Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 102. Full Moon

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Full Moon

满月 (manyue) also means baby's completion of its first month of life
Wei Jue had no objections to Ah Guai's name.
Wei Tan presented a piece of paper bearing the character '谧' (Mì) to Wei Jue, informing him that this was the name chosen for our daughter. Wei Jue looked at it for a moment, then nodded. Ah Guai's name was thus confirmed.
After I finished my postpartum confinement, there was no need for me to stay in the delivery chamber. Wei Tan instructed the servants to pack our belongings, and I returned to the main chamber with Ah Mi.
Wei Tan still left early and returned late. I returned to the main chamber, my only concern being that I might disturb his rest. However, the experienced wet nurse, Wen Shi, who was brought to the mansion, provided valuable guidance. With her advice, Ah Mi drank milk before bedtime and managed to sleep through the night without crying or fussing. Every night when Wei Tan returned, he would kiss her and hold her close. She would at most make a soft "wu" sound and then continue to sleep.
In truth, I was quite curious about what Wei Tan had been busy with lately. However, since the childbirth, Wei Tan hardly mentioned anything about the affairs outside to me. When I asked about Wang Hui and others in his entourage, they too dared not speak.
Fortunately, there's one time when Ah Yuan returned home. When she came back, she excitedly told me, "Furen, Fuqin said that Da Gongzi is now Da Sima!"
"Da Sima?" I was surprised.
Ah Yuan nodded, "After Chengxiang fell ill, the civil and military officials in the court unanimously appointed Da Gongzi as Da Sima, overseeing Chengxiang's duties."
I gazed at her, taking a while to regain my composure.
I recalled those initial days of Wei Jue's illness. Wei Tan was constantly rushing in and out, and Ah Yuan had told me several times that Wei Tan only rested for two short hours each day.
I felt a lingering sense of unease and apprehension in my heart.
Appointing him as Da Sima and overseeing the duties of the Prime Minister, such matters wouldn't have been made any easier just because he's Wei Jue's eldest son. At that time, he didn't utter a single word to me. He looked at Ah Mi, smiling as if nothing significant had happened.
His intention was undoubtedly to allow me to care for Ah Mi without any worries, but I didn't find comfort in this.
I also found myself worrying about the preparations for the Full Moon banquet.
In the past, in Chang'an, celebrating a child's full month was a grand affair. Every parent made sure to arrange for it. On the first night back home, I mentioned this to Wei Tan. However, after some thought, he said, "Let's wait a little longer before we hold it."
I was a bit surprised and asked, "Why?"
Wei Tan nodded towards Wei Jue's courtyard and said with a bitter smile, "With Fuqin in such a condition, how can we proceed with the celebration?"
I said, "Not inviting wouldn't be a problem. Gathering uncles, aunts, and cousins from the clan would also count as having extended invitations."
However, Wei Tan didn't agree, saying, "It's my daughter, she deserves a proper celebration instead of just a casual gathering."
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. With Wei Jue in this state, it seemed he might not return for a year or more. Could it be that he thought it wouldn't look good, so he's avoiding the celebration?
"We'll take care of it in a few days, mark my words," Wei Tan said, but he didn't elaborate. He just put his arm around my shoulder.
Seeing the fatigue in his expression, I didn't press further with my questions.
Wu Kun married Wu Jiao off to Liang Ren. Afterward, Wu Kun ordered the great general Zhong Kai to lead a force of 200,000, advancing from Huainan to seize Henan.
Wei Tan didn't leave Yongdu, leaving Meng Zhong and Xu Shou to guard Henan. For several consecutive days, he didn't return home, only leaving attendants behind, instructing that any matters in the mansion should be directly relay to him.
Upon hearing this news, it was impossible not to feel a sense of alarm. A force of 200,000 was undoubtedly formidable, especially for the recently defeated Wei clan. Moreover, there was no mention of Pei Qian in this information.
He holds the position of commander. If Wu Kun were to employ him, I would worry for his life. But if he wasn't used, what could be the intention behind it?
I felt restless, wanting to find out more, but there was no one I could ask.
Two days later, as I went to visit Wei Jue, I suddenly saw Wang Ju coming out, and my heart brightened.
"Wang Gong," I handed Ah Mi to the wet nurse and approached with a smile.
Wang Ju, upon seeing me, looked surprised, then quickly saluted, "Shao Furen."
Returning the gesture, I inquired, "Where is Wang Gong headed?"
"Mou was just paying a visit to Chengxiang. One was about to take One's leave," Wang Ju explained.
I smiled and, after speaking, looked towards the courtyard. "Wang Gong, why the rush? Today's weather is pleasant, and there's new tea in the mansion. Why not take a moment to sit and enjoy?"
Wang Ju looked at me, seeming to understand, and bowed, "Furen's hospitality, Mou dare not decline."
I asked the wet nurse to take Ah Mi back, and instructed Ah Yuan to prepare tea. Then, I sat across from Wang Ju in the hall.
The tea bubbled in the kettle with a gentle "gurgling" sound, and the white steam blended with the early spring scenery outside the hall. It was truly a pleasant moment.
"Qie remembers the last time we sat together, it was in Qiling," I looked at Wang Ju and said.
Wang Ju smiled, "Indeed."
I personally poured a cup of tea and had Ah Yuan present it on Wang Ju's table. "At that time," I continued, "Wang Gong's words were like clear water washing away worries."
"Shao Furen is too kind," Wang Ju humbly replied. Then he added, "Mou heard that Furen has given birth to a daughter, but One hasn't yet offered congratulations."
"Thank you, Wang Gong," I replied with a wry smile, then sighed softly. "Wang Gong might not be aware, but with the birth of Qie's daughter coinciding with the turmoil of war, it is a source of great concern for me."
"Oh?" Wang Ju stroked his beard and asked, "Is Shao Furen worried about the situation in Jiangdong?"
I nodded, "Since giving birth, Qie has been confined to the mansion day by day. Seeing my husband tirelessly occupied without being able to share his concerns, Qie felt truly ashamed."
Wang Ju smiled, "Shao Furen, there's truly no need to worry. From what Mou sees, Da Gongzi has the situation in Jiangdong firmly under control."
I felt a stir in my heart and looked at him, asking, "What does it mean?"
"Does Shao Furen know about the matter concerning the three counties in Xin'an that Da Gongzi is handling?" Wang Ju inquired.
I nodded, "Yes."
Wang Ju said, "Forgive Mou's presumption, but in Shao Furen's opinion, when Wu Kun holds the lives of Shao Furen and Si Gongzi, would ChengXxang agree to Liang Ren's demand for Henan?"
After some thought, I realized I might not be that important. If it were Wei An in my place, asking Wei Jue to exchange the whole of Henan, he would probably agree, despite the pain it would cause him.
"I believe he would agree," I said.
Wang Ju continued, "The three counties of Xin'an cover an area of less than a thousand square miles. Has Shao Furen ever wondered why Liang Ren only asked for this territory?"
I shook my head.
Wang Ju spoke slowly, "Although Henan is vast, the plains stretch endlessly. While Liang Ren may have achieved recent victories, he lacks sufficient soldiers. Moreover, cavalry, chariots, and foot soldiers are not the forte of troops from the south. The three counties of Xin'an, though small in size, are marked by rugged terrain, intertwining waterways, and strategic locations. It is a place easy to defend but hard to attack. That's one reason." With that said, he moved three small plates containing preserved fruits and snacks from the table to in front of him.
"Furen, please observe," Wang Ju arranged the small plates to form the character "品", pointing at each one, "Wei, Wu, Liang." He then placed a tea cup in the center, "Xin'an. When traveling from the south to the north, or from Jingzhou to Jiangdong, historically, passing through Xin'an is the most convenient. This is the second reason."
I looked at the plates and cups, and in an instant, it all became clear to me.
Xin'an serves as a vital transportation hub, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Liang Ren acquired it without expending a single soldier, making it a truly advantageous deal. What's even more crucial is that with control of this area, Liang Ren not only gains access to the north, but also poses a threat to Jiangdong. This spells significant trouble for Wu Kun.
"A strategy of sowing discord?" It suddenly became clear to me, and I looked at Wang Ju.
"It doesn't quite qualify as sowing discord," Wang Ju smiled. "Liang Ren and Wu Kun, though they united to repel the royal forces, are ultimately cohabiting in the south. They have their own disputes over borders. Their seeming unity masks underlying discord, which can't be sustained for long. If Liang and Wu were to jointly take Xin'an, Wu Kun could attack from both the north of the Huai River and Xin'an, putting Henan in peril. However, as it stands, with Wu Kun's attack on Henan, he can only advance from the north of the Huai River. By concentrating heavy troops to guard the north, Henan can be secured."
I've always been a bit perplexed by the intricacies of military strategies, but this time, I found myself understanding it quite clearly.
But what if Liang Ren also sends out his troops?
I was just about to ask, but it struck me as unlikely. When two tigers fight, Liang Ren only needs to wait and see who falls, then he can easily step in through Xin'an, reaping substantial benefits without much effort.
"Did Wu Kun arrange the marriage alliance with Jingzhou to establish good relations with Liang Ren?" I asked.
Wang Ju smiled and said, "One's afraid Wu Furen (wu jiao) might have ensured Liang Ren won't launch a surprise attack on Jiangdong, but getting him to send troops to assist is quite unlikely."
I pondered this.
"Wu Kun's impatience, could it be because he's banking on Jiushi's ailing health?"
Wang Ju nodded, "Wu Kun is a proud and ambitious individual. In his eyes, Chengxiang's ailing health is nothing short of an opportunity."
There's also the desire for revenge regarding the kidnapping, I'm afraid.
I looked at Wang Ju, "In Wang Gong's opinion, will Wu Kun succeed?"
Wang Ju looked at me, didn't give a direct answer, but said with a faint smile, "In One's humble opinion, it's fortunate that Da Gongzi is there to support the court."
In Yongdu, Wei Tan's presence seemed to have kept both the stationed troops and the officials calm. The conflict in Henan felt as if it were happening far away. People discussed it daily, but the markets continued to operate, and performances went on. At least on the surface, Yongdu didn't display the same level of panic as it did during the previous major conflicts.
After half a month, a sudden victorious report arrived. Wu Kun withdrew to Jiangdong, and Meng Zhong pursued, successfully taking control of the north of the Huai River.
This was the first victory after the major defeat at Qiling. When the news spread, it lifted the spirits of the people.
That day, to my surprise, I saw Wei Tan before the sun had set.
"Furen," he smiled warmly, "In three days, let's hold Ah Mi's Full Moon Banquet."
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