surface.
I fell silent, observing the Emperor's fishing rod. In the quietude, he suddenly yanked the rod upwards. Water droplets sprayed, and a fish was lifted into the air, wriggling and flapping. The Emperor stood up, examined the fish in his hand, then turned towards me.
"Guess how much it weighs?" He smiled.
I looked at the fish, smiling as well.
"Two jin," I thought for a while, then replied.
The Emperor weighed it in his hand and shook his head, "It's one jin and twelve liang." He carefully removed the fishhook from its mouth and then released the fish back into the water.
I was surprised, "Your Majesty, is it too small?"
The Emperor glanced at me, smiled, and then turned his gaze towards Wei Jieyu who stood beside me.
"Zhen heard that you and Guiren also received gifts from Huanghou today," he inquired.
"Replying to Your Majesty, indeed," Wei Jieyu lowered her head, appearing somewhat bashful.
The Emperor nodded and said, "You have worked hard. You may go back and rest. Zhen will have a brief chat with Furen."
Wei Jieyu looked at him, then turned to me, and with lowered eyes, she curtsied, "Yes." Afterward, she gracefully retreated.
I watched Wei Jieyu's figure disappear, feeling a sense of curiosity. I turned back to the Emperor, only to find him re-baiting the hook and settling onto the stream stone.
"How about Furen accompany Zhen fishing for a while?" He asked leisurely.
How could I refuse such an invitation? I replied, "One would be honored". With that, I settled onto a nearby low, moss-covered stone.
The stream gurgled gently, and the birds in the woods sang in chorus, creating a tranquil ambiance. I gazed at the surroundings; aside from the Emperor and me, there were only two palace attendants standing not far away.
"We haven't had a proper conversation since the beginning of this year," the Emperor flicked his fishing rod and spoke calmly. "Why is that? Doesn't enjoy it?"
Seeing through his intentions, I curved my lips into a smile and replied, "No, Your Majesty. Qie's Gushi is still in the garden, awaiting my company to admire the Lotus Pond."
The Emperor glanced at me, a faint smile playing on his lips, then turned his head away. "Rest assured, when you're not around, Guo Furen feels even more at ease."
I was taken aback.
It's not that the Emperor had an uncanny insight, but rather, the affairs of the Wei family were observed closely by all levels of the court.
"One wonders how Your Majesty has been lately?" After a moment, I diverted the conversation and asked.
The Emperor gazed at the water's surface and said calmly, "Very well."
This was just empty talk. If he weren't doing well, the Wei household would be among the first to know.
"Your Majesty often come here to fish?" I inquired.
"En," the Emperor replied. "One is an idler anyway, and fishing is more enjoyable than revelry and drinking."
I looked at the clear and limpid stream. In the shimmering ripples, one could faintly make out schools of fish being lured by the bait, jostling for position.
Before long, a fish took the bait. The Emperor reeled in the fishing rod, examined it, but then released it back into the water.
"Your Majesty always releases the fish?" I couldn't help but ask.
"En," the Emperor said.
While baiting the hook, the Emperor explained, "They only came because they thought the bait was delicious. After experiencing a bit of pain, they might behave next time." He then smiled at me and added, "These are foolish fish, raised by the garden's attendants. They don't taste good."
I found his words somewhat funny, but couldn't muster a laugh. It brought to mind the Emperor from before, who used to hide with me in the Empress Dowager's palace. He was frail, with a perpetual melancholy expression on his face. Yet, he was kind-hearted, sneaking leftover food and taking it to a corner of the courtyard to feed a litter of newly born stray kittens.
A person like him might truly not be suited for this palace. It requires a strong master, someone with a resolute temperament and a ruthless approach.
Is Wei Tan that kind of person?
I looked at the two eunuchs not far away. They stood silently, resembling statues.
Wei Tan never tells me what he does outside, even during the Battle of Qiling where he suffered defeat and fled, and when he was the one who rescued me from Jiangdong. What I saw was mostly the outcomes. But deep down, I believe that from Liang Wen's attack on Runan, to Wei Jue's severe illness, and now, Wei Tan's influence has extended into every corner of this court.
He always seems to handle things with such prudence, just like that nonchalant expression of his. It's as if there's nothing truly monumental in the world.
But it's precisely here that I feel worried.
Having a roof to shield oneself from the chaos of the world, finding tranquility and contentment, is indeed something everyone yearns for. However, I'm not someone content with just what's in front of me. I often worry about whether the facade conceals a sturdy structure beneath, and even contemplate safeguarding that roof to ensure its safety... Is this not a case of an ordinary person overstepping their bounds and overestimating their abilities?
"Why so quiet?" I heard the Emperor say. "Talking to Zhen, is it so dull?"
I snapped back to attention, smiled, and replied, "Qie was thinking about those little stray kittens in Taihou's palace from before."
The Emperor paused for a moment, then tilted his head and smiled, a touch of self-deprecation in his expression.
"You still remember?" He held the fishing rod and said, "Isn't it foolish? Not even sure if one will have enough to eat tomorrow, yet still thinking about feeding cats."
"How could it be foolish?" I chuckled.
The Emperor didn't affirm or deny, he simply unhooked another fish he had caught and said, "Back then, Zhen always thought it would be great to be the Emperor, not having to fear my father, not having to fear Empress Bian. But later, Zhen came to realize that even an Emperor can be afraid."
I was left speechless.
Since Wei Jue directly pressured the palace last year, I've been avoiding meeting the Emperor. One reason, of course, is the awkwardness. Secondly, even if it weren't awkward, what could we possibly say to each other? The bit of goodwill we accumulated in the past is only enough for reminiscing, but in the turbulent currents of the court, it would instantly be swept away without a trace. It's true that I am avoiding, but if I don't avoid then what? I can't help the Emperor, but I must stand with Wei Tan.
At this moment, a burst of cheerful laughter suddenly rang out. I turned my head to see a palace maid supporting the young Prince Li, swaying as they walked towards us.
Empress Xu followed behind them.
"Fu…qin..." The young child saw the Emperor and immediately opened his arms. The palace maid hurriedly steadied him, looking tense.
A hint of a smile graced the Emperor's lips. He set down the fishing rod and stood up, walking towards the young child. With a swift motion, he lifted him up in his arms.
"Awake now?" the Emperor asked him. "Have you had your meal?"
The young child opened his mouth and said, "Eat..." but his eyes were fixed on the Emperor's straw hat, showing great curiosity as he reached out to tug at it.
"You can't pull on that!" Empress Xu quickly caught the child's hand, smiling brightly as she told the Emperor, "He's had his fill. A bowl of porridge and a bowl of minced meat, his belly is nice and full."
The Emperor looked at her with a gentle expression.
Empress Xu looked over, and I greeted her with a bow. "Greetings, Your Majesty."
"Furen," Empress Xu nodded in response.
Her gaze still held a scrutinizing look, as if she was surprised to see me here. I decided to take my leave, and bowed to the Emperor. "Gushi is still in the garden. Qie shall take leave."
The Emperor looked at me and nodded. "Go ahead."
I acknowledged with a word, then turned and walked away. After a few steps, I heard Empress Xu's voice from behind, "...Be a good boy, don't disturb Fuqin while he's fishing."
"Fishy... fishy..." The young child's voice was tender, accompanied by the Emperor's light laughter.
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