Novel Name : Daughter-in-law of a Noble House

Chapter 122. Victorious Return (Part 1)

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Victorious Return (Part 1)

The thing that we agreed on was that in case of danger, we would first hide in the mansion secretly purchased by Li Shang.
The sound of drums and horns echoed through the air. It didn't come from within the city walls, but from outside.
A chill ran through my heart. "Let's go," I said, turning towards the city wall.
There wasn't a single glimmer of star or moonlight in the night sky. Just as I took a few steps upwards, I suddenly saw a figure standing on the steps. It was Pei Qian.
He watched me for who knows how long, his gaze unwavering.
Even though it was nighttime, his gaze held a message, like he had something to tell.
"What do you want to say?" I knew he was probably going to scold me for not being obedient, so I decided to address it directly.
But Pei Qian didn't get angry. He said, "I remembered teaching you about the habits of wild ducks."
"You were too afraid to go into the water. Your Er Xiong teased you, saying you'd be in danger if you didn't learn to swim. You were so defiant that you actually jumped into the water yourself." He spoke, descending step by step. "Both your Er Xiong and I were greatly alarmed. It took a lot of effort to find you and bring you back."
I chuckled and looked into his eyes. "Am I that foolish? A little provocation and One get impulsive."
Pei Qian gazed at me, smiling gently, but he didn't say anything.
"Come," he said, then turned and ascended the city tower. "In a little while, there will be nothing to see anymore."
I climbed the city wall (stairs) once again and looked out. On the pitch-black ground, flames had split into two sides. A few riders emerged from among them, and two figures were distinguishable on top. One was Guo Cheng, and the other, Wei Zhao.
"Soldiers in the city!" a burly enemy general shouted, pointing towards the city wall. "Da Jiangjun has received orders to welcome the Emperor's northward journey! You all better surrender quickly!"
"Traitors!" Cheng Mao shouted from the city wall. "How dare people who bring chaos to the capital arrogantly proclaim yourselves as Da Jiangjun?! This is the Emperor's capital! How dare you commit such evil deeds!"
Wei Zhao retorted, "Cheng Mao! You are nothing more than a servant in my household. How dare you utter such audacious words!"
Cheng Mao was about to respond when I spoke up, "Let me."
Everyone looked surprised, and Cheng Mao wore a puzzled expression. "Furen…"
I signaled for him to relax and approached the battlement.
The night wind met me head-on, and I could feel countless eyes below, fixed upon me.
"Er Shu," I looked down at Wei Zhao below the city, and spoke loudly, "With all the rush of last night, One didn't have the chance to ask if Jiushi and Gushi are both well?"
Wei Zhao and Guo Cheng exchanged glances, then before long, Wei Zhao bowed from his horse and said, "Replying to Zhangsao! Fuqin and Muqin are both in good health!"
I spoke slowly, sentence by sentence, "Last night, Er Shu led the house guards and left. Chaos ensued as rebel forces entered the city. Both Gongzhu and Xu Ji perished amidst the chaos. Now, in the household, only women and children remain. Er Shu's arrival tonight, One wonders if it is for mourning or for further bloodshed?"
Wei Zhao seemed somewhat hesitant, looking at me. After a moment, he said, "Zhangsao! Last night's turmoil in Yongdu was caused by Wei Kang! The Emperor has already decided to relocate the capital to Yanzhou. Di's purpose in coming here is to welcome the Emperor to the new capital!"
I sneered, about to speak, when suddenly, a sound broke through the sky.
"Watch out!" Pei Qian yanked me away.
"Clang!" a sound echoed. An arrow was pinned to the shield of a soldier behind me.
"At attention!" Cheng Mao bellowed.
Amidst the roaring tide of battle cries, my senses still in disarray, I stole another glance below. The combined blaze had surged like a torrent, rushing towards the city walls.
"Go!" Pei Qian grabbed my hand, pulling me down the city wall.
Below the city walls, there was also a flurry of activity. Many civilians streamed in from the main streets, scurrying about. Some carried wood, others had water containers. Yet, it didn't seem like they were fleeing.
"This is..." I was somewhat puzzled. These civilians seemed to have come of their own accord.
"Blame Wei Zhao himself," Pei Qian said. "Last night, the Liaodong and Liangzhou troops committed atrocities. The people of Yongdu were already angered. Now, with them besieging the city, it only further inflames their resentment."
I understood. Pei Qian led me to the city below, to a camp with intact roofs. A group of women were busy making straw stacks, boiling water, and tearing pieces of cloth.
"Stay here! Don't wander around!" Pei Qian whispered to me. "If you sense any change in the situation, leave immediately. Don't get hung up on any promises." After he said this, he hurriedly departed.
I stood under the eaves, anxiously peering outside. The city walls were ablaze with orange light, painting the sky. The loud shouts of soldiers, the frantic footsteps, and the whistling of arrows—all of it was enough to send shivers down one's spine. I instinctively pressed my hand against my chest.
The shouts seemed to be getting closer, and from time to time, injured soldiers were being carried down from the city walls. It was then that I suddenly understood what these women were doing, as the physicians from the medical station had also arrived. The women ushered the wounded into the house, while the doctors tended to their injuries and administered medicine, with the women assisting on the side.
I stood idle, not knowing what to do, so I joined the women in tearing strips of cloth.
"Furen has worked hard," an elderly woman looked at me and smiled.
I smiled back and replied, "It's not difficult."
"Is this Fūren from Chengxiang residence? I think I've seen you before," a woman beside me leaned in and said.
"This is Da Sima's Fu Furen!" A soldier inside, in the midst of tending to a leg injury, smiled and said, "While we're out on battle, Fu Furen sends medicine. Our brothers... Ah!"
The medic who was dressing the wound said helplessly, "I told you not to move."
Everyone chuckled, and the clamor outside didn't sound as harsh anymore.
"Fu Furen," a woman whispered to me, "last night, when the city's people heard that Da Sima was returning, they were all overjoyed. This city, it won't be conquered."
I looked at her, wordless, but my eyes suddenly felt a bit warm.
Looking outside, the flickering light on the city walls cast a myriad of shadows. Yet, my thoughts had already soared far beyond.
I said I wouldn't leave. If the city fell, I would fall with it. But that person, where is he now? Can he really make it in time?
Just as I was lost in thought, someone rushed in from outside.
"Furen! Where is Fu Furen?" I looked up and it was Ah Yuan.
"What's the matter?" I asked, noticing her distressed expression, and quickly stood up.
"Furen!" Her voice trembled with tears. "Xiao Nǚjun... Xiao Nǚjun has been taken away!"
The wet nurse arrived with Ah Yuan. When I urgently asked her, her eyes were already swollen from crying.
"Furen… Furen..." The wet nurse was trembling all over, her voice choked with tears, almost unable to continue.
"Where is Ah Mi?" I asked anxiously. "Don't cry. What exactly happened?"
The wet nurse wiped her tears, choking as she spoke, "After Furen left... Wei Jieyu from the palace arrived, bringing a small garment, claiming it was a gift from the Emperor... The steward.. The steward came to inform me, so I took Xiao Nǚjun to the main hall... When Jieyu saw Xiao Nǚjun, she praised her beauty and said she wanted to hold her... So I handed Xiao Nǚjun to her… Jieyu then said she wanted to put the small garment on Xiao Nǚjun, but she forgot to bring the belt for it, and asked me to fetch one... I thought that since Jieyu was from the Wei family, how could she have ill intentions? So, I went back to the courtyard... But when I came out again, they were gone..." The wet nurse started crying again as she spoke.
I was filled with bewilderment. "What happened next? Aren't there servants in the residence? What did they say?"
While still crying, the wet nurse said, "I also asked the servants. They said that at that time, Jieyu was happily playing with Xiao Nǚjun and mentioned taking her to the front gate to see the lanterns... But when I arrived at the gate, there was no one, and Jieyu's carriage was gone…"
A chill ran down my spine, and for a moment, everything seemed to blur.
"Furen!" Ah Yuan rushed to support me.
I lowered myself onto a small, one-wheeled cart by the roadside, taking a moment to gather myself. I felt somewhat drained, but I made an effort to regain composure.
Wei Jieyu.
I recalled the way I encountered her, the look in her eyes as she gazed at the Emperor…
"Have you inquired with the palace guards about Wei Jieyu's whereabouts tonight?" I asked Ah Yuan.
Ah Yuan nodded and said, "When I went to report, I took a detour to the palace entrance. The Yulin Guard [Emperor's personal guards] confirmed that Wei Jieyu did leave the palace, but returned shortly after. She had a token bestowed by the Emperor and being from the Wei clan, the guards didn't inquire further."
The Emperor's token.
I looked up at the sky. In that case, there was a high probability that Wei Jieyu's action had a significant connection with the Emperor.
The story that Wei Jieyu presented would only be believed by servants and a wet nurse like her, who had not experienced the palace life. Her visit to the Wei residence must have been meticulously planned in advance.
My heart raced faster. What does the Emperor want with Ah Mi?
Ah Mi... I covered my mouth, tears streaming down my face.
"Furen, shall we go to the palace immediately to search for her?" Ah Yuan asked me.
I didn't say a word, but my thoughts raced at lightning speed.
If Wei Jieyu took Ah Mi under the Emperor's command, then the thoughts I'm having now, he must have considered them too. Why would he do this? In an instant, I seemed to have an idea, but it felt absurd.
Ah Mi is just a baby, and a girl at that. What purpose could there be in holding her hostage?
Wei Tan? I don't think so. Even if Wei Tan were present, in the eyes of others, a child who cannot become an heir, what demands could be made by holding them hostage?
This is even more absurd. I have no authority or power. What could he possibly gain from me?
As I pondered, uncertain, suddenly, I heard someone shout loudly, "The Emperor is here! The Emperor's carriage has arrived at the city gate!"
The Emperor? At the mention of those two words, I snapped back to reality. I exchanged glances with Ah Yuan and the wet nurse, and they too were astonished.
At that moment, I saw Cheng Mao hurrying down from the city wall, his expression filled with astonishment.
The soldiers shouted loudly, urging everyone to make way.
I looked towards the street and immediately followed suit, moving forward.
"Ah Jin!" Just as I took a few steps, a voice reached me. I turned around to see Pei Qian striding down from the city wall. "Where are you going?"
"The Emperor!" I hurriedly exclaimed, "Ah Mi is in the Emperor's hands!"
The Emperor's carriage had indeed arrived at the city gate.
The Yulin Imperial Guard surrounded it, shouting and clamoring, creating a stir among the crowd.
"The Emperor is here to defend the city with us!" someone shouted loudly. The busy soldiers were instantly filled with excitement, and they shouted out official commands, their voices ringing out much louder.
The soldiers cleared a path, and the crowd dispersed to the sides. My heart pounded with urgency. When I reached the street in front of the city gate, illuminated by the fiery light, the Emperor had already descended from his carriage.
Behind him, a eunuch followed. In the eunuch's arms, he held Ah Mi.
Seeing her safe and sound, a small weight lifted off my heart. She held onto the eunuch's clothes, her eyes wide with curiosity and brightness as she looked around at the crowd and the flames.
"Ah Mi..." My heart felt like it was being tugged, wanting to step forward, but Pei Qian held onto my shoulder.
He looked at me and shook his head, signaling me to hold back.
"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Cheng Mao stepped forward and bowed to the Emperor.
The Emperor looked at him and smiled, saying, "Jiangjun, please rise." Then he looked around and declared loudly, "Today, rebels besiege our city, and our soldiers shed blood. As the Emperor, Zhen shall stand with all the officials to defend the city, protect the country, and suppress the rebellion!"
A thunderous cheer erupted from the surrounding crowd. The excitement surged like a blazing fire, and shouts of "Long live the Emperor!" echoed deafeningly.
Cheng Mao, too, with fervent determination, saluted the Emperor once more. "Chen swears to live and die with Your Majesty!"
The soldiers behind him echoed in unison.
The drums and horns resounded, and the soldiers rushed back into action. The flags atop the city walls were replaced with the Emperor's embroidered golden red banners. The generals stepped forward to escort the Emperor up the city tower. He remained composed, but before long, his gaze fell upon me.
I gazed back at him, standing still in my spot.
"One wonders if Fu Furen would be willing to accompany Zhen up the tower?" His voice was calm and measured. His eyes remained gentle, devoid of any jest.
The wind tousled my hair, sending a chill that spread through my entire body.
"One humbly accepts." I said calmly, taking a step forward.
"Ah Jin!" Pei Qian hastily grabbed my sleeve.
I pulled my sleeve back, looking into his anxious eyes, and whispered, "That's my daughter."
The Emperor watched as I approached, a smile appearing on his face, and he gently took Ah Mi from the eunuch's arms.
Compared to the walls of Chang'an, the walls of Yongdu were not particularly high. However, as I ascended, the stone steps seemed to stretch on endlessly. Each level felt like an eternity, and the night sky above seemed to draw closer. The glow from the city's battlements illuminated Ah Mi's face, resting on the Emperor's shoulder.
"Uuu..." She looked at me, reaching out persistently, wanting me to pick her up. Seeing that I didn't respond, her lips puckered, and she started to cry with a loud "waa".
"The little girl is still so young, Your Majesty, perhaps it's better to entrust her to Qie," I couldn't help but say.
"Zhen finds Xiao Nǚjun quite delightful," the Emperor spoke without turning, gently patting Ah Mi's back, his voice serene. "She was very well-behaved in the palace just now."
I knew this situation was far from simple. All I could do was watch as Ah Mi continued to cry, my nails digging deep into my palm.
The tower was soon reached. The blazing torches illuminated the surroundings as if it were daytime. The battlements were lined with closely packed shields, and crossbowmen were organized in rows, taking turns to shoot arrows down. While there was clamor below, there was an orderly atmosphere on the tower, with only the shouts and commands of the officers, along with the sound of arrows hitting the tiles.
In addition, there were over a dozen ballistae made by Wei An on the tower.
They seemed to be similar to the ones I had seen in Huaiyang, but they appeared to be more efficient. In the blink of an eye, they shot out five or six arrows, their whistling flight sounding like incantations of doom.
After reporting the situation below to the Emperor, Cheng Mao quickly left. As the torchlight surged towards the tower from below, the Emperor observed without a trace of fear, his lips still curved in a smile.
"Zhen has heard that Da Sima's Xiliu Camp is renowned for its divine archery, capable of hitting the target within a hundred paces without causing collateral damage," the Emperor remarked. "Now to actually witness it, it is indeed extraordinary."
I didn't respond, just gazing at Ah Mi in his arms.
Ah Mi's cries had softened, but her eyes remained fixed on me, seeming full of plaintiveness, teary-eyed.
Suddenly, a wretched cry pierced the air. Up ahead, a crossbowman took an arrow to the head, collapsing with a gush of blood. Those nearby swiftly carried him away, while another soldier promptly stepped up to take his place.
"There's a stone! Take cover!" Someone shouted in alarm. Before the words had fully escaped their lips, there was a resounding crash. A large stone plummeted down about thirty or forty feet to our right. Soldiers scrambled to evade, but cries of pain still reached our ears.
"Your Majesty..." The eunuch's voice trembled.
"Your Majesty!" Wen Fang and several other generals hurried over, their expressions tense as they saluted. "The tower is in danger, please, Your Majesty, return to the palace with us!"
The Emperor, however, remained calm and composed. "Zhen shall advance and retreat together with all the generals and soldiers."
Wen Fang was about to speak, but the Emperor interjected. "Jiangjun, there's no need to say more, Fu Furen has pledged to live and die with this city, and Zhen is the same."
Wen Fang looked at the Emperor, then at me, his expression uncertain.
"Fu Furen entrusted Xiao Nǚjun to Zhen, to witness this battle together," the Emperor declared.
He stood close to the parapet behind him. I shifted my gaze away from the Emperor's embroidered shoes and looked at Wen Fang, without denying it.
Wen Fang bowed to the Emperor and me, saying, "Your Majesty, Furen, take care!" Then he commanded the guards around him, "Protect His Majesty!"
The soldiers responded loudly.
"We, along with His Majesty, will defend the city together!" The commanding officers on the wall raised their arms and shouted to the soldiers, "Where are the crossbows and catapults?!"
"Here!" Many people quickly repositioned themselves in front of the battlements.
The sound of machinery echoed in response to the command, accompanied by the piercing whistle of projectiles, resembling the roar of a landslide. Arrows and stones poured down like a torrent onto the ground before the city wall.
"They enjoy this," the Emperor spoke suddenly, his voice calm. He gazed ahead, gently holding Ah Mi's small hand. "Tell me, if I were to deal with Da Sima now, whom do you think they would choose?"
I remained silent. His voice was soft, amidst the clamor of the city tower, only he and I could hear it.
"The Prime Minister, Liang Wen, Wei Zhao, and your husband," the Emperor continued, "Zhen often used to wonder, by what virtue or merit did Zhen lead so many people to spill blood?"
"Since He Kui started this turmoil, power struggles have engulfed the realm, sparing no one."
I pleaded, "Your Majesty, Ah Mi is just a child."
"I heard that Da Sima dotes on her," the Emperor seemed to not hear, he lowered his head, looking at Ah Mi, his fingers gently caressing her cheek.
"Your Majesty…"
“Furen doesn't want to hear me finish?” The Emperor raised his eyes to look at me.
I bit my lip, remaining silent.
The Emperor smiled faintly, "Later, Zhen observed this more, and sometimes felt that if these people are so fond of it, let them have their fill of killing. Wei Zhao, Liang Wen, Wei Kang, Guo Cheng, their ambitions are no less than the Prime Minister's. Zhen uses this guise and this illusory reputation to orchestrate a grand spectacle for them in this world. What regrets could one have in this lifetime?"
These words entered my ears, and in my mind, a flash of insight seemed to surge.
I looked at the Emperor in astonishment.
Liang Wen, Wei Kang, Guo Cheng.
I had once suspected that these individuals rose in rebellion simultaneously, their timing so impeccably coordinated. Wei Zhao's abilities alone were not enough to orchestrate this. The chaotic battle between Wei Kang and Guo Cheng... It seemed like everything was slipping from Wei Zhao's grasp…
"It was Your Majesty…" I said in a low voice.
"It's a pity," the Emperor's expression remained calm, his eyes reflecting the firelight with an eerie brightness. "Da Sima is still alive."
The clamor seemed to fade away in an instant, and even the night wind seemed to freeze.
"What do you intend, Your Majesty?" My voice trembled slightly.
"To watch a play with you," the Emperor smiled faintly, gazing at the sky and the field illuminated by the fire, as if deep in thought. "Ah Jin, have you ever thought about how you might die?"
"Whoosh," a rocket fell with a thud not far away, and the soldiers quickly stamped it out. Ah Mi was lying on the Emperor's shoulder, gazing intently in that direction.
"Why choose death?" I stared at Ah Mi.
"Dying means no one will question why you let go of your ancestors' legacy, and your wife and children won't have to live in fear day after day," the Emperor said slowly.
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