Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 104. Rescue

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Pei Kuan's words filled me with unease.
"In the past, during the chaos that swept the land, One's eldest and second brothers succumbed to illness. Grief-stricken, our family sought refuge in Yangzhong. At that time, Wu Zhang admired their talents and came to extend invitations numerous times. Moved by his sincerity, One's younger brother Jiyuan decided to establish himself in Yangzhou, agreeing to assist him," Pei Kuan recounted.
"However, when Wu Kun ascended, he was both ambitious and suspicious, favoring only those close to him. Jiyuan often fell under scrutiny. Then, at the end of last year, Jiyuan declined Wu Kun's proposal for an alliance through marriage. In response, Wu Kun grew even colder towards him. When Wu Kun launched this attack, Jiyuan vehemently tried to dissuade him. But Wu Kun accused Jiyuan of sowing discord among the troops, and in a fit of anger, stripped him of his position as commander, vowing to have him face justice upon their return to Yangzhou."
Marriage alliance? It reminds me of Wu Jiao marrying Liang Wen. Was it because Pei Qian refused?
Furthermore, about Pei Qian's brothers, he never mentioned them to me, and I was completely unaware. Considering this, within the Pei family in Jiangdong, it seems Pei Qian stands alone as support (of their family). If he were to face danger, indeed, it would be difficult (for the Pei Family) to escape…
"Xiaoshi's words are mistaken," Wei Tan remarked. "Wu Kun's defeat is precisely as Jiyuan foretold. And did Jiyuan not rescue Yangzhou from Liang Wen's grasp? Is that not a great achievement?"
However, Pei Kuan urgently interjected, "Da Sima may not know. Wu Kun is a man of narrow-mindedness. If he had triumphed, One's younger brother would have suffered nothing more than some humiliation. But now, with Wu Kun's defeat, he is bound to harbor resentment. Moreover, when One's younger brother saved Yangzhou, he did so without an official warrant. The people rallied to his cause, but do you think Wu Kun won't hold this against him?"
Wei Tan looked at Pei Kuan, withholding his response. His gaze held an unreadable emotion.
Pei Kuan's face was filled with worry, and he pleaded, "Mou's relatives are all in Yangzhou. Upon hearing of this situation, One's heart has been in turmoil. Mou had no choice but to come and seek Da Sima's help." With that, he moved to kneel.
"Xiaoshi, please rise," Wei Tan stepped forward to support him. He said, "Mou shares a bond of old friendship with Jiyuan. Xiaoshi has come seeking help, Mou won't stand idly by."
"Does Da Sima truly mean this?" Pei Kuan's brow relaxed, revealing a glimmer of joy.
"However, there is one matter," Wei Tan looked at him and said, "Gongtai's younger brother's temperament, Gongtai also knows it. Even if Mou is willing to intervene, it ultimately depends on whether he is willing to leave Yangzhou."
Pei Kuan nodded in understanding, saying hastily, "Mou can write a letter, but all the routes are currently cut off. One is unsure how to send it."
Wei Tan smiled, "Xiaoshi, rest assured, Mou has ways."
I had been constantly worried about Pei Qian's situation in Jiangdong. Yet, in less than half an hour, Wei Tan had already made a decision.
"How does Fujun plan to rescue Jiyuan?" I asked Wei Tan after sending off Pei Kuan.
"En?" Wei Tan looked at me. "Naturally, it will involve sending troops."
But he's in Yangzhou, I thought to myself. I didn't voice this out loud. No matter how close Wei Tan and I were, Pei Qian was a topic we couldn't delve into. Moreover, Wei Tan was the kind of person who, once he agreed to something, already had a plan in mind. I had no doubt about this.
Pei Qian is coming... My emotions are in turmoil, unsure whether it's joy or worry.
Upon returning to the main hall, the steward approached and informed me that Jiumu had arrived.
"Ah Jin." Jiumu greeted me with a radiant smile.
I quickly stepped forward to pay my respects. Jiumu took my hand and said, "I just returned from Luoyang this morning. Upon hearing of your joyous occasion, I hurried over. I'm a bit late, please don't hold it against me, Ah Jin."
I smiled, "Jiumu must be tired."
She glanced behind me and asked, "Why don't I see my Sheng Sūnnü?"
"She's asleep," I replied, then paused and asked her, "Why don't I see Ah Ti?"
Jiumu's face was filled with a smile that she couldn't hide. She said, "Ah Ti also became pregnant last month. She accompanied her mother-in-law back to Nanyang."
I understood and smiled, saying, "Congratulations, Jiumu." This was genuinely meant. Not seeing Qiao Ti, I felt absolutely no regret.
After some polite conversation, I escorted Jiumu to meet Guo Furen, and then led her to a seat at the table.
After the meal, Ah Yuan came to find me and said that Ah Mi had woken up. I agreed and went to check on her, with Jiumu following along.
"Ah Jin, are you nursing her yourself?" Jiumu looked surprised as she watched me carry Ah Mi behind the screen.
"Yes," I smiled.
Jiumu looked puzzled, "But what about the wet nurse?"
"We do have one," I replied, "but I prefer to feed her myself."
Jiumu's face was filled with astonishment.
I knew what she was thinking. From childhood to adulthood, everyone I knew from noble families had a wet nurse, and none of them were nursed by their birth mothers. Ah Mi's wet nurse came from Longxi. She was a good person with ample milk supply. However, before Wei Jiao left, he had given me several examples and emphasized that the best way to nurture a child was through breastfeeding. I took his words to heart. So, after Ah Mi was born, except for the first few days when I couldn't nurse her due to milk not flowing, I personally took care of her feeding.
I've always been someone who avoids unnecessary trouble, but when it comes to Ah Mi, I value her above anything else.
Jiumu didn't bring up the topic of nursing again. After I finished feeding Ah Mi and brought her out, Jiumu kindly took her in her arms, playing with her and showering her with praise.
"I heard that Chengxiang is still bedridden?" she asked after a while.
I nodded, "Indeed."
Jiumu looked at me with a meaningful gaze and whispered, "Ah Jin, now that Da Gongzi is Da Sima, the matter of choosing an heir should be attended to promptly."
This suggestion has been brought up more than once today.
"Fujun is the eldest son," I replied with a smile.
"While that may be true, Jiumu heard that there are quite a few who support Er Gongzi? He's married to a princess and has a son as well."
Liang Hui and Wei Zhi? I thought to myself. Just moments ago in the hall, Liang Hui still treated Wei Zhi with complete indifference. I couldn't help but smile wryly.
I was about to respond when Ah Mi started crying again. I glanced over and saw that her diaper was soaked through. I quickly called for Ah Yuan and the wet nurse to come in and help change Ah Mi into a dry diaper.
With others present, Jiumu didn't feel it was appropriate to continue our earlier conversation. Instead, we discussed some parenting matters. As the sun began to set, she took her leave.
The Full Moon banquet was grand, and we received quite a number of congratulatory gifts. At night, I sat on the bed, soothing Ah Mi, while Ah Yuan eagerly unpacked the gifts one by one. To my surprise, among them was a gift from the Emperor.
"Furen, it's a Qilin jade," Ah Yuan picked up the piece of white jade from the embroidered box, held it up against Ah Mi's neck, and exclaimed with a smile, "It looks really beautiful."
"When was it delivered?" I asked.
"I heard it was when Furen returned to the chamber to feed Xiao Nǚjun. The eunuch from the palace brought it, and Da Gongzi was the one who received it."
"What about me are you talking about?" Wei Tan's lazy voice suddenly came from outside the door. Ah Yuan immediately fell silent, nudging me with her eyes, and quickly got up to bow. Catching the glance Wei Tan shot her way, she immediately exited and closed the door.
Wei Tan had just finished washing up and was dressed in loose-fitting robes and wide trousers.
"Fujun isn't going out?" I inquired.
"En," he said, settling onto the bed with a flourish. He gazed at Ah Mi, smiled, and lifted her into his arms. "Today, I'll keep our daughter company."
Ah Mi had just finished drinking milk and was already showing signs of sleepiness.
"Smile, my daughter," Wei Tan coaxed her.
Ah Mi couldn't understand, so she squinted her eyes, her forehead forming a slight crease.
"Smile," Wei Tan stuck his tongue out at her.
Ah Mi let out a little burp.
"Smile..." Wei Tan rolled his eyes and bared his teeth.
I couldn't bear it anymore. With a mixture of exasperation and amusement, I took Ah Mi back from him and said, "Fujun, don't startle her."
Wei Tan didn't seem convinced. "How come? I think she likes it very much. Isn't that right, Ah Mi?" He continued to make funny faces at her. I glared at him and pinched his arm in irritation.
Wei Tan laughed and reached out, pulling me into his arms.
The candlelight flickered quietly. In the bronze mirror across from us, he, I, and A-Mi were piled together, a comical yet heartwarming sight.
Neither of us spoke. Wei Tan rested his head on my shoulder, his breath warm and steady. Ah Mi let out a yawn. I gently patted her, watching as she gradually drifted off to sleep.
After placing Ah Mi on the small bed, Wei Tan continued to hold me, his hands becoming restless.
"Ah Mi is sleeping," I said shyly, gently prying his hand from beneath my clothing.
"She's in a deep sleep, she won't wake up," Wei Tan shamelessly nibbled on my ear, his voice seductive.
"Wei Bian Que said that after childbirth... within three months, it's not advisable..." I guarded myself firmly, invoking Wei Jiao's name.
Wei Tan did indeed halt his advances.
"He said that?" He asked in confusion, but still didn't let go.
Blushing, I nodded, finally managing to hold onto his hand.
"Furen even asked about this..." Wei Tan's expression seemed to be smiling yet not smiling.
"Fujun is too busy, so Qie must take on the responsibility," I countered, vying with him to see who is more thicker-skinned.
"Take on the responsibility?" Wei Tan caught my hand in return, his voice low and husky. "How would you take on the responsibility?"
I froze for a moment, feeling the burning sensation in my ears intensify.
It wasn't because of the suggestive words, but rather because he had pulled my hand down to his waist, where something was already noticeably firm.
"Ah Jin… It's already been half a year…" Wei Tan's delicate bites made my whole body numb, and his aggrieved tone was like a child begging for candy. When I was breathless, he pressed his lips to mine again, and I was unable to resist...…
A rogue…
Since Pei Kuan last visited the residence, I haven't seen him again.
It seems like there's been no mention of Pei Qian from Wei Tan. However, according to Ah Yuan, when Ah Mi was almost two months old, Wei Ci led a group of people and left. Among them was Gongyang Gui.
My heart was in turmoil, uncertain about what was happening.
Numerous pieces of news kept coming in.
For example, Wei Jue had once again berated and driven away an Imperial Physician.
Then, Li Shang's medicinal garden was still in the process of gathering and processing herbs, but the seedlings had gradually grown. The medicinal plants planted last year, which mature in a year, were now ready for harvest.
Another one, Qiao Ti's husband, Cen Wei, was appointed as the Commander of Infantry by Wei Tan.
And just when Ah Mi reached her hundredth day, news arrived from the south that shook Yongdu. Wu Kun was planning to exterminate the Pei family of Yangzhou. Just as he was about to execute his plan, the Imperial navy launched a surprise attack on Huainan. Wu Kun hurriedly dispatched troops to rescue, but as soon as he left, the residences of the Pei family were suddenly engulfed in flames. By the time the fire was extinguished, the entire Pei family locked inside had vanished without a trace.
Upon hearing this news, I felt a huge weight lifted off my heart. I let out a long sigh of relief, almost shedding tears of joy.
But before I could fully rejoice, Ah Yuan brought another piece of news.
"Furen," she looked at me hesitantly, and whispered, "Gongyang Gongzi sent word back. Jiyuan Gongzi left on his own shortly after arriving in Huai Bei."
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