Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 58. Secret Drawing

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Secret Drawing

I haven't seen Zhao Jun again. His promise to visit another day was just empty words. The Wei family receives visitors every day, but he's never among them. I hope that my words have dispelled his dangerous thoughts.
Not long after, an extraordinary event occurred in Yongdu. A fisherman was chiseling the ice in Yong Lake to catch fish, but when he pulled up his net, he found a jade bì at the bottom. The bì was a valuable item, and the fisherman dared not hide it, so he reported it to the authorities. Subsequently, a group of knowledgeable scholars examined the ancient characters on the bì and deduced that it was the long-lost famous wall "Jiahe" from a thousand years ago. When Wei Jue heard the news, he was delighted and interpreted it as an auspicious sign. He then requested the Emperor to follow ancient rituals and build a high platform by Yong Lake.
How can the Emperor disregard proper protocol? He named the yet-to-be-built high platform on the blueprint 'Bi Tai'.
During the lively discussions in Yongdu, as the New Year approached, I also started to get busy.
Ever since He Kui's rebellion, the region has been plagued by constant conflicts, regardless of scorching summers or severe winters. Now, with Wei Jue uniting the north, this is the first year-end without any news of war. Yongdu bustles daily with market activities and crowds of people. Wei Mansion is also busy preparing for the New Year, and as the head wife, I have to arrange various customs to welcome the new and bid farewell to the old.
Li Shang is also occupied with his affairs. Five days before New Year's Eve, he sent me a message, sharing this year's profits. They started with trading meat, then silk fabrics, and eventually, medicinal herbs. After deducting all expenses, the total profit amounted to 14,000 coins.
According to our previous agreement of a three-sevenths split, I should receive 9,800 coins. However, Li Shang said he wants to repay me for the gold I lent him earlier, attributing all the money to my name.
I didn't agree. It's not false modesty; I genuinely felt embarrassed. Yannian Hall required significant investment, and I knew it without even thinking. I was already surprised to see this amount of profit. Besides, though I love money, my future business depends entirely on Li Shang, so I can't afford to lose credibility in front of him.
I had Ah Yuan tell Li Shang that if he mentions this again, we shouldn't continue the business. There's no need for sending messages back and forth, and Li Shang didn't bring it up again. Instead, he asked if I could come over to review the accounts and have a New Year's meal together.
I would have liked to go, but with so many recent affairs in the mansion, the court being on vacation, and Wei Jue and his sons often idle at home, it's not convenient for me to go out. However, I expressed my wishes to Guo Furen, and she granted Ah Yuan a three-day leave to take some New Year goods home and visit her family.
In the Wei Mansion's storeroom, there were many fabrics and silks. I made new clothes for the elderly and the young in the mansion. I personally selected the materials and put quite a lot of thought into what each person should wear.
On New Year's Eve, during the family banquet, when the new clothes were presented, Wei Jue looked at his own outfit, then glanced at what others were wearing, and appeared content with everyone's appearance.
"My Er Fuis truly virtuous and capable," he said with a smile.
I modestly replied, "Jiushi has overpraised."
Wei Jue stroked his beard, with a meaningful expression, "I saw you prepared a tiger-patterned pillow for Xu Ji. When will you make one for yourself?"
Everyone laughed, and I blushed with embarrassment.
"Da Bofu's words may put Zhangsao in a difficult position," Zhou Shi smiled from her seat at the lower end of the table, "Da Tangxiong is busy every day and hardly has time for the family. If Da Bofu wants to hold grandsons, it's better to let Da Tangxiong have some free time."
Zhou Shi's free-spirited style elicited even louder laughter from everyone. Despite being accustomed to their unrestrained speech, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and my face grew hot at that moment.
"Fear not, Fuqin. With such high expectations, Er will do One's best," Wei Tan approached with a smile and bowed respectfully.
Wei Ci and Wei Lang, along with a few others, drank and cheered happily. Guo Furen lifted a porcelain cup and took a sip of wine, her powdered face showing a slight smile at the corners of her crimson lips.
Wei Jue also smiled, waved his hand, and allowed us to go down.
I returned to my seat, and Zhou Shi continued to smile playfully and winking at me from across the table. Just as I was about to scold her, Wei Tan's shoulder blocked my view.
"Want more wine?" He held the wine jug in his hand and looked at me.
I had already been following him in toasting with the elders and uncles for a few rounds, and I was starting to feel a bit tipsy, so I shook my head.
Wei Tan filled his own wine cup.
I took a sip of water, unsure if it was the effect of the wine or Wei Jue's words earlier, but I felt a bit uneasy. After a while, I used my chopsticks to pick up two pieces of meat and put them in my mouth.
When Wei An came over to toast, Wei Ci smiled at him and said, "Ah An! Your wine cup is too small. A man should use a wine goblet!"
Wei Gang's wife, Mao Shi, upon hearing the remark, playfully scolded, "Xiao Shu, stop talking nonsense. Ah An is still young!"
Wei Tan looked at Wei An, smiled, and raised his wine cup, saying, "You'll be thirteen next year."
Wei An nodded and said, "En."
"What should you say?"
"May Xiongzhang and Zhangsao both be in good health," Wei An replied.
"May our parents have good health."(said by Wei An.) Wei Tan chuckled, raising his wine cup and toasting, "May you grow tall and strong quickly." After saying that, he emptied his cup in one gulp.
Wei An hesitated for a moment but then also drank the wine in his cup, causing him to frown as he was choked by it.
"Still working on that horse saddle?" Wei Tan handed him a glass of water and asked.
"I finished it early and sent it to Boling," Wei An replied.
"Oh?" Wei Tan smiled, "Did Cui Gongzi receive it?"
"I'm not sure," Wei An shook his head.
"Ah An!" At that moment, Wei Jue called him from the upper end of the table.
"Go ahead," Wei Tan said.
Wei An nodded, bowed to us, and then walked away.
Nearby, there were some giggles, and when I turned my head, I saw a few concubines at the lower end of the table talking. Today's family gathering allowed the concubines with children to join the banquet, and Xu Ji was even allowed to sit beside Wei Zhao.
I looked towards the adjacent table, where Wei Zhao and Xu Ji were engaged in conversation. Xu Ji had her head lowered, offering dishes to Wei Zhao. He was adorned in a golden crown and a purple robe, which complemented his elegant features.
It seems like he noticed my gaze, and he turned his head to look at me.
"Thanking Zhangsao for the new clothes," Wei Zhao raised his wine cup, his smile composed and graceful. As he spoke, Xu Ji also glanced in our direction.
I had to pick up the half-filled wine cup in front of me and replied with a smile, "May the New Year bring Er Shu blessings." As I was about to take a sip, a hand reached over and took my wine cup away.
"Your Zhangsao can't handle too much alcohol, so I'll drink this cup on her behalf," Wei Tan said and then filled the wine cup again.
Wei Zhao smiled and raised his cup to him, saying, "May XiongZhang have good fortune."
"May Zhong Ming wishes come true," Wei Tan also raised his cup, and they both drank as they exchanged a glance.
After New Year's Eve comes the new year. The Wei family's relatives live nearby, making it easy for them to visit and exchange New Year greetings. However, there were also many military officials and courtiers who came to congratulate at the residence. I was busy all the time, dealing with various banquets and receptions every day.
Despite being busy, I still remembered the matter of Jiumu. I picked a day and went together with Wei Tan to visit the Qiao family's new residence in Yongdu.
Although it was referred to as a new residence, it was, in fact, an old residence acquired from someone else. They had refurbished it with new roof tiles and freshly painted walls. The location was good, surrounded by newly settled wealthy families and influential households. However, the house was far from being as spacious as the one in Luoyang.
Jiumu was naturally delighted to see me. Both Qiao Ke and Qiao Ti, the siblings, were dressed in new clothes, especially Qiao Ti. Her rosy cheeks and red lips showed that she had put a lot of effort into her appearance.
During the banquet, the guests engaged in polite conversation, with Wei Tan discussing political matters with Qiao Ke, while I chatted with Jiumu about everyday family affairs. Qiao Ti sat beside Jiumu, occasionally glancing around the room.
"Ah Jin, I've heard that many prominent families in the capital are interested in a marriage alliance with Er Gongzi. Is it true?" Taking advantage of a moment when Qiao Ti wasn't paying attention, Jiumu discreetly asked me in a hushed tone.
I looked across the table and saw Wei Tan and Qiao Ke engrossed in their conversation. I was well aware of this matter. In fact, ever since I arrived in Yongdu, there has never been a shortage of matchmakers proposing marriage for Wei Zhao.
I knew Jiumu's intention very well, and I had already prepared my answer in advance.
I smiled and said, "Indeed, such matters exist. However, with One's parents-in-law as decision-makers, ShengNǚ dares not inquire further."
Jiumu looked at me, and there seemed to be a hint of disappointment in her expression. However, after a moment, she regained her smile and nodded, saying, "That's true. With Er Gongzi being such a remarkable person, it's only natural to carefully consider the choices."
During the banquet, Wei Tan and Qiao Ke seemed to enjoy themselves, but the women on our side were preoccupied with their own thoughts. When the banquet was over and we returned home, Jiumu handed me a scented sachet with a smile. As I lowered my head to look at it, I saw an embroidery of children playing with tigers, and its meaning was self-evident.
I looked at Jiumu in surprise.
She smiled, glanced at Wei Tan who was currently engaged in conversation with Qiao Ke, and spoke with emphasis and concern, "This was obtained from He Lai Pavillion (a shop name) in Luoyang. It contains the finest pepper fragrance and is placed near the pillow to pray for a child. It's said to be very effective. Ah Jin, you should take this matter seriously and act promptly."
I felt a mix of emotions in my heart, but on the surface, I expressed gratitude and thanked Jiumu. After bowing to her, I returned to the carriage, filled with thoughts.
As the ox carriage started moving, I held the scented sachet in my hand, and before long, I let out a long sigh.
Since Xu Ji's arrival, the matter of childbirth has become increasingly pressing in front of me. Jiumu's words, along with Zhou Shi and others, and even Wei Jue, who usually doesn't involve himself in household affairs, have all hinted at it.
I am not indifferent to the matter, but it's not as simple as wanting it to happen. I even feel some jealousy towards Xu Ji. She stayed in Luoyang for many years, and while she and Wei Zhao resembled the "shēnshāng" stars, as soon as Wei Zhao visited Luoyang for a short while, she became pregnant. On the other hand, Wei Tan has been staying at home these days, but there is still no news in my womb. Last time when my menstrual period came, I could even sense the subtle expressions of "still not yet" on the faces of Zhang Shi and the other old maids.
I stared at the smiling face of the children on the scented sachet and started to feel more and more annoyed. I decided to toss it away and stopped looking at it altogether.
Throughout the journey, Ah Yuan kept looking at me but didn't say a word. When we returned to the house, she took the opportunity while Wei Tan went to the hall, closed the door, and pulled me into a room.
"Furen," she hesitated, "A few days ago when I went home, Gongyang Gongzi came as a guest, and Ruochan Nǚjun also came. En.... she gave me something to pass on to you."
I looked at her blushing face, feeling a bit puzzled. When she took out a piece of yellow silk from her clothes and unfolded it, I was immediately embarrassed. On it were many explicit drawings of men and women, completely naked and intertwined. I quickly put it away, nervously glancing at the door, not knowing what to do with it.
"How could she give me such a thing?" My face was flushed with embarrassment.
"She said it's a New Year's gift, something that Furen can make use of," Ah Yuan mumbled, looking at my expression, "I've been too busy since I came back to see Furen, so I didn't dare to bring it out."
I could almost imagine the teasing and amused look in Ruochan's eyes. I took a deep breath to calm my embarrassment.
"Furen, do you still want this drawing?" Ah Yuan asked cautiously.
I looked at her and casually tucked the drawing into my sleeve, saying, "Of course, why wouldn't I want it."
Today, I received two gifts, and my emotions swung from one extreme to another. During dinner, I still felt my heart beating wildly.
Wei Tan came back too quickly, so I had to quickly hide the yellow silk under the bedding. From that moment on, I felt like I was being enticed by something, a lingering sensation that made me constantly think about the various scenes captured in that hurried glance
Being experienced, why am I curious about such things? I scolded myself inwardly. However, I couldn't resist thinking about it, just like a cat fixated on the headmaster's dining table…
Wei Tan noticed that I was absent-minded during dinner, and he asked if I was feeling unwell. I brushed it off with a perfunctory response. When we returned to our room, he touched my forehead and furrowed his brow, saying, "You don't have a fever, but why do you look so absent-minded?"
I quickly replied, "Qie is perfectly fine."
Wei Tan didn't say anything in response. He turned around and noticed the scented sachet on my pillow.
"Is it a gift from Jiu Furen?" He picked it up and examined it.
"That's right," I replied.
Wei Tan looked at me as if he had something to say, but I didn't want to continue discussing the topic. Thinking quickly, I said, "Wasn't Fujun planning to take a bath today? The servants said the water is ready."
"En?" Wei Tan smiled mischievously, showing a rogue-like expression, "Furen is in such a hurry, wanna join me?"
I ignored his playful remark and said seriously, "If Fujun doesn't go now, the water will cool down." After saying that, I went to get clean clothes and called the servants to help, and escorted Wei Tan out of the room.
Once there was no one around, I closed the door and hurriedly walked to the bed. After hesitating for a moment, I took out the yellow silk from under the bedding.
Because I stuffed it back hurriedly, it got a bit wrinkled.
As soon as I held it in my hands, I felt a bit embarrassed and turned my head, feeling guilty. There was a voice inside me justifying with confidence that although Wei Tan treats me well now, whether it's about having a child or securing his favor, without some skills in the bedroom, I won't be able to keep my husband.
Indeed, that's the truth. I agreed and resolutely unfolded the yellow silk.
In the light of the lamp, the yellow silk shimmered with a faint glow. If the quick glimpse earlier made me blush, now, upon closer inspection, my heart raced with excitement, and I found a different kind of fascination in it.
There were eighteen small paintings on it, depicting eighteen couples in various intimate poses. I didn't know who the artist was, but each scene was vividly portrayed, set against different backgrounds... Of course, I was examining it closely for the techniques used.
I looked at each painting carefully, and the more I looked, the more astonished I felt. It had been three or four months since I first had intimate moments with Wei Tan. From the initial discomfort to gradually getting used to it, I believed I had a good understanding of the matter—just some sweating involved in the process.
But now, at this moment, I realized that there could be many variations and techniques involved in that matter.
For example, one lying down while the other standing, one curled up while the other kneeling, one standing while the other hugging... I don't know why, but after looking at it for a while, I began to imagine myself and Wei Tan in those positions.
As I looked at the different positions on the silk, we were in the garden, on the table, and even leaning against the railing. My legs wrapped around his waist... My throat felt a bit dry, and when I saw a woman sitting on a man's lap, just like we did once at the beginning, my heart skipped a beat. In that moment of surprise, there was also a tinge of regret, realizing that it could really be like this….
Suddenly, the yellow silk was snatched away from my hands.
I was startled and turned around, freezing in place.
Wei Tan had somehow entered without me noticing, with his outer robe draped half over him. He stood behind me, looking at the yellow silk. After a moment, he glanced at me, a smile playing at the corners of his lips, and spoke in a low, husky voice, "No wonder Furen was so anxious. Jiu Furen is indeed thoughtful."
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